Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 463: "torture"? Ini's suspicion

A few days have passed, and in the Darkmoon City, the rumors of Akulie and Besib are still pervasive, but it has faded a lot since Xia announced that the deputy head of the Red Blood Corps, Akulie, has served as the deputy of the palace.

What is the royal palace de shì Weichang? Second only to the confession of the shì Wei Chang Ka Gu Li! Let’s not mention the mobilization of the ban. The privilege of being able to enter and exit the palace is enough to prove the trust of His Royal Highness Princess. Will the long princess put a dangerous person suspected of the Besib royal family next to him?

This idea is Chen Rui's, and the rumors of rumors are naturally on the one hand, on the other hand, they are fake public sī, able to freely change their identity and the princess of the Princess.

In these days, the relationship between the two has steadily warmed up, and in addition to the final line of defense, Xia has fallen into the trap. Chen Rui can clearly feel that the cold, ice-like mask of the Lord has been suppressed by the gentleness of the water, and gradually intoxicated.

Under the ruthless and beautiful appearance, in fact, there is a deep fear of loneliness, but it has to face loneliness. Fortunately, now she is no longer alone, with a shoulder that can be leaned on or called "can bite."

In the last incident of Chen Rui’s knee, the captured Emperor’s probe was finally confessed under Isabella’s secret technique. The main purpose of this visit to the Darkmoon was to investigate the details of the cloak’s “Agulie”. If it is determined that Akulie is a descendant of the Besib family, then you can try to contact and represent the Regent of the Regent, with corresponding commitments, including even the dark moon to the Besib family as a vassal, on condition that it must be Pour Xia and obey the emperor.

This kind of intention can not be said to be sinister, and now Black Scorpion is trapped in the "fundraising gate." It is eager to raise money and pay debts in the past, and it is innocent to concentrate on dealing with Xia. Seeing the influence and influence of the Darkmoon is getting bigger and bigger, naturally it is impossible to reassure, so Out of this note, yīn yòu made the dark moon fight, and even hesitated to "cut" the dark moon to the Besib, who was originally a deadly enemy.

Of course, this "cease" is probably just a short promise. At the very least, there is also the effect of slowing down the military. As long as the Besib and the Xia fight, the development of the dark moon will certainly stagnate or retreat, and the black willing to watch the fire across the bank. At the time of the battle, try to solve the big problem of raising funds, and then free up your hand to deal with Xia or Besib.

Only the black scorpion couldn’t think of it. The secret probe that he sent to him would fall into the enemy’s hands so quickly. He couldn’t think that the person in charge of the Darkmoon Detective Department’s “Dark Devil” was formerly his powerful and secretive to the Emperor. I would like to know the huā Isabella of the mandala; what is even more unexpected is that the so-called "Agulie Besib" is simply the "self" of Xia.

This information made Chen Rui feel a little pity, because before this, Xia had announced that Aguria would serve as the royal palace shìwei. If he had to contact the "Agulie" message from the secret probe, he could use another identity. With the black scorpion and the snake, or you can hang once again the Royal Regent.

Of course, the current black scorpion still doesn't know how to use the secret probe. You can consider using some strategies, but Chen Rui is now thinking about this problem, because this information is the leader of the dark magic, Isabella, in the name of Dyia, "please" He went to the headquarters of the Dark Devil and told him personally, and Miss Ini is now in front of him, looking at the financial officer with a scrutiny.

There were only two people in Isabella and Chen Rui in the whole room, and the rest of the dark magic members left consciously under the guidance of the chieftain.

Chen Rui was stared at some illusion, Isabella said: "There are several important issues that are likely to be related to the development of the dark magic in the future. Please ask the financial officer to answer for me."

Chen Rui also wanted to find a topic to distract her attention. When she heard the big difference, she nodded quickly.

"The first question, how much do you know about Luo Méng?"

The first question made Chen Rui feel surprised. Is Isabella suspecting that her nephew has problems? Perhaps as the head of an intelligence department, she has reason to suspect anyone. Although Luo Méng is a good wine, frivolous, but Chen Rui can safely hand over the back to him, without warning.

"The time I met with Luo Méng was not very long, but for whatever reason or evidence, I only have four words: absolute trust."

Isabella slightly decapitated and asked again: "Paglueu is also the four words for you. I learned from Betty's mouth that the relationship between you is extraordinary."

The words "extraordinary" were deliberately aggravated by Miss Ini. Chen Rui was a bit awkward. The cockroach and the dead duck dragon were clear and nothing, nothing.

"I am very curious about one thing now," Isabella frowned slightly: "On that day, how could a businessman named 'West Méng' escape the blow between me and Paglieu?"

This thinking jumped a lot, and it was suddenly brought to the "Western méng". Chen Rui quickly explained: "This is the case. I was fortunate enough to have a master in the human world, and later awakened some controllers." Skills and life-saving skills, but only life-saving, no fighting power, if not later Pagliu, I have been killed by 'self.'"

This explanation Chen Rui has been thinking for a long time, hoping to fool the past, but Isabella is not a normal woman, the high intelligence, almost can be with the Teres, he was dismantled and pretending to be "Charles" The fundraising scam, this is also the first "opponent" to see Chen Rui's layout.

This time, can you really fool the past?

Isabella casually asked: "Oh? Guru inheritance? So two consecutive teleports... is your life-saving skill?"

Chen Rui suddenly thought that in the death battle with Bailuo, "Charles" had exhibited the skills of double teleportation, and his heart was tight, but it could not be denied. He had to transfer the topic again: "Yes, this time I Accompanied by His Highness Xia’s visit to the blood huā territory, the inheritance changed again, and it was necessary to go to the **** empire to find something special..."

Isabella is the master of the Dark Devils. Chen Rui has used the power of the Dark Devil several times in the bloody, and the responsible person Tess has also sacrificed. Isabella cannot be unclear about some of his **** actions. So, let's talk about it, so as not to further doubt.

"The master of the master's inheritance? Are you sure that it is just a technique, not a pharmacy?"

Isabella’s interest in asking questions made Chen Rui’s heart jump. It seems that Isabella has already suspected his most worried problem and quickly nodded: “Yes, it’s...manufacturing.”

"No wonder you went to the **** controller division, the so-called inheritance should need the material of the device." Isabella l thought out of the sè, but in the hands of a dagger, slowly playing, it is Chen Rui At the beginning, she gave her the "split shadow" used to assassinate Bai Luo. It was taken out at this time and seemed to contain profound meaning.

"Why don't you go to the yīn empire's division of the division of the empire? You know, even with the relationship between the dark moon and the yīn shadow empire, even the rare materials are easier to get than the **** empire, or... Do you have the instinct to go to the empire of the Empire?

Chen Rui has already secreted cold sweat. The woman’s thinking is too agile, and the sentence is crucial. If this continues, I am afraid that the identity of the masters of the three genius masters will be violent, and the topic will be turned: It’s not that I don’t want to go to the yīn shadow empire, but this thing is only a **** empire, called... the land of Wo Yuan.”

"Sorry, I have no intention of spying on your secrets. I am a layman for the mechanics. If you just say something, I will believe it." Miss Ini’s sentence made Chen Rui secretly spit, this is not a secret.

"This time you did a beautiful job, and pulled the first master of the devil's demon world. As for the wind Saka or something, it should be your secret. I don't want to ask more." Isabella gently stroked m. "The shadow of the blade" "This kind of loneliness goes to the core of the enemy, disturbing the inside of the enemy with shackles, killing the enemy generals, and finally taking off with a fake death. This kind of scheming, I seem to have seen it in another person. ""

Chen Rui’s careful liver has been violently pulsating, and he quickly explained: “I just used to count as a friend to avenge. As for General Adelaide, he died under the fighting of several princes. I don't have this ability."

Isabella said without hesitation: "Oh, that's what I got wrong... but everyone has their own habits or styles. Even if the form changes, things in the bones are hard to change, aren't they? ?"

Chen Rui felt more and more worried about his hair, suddenly thought of something, and slap his head: "Right, I have an appointment with the little princess today, I want to take her to a place, this time she should look for me everywhere, if there is no other Question, I..."

This sentence did not lie, Chen Rui originally promised Xiaolui lì, took her out to "travel" a glimpse, this time "travel" is actually going to the underground world of Xiqiao, will pay the land of Woyuan Give the earth element king.

The soil of Woyuan has the ability to repair automatically. The last time I was bitten by the powerful Miss Black Dragon as a seasoning, I have completely recovered it, so it is time to go to the earth king of the earth element.

"Do you like huā?"

Isabella did not wait for him to finish, faintly asked, the beautiful tourmaline looked directly at Chen Rui's eyes.

This sentence seems to have multiple meanings. Chen Rui confided his gaze: "These questions seem to have nothing to do with the development of the future dark magic."

Isabella snorted: "Of course it matters, because these questions are very important for the master of the dark magic, that is, this lady, which will directly affect the future development and development of the dark magic. Now, I want to listen. your answer."

Is this what you want?

Chen Rui inexplicably thought of his "desperate" to Xia that day - retribution is really fast.

"Also... okay." Chen Rui replied slyly, this huā is... Mandala? Snowdale?

"You seem to have been faint for a long time. Since Luo Méng is there, there is a strong person like Paglio, and you have a relationship with you. Why do you have to rely on the Spring of Resurrection to lift my evil spirits? Force?" Isabella's sentence once again showed a large jump in thinking, and returned to the beginning of the topic.

Chen Rui was shocked. Isabella was directly acknowledging the poisons of the evils. At that time, they were only their own masters. However, it was indeed a big loop to relieve the evil spirits. The trust of Lieu and Loméng seems to be unexplained.

The financial officer’s forehead has a cold sweat on his forehead. Isabella is really powerful. It’s not a woman who can fool the past. Is it really necessary to wear it all?

Just then, a member of the Dark Lord knocked on the door, walked in and handed a note to Isabella, and then retired. Isabella looked at the note, waved her hand, and the note fluttered toward Chen Ruifei: "It seems that your little princess seems to have encountered a little trouble. You still have to solve it yourself. Today our conversation is here. ”

Chen Rui took a look at the note and glanced at it.

After flying away from the sight of Miss Yini, Chen Rui felt that the vest was soaked. He was not sure how much secret Isabella had guessed, but it is certain that she had guessed a lot. Especially the suspicion of "Charles".

The so-called spectator Qing, Chen Rui looked back and thought about what he was doing, indeed, as Isabella said, some relatively fixed styles, this is also a habit, basically everyone is like this, but fortunately, the secret is only Isa Bella is alone, otherwise many things may go out of the way.

Isabella vs. Charles, from the beginning of disgust, imaginary and arrogant ~ ~ to the final death, to say that some emotions he does not understand is false, especially at the last moment, the phrase "I I would rather have you in the past." It is enough to explain a lot.

However, at the time, Isabella was on the verge of death, perhaps it was only an instinctive response to seek to rely on the fear of death, and he was not sure what Isabella was after the "resurrection."

Now, between the two women of the woman, the three women of the female scientist, and the quasi-male of the princess, it is enough to make people feel bad. The blessing of the people is not so good, and there is also a lofty country in the distant country. Her Majesty the Queen...

Although the ideal of the otaku is to build a huge harem, there is often a big gap between reality and ideals. More and more good is not suitable for the construction of the harem now. It can consolidate the existing scale and securely join the first one in the future. Beauty, I am already satisfied, I really don't want to write any imaginary hunting tour.

As for the aunt's aunt, the mandarin of the mandala, huā Yini... Hey, let's stay away from it.

At this time, in front of the window in the dark department, watching the back of the man rushing away, Miss Ini pinched the dagger in her hand, and bit out two words in the silver tooth: "Cheat!"! .

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