Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 511: Hera Wheel

Chapter 511, Hera Wheel

Darkmoon City, the cloak will be based on the ancient Taiwanese house. ~~

At this time, it was late at night. With the identity of "Agulie", Chen Rui went unimpeded into the backyard of the ancient Taiwanese house. The dark moon city is one of the two star points. With the powerful function of the starry sky mén, it is back. It only takes a moment.

The two families of Skye and Yu have already slept, and only the laboratory in Tetnes is lit.

Knocking on mén, Chen Rui saw that there were yào bottles and instruments inside, and many of them were filled with transpiration solution, which was bubbling.

"Is it back?" Tatenis asked casually, and the old man thought that Chen Rui was returning from the frontline moonlight fortress.

Of course, Chen Rui will not explain, nodded and said: "For the time being, come back one night and go to work."

"I am testing the ingredients of the black sèyào agent. Do you have a look at these yào agents and formulas, are there any familiar memories?"

Chen Rui gave Tetnis's black sèyào agent to be super system exchanged. The "big master inheritance configuration" is purely fictional. Where do you know what kind of formula, and so on, looked at it and shook his head: "I was a big man at the time. The master’s consciousness guides itself without any memory.”

"Black sèyào agent is infinitely endless, now I am just faintly m to a little edge, but unfortunately never enter." The old man regretted a sigh.

Chen Rui thought of the situation when he took the black sèyào agent. He said, "Teacher, you can try to drink the yào agent, and appreciate the wonderful feeling, maybe there are new discoveries."

"I certainly thought about it, but these black sèyào agents are too precious, I need to keep the analysis..."

The words have not been finished yet, the old man’s eyes suddenly went straight, and he saw Chen Rui’s black sèyào agent in the hands and placed it on the table: “This is all the real yào agent, which was configured some time ago, the teacher can try Don't be reluctant."

"Good guy!" Tetnis's eyes suddenly burst into a fiery glow, as if these cold yào bottles were long-lost old lovers.

Seeing that the old man is about to rush into the test immediately, Chen Rui quickly rescued the yào agent, first said: "I rushed back to the dark moon overnight, there is an urgent matter to ask the teacher."

"Long story short!" The old man should have a sentence, eyes staring at the yào agent behind Chen Rui's hand.

"Teacher, have you heard of the Hera Wheel?"

"Hera's Wheel?" Tetnis stunned. "This is an ancient pseudo-artifact. What do you ask for?"

"Pseudo artifacts?" Chen Rui seems to have heard this term in some books. "Teacher, don't hesitate to say that I have a secret mission this time, not on the front line. In this mission, I found some key. The clues related to the Hera Wheel, so I specifically returned to ask the teacher."

Tetnes recalled and explained it.

In the concept of general instrumental science, magic equipment is divided into three levels: advanced, superior, and legendary. Above the legendary level is the artifact. In fact, there are some powerful equipment that goes beyond the legendary level, but does not reach the standard of artifacts. It is called a pseudo artifact.

Pseudo artifacts are quite close to artifacts on some genus, and they are not made by masters of the masters. At least the level of the sect of Tetnis, even Tetnes, is to make a fake artifact. Quite difficult things.

"To the level of pseudo artifacts and above, the percentage of equipment bonus is not the biggest criterion for measuring value, but the genus of qualitative change. For example... I remember that there is a chain of life that can increase the life expectancy by 20%. To delay aging, the actual meaning of this '20%' is inferior to those of the 40% increase in attack defense." Speaking of these, Tetnis is like a house, talk.

Chen Rui did not stop nodding, his **** of the gods mask did not actually have the effect of addition, but the function is strong, it is not comparable to the legendary equipment.

“Just like the legendary equipment has the advantages and disadvantages, the pseudo artifacts and artifacts also have strengths and weaknesses. The Hera wheel is said to be a failed work of an ancient artifact, although it is only a pseudo artifact, but it contains powerful power, far The super-normal pseudo-artifact is, in a sense, even comparable to the artifact. The Hera wheel also has a name called the Wheel of Faith. The strongest function is to absorb the power of faith and transform it into the user's own strength. !"

The power of faith? This familiar noun made Chen Rui a surprise. Hera’s wheel can absorb the power of transforming faith. Is it similar to the tower of the super system? There is such a thing in the devil world!

Chen Rui suddenly remembered that the people in the territory of Bailu’s territory had almost crazy worship of the lord Sikari, and his heart moved and faintly understood some reasons.

Tetnis continued to explain that in the memory of the inheritance he accepted, the "force of faith" can only be possessed by the gods. Even the semi-god-level powerhouses only accumulate and feel in a particular field of state. The power of faith.

Therefore, the power of faith absorbed by the Hera Wheel is not directly absorbed by people below the semi-god-level power, and a special medium is needed. The owner of the Hera Wheel can find the most suitable person in the faithful crowd through the induction of this pseudo-artifact. Through the transformation of the Hera Wheel, it becomes the separation of the consciousness and strength of dúlì.

After these avatars absorb the power of faith, their strength will grow rapidly. In the process of this growth, the owners of the Hera Wheel will also benefit. After reaching a certain limit, the owner of the Hera wheel will absorb all the life and strength of the avatar through the method of engulfing, and gain all the power of the transformation of the power of faith.

The avatar and the subject are equivalent to a non-discriminatory relationship of the master-slave contract, unable to resist the engulfing of the subject, and even fail to escape.

Chen Rui finally nòng cleared the function of the Hera wheel - just like MLM, the benefits of the offline line will be distributed to the line. Not only that, but in the end, the downline is swallowed as a supplement. Judging from the function of growth strength, Hera's wheel can really compete with artifacts.

In this way, the two Sikari he met were not the real white lords, but the "supplements" waiting to be swallowed up. The secret room to play the brothers and sisters sm should be a avatar to be swallowed up, no wonder there would be that A hysterical madness. Then, the real Sikari, the strength should still be above the devil's peak, the emperor level!

A good white lord, actually deep in it! If it is not the rise of the Darkmoon, the White Territory is the most powerful territory of the Angel Empire!

"Teacher, look at this sword," Chen Rui thought of one thing. "Is this a fake artifact or artifact?"

After answering the question of Hera Wheel, Tetnis originally wanted to continue to study the yào agent. Upon hearing this, he immediately turned around and saw the North Sword in Chen Rui’s hand, and his eyes were round again.

After listening to the functions that Chen Rui said, the old man took out the instrument and carefully identified it. He praised it: "This kind of craft is perfect, even if it is an artifact!" It is already in the category of artifacts. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to reach the real level of artifacts. It can only be regarded as a pseudo artifact, a powerful pseudo artifact."

Chen Rui nodded. After listening to Tetnes's explanation of the concept of pseudo artifacts in detail, he had already guessed the answer. The equipment produced by Bei Ming, Judgment and Leiyin should belong to the category of pseudo artifacts. A turn, and asked: "There are seven artifacts in the devil world? Is it a real artifact?"

"Of course!" The old man said without hesitation: "The seven artifacts are of course the real artifacts, and they are the most powerful artifacts. According to some ancient books, even the gods are afraid of them... but the seven artifacts seem to It is necessary to gather together to exert real power. If it is only a single piece, it may be similar to a common artifact or even a pseudo-artifact. The problem is that the seven artifacts can only be displayed in response to the blood of the royal family, and the devil is not hún. Naturally, no one can use more than one type of seven artifacts at the same time, so this has always been a mystery."

Chen Rui suddenly realized that the original seven pieces are the real strongest artifacts!

No wonder the angel sword, the magical shield, the yīn shadow cloak... These are just a set of equipment, as long as the collection of seven artifacts, you can have the power to counter the gods. Tetnes said that no one can use more than one artifact, which is not the biggest problem for Chen Rui, because he now has two pieces, the amount is exactly one and a half artifacts.

Just do not know, the use of the artifacts that are cracked by the super system is actually a kind of cheating. Does it meet the criteria for the integration of the seven artifacts?

Chen Rui shook his head. Now is not the time to think about it. Now that I have got the answer from Hera’s wheel, it seems that I need to make some corresponding preparations.

"Teacher, don't look at this sword. This is my life-saving thing. You should study black sèyào agent first!"

"Hey! God mysterious kid, just roll it!"

Chen Rui returned to the house, and saw the purple sè in the moonlight, a delicate figure sitting in the huā garden, holding a picked huā in his hand.

The sacred shìnv’s self-talking voice came low: “I don’t know how he’s outside, do you want me more, or do you want Athena and Lolado? Or...I want to be a princess?”

"Jia, Athena, Lola, Princess, Jiya, Athena..." The poor huā flap fell in the hands of the little shìnv, and finally there was only one piece barely, a little shìnv: "long Princess? No!"

Then, another innocent huā was picked up and fell in the hands of the little shìnv.

"Athena, Jiya, Lola, Princess Chang..."

"Athena?" Little shìnv looked frustrated: "I knew I didn't change position..."

I was about to continue picking huā, and suddenly I turned back and saw a smile on my face.

Xiao shìnv couldn't believe his eyes, wiped it hard, his eyes were more and more pleasant, and he plunged into the man's arms: "Chen Rui, you are back!"

"Somewhat important, come back temporarily, and will go away again," Chen Ruifu m squatting the soft wings of the small shìnv. "Is the army of dìdū starting to attack the dark moon? Athena is not there."

"Well, Athena, Paglio, Olyfis and Luo Méng went to the moonlight fortress, Krobe lùsi and Delia in the palace, right, just received the news, dìdū army in the moonlight fortress The first one took a big loss and was forced to withdraw. Athena made a great contribution this time."

"It doesn't matter if you don't care, the key is peace." Chen Rui sighed with a sigh of relief and asked: "Lola? Is it in the Rainbow Valley?"

"Only when I came back, I only knew how to ask Athena and Lola. People know that their status is low, their strength is not good, and they can't compare with them..." Xiao shìnv tears, a charming and touching look.

"Don't make trouble," Chen Rui knows the xìng of the moth, and gently twisted the face of the jīng: "I have an urgent thing to find Rolla, and I will go back later."

Xiao shìnv twitched and asked: "So late, let's go tomorrow, I am a little afraid..."

Obviously a bad excuse...

Looking at the succubus shìnv look forward to, Chen Rui heart soft, nodded. All along, in order to get approval, Jiya is willing to be a small follower around Athena, often "joining and retreating together", it is rare to accompany her alone. Anyway, returning to the white collar is just a transmission of mén, time should be too late.

Chen Rui remembered not long ago that he saw some kind of projection in the restricted-level lens. His heart was burning for a while, and he couldn’t help but grab a handful of tún that was full of bombs. He said a few words in the ear of small shìnv.

The small shìnvtún part trembled slightly, the clip was a little tight, the face passed over the red faint, the glare of the hook in the eyes, biting the mouth chún, "En".

"Go to a fragrant bath, then wait for me in the room." Chen Rui smiled and mō, and walked toward the transmission array of the Rainbow Valley.

Xiao shìnv shy blushing, full of joy and joy, luàn pulled the innocent huā flap, left to the last flap, l smashed a small smile: "Jia!"

Chen Rui entered the Rainbow Valley and found Rolla in the lab.

When Miss Nv Long saw Chen Rui, it was also a surprise. Chen Rui briefly said: "I want to ask you for help. I will improve the last one of the idioms and it may be used at some crucial moments." ”

"Please me?" After the Lola glasses, there seems to be a hint of dissatisfaction. Is it so polite?

"Yes, please my beloved Lola hands-on." Chen Rui squeezed her eyes and caught the waist of Miss Nv Long from behind.

Miss Long also responded with a sigh of relief in her heart. The little dissatisfaction suddenly vanished. "If you are in a hurry, I will start now and I will succeed in one night, but this kind of prop can only be used once. You should pay attention. ""

Chen Rui nodded: "Now the time is very urgent, I have to work hard. Remember that the usual research is not too cào work ~ ~ and so dìdū this matter is over, I will be your assistant, let's experiment together. ”

Miss Long nodded, only to feel warm and warm, I feel so good.

“How was the last time Zeray’s research?”

"Ze Lei" is a prop that Chen Rui bought at the trade fair of the Red Sea Town in the Red Sea. The power is very amazing. Two of them have been used. The rest of the āo is for Lola, hoping to imitate more. .

"There have been some results. In addition to the inscriptions written in the dragon language, there are still at least 12 yuan of ancient Chinese inscriptions. Due to material problems, I have only succeeded in making five imitations. The power is not good. Less, you can use it first..."

Miss Nv Long was obviously not satisfied with her own achievements. She took out the imitations and took over the props that Chen Rui handed over, and got rid of the waist that he was holding. "Okay, now I have to concentrate on making it, you go first. have a rest."

Lola is quite focused on the research work. Chen Rui did not bother her, quietly exited the Rainbow Valley and returned to the yard. It happened to see the small shìnv room lit up. It was obviously white and waiting for him, his eyes lit up. The house went.

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