Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 542: comollon

The black scorpion cavalry on the ground gradually approached the front of the battle group. The Black Skull Regiment is the strongest heavy cavalry corps of the Imperial City. Whether it is a knight or a mount, it is one of the most elite, even Nesta’s Shadow Corps and One is better than the eclipse.

The leader of the original Black Knight Cavalry Regiment was General Amsty, but Amstel became a scapegoat because of the news of the fall of the Emperor, and was executed by the Black Skull. The former commander of the army was the former deputy general.

After seeing the terrible strength of a series of undead corps, the Black Scorpion was not eager to assist the Stone Corps or launch an assault. Instead, it stopped. Under the command of many, the body also showed a yellowish ochre. Just like the Shadowman's charge skill, this is a group skill that relies on magical tattoos and equipment to improve the ability in a large amount of time.

The first joint legion of the rear rushed to the front, and the shields in the front row separated from each other. There was a strong magical fluctuation in the protected crowd. It turned out to be a magician army. There are 5,000 people in this magician army. The black hussars have a flash of light on their bodies. The yellow and green light of the yellowish ochre has more light, and it is obviously added to several gain states.

The light yellow ochre is the strongest "nightmare" technique of the Black Knights. Although the ability to increase is not comparable to the Shadows, it can distribute the various gain states given by the magician and double. Under the premise of the support of the Magician Legion, the power is far superior to the Shadow Corps, and it is the most terrible force in the Imperial Army.

The front line of the black scorpion cavalry that opened the "nightmare" state, holding a sharp spear, burst into an amazing momentum and rushed forward.

At this time, the heavy infantry of the Stone Corps was only less than one-fifth of the troops under the impact of the undead cavalry. Longbottom was very familiar with the Black Knights, so he did not withdraw from the friendly forces, but ordered the soldiers to drag He lived in the enemy army. He was a former soldier and was seriously injured. He was almost killed by the lurking demonic vampire, but he never died. Now that the black scorpion began to charge, the soldiers were ordered to retire at full speed.

The frontal power of the all-state "nightmare" is very powerful, and with the characteristics of the heavy cavalry, the cavalry of the undead are almost at first sight. The entire Black Scorpion is like an invincible arrow. Even the back sea can't trap the sharp nightmare. This kind of impact route is mainly horizontal and oblique. If the straight line is too deep, the two weak sides It is easy to be surrounded by the undead.

Although the undead creatures have lost a lot, they have no fear or morale, and they are still rushing forward.

The Black Skull Regiment left and right in the undead ocean, and it was unstoppable. The shackles that attempted to surround the heavy cavalry were rushed, and even the throwing bows and arrows could hardly penetrate the squadrons who had a strong defense.

Although many of the stalwart Legionnaires who were retreating were caught by their own cavalry because they were not able to dodge, most of them have already arrived near the First United Army, and they have joined forces and continue to move forward without delay.

Seeing the heavy cavalry's power, the black and stiff face finally showed a smile, and ordered the second and third joint legions to prepare for departure.

Suddenly there was a shock on the ground. There were dozens of huge objects about ten meters high behind the undead ocean. The layers were like small buildings. They were all made of various skeletons and loaded with wheels, which could be pushed by the undead below. There are many skeletons on each floor of the bone building. On the center of the bone, there is a magician who is different from the other. He is wearing a black cloak and seems to be the leader.

Under the command of this magician, all the skeletons on the bones began to attack, so that the coalition was shocked, it was a magic attack!

骷髅 magician!

Isn't it the lowest undead cannon? How could there be a magician?

Despite the emergence of the undead cavalry and the air force, the coalition forces have been somewhat numb because of the continuous shock. However, when the dark moon's undead army once again broke the conventional cognition, the imperial soldiers still could not restrain the sorrow.

Although the dark moon is rich, but after all, the time is too short, even if there are three short-term military corps, such as the magician army, the special army of the Goblin Corps is still dwarfed, but the dark moon is not only the goblin warrior who is not inferior to the emperor, and The incredible undead army with almost all arms!

The bone building seems to carry some kind of specific power, not only can greatly increase the range of these magic, and the additional cursing power is still weakening the "nightmare" state of the black cavalry, for the heavy cavalry, magic The defense was originally a weak item. Moreover, there was the power of the curse. The power suddenly dropped sharply, and with the encirclement of the undead melee units, the people suddenly turned over and the casualties suddenly increased.

"Ha ha ha! Trembling, ignorant guys! Today's World War I, the name of Guladammamen will be included in the history of the devil!" The black cloak magician of the Central Building made a loud laugh.

The coalition forces and the Dark Moon Army have seen many people who are well-informed, and they are shocked, Guladammamen! The most famous undead magic master two thousand years ago, it is said that the undead magic was pushed to an unprecedented height, almost can be a series, but unfortunately later disappeared, can not reproduce the devil world after two thousand years, but also stood in the dark moon One party!

No wonder, Darkmoon has so many powerful undead creatures that are unheard of!

Black-faced face is more gloomy, why this kind of outstanding character will choose the weak head of Chia instead of his powerful regent!

The black horse cavalry regiment’s unstoppable frontal formation is constantly cutting and slowing down. Many people know that they must destroy those bone buildings. However, the location of the bone building is too far behind. The front is a heavy ocean, not to mention the black. The state and strength of the embarrassment, even before the peak state, can not break through the Bohai directly to the front of the building.

The first joint military array responded in a timely manner, and the magicians launched an attack under the command of the head of the army, Walspan. The overall strength and number of these magicians were slightly higher than the Master, although the Masters used the special utility of the building. To make up for these gaps, but the magician's ability to flexibly use various offensive and defensive magic is incomparable, and the coordination is even more incomparable. The same kind of magic will produce more than one plus one, especially the large meteor shower. The group attacked the magic and caused great damage to the undead.

Compared with the stalemate on the ground, the advantages of the undead in the air are very obvious, and the Dragon Cavalry Corps has been suppressed, especially the powerful ghost dragon and the terrorist knight behind it. Had it not been for the Dragon Cavalry Corps, Sarga, to fight, but the Dragon Cavalry Corps had already lost. Once the Dragon Cavalry Corps is destroyed, the Undead Air Force will become the real "nightmare" of the magical corps and cavalry on the ground.

At this time, two huge bodies appeared in the sky above the Imperial Army, flapping their wings, and at a terrible speed, they came to the front of the ghost dragon who chased Sarga.

The appearance of these two giant shadows caused the instigation of the Dark Moon Army, the dragon! And it is from the direction of the Imperial Army!

In the previous battles, the poisonous dragon Paglio and the black dragon Olivier played a huge role, and it was the biggest shackle of the Dark Moon Army. I can't think of the Dragons here too!

The morale of the Imperial Army was greatly improved. In the military, the singularity responsible for the order and supervision narrowed his eyes. The news of the two dragons was uninformed. It seems that even the "most trusted" person, black I also have a lot of caution.

The strong body of the body is the blue dragon who is good at the wind system, and the other one is relatively thin and black. The two dragons flew over the battlefield and stared at the ghost dragon made up of the skeleton.

"The daring undead! Unforgivable leader! Even the dragon's noble corpse is used to create this disgusting monster!" The blue dragon spit, it is a thick man's voice, "Now I declare that you and your maker Will use life..."

"Less nonsense! Remove it!" The black dragon made some sharp female voices.

The blue dragon immediately received the sound, and a group of deep blue dragons spurted toward the ghost dragon. The terrorist knight waved, the kind of vacuum force appeared, and under the influence of the force field, the rapid dragon's breath suddenly slowed down. However, this dragon's breath not only carries the breath of thunder and lightning, but also has a strong sharp air, as if there are countless weapons of the gods, the force field is cut and crushed. The terrorist knight has used his hands and constantly filled the gap of the force field. Finally, the power of the dragon's dragon is invisible, but the entire body of the ghost dragon has been involuntarily pushed by the great power to more than ten meters.

"Hey! It's a bit of strength. Danielle is still the first time to see the fear knight in the middle of the Emperor, but unfortunately the stinking undead breath..." The Blue Dragon is eager to say a line, being a female The black dragon roared, and did not dare to swear again, and spit out a group of dragons, and the power was even higher.

A group of green energy suddenly appeared, greeted the blue breath, the green energy was quickly split by the sharpness of the blue breath, but the blue breath was slowly disappeared because of the strange scent of green energy.

"Daniel!" There is a huge figure in front of the ghost dragon. It is a brown dragon with a black armor.

"Paglueu! It really is you!" The blue dragon's erectus suddenly turned bright, and said evilly: "Listen to that Des Jialo said that the dark moon found a poisonous dragon, I know that you are timid and shameless. Despicable bastard! I have been looking for you all these years. You are afraid of my powerful strength. It has disappeared for two thousand years. I have been hiding here! Now it is just right, we can count the old account of the year!"

"This uncle will hide you? Your face is used as your ass!" Pagliu said: "You still want to count the old account with you this idiot? That time, this uncle grabbed the jewel of Ranieri~ You actually want to be cheap! You are deserved and deserved!"

"The stardust of the stardust is the old scorpion first look at it!" The blue dragon roared: "Don't say this, Ranieri is killed by you, so I am a blue dragon with him. You will return the stardust of the dust to me now, and then Ranieri’s treasure will be handed over halfway, and the account of the year will be clear!”

"When you and Ranieri died, why don't you say that he and he are a blue dragon? This uncle will help you kill him, you should thank this uncle! I dare to ask me what good?" The volume is higher. "Don't take this as the uncle. I don't know your heart. Today, I must have received the benefit of Dyro. I have to pay for it. I really want to clear the account of the year. You still have a fart. Sneak attack on this uncle!"

The sound of the two dragons is getting higher and higher, and it seems that they must be judged with a cannon. The killing sound of the entire battlefield has been suppressed.

"Stop! Two guys!" The Black Dragon finally couldn't bear it, and angered: "No matter what the ruin of the year, what is the ugly undead creature made with the keel? If you don't explain it clearly, don't think about it today. Good luck!"

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