Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 446: Royal Star

The fourth hundred and forty-sixth chapter

Before the promotion of the five-star evolution, Chen Rui’s biggest killing was Yan Long. Device: no ads, full text, more

Yanlong can directly transform into the most powerful attack skill "Zhenlong kill", and can also become an intensive skill with the combination of "Zhenlong possession". In Luping Town, Chen Rui relied on Yan Long to accidentally kill the dark and dark elements of the middle of the demon. He did not know if the black dragon of the Emperor’s peak could survive the fire dragon, but if not Brackett, the result of Herow is not a serious injury or an annihilation.

Yanlong killing is a fierce killing trick, even Chen Rui himself can not control life and death, Yanlong possession is much better, but Chen Rui does not intend to use Yanlong possession.

Because the number of beliefs has reached 6,000 today, it is enough to display the five-star skills that have not been tried.

Royal Star Change (active skill) - powerful combat form change, time limit, the specific form is unknown. Need to consume an additional 100,000 reiki value, belief in crystal 1000.

Since it is a "powerful battle form transformation", the power must be above the four-star Yanlong possession.

Adelaide has used the strongest black-skin field, and it is hard to sneak at the opponents of this first stage of the demon. It should be able to reach it in a few minutes. However, a faint crisis has risen to the heart. .

He couldn't think of it, the gap between the two sides is so great, and in the case that he has gone all out, there will be such a sense of crisis!

Adelaide has been through a hundred battles, and he has not neglected this sense of crisis because his opponent's strength is weak. There is no hesitation at the moment, the power of the field is bursting, and the power of simmering blacks on his fists is attacking. go with.

At this time, Adelaide saw the light, the light of the stars shining on the enemy's body, and the more dazzling, even the black scorpion field covered this strong light, if not the general The shielding relationship of the Magical Array is only that the light has penetrated the field and penetrated the night. People in this area can see the brilliance of the ultimate.

In the generals, those dark guards who had retreated to the distance saw some of the light that penetrated some magical arrays, but because of the isolation of the magical array, no sound could be heard, and Adelaide had previously commanded. So no one has violated the order and is close to this side.

The sense of crisis in Adelaide's heart is getting stronger and stronger, and the eyes can't see things for a moment. They can only rely on feelings to attack the source of light. Feeling that the fist seems to hit an externally expanding energy, it is impossible to solidify the enemies.

The expansion of that terrible energy is getting stronger and stronger. Adelaide feels an almost irresistible force coming on the face. The whole body suddenly loses its balance, and the clouds fly backwards. It is finally the power of the field. Standing firm.

At this time, the fascinating light finally began to converge, and the figure in it gradually became clearer.

This is a complete and gorgeous armor, armor, helmet, mask, boots, wristbands and so on.

Blue sè, white sè, and gold sè constitute this gorgeous armor that can hardly be described by accurate adjectives, noble, elegant, solemn... or in the end can only be expressed by the word "perfect".

Chen Rui was surprised to see the armor that appeared on his body. The armor that flashed a little bit of soft dust like a stardust could barely feel the weight, but there was a feeling of blood connected. It is not a simple artifact or armor, but a form in which his star power, strength, will, and even the items on the original itself are perfectly combined and produced qualitatively.

It is not the same as the arrogance and temper of "Yanlong possession", but a kind of tranquility with infinite splendor, the silence that can be silent like a starry sky, and the explosion of supernova explosions.

Compared with the appearance of the quaint and gorgeous armor, Chen Rui is surprised that the power of the body is no longer a human-like cycle, but a real star field, just like the super system star system.

Is this the Royal Star change?

Adelaide screamed, and the power of the black scorpion field had risen to the apex. It was still on the battle with Bubova, and a long gun came out in his hand. Obviously he did his best. This "Devil's First Stage" gave him a feeling of horror. He was previously suppressed, and now he can hardly feel the specific level of power!

Adelaide's long-range guns swayed toward Chen Rui, and a large number of dark forces condensed out. The power of the whole field became a thunderous black sè, and Chen Rui successively bombarded them.

Chen Rui’s original thoughts have been thinking about it. He is about to be hit by lightning in the black scorpion field, and suddenly there is a strange black dòng in front of him. This black dòng began to become distorted as soon as the space appeared in the whole field. It seemed to be affected by some kind of terrible devouring power. Adelaide felt that his power was uncontrollably venting to the black dòng, but it was impossible. stop. What is this terrible talent or secret? In this way, your power will be swallowed up!

Chen Rui just tried the Royal Star change usage. Sure enough, the "Stars" that could only be used in the super system can actually be displayed in reality.

Adelaide took the initiative and detonated the power of "transporting" the past. However, the terrible thing is that the huge power of the explosion in that field and the shock dàng actually have the black dòng that incites the horror, together with the light of the explosion, Take a breath.

Fortunately, Adelaide finally cut off his own power through this explosion, but the counter-inflation caused by the self-explosion made him suffer a lot of losses, Rao is invincible, and can not be reversed in power Under the spurt of a blood.

Adelaide did not retreat, regained strength, and flew down, and rushed directly toward the black dòng. The enemy’s strongest point, sometimes the weakest possibility, is not too good at the moment, it’s better to be desperate. .

At this time, the black dòng disappeared again. Adelaide thought he had to do it, forcing the other party to take up the secret technique. Immediately, the gun trembled and attacked Chen Rui. The sky was the whistling sound of tearing the air.

Adelaide stormed for a while, seemingly to suppress the enemy firmly, but, gradually, he seemed to find something wrong, the other side, only used one hand.

Adelaide earthquake, what is the concept, the magic king's opponent can use one hand to catch his level of attack in the field?

Chen Rui just tried to adapt to the use of the power of the Royal Star, and he was secretly scared. If it was not the display in the eyes of the analysis, he would think that the enemy of the opposite power of the Emperor was weakened - Yuxing changed. It can be so strong!

This kind of control over the global overwhelming feeling is simply a qualitative change!

Adelaide felt that the weapon in his hand was tight, and he had been caught by the other hand with one hand. Chen Rui will shake his hand, and Adelaide will feel that he will not hold the long gun again. The whole person will fly involuntarily. The body has not yet waited to land, it feels that the entire black scorpion field has become a phase of the sky, the next second, the stars burst open, in an instant, Adelaide seems to have an illusion, his limbs and even the soul As the burst collapsed, not only that, but the whole world collapsed in that terrible devastating atmosphere.

This "illusion" became the last consciousness of Adelaide before he was faint.

The dark guards who stood by and stood by in the distance saw that the strange light changes gradually faded and returned to normal.

For a long time, Adelaide's figure appeared again in the line of sight, and issued an order: disarmed, all retired.

The dark guards really repelled the vigilance, disappeared into the darkness, disappeared, but they never found out. At this time, the generals had already had a faint yellow light. Accurately, this Adler Germany is not Adelaide.


The two squats of the gods mask are finally full again.

Originally based on the strength of Adelaide, Chen Rui could not make him awkward, but Adelaide was hit hard by the last big move, and Chen Rui is in the state of Yuxing, Adelaide strength. It was suppressed without any suspense, so it was only for a period of time, and the will declared collapse and became the embarrassment of being completely controlled by the mind.

The effect of Yuxingchang is far beyond imagination. If Yanlong kills Chen Rui with the devil's first stage and the devil's peak is almost invincible, then Yuxing will make him have the power of true leapfrog challenge. .

In fact, Chen Rui did not fully display the power of Yuxing, but he tried the power of “staring” and the foundation. The last blow was “starburst”. If it was not trying to suppress the power, I was afraid of Adelaide. It has really broken bones.

After becoming a shackle, Adelaide was completely obedient to Chen Rui. After ordering the dark guard to leave, he began to lead Chen Rui to the house and knew everything.

What makes Chen Rui unexpected is that Adelaide is also a part of "bloody"! In addition to the mysterious second general Meister, the first three generals of the empire, the first general Gustav and the third general Adelaide were all bloody, it seems **** for the **** empire Infiltration is much higher than the other two empire.

If the **** leader is Lei Zen, then this kind of empire penetration that is firmly in control of him is completely unnecessary, and basically the biggest suspect of Lei Zen can be ruled out.

Adelaide's time to join the **** is not too long. As a condition of joining, **** promised that he would be the third general. If not, Adelaide became the third general's hot mén contender, the biggest. Competitors are also opponents of Bubwa's personal strength, and they finally get what they want.

Adelaide’s **** addition was introduced by the late third general Gordon. The time was not too long. The organization’s knowledge was limited. The instructions were also conveyed by people. He sent people to follow up several times to convey The mysterious person of the order, but some missing, some died, can not find the source. After becoming the third general, Adelaide is even more mysterious about the power of this organization.

It is the command of the second emperor Ed Méng to destroy the person who is too close to your nv Tiffany, and gives Adelaide the power to mobilize some hidden forces.

This made Chen Rui more certain that the second emperor Ed Méng had a special purpose or a special purpose for Tiffany. The "special store" was that Ed Méng used the privilege of hosting the trade fair to prepare for Tiffany. It’s very likely to be a treat, otherwise there will be no tenfold rewards like promises.

Coincidentally, Adelaide also received a **** order to remove the people who were close to Tiffany, but also to erase all the characters associated with that person.

This order is more vicious than Ed Méng. Although Adelaide is suspicious, the two instructions are roughly the same, so they mobilize the hidden part to act. This has the "Western méng" distress that is not only Chen Rui’s incarnation. Even the Tess Hotel was also implicated.

Why is the purpose of **** and Ed Méng consistent? If Ed Méng’s purpose is to get Tiffany, what is bloody? By the way, it seems that there is also a person worthy of attention to Tiffany also has "meaning", the little emperor Teres.

The performance of Teres at the cocktail party tonight is intriguing. Such a clever and rational person has shown obvious irrationality in this matter. Is it a crime? Confession? Show? But in the end, he was willing to go to the dangerous place of the dark furnace.

To be sure, Ed Méng, Teres and Blood are all concerned about Tiffany.

Chen Rui’s mysterious **** and expensive nv could not help but provoke a strong suspicion and curiosity. It is a pity that even the royal family such as Ed Méng is not very clear about her, just know that Tiffany is a mysterious royal family nv, which is more valued by Lei Zen and will appear every longer period of time. And there are very few facets, as for the usual lack of people.

Is it a "expensive nv"? Tiffany and Christina are obviously different situations. Christina is the embodiment of Catherine used to act at a special So what is Tiffany's identity?

Chen Rui learned some intelligence from Adelaide's mouth, and felt that the body gradually got strange fatigue. It seems that the "exciting" state of Yuxing has become a "sequel" caused by starpower and physical strength. , opened the mén of the starry sky, and rushed back to the location of another star point, that is, his room in the division of the division.

Although Adelaide was made into a cockroach, it is very likely that the **** empire, such as Lin, and the most powerful **** place, will be seen as a flaw, so it is necessary to try to hide it.

Coincidentally, before Chen Rui arrived, Adelaide received an order from Ed Méng to let his third general stay at home, temporarily refrain from taking care of the military affairs, and cooperate with other actions of Ed Méng to further Lei Zen pressure, do not let the great emperor Achilles "scarred" will never give up.

Adelaide just took this opportunity to go deeper and simpler, so as not to be violent, at least to remain "normal" before Chen Rui completed the most critical things.

Chen Ruigang returned to the room, the feeling of exhaustion became more and more intense, even if the clothes were too late to take off, he fell to sleep on the chuáng.


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