Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 501: betray?

Samuel’s dream didn’t last long. The noise from the late night made him suddenly wake up. It seemed that some people in the city were arson. Samuel’s brows were definitely the dark moon’s undead guys. No more? Do you really think that you can recapture the town of Modo under the army?

Lis, the deputy general of the "General", hurriedly reported: "There are many fires in the town. There are a lot of poisonous fog near the military camp. Many soldiers are poisoned."

"Abominable" Samuel knows that it must be the enemy of the Darkmoon. These enemies are not the opponents of the army. But this tactic is really irritating. It seems that there are still many enemy troops left in the town. Nn fine

"I have sent people to put out fires and strengthen the guards. It's just that the poisoned soldiers are very troublesome. The general detoxification agents don't work. Only magical power can barely contain them, but our magicians are few. These poisoned people are mostly in two territories. soldier……"

"First let the magician rescue the soldiers of our own army." Samuel heard that the Snake Corps had few poisonings, and his heart was slightly loose. As for the two guys who followed the salvation, he would have looked down on his heart.

"Understood, general"

Lills should have said that he was about to leave. Suddenly, soldiers rushed to report: "General, the founder of the Zhennan wilderness area seems to be the main force of the enemy."

In the past few days, Samuel was mad by the sāo tactics of the dark moon. He couldn’t hit the other side’s pain. When he heard the enemy’s main force, he immediately waved his fist: “I am ready to meet the enemy immediately”

Samuel rushed to the south to the wilderness, and the enemy was far from the original sporadic squad. From the dense torches, at least tens of thousands of people were only far from Samuel’s military. Less than

The Dark Moon Army was obviously prepared. When Samuel’s army arrived, it was not close, and the rain of the sky was broken. Samuel had seen the enemy’s bow and arrow a few times before. It’s not unprepared. With one order, the front row of giant shields is propped up, and the rear infantry also raises the round shield in their hands. Of course, this kind of defense coverage is limited, and it is difficult to see the arrows in the dark. After the rain of one round of arrows, many soldiers were still fallen, but the killing effect was weakened compared with the previous raids.

The Devil's High Archers have three tactics, and the Archers are divided into three teams. The arrow is raining for a while, forcing the Snake Legion to be unable to approach Samoel to calculate the gap between the bow and the arrow. The beginning of a round of three paragraphs, immediately ordered the former army assault

However, when the soldiers braved the arrows and bravely rushed to the enemy, the ground suddenly exploded, and the soldiers in the range were devastated.

"Mom is the magic dark thunder" Samuel couldn't help but swear, finally understand why the enemy came to the wilderness early in the morning but did not attack it. It should be the dark mine laid down not long ago.

This paused arrow rain began to fall down again

"The Snake Legion, don't keep the formation," Samuel said, "The Third Legion of the Second Army attacked."

The Second Legion and the Third Corps were the army of the two lords. One of the lords couldn’t help but open the door: "The general, the magical dark thunder is too powerful, I think it is another way..."

If the words have not been finished, they will be shrouded in a murderous spirit. Samuel’s eyes are full of blood and blood: "If you dare to fight, I will cut your head now."

In desperation, the two lords had to drive forward. After paying a certain price, they finally filled the magical dark thunder with cannon fodder. The Dark Moon Army did not have a love war. While withdrawing and using the bow and arrow attack, the lethality could not be as strong as before. And the close-up of the Serpent Army also began to shoot arrows, causing certain casualties.

Samuel pulled out a long knife and was about to order the whole army to assault. Suddenly there were soldiers who reported to the horse: "It’s not good for the generals. The town of Modo suddenly has a large number of enemy cavalry. The military camp was attacked and the military food was completely burned. ”

"What?" Samuel was shocked and angry: "You waste"

Deputy General Liles was also full of horror: "Isn't the Dark Moon Army been driven out of the town of Modo before? Where did the large number of cavalry emerge?"

Samuel did not know that the town of Modo had been arranged with various organs and secret transmission points during these days of occupation. The Dark Moon Army used these things and took Samuel to lead the main force. Southern wilderness, launched a raid and burned the grain

Logistics supply is an indispensable factor in the military. Although some emergency food is placed in a batch of space equipment for the quartermasters, for nearly 100,000 troops, it is only a drop in the bucket. When the soldiers heard the news, they all rushed. Sāo move

At this time, the rear of the dìdū army suddenly became sullen, it seems to have been some kind of raid

"It is the enemy cavalry"

"Be careful"

I saw a team of people marching fast behind the side of the dìdū army. The powerful power and impact of the cavalry were vividly displayed on the terrain of the plain, and the formation of the rear was smashed.

"Give me around them," Samuel yelled. "All the cavalry, come with me."

The Serpent Army is dominated by infantry, and there are thousands of cavalry. Under the leadership of Samuel, the dark moon cavalry rushes.

Samuel, who took the lead, showed great strength, and his long knife was like a wind. Every time he was wrong, the enemy cavalry was even smashed into two pieces.

However, being killed by Samuel is only a minority. The quality of this group of dark moon cavalry is quite high. They have no love, but they have fully utilized the advantages of mounts and geography. The former army positions were dispersed, even if they were added. The cavalry of the serpent is still unstoppable

The dark moon's cavalry is so strong

Samuel was secretly scared, and immediately found that these cavalry were covered with cloaks, but the scimitars and round shields were familiar and seemed to be proprietary.

However, Samuel did not think much, because the leader of the Darkmoon Cavalry, a masked man wearing a cloak has already rushed over here.

The cloaked man’s sword in his hand waved, and a group of black sè’s flames roared out of the way. The Snake Legionnaires were still not close, and instantly turned into ashes.

"Black inflammation" Samuel felt that the other party's strength and the same class, from the immediate flight, the purple eyes suddenly turned into a black and white long knife also wrapped a layer of black flames, Going to the other side's black inflammation, his shot is very fast, and the black inflammation is being smashed into pieces, disappearing without a trace.

Samuel’s leap has already narrowed the distance from the man, and the other side has not shown weakness, and has just flew up and greeted him.

At the moment when the two figures were about to be staggered, Samuel’s hands suddenly doubled and became a long-handled sword. The change was extremely sudden, which was equal to the person who automatically sent his neck to the blade. Samuel had leaned on this. The move defeated a lot of enemies, and was willing to take the opponent down as quickly as possible, greatly boosting morale.

What surprised Samuel was that the man seemed to be very familiar with him. He had already learned about the "longer" knife that appeared in the square of the big shield. He swept the shield and made a black slip. The sparks, leaving a shallow scratch on the shield can not cause damage, but the long sword instead slanted along the knife

Samuel’s cockroach tried to dodge, or the armor of the slow-moving half-armed arm was drawn a deep blood ditch. The nearby hyperthyroidism melted because of the high temperature of black inflammation, and fell into the flesh and blood, and could not help but scream. One

Samuel’s heart was shocked, and he was familiar with this trick. In the battle of the palace of the Angel of the Angels, under the watchful eyes of the Regent of the Black Emperor, he was occupied by the same move by an opponent. Machine, the last fiasco

Not only is the individual's test, but in the subsequent legion performance match, he once again lost in this person's hands. Since then, he has hated this opponent and left it with difficulty.

"It's you"

Thinking of this, Samuel suddenly reacted - the Lucifer kings in the middle of the devil, the powerful cavalry, the familiar round shield and the machete... actually that person

This embarrassment, the other side of the long-sword of black inflammation has come straight to the chest, but the sword has not touched Samuel, suddenly the figure retreat, jǐng opened the distance from the original Samuel There is already one more person in the air in front of me. It is the elders of the family who have been protected.

Zeta’s power firmly locked the head of the cape, and the murderous murder swept away. In general, Zeta was only responsible for guarding Samuel’s personal safety, and he was not assigned by him, but now Zeta himself wants to shoot. The Darkmoon cavalry exerts a very powerful attacking power, and the Serpent Legion can't take it for a while. If you kill this cape leader, it should play a role in deterring the enemy.


Samuel yelled out, braved the red eyes and stared at the cloak leader.

Zeta couldn't help but be surprised. This enemy is the head of the Devil's Army, Nesta? Isn’t Nesta trapped in the **** valley waiting for rescue? How can it be……

The cloak was shocked and there was no speech. Zeta was about to squat down the cloak to see what was going on. When he frowned, he saw the fire shining, a figure wrapped in flames appeared out of thin air, a boxing came.

Zeta felt the horror of the other side's fist, and did not dare to neglect. He had a black wand in his hand, and it was cold and condensed into an ice fist.

The two intersect, and there is no imaginary earth-shattering, just a muffled sound, but the powerful force field that spreads out makes everything around it frantically repelled, even Samuel and the captain. The devil-level powerhouse is no exception. Some of the poor strengths are turned into ashes, while others are scattered into ice crystals.

"Waum Toro" Zeta looked at the figure in the flame, and snorted, "You really turned to the dark moon Toro family, including the face of our entire veteran family, let you lose it."

Waum was one of the emperor's assassins who robbed the devil's fruit at the Darkmoon auction. After being smashed, he was now recognized by the same Emperor Zeta of the elders.

"Quickly go" Waum did not pay attention to Zeta’s question, just sighed at the head of the cloak

The head immediately turned over and blew a horn. Many cavalrymen suddenly had a kind of blushing light, and they suddenly accelerated. They quickly opened up the distance with the pursuers and broke through the former army. The blockade, combined with the Darkmoon Army, quickly evacuated

"Magic Shadow Charger" Samuel said with a grin, the knuckles clasping the long knife were whitish.

Zeta is about to stop, the fire on Waum is soaring, and a large area of ​​meteor-like flames is sprayed toward Zeta. If Zeta avoids it, then Samuel will be attacked by this horrible attack. In desperation, I had to dance my wand, and a number of intertwined colds were compiled into a large net. The flames slammed into the black net and gave a sizzling sound. Soon, the power of the two sides canceled each other out.

Waumyi and Zeta even hit a few blows, then flew back and forth, and soon disappeared in the night sky Zeta did not catch up, revealing contemplation, Waum's original strength is inferior to him. Nowadays, it is quite a match. It seems that after the dark moon, the power has increased a lot for some reasons.

On the other side, Samuel led the soldiers to pursue the Dark Moon Army for a while, seeing the enemy getting farther and farther, and wondering if there were other ambushes in the night, and they had to stop.

This time, the dìd army suffered a big loss, which was much higher than the enemy’s casualties. Even the army was raided by the enemy cavalry, and Samuel, who returned to Modo Town, thundered.

"Are you sure that the one who led the cavalry is Nesta?"

"Zetta, I can be sure," Samuel said quite surely: "Despite wearing a cloak, I am familiar with his sword skills, and the magic shadow charge unique to the Shadow Corps and the enemy's body. The equipment left behind... The help of the blood fog valley must be a huge yīn seek"

Zeta said: "This is not a trivial matter. We should not act rashly for the time being. We must immediately report to the Royal Highness of the Regent and make a decision from the temple."

Samuel nodded, and Deputy General Liles said: "Now the shortage of military food, even if it is not moving, I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain."

"It doesn't matter, we can levy on the town of Modo" Samuel sneered: "We helped these townspeople to drive away the invaders of the Darkmoon. It is reasonable to say that they should also be paid to find the old guy. The mayor, let him hand over the food. If it is not enough, he will take the soldiers to house and set up a house, and levy a dare to resist all the townspeople.


In the next few days, Moduo Town was a complaint. In addition to forcibly collecting grain, many soldiers also committed a lot of ānyín, strong robbing and other atrocities. This is that Samuel deliberately did not The reason for the restraint is also his method of raising morale. As for the people's livelihood and the people's hearts and minds in the Red Sea, it is not his business.

Compared with these dìdū soldiers who came to “assist”, the former Dark Moon Army did not commit crimes in the autumn. In the hearts of the townspeople, the former is like an aggressor.

The fearful rì was finally over, because Samuel had received an order from the black scorpion, attacking the **** valley in the Black Mountain forest, and clearing all the Dark Moon troops in the Red Sea to the suspected enemy. Nesta, the requirement of the black cockroach is that oysters

Samuel immediately led the army to leave the town of Modo and went south to the forest of Montenegro.

PS: National Day has to work overtime for four days, and there are many things at home. These days are too busy. The number of chapters in the first two chapters is wrong... I have already had five hundred chapters, and I am grateful to all the friends who have accompanied me. Continued)

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