Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 417: vicious! Serial meter

The no-window tofu novel army marched three times and finally arrived at Luping Town’s strange window.

Luping Town is one of the largest towns in the Blue Melting Land. It is equivalent to the size of another medium-sized city in Chen Rui. In the suburbs outside the town, the Dark Moon Army encountered a blockade of the army, with a total of about 3,000.

These troops were ordered by the lord Chandler, and they blocked the town of Lupin, where there was a strange incident. They also set up a magical array, which should be an order issued under the manipulation of Mousse.

Now the army has received Chandler’s most orders to let them cooperate with the Dark Moon Army to investigate the secrets of Lupin Town.

The commander of the army is called Agras. It is a great demon in the early stage of the demon king. It faces considerable tension in the face of the dark moon and the overwhelming breath of Ashina.

Chen Rui asked: "What happened to Lu Pingzhen?"

Yalass quickly replied: "This is the case. The residents of Luping Town had some inexplicable battles and **** conflicts in the past. Soon after, it was said that there was a huge pothole in the middle of the town. There is a strange black gas coming out, and the body wrapped in black gas will quickly wither. Finally, there is only a pile of white bones left to try to fill the hole or explore, but including the demon who lives in the town. The imperial powerhouse Sotson, all the explorations are gone, the black gas that never goes back to the pothole. Every scorpion will take away some of the residents’ lives and escape to the town. The body was contaminated with incurable toxins. If it escaped, it would spread to all the territories, so we ordered us to block the exits on all sides. It is strictly forbidden for some residents to escape or ask for help before entering or exiting. However, we are forced to The order of the lord’s entrant refused the request of these entrances. Later, he did not see any escapes..."

Will there be a bottomless pit that is black? What is the relationship between this **** plot? Chen Rui thought about it and asked: "I got the news of Lord Chandler, is General Sumen coming here?"

"Yes," Agras nodded. "General Sumamen came here before the Five Miles. He took about a thousand and insisted on entering the town of Luping. I couldn’t help but end up. Hundreds of soldiers went in with the generals."

Chen Rui was indulged. It seems that this Sumen’s prestige in the military is quite high. Even if the “rebellion” is famous, and Luping Town is obviously a dangerous place, there are still many people who are willing to follow.

"But...the general has not returned yet, I sent a few soldiers to explore the news, but also went back."

Chen Rui brows and wrinkles, thinking for a moment, said to Athena: "The town does have problems. Now the situation is unclear, and it is likely that there is a huge threat. I suggest that the army should not be instigated, or first listen to it clearly, then decide One step action"

Athena opened the door: "I said it is good, let me bring a team to explore."

"No" Chen Rui shook his head. "You are the head of the army. It is also the core and soul of the entire army. It cannot be easily involved in danger. It does not rule out that there will be unexpected situations here. It is necessary to have the overall situation in charge. We will leave it. ...Agulie is going in"

The poisonous dragon wearing a cloak and Athena looked at each other and immediately understood the meaning of Chen Rui. The "Agulie" in which the tone of the sentence was deliberately aggravated was Chen Rui himself. Of course, the poison dragon would not be idle, but Follow in the dark, revealing the hidden secrets

As for the town outside Athena, it is relatively safe, she also has the power of the big devil, and there is also the elite of the flame-light army, it should not be a problem.

Athena knows that Chen Rui’s strength is far better than her, and this time she can’t let the water go, no need to say more, just give him a sly look: be careful

Soon, "Agulie" left the military camp where the Flame Light Army was stationed, and the "investment finance officer" rested in the account of Athena because of "physical discomfort".

Through the entrance, Chen Rui walked toward the town step by step. Because he didn't know what was dangerous in front, his degree was not very fast. Paglio was silently behind him. This distance is even an analysis. The eyes are undetectable, but Chen Rui can clearly sense the existence of this equal link partner through the "spiritual link".

The whole town has a large scope, but I still can't see a living or even a living thing. I only occasionally see a few piles of white bones in the ground. I feel a sense of lifelessness everywhere. I don't know. I thought that I came to the town of Iwakou, where the undead was made in Guladam.

Is it like the last Yankou Town, what is the undead magician in the ghost? But these cockroaches are abandoned in the same place, not like the hand of the Necromancer, but like some kind of terrible monster that devours life.

Chen Rui frowned, and there was no stop at his feet. The more corpses he saw, the more his postures were, the various postures were everywhere, and the white fog that floated around the yin was stunned.

Chen Rui deliberately walked into several rooms and looked at it. He found that there were many bodies in the room. It seems that the terrible "thing" did not let go of any corner of life.

Is it a certain monster made by blood? Chen Rui thought of the terrible test of the Valley of the Crystal Valley, the brows were frowned.

The elements here are very disturbing, and the magic maps and magic eye compasses are not available. Chen Rui can only rely on a simple hand-painted map provided by Agras.

The strange thing is that when Sumen entered the front, he brought about 1,500 in and around, and some of them were cavalry, but they didn't see the related bodies along the way. Where did they go?

Chen Rui turned a few laps, bypassed a river and gradually approached the central part of Luping Town, where the mysterious pothole was located.

Far away, Chen Rui saw dozens of strange spikes in the mist. When I came closer, I discovered that these buildings resembling bone towers are all made of white bones.

Not only that, but there are also some crimson and strange patterns on the ground. It should be painted with blood. Many places also use skulls to embellish them.

Chen Rui’s heart trembled a little. This blue-melted first town is equivalent to the life of a medium-sized city. Is it all... hateful, under the control of Mousse, actually dispatched the army and blocked the way out. Cruelly ruined the last life of all innocent townspeople

Although Chen Rui is not a sorrowful sacred sacred sacred, but in the face of such anger and anger, the heart suddenly bursts with strong anger, **** damn

Just as Chen Rui stepped into the scope of those patterns, the dark red group suddenly gave off a faint glow, and a black smoke emerged from the bone tower and wrapped up toward Chen Rui.

Chen Rui has the heart to try the smoky attributes. He has not evaded or applied protective skills. He allowed the black smoke to wrap the body around. As a result, the system has been reminded that the toxins have been transformed for a long time, and a force has been passed. Chen Rui has withdrawn. The strength of the body, as if to die in the general rule of this force, only feels swaying, was "drag" to another place

This is an open space, surrounded by several bone towers, surrounded by black smoke, can not see the distant things, the toxin conversion data in the system has been changing, obviously a toxic environment

Chen Rui accidentally saw a large group of people, accurately speaking, a group of awake, but not scorpions or bodies

From the point of view of clothing, it should be the soldiers of the army. Counting the number, there are more than a thousand in, and there are more than a hundred horses. These are likely to be the troops brought in by General Sumamen. From the perspective of effect, black smoke The poison gas in it should not be fatal, mainly the effect of coma

Why are the bodies seen on the road being sucked up by the flesh and blood, and are they treated differently from these soldiers? Chen Rui thought of what Agras said - "The smoldering of the potholes - every 夭" will take away the lives of some residents."

Yes, it should be like this. The life required for potholes is phased, that is, it will be swallowed up every once in a while, so these soldiers, including Chen Rui himself, are currently "stocking".

Chen Rui does not want to wait for the monster to patronize, and there are nearly two thousand lives and horses, and immediately take out a bottle of antidote to try to detoxify a soldier nearby.

However, the master's detoxification agent in the redemption center just made the soldier recover a little bit awake. Chen Rui's eyes fell on the black air, and his mind was moved. There was already a mask of the gods in one of the seven artifacts. Launched the extra skills acquired by the cracked artifact "Desperate"

As soon as the skills started, the surrounding black air rushed toward Chen Rui’s head. The mask was like a long whale, and in the blink of an eye, all the black gas in the vicinity of hundreds of meters was swallowed up.

The power of the artifact is really different. This kind of god-killing skill can swallow all mental, magical and soul attacks. The only thing that is lacking is that it can be used every seven times.

After the disappearance of black gas, several white bone towers that had been condensed by some kind of force seemed to have lost the skeleton of the support, and they collapsed and collapsed.

I don't know if it is illusory. In the moment when the white bone tower collapses, Chen Rui feels that an angry emotion is coming to the face. However, the **** mask can immune the soul attack, so Chen Rui, who still has a mask, has not received the slightest influences

After losing the stun effect of the black fog, the surrounding soldiers began to recover and did not seem to have any serious problems. It was just because they were comatose, did not eat, and their physical condition was weak.

"Which is General Sumen?" Chen Rui asked a nearby soldier to recover the medicine and detoxification agent, and asked aloud.

There is a sound that sounds up: "I am Sumen, have you saved us?"

Chen Rui’s current cloak is very conspicuous among the soldiers, and with the release of the pharmacy, it has attracted the attention of Sumen from the beginning.

Sumen is a big demon in the early stage of the Great Devil. He is tall and wearing a red armor. Although his physical condition is not good, his eyes still look fine. Chen Rui came forward and handed it to Sumen.

"General, I am the commander of the Darkmoon Red Blood Corps, Agulie, who was entrusted by the lord Chandler to lead the army to investigate the mysterious events in Luping Town, and bring the general peace back."

"Chandler lord?" Sumen lifted his hand to recover the pharmacy and suddenly stopped, his eyes gradually sharpened

"What the general might have misunderstood, Chandler's lord has been controlled by the financial officer Mousse with lure, only to issue some uninhibited orders, including the announcement of the general as a rebellious thing. Mousse is now dead, and Chandler's lord has resumed. Normal, this time he entrusted us to the Dark Army to come here."

"Before I came here, I also heard some news from the Darkmoon reinforcements, but why do you prove that you are a member of the Darkmoon Army?" Even if he heard the news that Chandler was controlled, the hostility in Sumen’s eyes On the 1st, there was no slack, but a little more doubt.

"In the current situation, I don't seem to need to prove anything anymore," Chen Rui said in his mouth, but he kept his hands out of the bottle and distributed the bottle of pharmacy. "And the head of the Flamelight Army, Athena and Wanjin Jingrui. The team is now stationed outside the town."

"Athena" Sumen was shocked and finally looked up and drank the pharmacy. The face suddenly became a little more rosy, and the spirit began to improve a lot. He said to him: "Sandro, Kache, You two with ten guards to help the big-in-one release the recovery medicine."

With the help of well-trained guards, the degree of recovery of drug delivery suddenly increased, but the words of Sumen said that Chen Rui’s face suddenly changed.

"I don't know what the so-called lord entrusted you to come here. What I just want to tell you is that the real Chandler lord is dead."

"What?" Chen Rui couldn't help but blurt out. The news was too shocking.

"I found Chandler in the secret room of the lord's house in an accidental situation. I realized that the original lord outside was rushing into the fake. Chandler was already dying. Before dying. I want to focus on the big I don’t want to sing, but secretly go to Luping Town, first find the young son Tageo, who is secretly fostered here, and then announce the truth and try to help Tagao board the lord. Position

Speaking of this, Sumen squeezed his fist: "I don't know if it was detected by the fake lord, and it was sent to block the export of Luping Town. I also tried to catch me. Fortunately, I saw the machine early, with a group of loyal subordinates. I fled early in the morning, hiding in Tibet along the way, avoiding the hunt, and finally came to Luping Town and couldn’t think of it. Luping Town was racing to become a dead town of Chandler’s young son under some strange power. Master Geo is afraid of..."

Chen Rui understands this, why Sumen will quietly leave the blue army, will detour all the way to Luping Town, think of the performance in the previous blue melt city mousse, Chandler, Warret, suddenly Awake: A good play is a sacrifice to sacrifice a mousse, the original is a calculation

He spent a lot of time on his own, and now he is competing in such a trick, the one that controls everything in the back, the wisdom must be high and terrible.

No, not only the tricks, but also the poison meter Chen Rui reacted instantly - "Chandler" since the use of the heart to swindle the dark moon army, then this horrible place must have the horrible power to bury all

To be continued

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