Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 531: Winner

In the middle of it, Chen Rui’s eyes finally opened.

It’s a neat room, the most attractive one is the moving woman sitting on the bed, the light blue skin, the golden eyes, the **** body, the veil on the face, revealing the mysterious Charm.

"Master, you wake up."

Chen Rui stunned his sleepy eyes: "Jinsha, what about the prisoner?"

"In the cellar, there are Bai Na and Bai Lin guarding."

"How long have I slept?"

"Master, you slept for two full days."

Chen Rui smugly stretched out and sat up, found himself naked, and the clothes that had been damaged during the battle had been taken off, and quickly rushed back into the quilt.

"Master, do you need Jinsha to serve?" Jinsha's veil behind the line of a charming smile, very naturally asked, in the spirit of the spirit, the use of the body to serve the master is a matter of justice.

Chen Rui’s mind emerged from a ridiculous scene in the illusion. A certain part suddenly produced a natural reaction and hurriedly shook his head. “No.”

This time he came to Massimo Town, not a person, but also brought the lights and the dark demon. After receiving the signal, the lights quickly found the sleepy Chen Rui, and transferred him and the prisoner to the new town. In a temporary residence.

Chen Rui dressed, just ate something, and saw the head of the dark devil Bennett hurried in.

"Is the adult awake? There is one thing to ask the adults to decide. From yesterday, many strangers appeared in the town, and asked about the explosion of the Great Wilderness Mountain two days ago. According to the investigation, the head was a man. Also carrying a woman, this woman seems to be the lord Sikari's sister Palando. We are likely to have been targeted by the other party soon after we arrived in the town. Are we going to transfer now?"

The so-called Great Wilderness Mountain explosion is actually the destruction of the underground base. The Sikari’s Devil’s Peak has said that once the Hera wheel is destroyed, the body and the body will not die, but they will be hit hard at the same time. Therefore, Sikari’s two avatars must have known the destruction of Hera’s wheel, and also guessed that the base had undergone tremendous changes. Then the strange man who came to Massimo with Palando is probably the one who likes to play the continent.

Chen Rui was indulged for a moment, and he already had an idea in his heart to tell Bennett a few words.

Soon after, a group of people appeared in the hall of the house.

Chen Rui sat in a chair, his spirit was very wilting, and his face and hands were faintly visible. Unrecognized scars were surrounded by several tall women wearing cloaks.

"Lord Lord, please sit down."

The strange man was really the Sikari avatar in the early stage of the demon emperor. He was originally inquiring about the relevant news. He accidentally met Bennett’s sent-in contact and came here all the way.

"Lord of Law!" Sikari's face was restored to its original appearance, and his face was a little pale. "I am looking for you."

"It's very embarrassing, I only finished half of your commission." Chen Rui's voice seemed to be weak. "The wheel of Hull actually exploded."

Sikari was slightly shocked, but his eyes were bright, half done?

"That man, what?"

"People have already gotten their hands, just..." Chen Rui smiled and pointed at the scar on his face. "You also saw that this time the difficulty is much larger than I thought, at least half a year to recover. ""

When I heard that I had already succeeded, Sikari’s heart was hung up and finally passed down in the eyes of ecstasy: “Where?”

"Don't be anxious to lead the adults," Chen Rui shook his head. "Are we going to talk about some related matters of cooperation?"

"No problem, although the Lord of Law did not complete the commission perfectly, but it also solved a big problem." Sikari took a deep breath of excitement under the pressure, but the kind of relief that is relieved, but Chen Rui’s mental stimulation .

Originally, this avatar was about to be swallowed up by the real body and hit Chen Rui. It was completely holding the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. I couldn’t think of a miraculous turnaround. How could it not be ecstatic?

Chen Rui is about to speak, and the woman standing behind Sikari spoke up: "Wait a minute! Don't say that only half of the commissions have been completed. At least you have to prove that you have already caught someone. Otherwise, what qualifications are there?"

Chen Rui frowned, and Sikari quickly explained: "This is my sister Palando. I am young and ignorant. If you are rude, please don't be surprised."

"It turned out to be Miss Palando. The lady said that it makes sense, then..." Chen Rui gave a look to the light of the side, and the light spirit would know what to do. Soon, Sikari appeared in the hall. The appearance was miserable, and both hands and feet were imprisoned by magic, and the whole person was unconscious.

The mind of Sikari’s avatar is stirring again. There is a special soul sensor between him and the real body. It can be concluded that the unconscious person in front of him is the “real” Sikari!

Palando is also a little excited, and the purple enamel shines with a strange look.

"Lord Lord, is this person?" Chen Rui smiled and said: "I don't care what the identity of this person is, and no matter what special deformability he has, I only know that my collaborator is the Lord, you are enough to represent My sincerity."

Sikari understands that the other side is sure to see what is inside. Although it is a pity that the destruction of Hera's wheel is ruined, as long as he swallows the power of this true soul, it is equivalent to getting rid of the fate of the avatar and become the real Sikari. At that time, you can use the power of "Falco" to destroy another avatar, once and for all.

"Please forgive me, in order to be on the safe side, I think it is better to check it out." Palanto went forward, and the lights received the instructions of Chen Rui, and did not stop. Palando carefully observed in front of the real body, touched it with his hand, even pulled his hair and ignited it with fire, and finally nodded for a long time.

Sikari’s mind and body did not agree with this, but he knew that he could not be too eager to express himself. Palando’s work was actually a reminder, just acting as a buffer, and now he calmed down and said: “Faco adults, It seems that our cooperation has already had a good start. Since you have solved the problem for me, I will not be willing to pay the price. What do you want?"

"Sikari is really a happy person!" Chen Rui nodded: "My condition and the lord of the Lord signed a contract, so that adults can help me behind the completion of an important thing, this matter needs to use the entire white territory the power of……"

Sikari’s early identification that Chen Rui is a **** person, only that is an equal contract, the so-called “need to use the power of the entire territory” is definitely related to **** ambitions, just in front of Palando and the guards. They were inconvenient to explain, and immediately nodded: "This is a good discussion, we can talk about the specific content."

Chen Rui saw him so "on the road." It saved a lot of mouthpieces and was about to speak, but listened to Palanson: "Is it? You should discuss it now, let me listen."

Sikari was taken aback and saw that Palanto had a different look. He felt a move in his heart and said to the guard: "Miss is a little tired, take her to rest first!"

Several guards responded, but did not move Palan, but rushed to Sikari, and several straight to the coma.

Sikari had never been relieved of Chen Rui’s attention, but did not expect the problem to be on his side.

The avatar was about to stop, the back suddenly felt a pain, and the abdomen highlighted a sharp blade of blood. He suddenly turned back in disbelief, and saw that Palanto jumped back quickly, and one more hand was stained with blood. Red blue dagger. On the other hand, Chen Rui and Deng Ling seem to have different statuses, and they can only watch the real body being taken away by the guards.

Sikari took a few steps and grabbed the **** abdomen. He said, "Why do you want to do this!"

"Why not?" Palando's pretty face is full of disdain. "What do you think I told you so many secrets, really being conquered by you? In a certain game, you Maybe you can barely play a character that gives me pleasure. Unfortunately, you are not really his mouth. I wanted to send him some sacrifices this time. I can't think of him getting into such a dangerous..." You have to pay the price! Now outside are the dead, here is completely controlled, don't try to struggle, maybe I will make you die more. ”

"You..." Sikari was angry and angered. He always thought that he had already eaten this masochistic woman. Now he knows that he was being played by the other side.

Palando sneered a little bit of bitterness: "You are just a fake toy. I am tired of it. It is time to throw it away... Tell you, I was poisoned when I was in the test. Your strength will be suppressed to the lowest point within two hours. As for you, poor toys, when playing the game, I have already been given a chronic toxin, which has completely triggered this toxin. If there is no antidote, it will rot and die!"

The guards rushed to Sikari and Chen Rui. These guards were actually dead soldiers, and they were very hard-working and quite difficult. Sikari was deeply poisoned and unable to exert his strength. He was surrounded by the dead soldiers and was unable to get out. The "severely wounded" Chen Rui had no fighting power at all. He could barely block the attack by relying on the protection of several lights. However, Dengling was poisoned. For a long time, the disadvantages became more and more obvious. Chen Rui’s body added several new wounds.

Palando came to the real body of the coma and wanted to help him loose the cockroaches, but that was made by Rolla. If there was no special technique, even the Emperor's peak could not forcefully break free. Palando played with him for a long time. Still can't succeed.

At this time, the roof suddenly broke open, and there was one more person next to the coma: another Sikari.

The Sikari of the Emperor's Peak has finally appeared.

Palando was taken aback, just about to poison, his neck was covered with iron pliers, and the sound of screaming outside seemed to be surrounded by another person.

This avatar looked at the real body of the coma, his eyes mad inside the house, nodded: "Good, all arrived."

Palando didn't think that the oriole was in the back, and he struggled to writh his body. He only said that the avatar was faint: "Your slain is almost over, and you are useless."

In the eyes of Palanto, the color of panic was revealed. The body was covered with black flames, and the screams of hoarseness came from the throat. Soon, the whole person was turned into ashes.

The dead squad rushed, and the figure of the Emperor's peak was like lightning. Wherever he went, he was annihilated by the black smoldering body. In the blink of an eye, the dead man in the house had been slaughtered.

The venomous poison of the first stage of the demon emperor had already attacked, and almost staggered and stood unsteadily. He looked at the other avatar and slowly walked over, revealing the color of prayer. The demon emperor's avatar looked at him and did not stop. He walked toward Chen Rui. When he was in the first stage of the demon emperor, he suddenly turned back and the whole room violently swayed.

In the early stage of the demon emperor, he looked at the big hole in his chest. He slammed into the ground and lost his life. The back was a collapsed wall and a large wreckage destroyed by a powerful shock wave.

"The useless people have no value of existence, aren't they? Lord of Law?" The devil's avatar reveals a certain smile on Chen Rui, as if the old friend is kind. "It is necessary to explain here, I am following these. People come, but also use a hidden legendary props, even if you are not injured, it is difficult to detect. I have observed for a long time, in the case of determining that you have lost combat power, dare to appear. This is to deal with that Really, it’s really hard for you."

"I don't think that the final win home is you..." Chen Rui shook his head with great emotion and asked: "So, in the eyes of the lord, do I still have value?"

"That depends on your performance." Devil Huangfeng smiled and said: "I am still very optimistic about the prospects of our cooperation, but the relationship may have to change. If you agree, I hope to sign a more suitable. The contract of our status quo.

"The status quo?" Chen Rui looked at the scars caused by the dead on his body, and looked at the swaying lights, silently.

There is a faint murder in the eyes of this avatar: "In the current situation, you seem to have no extra choices. I don't want to see regrettable things happen, but I don't even allow a certain threat."

"Selection..." Chen Ruiqi sighed and shook his head, suddenly disappeared.

The devil's peak was shocked, and he looked up inductively. He saw that there was a star shining outside the huge hole on the roof. The heart suddenly felt bad.

He quickly came to the real body of Sikari, and was about to flee with his real body. He felt that the speed suddenly slowed down, and he saw that the cloak of the cloak beside the "Faco" had a woman who was a golden scorpion. Waves, flashing lights, slow, weak, chaotic and other negative feelings come together, this woman releases and switches magic time is very fast, and the effect is very strong, even the magician level magician is not necessarily better than Come on.

Did not wait for the devil's avatar to respond, the starry sky in the house, in the numerous stars, a sly figure appeared on the side, with a terrible sharp knife across the neck of his lightning, overwhelming from that stock Sexual breath, as long as a touch, the head will fall.

At this moment, this avatar has already understood a lot of things. The one that was most suffocating is this "legal." It has been swindling, in order to induce him to come out, and even deliberately let the death of the strength of the microbó. Or, from the beginning, his whereabouts have been detected by the other party.

"It’s still the question of choice." The sound of "Faco" sounded up. "There is only one real lord in the White Territory, is it you? Or is he?"

The devil's avatar sighed with a sigh of relief. Does he still have room for choice?

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