Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 578: Her Majesty and Her Royal Highness Princess

In the other houses of the Boer family in the eastern suburbs, almost all the upper echelons of the empire of the empire, including the empress, gathered, and Zall looked at the huge camp of the palace hall, and his face was gray and defeated, with his Mishan family. The father of the patriarch is exactly the same.

"Your Majesty, now Rosen has brought it, please kneel down." Stiller grabbed Rosen and came to Xia. Rosen passed through the circle of the ghost door, and finally did not faint and tremble. Going to Xia for a ceremony.

Xia faintly looked at Rosen: "I will immediately take out the special envoy."

"Special envoy?" Rosen listened to the cloak and said these two words. What had been thought of in the past, but then the appearance of Lola made him experience a big ups and downs, and there was chaos in his mind.

Stellar, who had always been calm, was anxious, and slammed the flatter and most loved grandson with a slap in the face: "Is Miss Shalin, the special envoy of the Shadow Empire, caught here?"

Rosen was awakened by this slap in the face, and the noble temperament of the upper-class girl of the giant-breasted girl appeared in the mind of the Princess Villa. She was shocked and suddenly sweated: the girl who was married to Marlene, who was herself The fancy "prey." is actually..., the special envoy of the Shadow Empire?

Rosen finally understood why even Her Majesty the Queen was in the car, and the first feeling after the reaction was fear: it is well known that the Shadow Empire is hoarding at the border of the Angels, ready to attack, and he is hiding the Shadow Envoy in this horrible head. Come here to try...,

Without waiting for Rosen's opening, a voice sounded: "Reporting, your time, Zall and Rosen did have a few girls from Princess Hill. The intention was not good. Do you know if Celine's special envoy is in it?"

It was actually Rosen and Zall’s "companion" Diak, a woman with a mask and a cloak around Shea stood up: "Your Majesty, Diak is a dark man."

Dark part! Zall and Rosen both shocked, and their eyes were unbelievable. "Agulie" spoke up: "If it wasn't for the secrets of Diak, I didn't come here so quickly."

The heart of the royal emperor Des Jacques was finally put down. Diak was his relative, and he was worried that he would smash the catastrophe. He couldn’t think of it as a hero.

Many people have turned their eyes on the woman who wears a cloak and does not show her face. This woman should be the "dark" who took over the dark part from the Toro family.

"Dark Devil" used to be the mysterious leader of the Darkmoon. He was full of spies on intelligence and assassination. His methods were extremely clever. Even if he was the dark part of the emperor, he couldn’t help her. He had to send Sarandi and others to the Darkmoon to destroy the Dark Lord. The result was completely wiped out.

Diak said respectfully: "Reporting that the girls are being held in the back room, they have poisonous smoke with attributes, it should be no big deal.

My subordinates sneaked in early in the morning, killed the monitors and secretly protected them. ”

Everyone heard the words, and Qi Qi let go of his heart. No matter what happened, the special envoy was not in danger.

The look of Chia eased and nodded: "Diak, you are doing very well!"

"Your Majesty, when Agurey’s adult attacked the other hospital, I have received a signal that I am detoxifying several young ladies. It is estimated that they will be awake in a few minutes."

"Agulie, you are now taking people to meet and assist in the treatment, and then clear out the idlers." After receiving the innocent news of the special envoy "Baidu Post Bar has a Jiajia", Xia's look has eased a lot. "Diak, you have all said what happened at Princess Hill, why is the special envoy being hijacked? What is the inside story?"

Diak looked at the two "companions" who were frightened and replied, and replied: "From the beginning of the rogue troubles to the guards framing the Li Wei, and then finally spurring the alcoholic to fight and rob the burning, are the Mt. I have planned it with one hand. I and Rosen witnessed this good show at the side. It was also a 'complicity'. After the devastating destruction of the Princess Hill, Zall invited me to catch Mary’s sister Marlene for fun. I was given the benefits of Rosen and Rosen respectively. Because I was unable to stop bó, I couldn't stop it. I only agreed to join in the false and falsely. I followed Zall to the VIP room of the first month. There were several women in the VIP room. Zall's men were strongly resisted. Later, It was only after they released the poisonous mist that they were fascinated. I originally thought that only the Mishan family contends for the plot of the Princess Hill, leaving the mark of the dark part all the way, and then trying to delay the time until the great Agulie attacked the other house, only to know that the special envoy of the Shadow Empire, Miss Celine. ”

Xia's slight jaw, Stiller secretly fortunately, from Diak's account of the statement, Rosen is not a mastermind, and she knows that this grandson, the arrogant and arrogant mischief is quite a lot, but with the "subversion of the empire" The conspiracy of the class is absolutely invisible. However, Rosen did not know that he was provoked by the super-powerful Laura, but it was the biggest trouble.

At this point, the back room came out of a group of people, the front is the missing shadow of the imperial special envoy Celine, Rosen saw the once-hysterical giant breasted girl, the heart "squeaky", once again caught panic The most worrying thing finally happened.

Celine learned about the situation from the mouth of "Agulie" beforehand. He came to Xia and gave a gift: "There is a labor to come and come to save, and Catherine is afraid."

"Miss Céline, you are wronged." Hsi sighed: "It is the shame of the emperor and the shame of the empire of the angels. I represent you the most sincere apology on behalf of the empire."

"Your words are heavy." Celine shook her head: "Your Majesty eliminates the black scorpion. The new squad is less than a month. It is inevitable that there will be no shackles. I want to use the conspiracy to undermine the peace between the two countries. Speaking, I am eager to go to this time. It’s my responsibility to ignore my friends’ appointments. How can I apologize?”

The words of Celine gave Xia a good step, and it was understandable as a diplomatic envoy. However, the phrase "Ember has not been removed and conspiracy to undermine the peace of the two countries" has raised the nature of this matter to the highest. contradiction.

Xia has been recognized by the artifacts, and has been honored as the emperor. The former regent was also characterized as "the country." The black party is the rebellious empire that is recognized by the empire.

Angley's face is even more ugly, and Zhuoer can't take care of it. He squats on the ground: "Your Majesty, I am only being used by people, I want to destroy the business of Princess Hill. I don't know the identity of the special envoy, absolutely no Other intentions!"

Xia asked coldly: "Is it used by people?"

"It's Princeton! Last night, the wine cellar exploded in the eastern suburbs. He has a big responsibility. He wants to slay the Princess Hill to cover up his crimes. I was just blinded by him!" Zall is a bit savvy. Now, Damendo’s kind of **** is definitely not enough to sacrifice. You must find a ghost. The most suitable one is Princeton.

Angrid sighed with relief, and his son’s tone coincided with his previous meeting in the palace hall. The piece of Plinton was definitely abandoned, pushing all blame on Princeton’s body and then striving for it. Reduce the nature and consequences of things.

"As for the sister of Marty, Marlene, I admit that there is indeed Kathy's mind. This time I want to chase her away, but the special envoy is..." "Zall is the first of the "four less", the performance of the key moments. More powerful than Rosen, first admitted to his smallest sin, then pointed to Rosen: "It is Rosen! He intends to derail the special envoy, this special envoy can testify! ”

Rosen heard that Zall pushed things to him and couldn’t get it in one breath: "Zall, you bastard, obviously you..."

"Stop!" Xia's eyes on the consultation fell on Serin's body. "Miss Celin, is that the case?"

Catherine looked at Rosen and glanced at it: "This person really does not care for me, but also utters rumors, but there is no conspiracy or insider behind it. I am not here." Empire, I am only a guest, and everything is left to the Lord."

Celine’s words are very skillful, and she does not deny Rosen’s bad behavior, nor does she buckle her hat on Rosen’s person because of resentment, and the last sentence, “Guest with the Lord”, is actually in the capacity of the special envoy. Ya Shi is pressed.

"Today I originally planned to "Baidu Post Bar" and the two messengers to discuss cooperation matters. Unexpectedly, such an accident occurred. The negotiation seems to be postponed until tomorrow. Miss Celine was shocked. Please go back to the Royal Hotel to avoid the impact. As for what happened today, please rest assured, I will definitely give you an account. "Xia also moved out of the biggest task of the negotiations to offset the battle of Catherine, and the group of ministers heard the approval of the heart. This matter is related to the internal affairs of the Angel Empire. It is really inappropriate to let Catherine stay here."

Stiller clenched his fists, and there was another blood spilling out of his mouth. His eyes were full of haze. If Rosen’s previous involvement in destroying the Princess Square was over, he would offend the Lola and begged him to mediate, but now It is really a great disaster. This is not a problem of Rosen’s personal life and death. It is directly related to the survival of the Boer family.

Celine’s tight face finally showed a smile, slightly squatting, and was about to greet the guards to leave. Chen Rui whispered a few words to Xia, and his face suddenly changed. The people nearby felt a chill.

Xia contains a raging gaze on the face of Miss "Dark Devil" fell on the group of women who were brought out behind, and said: "Alice! Give me out!"

Des Jacques and others, Alice? Her Royal Highness Princess?

After seeing a tall female guard, she stood up in a timid manner and stood up as a blonde girl. The girl looked beautiful, the watery purple eyes seemed to speak, and the emperors who came back from the dark moon recognized it. It is the sister of Queen Xia, Princess Alice Lucifer.

Seeing this girl, she was secretly smug about the introduction of the disaster to Rosenberg and the Boll family of Zell, as if the rod of the beggar had knocked down the full mouth: this is not the one he wants to enjoy... It turned out to be a little princess!

The Queen’s most loved, only sister?

Zhuoer thought to the Princess Hill, the girl said before the coma: "I am a princess." At the time, Diak received a "Princess Square." He thought that this girl is just a newcomer to the Princess Square. No one, no idea what a real princess!

By the way, Princess Alice seems to be... blue eyes, how can it become purple! In an instant, Zall associates a lot of things, and the cold sweat suddenly came out uncontrollably.

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