Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 490: Space seed! The key to the human world

In the mountains outside the city, the whole factory of the Terry family has become a ruin. Within a few hundred meters, the horrible force field is filled. Many people are desperately trying to escape to the nearby mountains, watching the distant changes in horror. scene. -

The area sometimes appeared green, sometimes black sè flames, twisted into a group, repeated entanglement, and even the line of sight became distorted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" With a few loud noises, everyone only felt a circle of undulations in the originally distorted line of sight, swaying around, and then the space finally recovered.

In the rich smoke, you can't see the scene inside, but some of the special devils with hidden eyesight can see the traces of destruction by terrible power. Daddy, a figure flew out of the thick smoke, it looked embarrassed, with a few green fog, and a faint laughter behind him.

Jason hiding in the crowd recognized that the figure is the dìd sturdy Sarandi, the heart of the big scorpion, this Sarandi is not the peak of the emperor-level royal strong, how can actually defeat!

"Sarandi is an adult!" Jason screamed, and since Sarandi failed, his stay in the dark moon must be a dead word. He must act decisively and follow Samandi to escape to the dìdū, and by the way, the Regent King Black.

When Sarandi heard Jason's voice, it turned out that the direction of the flight changed, and Jason was overjoyed and hurried. Sarandi was in an instant, but Jason saw the murderous look, and his heart was not good. The word "forgiveness" had not yet had time to say it, and the whole person had lost consciousness.

The nearby people only saw the fast figure passing over Jason, Jason's body was stained with a green smoke, and then the whole person turned into ashes.

Jason knows a lot of secrets, and Sarandi does not want this life to fall into the hands of the Darkmoon and solve Jason. I didn’t stop going all the way.

After flying for a while, I sneaked into the jungle on the ground. I felt that I had already opened up the enemy behind me, and the toxins in the invasion became more and more fierce. Sarandi slowly stopped and found a hidden stone pile in front of a blue lake and sat down.

Sarandi tried to use force to remove toxins, but those toxins seemed to stick to bones, organs, and even blood vessels, and they could not be removed in a short time.

Sarandi's brow wrinkled tightly, not thinking that this dark moon would encounter such a terrible enemy, not only with powerful power. And there is a terrible means of this toxin, even the body of the Emperor's peak can not resist!

Just now he smothered Jason. In addition to swearing out, there is also a purpose to use the power of the light and dark heart to lead some of the toxins from the surface. To reduce stress. However, the toxins in the body cannot be removed in this way. If you stay in the body for a long time, I am afraid there will be major obstacles.

You must find a safer place as soon as possible. With the power of black inflammation, see if it can be completely removed.

At this moment, Sarandi jǐng Zhao suddenly lived, suddenly looked up, and saw a huge black shadow in the opposite sky.

This is a dragon with a length of several tens of meters. The body is yellow and brown, and the scales faintly give off a metallic luster. Looks like a cockroach, the head has a one-horned horn, two cockroaches with the same thing as the fins, the dark gold sè erection flashes the chilling cold. The huge wings spread, and even the light of the two months was covered.

Sarandi’s surprise is nothing short. Where did this terrible dragon come from? I didn’t even notice the flight, the familiar atmosphere... it was the opponent who hurt himself!

It turns out that it is an extremely rare poison dragon in the dragon!

"Hey, in the poison of this uncle, still want to run? Here is the uncle's old nest, close your eyes and know where you are!" From the poisonous dragon mouth to send a familiar voice, it really is the enemy called Paglieu!

Sarandi sighed, his skills were not as good as people, and his body was poisonous. The other side was a dragon who was known for his ability to fly. He had no hope of even running away. He gave up the resistance, took the dust of the body, and stood up very gracefully. God became very calm: "I admit defeat, before I die, I ask to see the long princess of the dark moon. ""

As soon as he finished, the dragon's figure was swung, and it had already become a human figure. When he punched, Sarandi, who had disbanded the defense, stunned to the ground and said: "If you lose, you lose. Still posing a fart in front of the uncle."

While Paglieu stunned Sarandi, in another place, Chen Rui was loosening the five fingers of the Nero skull.

The dry body suddenly stumbled on the ground, and a green-colored object flew out of the body slowly, and Chen Ruihong flashed and grabbed it.

This is a jujube-sized thing, the green y ù drops, flowing in the palm of the heart with strange energy fluctuations.

"This is..." A piece of memory in Chen Rui’s brain instantly became clear, and the blood-red pupil flashed through the sky: "Space Seed!"

Human beings come to the devil world by using the method of opening the space channel. The risk is great. As for returning, there is no danger. It is only necessary to rely on a kind of seed that has been implanted in the human world in advance, that is, the space seed in the hands of Chen Rui.

Humans entering the demon world can activate the space seed through some special conditions, and then return to the coordinates specified by the human world, which is equivalent to a positioning coordinate transmission.

"With this thing, even if it is an interesting place in the human world, you can go." Chen Rui laughed, the laughter was full of evil, the mind was fretting, the seed had been integrated into the body, and suddenly thought of something. I looked at Isabella next to it.

Facing the fierce and bloodthirsty red dragonfly, Isabella did not panic or escape, just watching him quietly.

Chen Rui’s eyes groaned and snorted, and the blood in the pupil gradually dissipated, and the original black sè was restored. The red sè of the armor also faded, changing into the original form and luster, but the jīng force seems to consume a lot, panting.

Just now, Chen Rui was inadvertently blending the power of Shura’s destruction, and he was integrated into the black hole of “Stars”, eventually sucking Nero’s strength and flesh and blood.

Despite the elimination of Nero, the cruel and fierce power and means still make his heart horrified. Is this the embodiment of "destruction"?

In the status bar of the super system, the experience value has changed again, 2%.

Is this the environment? Do you really want to do this in the future?

The way to practice, step by step, not honed, how to see the edge?

Chen Rui took a deep breath and the will became firm again. The armor of the body gradually disappeared and looked at Isabella, who was staring at her: "Isabella, how is your injury?"

When Isabella heard his name, his eyes suddenly cooled down: "It is beyond imagination to enter your strength. It seems that I just made myself smart."

After that, turn around and leave, but unfortunately because of the injury and power consumption, her physical condition is extremely weak, a sly, planted forward, a figure appeared in time, caught her.

"Drink it." Chen Rui had a bottle of black sè in his hand.

Isabella saw that he had unabashedly took out the black sè, and said coldly: "What is this medicine?"

"Extended life pharmacy, in addition to extending life, there is a magical effect of restoring the injury." Chen Rui helped her slowly sit down to the ground, "Do not burn the life in the future, this thing can only be used once."

Looking at this bottle of the highest achievement pharmacy that can make countless strong men in the devil world, Isabella replied coldly: "No, I am not dead right? The dead will not reveal the secret."

"You really don't drink?"

Isabellaso did not speak, and turned her face to the side.

"There is only one way for a woman who is tempted by anger." Chen Rui unplugged the cork, condensed his strength in his mouth, slammed the Yanshou medicinal drink, and then pulled a smug woman's face, mouth to mouth. I picked it up.

Isabella struggled desperately, but now she had no strength at all, and she was forcibly kissed. Gradually, the strength of the struggle was small, and the beating hand caught the man’s neck, even in the life extension drug. After the delivery, the lips of the two men still did not separate, but greedily searched for each other's lips in each other's heartbeat.

This is the first time Chen Rui has taken the initiative to kiss Isabella so boldly, instead of being "being awkward" in the past, this kiss is likely to be "after trouble", but whether it is just this woman He is worthy of his efforts to lure the enemy, or to commit suicide.

For a long time, the two finally separated.

Isabella stared at him, feeling the almost forgotten miraculous feeling in her heart, suddenly put away the gentleness in her eyes, and said something evilly: "Just, don't tell anyone!"

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "This is another trick... I don't seem to have any other choice. Ion."

Hearing that satisfactory address, Isabella had a few blushing faces, not knowing whether it was ashamed or because of the role of the pharmacy. Coldly said: "Would you not go to the palace tonight?"

"The royal palace" is almost equal to the secret number of the two people. Chen Rui shook his head and his face was extremely exhausted. "I want to go to Unfortunately, I can't go because I just used some kind of secret technology. I The horse is about to go into a state of slumber... This time the loss of the Dark Lord is heavy, and it is estimated that the dìdū’s stronghold is hard to keep. We have lost a defeat. In any case, you should raise your wounds first...”

As soon as he mentioned the dark demon, Isabella’s eyes suddenly dimmed.

Chen Rui’s eyelids have begun to fight, and it’s hard to resist the exhaustion of the Royal Star. Moreover, he also blends the power of Shura’s destruction. His body slowly softened, and Isabella quickly put him down and put his head on his leg.

Chen Rui reached out and tried to touch her face, but she felt that she was smashing in front of her eyes. When she reached halfway, she had no strength. She held the last trace of waking before going to sleep and said, "I like, flower..."

When I spit out the last word, I have already fallen asleep.

Although this sentence is ambiguous, Isabella still heard it.

Gazing at the man's face as a baby, a tear in the tourmaline slowly slipped down and dripped on his face. The sallow lips of the smudged squirrel brought out a shallow smile, like a quietly blooming flower, intoxicating. To be continued. .

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