Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 505: substitute

"Is it heard? The Grand Army of His Royal Highness has eaten two defeats in the Darkmoon!"

"I also heard that General Samuel of the Serpent Army was killed and General Nesta of the Devil's Regiment cast an enemy."

"General Nesta's attack on the enemy is because of the trap of Samuel's communiqué sī Qiuqiu? General Nesta insisted on the **** valley for dozens of days. As a result, Samuel came to the valley, not only did not have reinforcements, but to destroy the devil. The Shadow Corps also killed the successor of the Red Seas, Kanita, and General Nesta was indignant.

"What is this? The méng family's demon emperor Zeta was killed after returning to the darkness after being released in the dark moon! Who knows who did it? It is said that the regent is to deal with the elder family..."

"Small sound!"

"Hey, now this thing dìdū Who doesn't know?"


Chen Rui sat in the pub in the northern suburbs of Dìd, while listening to the surrounding arguments while drinking. After the last setback, the rebuilt dark magic is more capable. In the shortest possible time, the front battles, including some "inside", have been quickly spread in all corners.

It took only a few hours from the entrance to the dark moon house to reach the Rainbow Valley and then to Dìdū.

Chen Rui did not enter the dìdū, but took the carriage at the suburban station and went north to the white territorial territory.

The lord of the Bailu territory, Sikari, is a royal family of Lucifer. The ancestors also had royal blood. They were separated from the ruins and were sealed to the Baiji territory. After several generations of management, they merged and developed, and the land was reclaimed. One of the four major territories of the Angel Empire.

Among the big and small lords, Sikari is the one who is the best at the right and left. This time the coalition forces went out and sent some soldiers. It seems to be a bit perfunctory, but it is to put the force on the Warlock Fortress with General George. "Disputes".

The black scorpion desperately sent troops to crusade the dark moon. As the most staunch supporter of Xia, the first empire of the empire, George, would certainly not sit down. Sikari was in conflict with George at this time, and its meaning is self-evident.

In a sense, once the dark moon is destroyed by the black scorpion, then Sikari’s credit is still following most of the lords who went out.

The last time Chen Rui was in the Warlock Fortress to help his father-in-law, it was from the white scorpion territory to the south through the dìdū, red back to the dark moon, was eager to rush back, many things did not pay attention. Nowadays, he made a special trip to the Baiji territory, and the observations and observations along the way gave him more understanding of this relatively low-key territory.

The area of ​​the Baiji territory is slightly smaller than the dark moon, which is larger than the red secluded. Although there is no such a rich and prosperous town as the Red Sea Town and the Magic Bell Town, the population is more widely distributed and the development is more balanced. From the comprehensive analysis of various intelligences reflected by the Dark Devils, the combat power of the Baiji territory is never in the dark.

This time the conflict with the Warlock Fortress was caused by the rations, and the rations of the Warlock Fortress were jointly provided by the dìdū and the white pelicans. Due to the influence of the “funding gate”, the original military and military foods have been greatly reduced, and the Baiji territory used this as an excuse to delay the supply of military food, resulting in the irresistible Warlock Fortress soldiers in the northern part of the fair. Several towns have been looted, making the people in the Baiji territory very angry.

The white lord Sikari publicly expressed his condemnation of the garrison of the Warlock Fortress and asked General George to surrender the soldiers who committed the evil.

General George refused to admit that the looting incident was carried out by the garrison of the Warlock Fortress. Take the case of the black cloud town in the northern part of the Warlock Fortress that was not committed in the recent autumn, and pointed out that Sikari was purely self-directed and delayed, while delaying the supply of military supplies. Deliberately taking this opportunity to please the druids of the Regent King.

The two sides hold the same word and they are deadlocked. It’s just that the people in the Bai’s territory have a blind faith in Sikari, especially the towns that have suffered greatly. They simply do not believe in the explanation of General George and expressed extreme hostility towards the Warlock Fortress. Sikari confronts General George. Now Sikari has sent a large number of troops in the territory to station in the northern towns, "protecting" the townspeople from looting.

In Chen Rui's view, this matter has become obvious. As General George said, Sikari is purely deliberately making excuses to make a living, and to delay the generals of George in the darkness of crusade.

Chen Rui went all the way to the north and came to the core of the territory of Baiji City. The area of ​​Baiji City is very large, even under the dark moon. It can be seen that it has been painstakingly created, just like the cottage version of many places in the Devil World. Many buildings and facilities have the shadow of dark moons, such as the newly-built battleball arena, ticket sales, gambling ticket sales, ball mí stores, etc., which is simply plagiarism. From the perspective of the audience, the market Still quite hot.

"Great, I heard that the Lord of the Lord will play in person this time! Tickets are sold out in the morning!"

"He will suppress his strength to the level of the middle-level demon, and lead the folk team and the strongest team of the Xue Yujun!"

“All income from tickets and gambling will be donated to children and the needy who need help.”

"Hey! Lords are too kind, and those who are weak are not worthy of sympathy!"

"Benevolence? Five years ago, a horse thief burned and robbed the town of Massimo. Under the wrath of the lord, the army went to the army and killed 3,600 people. The heads were hung in the town of Massimo and piled up. Hill! I haven’t heard any news like the horse thief yet!”

"Sikari is the most benevolent and powerful lord. As long as he is there, our white territory will become the richest and most powerful territory of the entire empire and even the entire devil world, far exceeding the dark moon!"

"Hey! What is the dark moon? Isn’t the Princess of Chia often coming to the White Territory for help? Sikari’s generous generosity every time. However, when Sikari went to visit the Dark Moon, Xia The princess turned his face and didn't recognize people. He was very incomparable. This time, he should be crucified by dìdū!"


Chen Rui heard a frown, and from the way of listening to the way, Sikari’s prestige in the Baiji territory was unimaginable.

Although the lord of the lord is a walled grass with two sides and three knives, in the territory, it is the perfect existence of the gods, so that the people have a near-blind worship, no wonder that as soon as the order is made, almost all the people in the territory are against General George. Both the Warlock and the Warlock Fortress showed strong hostility. Whether or not Sikari is a great lord who "serves" for the people, it is not easy to achieve this level.

Chen Rui’s original intention was to go to the Warlock Fortress first. Now he has a lot of curiosity about the white lord who has been scorned before. He thought about it and bought a ticket from a “yellow party”. Followed by people cháo walked into the arena.

Today's battle **** have faintly replaced the traditional fighting to become the first movement of the devil world. There are also many people who rank the battle ball and fighting as two major sports, because the two are collective and individual, and there is no conflict. The arena is full of people, with the appearance of the Sikari team, the atmosphere has reached a high cháo, the audience screamed the name of the lord, every touch can cause a shocking voice, in this atmosphere Driven by the athletes and spectators of the arena, almost everyone has shown the excitement of playing chicken blood. This state is not for a lord or a star, but as if the mad believers are showing their gods in the eyes of their gods. The track is average.

This kind of madness that can be called horror makes Chen Rui secretly shocked. The prestige of Xia in the Darkmoon is already quite strong, but it is far less than the influence of Sikari in the day. He has no doubt. As long as Sikari screams, not only the army, but most of the leaders who lead the land will not hesitate to point their fists and knives at anyone, including dìdū - which makes Chen Rui think of another A head of state in the "Third Empire" in world history.

Chen Rui thought about it and didn't continue to look at it and stood up.

In the shouts of the thunder, the first half of the game is over, the score is four to three, the folk team leads the ball, although Sikari is strong, but the battle ball is not a one-person sport, and the snow feather legion Under the prior orders of Sikari, the British also made unsuccessful efforts to make the contest more real and more fierce, and the audience's reaction was even more popular.

In the player's lounge, the team doctors took the time to treat the individual wounded, while the part-time coach's Sikari set the team's morale to the highest point in a few short sentences and began to arrange the offensive and defensive tactics in the second half.

Daddy, Sikari’s voice rang, indicating that these players left first. Although the players were a little surprised, they didn’t ask much. They all retired and left only Sikari in the lounge.

"Come out." Sikari said faintly.

Chen Rui's figure slowly appeared from the corner of the yīn shadow, this trick lurking is still learned from the intelligence head lady, can hide the breath and figure, just so many people, have not found, can not think of being actually seen by Sikari It is.

In fact, Chen Rui was just shaking his heart, unable to maintain the best state of the combination of people and the environment. In the moment of fleeting moments, he made a slight flaw, but was noticed by Sikari~www.mtlnovel. The keen feeling of com~Sicari is evident.

The reason why Chen Rui’s heart is shaking is the information of Sikari in the eyes of the analysis.

Race: arrogant royal family (variation).

Comprehensive strength assessment: E (A).

Constitution E (A-), strength E (A-), jīng **** E (A+), agile E (A).

Analysis: Dark is xìng.

Due to the needs of the game, the surface strength is the middle-level demon level that is suppressed, but the data of the real-powered mid-level demon is completely different from the last time you visited the Darkmoon territory. At that time, the real strength of Sikari was A+. It is also the peak of the Emperor. The eyes of the analysis are not going to be wrong. In this way, this Sikari in front of you is afraid that it is not the real Sikari!

A substitute, and still in the middle of the devil!

After discovering that "Sikari" is probably just a substitute, Chen Ruixin has retired from the room and has cancelled the original decapitation. A new plan is emerging in the brain. ! .

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