Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 434: New test

Chapter 434 New Test

Despite the misunderstood little chā song, Chen Rui almost became a street mouse, but after the wind b, the misunderstood "apprentice" finally passed through the town of Essie, and took the carriage to the emperor. "Do you know the domain name?"

The time along the way is the most boring, but because it is a separate carriage hired at the station, so only one person in the car, just enter the super system practice.

What surprised Chen Rui was that the super system has undergone some changes recently.

If you look at some data, you should be happy.

Title: Yu Xingjun

Evolution level: five stars

Experience value: 1%

Aura value: 26.3 million

Comprehensive strength assessment: a-

The experience value has risen by one percent. Don't underestimate this one percent. It has always been a zero egg. This represents a crucial first step for his "realization".

Counting, this one percent should appear after the battle between Paglio and Crystal Dragon, that is, after the **** space incident, he did not practice this time, is it... and the fusion of that The power of the sentiment is related?

Not only has the experience changed, but the crystallization of belief in the tower of faith has soared to more than 2,500, and before the bloody, there were only more than 900, and this increase is still accelerating.

The crystallization of a thousand beliefs has been able to display the strongest battle technique of the five stars, "Yu Xing". When it reaches 10,000 hours, it can also use the jīng **** link to carry out permanent star enhancement. The growth of the crystallization of faith is a very gratifying phenomenon.

The reason for the rapid growth is that the population of the blue sè has been greatly accelerated, the population has increased a lot, and the number of believers has naturally increased. The time of this galaxy is different from the outside, and it has the feeling of “one day in the sky, a thousand years above the ground”. Of course, under normal circumstances, it is still relatively stable. Only when Chen Rui’s sentiments and encounters undergo some changes, will there be a corresponding change.

The ten beliefs originally set up were divided into ten pillars of independent faith. However, what surprised Chen Rui was that, besides the pillar of war that was nunged by the Shura, the new pillar of faith appeared like a bamboo shoot after the rain. , wealth, yínyù, killing, disaster, fear...

"Sura!" Chen Rui snorted.

The figure of Shura is condensed in the Temple of Stars. Chen Rui can feel that Shura seems to have become a lot stronger. If there is any difference between the same face and Chen Rui’s face, it is the blood in the pupil. It seems like... bloody.

Chen Rui vaguely remembers that in the strange space, when the avatar "destroy" engulfs the power, it seems to be a kind of pupil. This kind of temperament - not "seeing", but using "feeling".

Is it...

"Do you like the pillars of these beliefs?" The voice of Shura had already rang when he didn't wait for him to say: "I know what you want to say, but this is not my masterpiece, but yours."

Chen Rui was taken aback and only listened to Shura. "The cause of the incident is caused by the powerful atmosphere that you swallowed that day. As you can see, my strength is also enhanced. As for the pillars of these beliefs...they It’s a matter of time, but it’s just a little faster because of this breath. Just like this planet illuminated by the stars, the front is bright and the back is dark. No matter which trajectory it turns to, it cannot be avoided. at this point."

Shura said, suddenly paused, l made a strange smile: "Do you want to be a god?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Rui frowned.

"You can eliminate all the beliefs you don't like from the source of faith, turn these lives into beggars and playthings that only live according to your will, and provide the source of the power of faith, just like the creatures in the kingdom of the gods. This is something I have recently remembered." Shura pointed to his head and smiled even more.

Chen Rui remembered the phrase "All life in the eyes of the gods is not a plaything". After silence, he replied: "I want to have the power of the equivalent **** to protect what I cherish, not I want to play nòng all the will of the soul."

"According to a sentence in your memory, don't think about setting up a memorial archway when you want to be a blind man!" Shura laughed, and the laughter was disdainful and embarrassing.

Chen Rui calmed down and looked directly at the other "self". He asked: "You seem... I hope that I can directly erase the source of these beliefs?"

"A very keen dòng observation," Shura did not cover up, nodded. "Tell you anyway. The tower of faith represents a certain mysterious rule. Every time you go to a faith, you will move in the direction of my hope." One step is also a step closer to the shortcut of the power of the peak. As long as you go step by step, you can really stand on the top of the peak and look down on everything, just like... you are standing here now. Like the Temple of Stars!"

It turns out that there are still such consequences. It seems that the beliefs in the source of faith cannot be shaken, otherwise it is easy to lose yourself.

Chen Rui shook his head resolutely and said in a sentence: "I will definitely stand on the top of the real peak, but it is my own way."

"Stupid! The road to the world, you don't have to go the same way. You are just a detour, just a dead end."

"It’s useless, you can’t shake my heart again,” Chen Rui suddenly smiled. “I’m thinking, you’re very hoping that I’m going the way you’ve arranged, it’s just thinking that I’m missing my heart. If I have always insisted on my own heart, does it mean that you will eventually fail and disappear completely?"

"Hey!" Shura noodles sinken down, and the red dragonfly shines out of the cold light: "Be a smart guy! Tell you, you have no choice. If you erase these dark beliefs, then I will use the law. The power to occupy your heart step by step; but if you don't do it, under the dark faith, my strength will be stronger and stronger!"

Chen Rui is silent, and Shura’s voice becomes more and more mad: “Maybe it will take a long time, the power of darkness will completely cover the entire galaxy, and everything will be destroyed in the destruction. It’s like you remember... the Nordic mythology” The same as Twilight."

Chen Rui's brow is wrinkled even more tightly. The dusk of the gods is the most famous mythical story in Northern Europe. The story is not only the destruction of the human world, but also the destruction of all the gods and gods in this fierce and cruel war. The burning of the world tree even destroyed the entire universe.

Until a long time later, with the rebirth of the world tree, the new order began to re-establish.

Chen Rui couldn't help but ask: "Why destroy everything? Is your purpose not to occupy my will or the entire temple of the stars?"

"Occupy your will... It is also to destroy, not only this super system, but also the outside world... This is the meaning of my existence..." In the laughter, Shura’s shadow became thinner and thinner and eventually disappeared. No trace.

Chen Rui, if he realized it, took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. He could not think of the experience in the **** sea space, but it would become a new huge test.

Shura is by no means an alarmist, and even if there is no fear of devouring, as long as Shura does not really disappear, this day will come sooner or later.

Refining the heart is still a refining heart. It has nothing to do with the realm and strength, but the war with oneself.

This time, Chen Rui did not hesitate or hesitate. The growth of man was originally a process of constantly fighting with himself.

Perhaps this battle with the self will continue for the rest of his life, but after this "war" is over, there should be a real break with Shura.

This is also the last battle with Shura.

Chen Rui thought of the strange huā obtained by the blood sea, and his mind went to the heart and entered the star huā garden.

This kind of odd huā should have strong energy, may wish to plant it in the star huā garden to try?

However, when Chen Rui put the blood sea huā (temporary name) into the star huā garden, there was no hint of discovering new plants. Instead, another suggestion appeared: "I found that the energy of the erosion is unknown. If it is forced to stay, it will be The existing plants in the star huā garden cause adverse effects, especially the psychiatric plants, which can lead to reduced production or withered death."

Erosion energy? Chen Rui was shocked. This blood sea huā may be similar to the king of the king. It is not a real plant, but its genus is quite strange, and it can affect the plants of the fruit.

Aura is the basic driving force of the super system, very important, and the blood sea huā can not be planted, there is no meaning in the star huā garden, so Chen Rui is about to put the blood sea huā back to the storage warehouse. The storage warehouse is wonderful, and all the different types of items are separated by special space and cannot affect other items.

Chen Rui did not take care of this strange huā, and the mind entered the training ground and began a long practice.

After several days of rushing, the carriage arrived at this destination, **** emperor.

If you only use one word to describe the three emperors, the Emperor of the Emperor can use "dignity", and the yīn can use "prosperity", then the **** emperor in front of him is "killing", although there is no such thing as the Emperor of the Angels. The symbol of the huge fallen angel statue, such as the building, but from the **** red wall can feel the power of the deterrent.

The criminal law of the **** empire is the harshest of the two other empires: to disturb the security, to die; to commit the following, to die; to disrespect the fate, to die...

Despite the cruel punishment, in addition to some of the previous Samel royals doing luàn, basically speaking, the people are still more self-sufficient, do not dare to have any change or resistance, long time down, it is taken for granted.

Devil, with power as the respect, this is the deterrent of the first strong.

Since the White Night Emperor was three hundred years ago, the original strongest candidate was still quite controversial. Lei Zen summoned the peaks of the various peaks to hold a fighting conference, and the result was seven consecutive games, killing the same level of the emperor. Four people, making them strong and chilling, this is undoubtedly the first strongest in the devil world after the White Night Emperor.

Chen Rui asked all the way to find a "Tess Hotel" in the southern part of the suburbs. The proprietress Tess was a charming and full of succubus. After taking the Amethyst coin handed by Chen Rui, she made a few words immediately. I took him to the room and personally, as if the whole person had to stick it.

This store is actually a stronghold of the shadow, the person in charge is the sorcerer Tess.

Chen Rui chose a secluded room, and Tess followed and walked in, but it was converging and charming, and he performed a courtesy with respect. One of the amethyst coins that Chen Rui handed over in the past has made a special mark. Only the members of the shadow can recognize it. In addition to the incision in the dialogue, the succubus has already confirmed the identity of the "primary school".

"Is there still no news about Serco Reed and Woyuan?"

"Yes, adults." Tess bowed her head a little, waiting for the punishment. Although I don't know what the identity is, but the person who can come up with that mark, she can only have the word "absolute obedience".

Chen Rui is also psychologically prepared. He shook his head and said: "Don't be anxious. The shadow is only in its infancy. It will be stable and steady, and then slowly stand on the heel. Right, there is nothing special about the emperor recently?"

"There are two news. The first one, just the second day before the emperor Ed Méng was assassinated, the assassin fled..." Tess saw no one to blame himself, and he shouted.

The **** empire has always been a martial art, and the strongest is the supreme. The first heir of the royal family is called the great prince, but it is not fixed. Instead, every few times, several princes will fight to select the new "big prince." ".

The **** princes are no shortage of talents and talents. The most promising successor to the throne is two people, Achilles and Ed Méng.

According to the age, Ed Méng is the brother of Achilles, but the rule of the **** empire is that the winner is the king. Since Achilles first broke through to the realm of the devil, after defeating Ed Méng in the duel, Ed Méng saw Ayers, also respected the great emperor.

Just a year ago, Ed Méng suddenly "powered" and broke into a demon in one fell swoop, making the distance between the two narrow again. Next year is the time to re-sell the rankings, so Ames and Ed Méng have been The fight was incessant, and Ed Méng was suddenly assassinated, making it impossible for him to doubt the direct beneficiary of Achilles.

Chen Rui secretly thinks ~ ~ 堕 Angel Empire's demons are strong, but most of them are members of the veteran family, so to some extent, the regent of the reign of the reign of the king must see the veteran family The face of the yèn shadow empire is not very clear, but the yīn shadow empire in the year when the royal family rebelled luàn, jīngying almost lost, and now the entire Asmode king is basically supported by Catherine alone Only the **** empire, just two emperors, already have the power of the emperor level, and the rest of the emperor is also extraordinary, not to mention the great man of the first strong.

In accordance with this level of structure, the **** empire will be an insurmountable power for quite some time in the future.

The second news of Tess was that the highly respected empire's veteran Bubova died of a third general who was vacant by the royal family's Adelaide and Bubova's deputy Gordon.

Tomorrow evening, the two men will witness the **** Emperor Lei Zen in the military field of the Imperial Capital, and compete for the position of the general in front of all the audience.

Chen Rui slightly decapitated, in any case, even if you just look at the enemy that may be the strongest in the future, you should also watch this battle.


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