Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 547: Artifact's choice

(Let everyone wait for embarrassment, it is really difficult to support toothache, not only can not sleep, and the pain between the teeth touch, go back to the hospital after tomorrow to check again, if there is a break, please understand.) That red figure It is a "horse" with a black body and a single horn on the head. The horsehair and tail hair are like flames, and its four hoofs are burning real flames. The soldiers along the way seem to be stimulated by what fears. Escape.

"Dream beast!" Many people exclaimed, and the black-eyed brow that was expelling the drug could not help but pick it up. The gaze fell on the knight wearing a cloak on the back of the nightmare.

The dream beast is a unique horse of the Devil World of Warcraft. Its speed and strength are comparable to those of the unicorn in the ground world. It is immune to all mental control. Individual blood vessels can also manipulate the unicorn to perform lightning. The most powerful talent is "Fear" can weaken the opponent's combat power and fighting spirit, and is called the most powerful ground mount in the devil world.

The nightmare beast is extremely rare, and it is naturally savage. Usually, it is better to die than to fall. I don’t think this person actually has such a mount, and from the situation that the nearby soldiers are embarrassed, it is still a dream beast with a mutated blood!

The knight's cloak flashed a strange ray of light, waving with both hands, and a large number of emperor soldiers within a few tens of meters began to fall into a state of weakness and chaos, and some even killed each other, and numerous huge vines appeared in the Imperial Army. Crazy attacking nearby soldiers, the entire emperor's right wing fell into chaos. When the Cavaliers passed the Dark Moon Army, the strange power became another feeling. The Dark Moon in the range felt that the injury was recovering quickly, and the energy was re-energized, as if it had been reborn.


The soldiers recognized the knight who was driving the nightmare, and the morale was greatly enhanced. The original Imperial Army had a sharp reduction in combat power for a special reason, and it has now been completely suppressed by the dark moon.

The dream beast has soared in the air, the cape knight seems to be looking for something, and soon found the situation of the Chinese army, seeing the fallen Shia and the **** Isabella and the near coma Li Fei Si, the gaze after the visor suddenly burned up, urging the dream beast to fly quickly toward the Chinese army.

Chen Rui does not know what happened before. From the current scene, Xia, they must have experienced unimaginable dangers. In these few days, he drove the little black horse to stay around the clock, but unfortunately still could not catch up. It was a battle, but fortunately, they were all alive, and they finally got it.

Hei’s thought of Shia’s resolute attitude “I lived in this life, only a man”, with a cruel smile on his face, Agulie? Is that Xia’s fiance? In the battle of the lord defeated the guys who are red and blue melted? It should be at most the strength of the demon level. Just kill these threatening guys!

At this time, the toxins in the black cockroaches were finally suppressed, and the blue color of the left hand also faded a lot. With a hand, the purple sword on the ground has returned to the hand, and the sword is black and flamboyant, turning into dozens of giant beasts. The shape of the whistling away toward Xia, if this record is real, even if Xia is now the level of the emperor, it will be wiped out.

The sound of the distant sound bursts at the same time. In the blink of an eye, Hiya has already had a more person in front of him. The hands of the faint light swayed the soft power of the water and greeted the behemoth.

The behemoth madly impacted the figure blocking the front. However, under the power of some mysterious power, it turned incredibly turned into one body, and the darkness of the air rushed away.

The black scorpion was taken aback, the purple sword was horizontal, the black flame flew, and after the violent shock, all the beasts disappeared, and the taste of their own big strokes was obviously uncomfortable. The black helmet and two shoulders. A has been broken, and his eyes are fierce.

At this time, the little black horse dreaming beast that had come over had already ran Isabella and Olivier Camel behind him, and ran to the distance under the command of Chen Rui. The black scorpion did not stop, because his gaze was solidifying on the body of Xia, and Xia was raised in the air under the protection of Chen Rui, holding a long sword in his hand.

The tail of the sword is a purple gem. The sword is a back-to-back angel. The body of the sword is white and white, engraved with two strange imprints. The ancient style is full of mysterious atmosphere.

Even if the black scorpion closes his eyes, he can also name the name and characteristics of the sword. This sword has been with him for three hundred years, but he has never recognized the legal status of his owner.

However, in the hands of Chia, this artifact, which has always rejected everyone and is inaccessible, has sent out a strong radiance that has never been seen in his hands.

In an instant, the entire battlefield felt a kind of arrogance.

The clear sound of Xia sounded through the battlefield: "Rebellious black scorpion, the sword of the angel is here!"

For a time, almost everyone's movements stopped, and no amount of light condensed on the powerful sword that was in the hands of Xia.

The highest artifact of the empire!

Sword of Angels!

"Impossible!" The black scorpion came out hysterically, "Why! Why!"

Rao is black and plain, and finally can't help but lose his mind. For three hundred years, he has exhausted all methods, and every time he is excluded by the sword of the angels. Why, this is only twenty years old. A woman, just a granddaughter of the night, can be recognized by the artifact?

Whether it is the lord, the general or the soldier, it is shocked at this moment. The artifact representing an empire has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. The appearance is a household name, and from the black attitude, this sword is true. !

Only the true king of the empire can be recognized by the supreme artifact! Then... this is the choice of artifacts!

Xia held up the sword of the angel: "Our sword should not be aimed at our own hands and feet! Our blood should not flow under the sword of oneself!"

When this sentence came out, most of the soldiers, including the Imperial Army, lost their fighting spirit.

Blackbird felt the psychological changes of people, and the heart could not help but give birth to a huge fear, as if things that have been worried have become reality, arrogantly said: "damn artifact! Damn woman! You are all going to die!"

In the air, the flames burned, and a sea of ​​fire swallowed up Shia and Chen Rui.

Almost into the crazy black scorpion has been desperate to display the field.

This is a world of flames, the land is burning, the sky is burning, everything is burning. The only liquid is the black melt that is visible everywhere. The world is filled with suffocating suffocation and high temperature. Xia and Chen Rui also feel that The power in the body is constantly decomposed and disappeared under the burning, as if the whole person is the fuel of the flame.

The black scorpion stands in the distance, and the holy light wing behind it has turned into the wings of the black flame. There are six pairs, as if the legendary true angel wings, the purple eyes are full of blood.

"I am the true master of the Sword of the Angels! You traitors will die! I will absorb your blood, and use your flesh and blood as a sacrifice!"

After three hundred years of repression of something in my heart, the black scorpion showed a crazy side. The flame between the heavens and the earth began to rise and fall with the emotions of the master. The lava was arched out of a huge body, five meters. Come high, screaming at the high temperature of terror, and surrounded the two.

Chen Rui’s mind was moving, and the flame world in his eyes began to change rapidly. After he re-intelligible the super system, many functions were strengthened without any previous enhancement, or Chen Rui really mastered these functions. For example, the analytical ability of the analytical eye, the analytical ability of the original analytical eye is only a simple attribute, and there may be a dangerous hint later. Nowadays, the eyes of analysis have truly possessed the "function" of analysis. The fluctuation of power in the field, the attributes of the architecture, and even the analysis of strength and weakness are all at a glance.

"Xia, protect yourself, don't use the sword of angels."

Chia nodded, not asking why she couldn't use the sword of the angel, and there was a sword in her hand that was taken out of the storage ring. In fact, she had previously felt that the light and sorrow of the sword was not so simple, it seems... not under her control. What she can do is to believe him without reservation. This is a kind of tacit understanding and trust.

There were ten golden kings in the vicinity of Chia, and they formed a round array. At the same time, Chen Rui’s figure left Xia’s side and appeared in the place not far from the black scorpion. The huge bodies have already rushed to Xia, and the golden people on the outside greeted them, almost hit in the blink of an eye. Down, but stubbornly stood up and continued to fight, the huge body temperature is terrible, the gold people's body has begun to melt. In the eyes of Xia, the black and white two colors illuminate, and the long sword in the hand is in one motion. A halo appears in the body and blocks the progress of the giants.

Chen Rui did not look back at Xia's side, and the light on his body continued to illuminate, opening up the **** aura of Xuan Yu's and the battle strengthening in the link strengthening.

There are two kinds of link enhancements, permanent star enhancement and temporary battle reinforcement. Star enhancement is very expensive. It requires 100,000 beliefs. Because of the frequent use of Yuxing, it consumes a lot of beliefs, and self-cultivation After the pull of the wheel, I don’t know why, the growth of the belief crystal is getting slower and slower, so this number has not been reached yet.

Chen Rui had a mask in his face. In the next second, the power of the flame between heaven and earth was uncontrollably revolved around him. The temperature of terror was suddenly reduced, and the strength of the giants was also declining. .

"Swallowing talent? Besib?" Black 曜 felt the rapid flow of spiritual power in the field, suddenly thought of a rumor about Agulie, a cold sigh, this devour, almost took the time to psychic in this field, But the power of the Emperor's level is no more than the Emperor's level, as if the real world is inexhaustible, and gradually began to replenish.

When he was in the Crystal Valley, Chen Rui used this trick to take time out of Manu's field. However, Manu's field is basically based on magic and spiritual power. The mask of the gods is very restrained. The most important thing is that Caesar. Lin seized the opportunity to display her own field and hit Manu.

Without Catherine, Manu’s field will automatically recover over time.

When the power of the black scorpion weakened, there were suddenly many **** between the heavens and the earth, rotating with a strange rhythm. From a distance, it was a star, and the flame world seemed to be intertwined. world.

Stars are filled with the heat of coke and burning that is different from the nature of the flame world, making the flame seem to be absorbed by the stars.

Blackbird felt that his power was weakened a lot, and he was shocked. He had a new estimate of Chen Rui’s strength. How could a magician bounce back to his fire beast? How could it be possible to use his field in the world of his fallen fire? Judging from the momentum, it is almost as fast as entering the peak of the emperor (in fact, it is the result of the addition of the star to the star and the battle of the sacred jade), and the sword of the angel is definitely the "Agulie" to Xia, then "Agulie" should be one of the chief culprit of the chaos of the emperor.

When I think of it, the hatred of the black scorpion has skyrocketed. The figure appears in front of Chen Rui, and the sword is squatting. The twelve wings behind him are not decorations, but a combination of physical strength, strength, and dynamism. As a body, there is already a certain amount of faith in the field of the country, and the ability to increase its ability to the limit, even if the woman with the magical horror is in front of her, she also has confidence in a battle.

However, the black scorpion does not know that the enemy who is close to the peak of the emperor is the true "faith of faith". The north of the hand in the hand of Chen Rui smashes the water of the waves and greets the black.曜的火剑 Under the singular effect of light lines, the flame on the black sable purple sword is constantly being pulled and resolved. What is even more strange is that the swords on both sides have not smashed once, and the whole force is blunt. For the lack of front, let the black scorpion have a strong feeling of "powerful nowhere to make".

This is obviously the result of Chen Rui’s control. This kind of swordsmanship is learned from “Shifting Stars” and combines some principles of another world’s “Tai Chi”. However, before Chen Rui passed through, he was just a otaku and knew nothing about martial arts. Or it is exactly this way, so you can only understand the sword of your own water by relying on a little "meaning". Although the strength is inferior to the black scorpion, but Chen Rui relies on the mental strength of not inferior to the black scorpion, coupled with the attacking acceleration of the Northern Sword and the doubling of the skill of the sword, the stalemate with the black scorpion, and the sword of the water This kind of actual combat is becoming more and more sophisticated.

The black scorpion is more and more grievous. This enemy has a distinct level of strength and is similar to that of the black dragon girl. It is far less self-sufficient, but the experience is rich and the methods are different. It is ten times more difficult than the black dragon, and it will definitely not be cheaper after the melee.

One thought of this, the black 曜 six pairs of fire wings show, pull away the distance, black and white 眸 眸 精 精 精 精 精 , , , , , , 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精 精This kind of pure energy attack has been unable to resolve with the use of water swordsmanship. Chen Rui has attached a worm to his foot and relies on the analysis of the trajectory of the analytical eye to flexibly avoid the flame meteor. Black Saw sees Shia, surrounded by the flame giants, killing the plane, and the meteor of the sky immediately turns to the direction of Chia.

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