Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 608: Demon

In the starry sky, Chen Rui is suspended in it, and there is no brilliance and heat of the biggest ball, but looking at it, the first thing he sees is him, as if it is the core of the entire star field.

Aideline just looked at this magnificent starry sky with amazement, and her attention was all on Chen Rui’s body. She used to feel and feel the strange man who saved her life and gave her confidence. It was the first time to watch with "eyes."

Although the face is ordinary, there is a strange charm in the eyes of the girl, which makes people feel at ease and trust.

The feelings of the Naga girl were immediately seen by the white fog, deliberately making a strange laugh: "The stars of the sky are such a ball? The fantasy is born, this guy's quirky fantasy is surprising, as a creative reward, I can let his soul reduce some pain before it is annihilated."

"No!" Adeline pleaded, and had witnessed the torture and suffering of her companion in the illusion. She knew that the threat of white fog was not an air intimidation.

"As long as you give me the body and soul without any resistance, not only your companions can get rid of the pain, this man and your sister can be relieved." White fog looming a human figure, the head has two blue The "eyes", the voice is full of temptation, "In fact, you just merge with me, it will not die, and it will have powerful power! You don't want to be taken care of by your sister for a lifetime, you can use your power to protect you. People who value."

Adeline finally began to shake, white fog has insight into her biggest weakness, the girl is not afraid of sacrifice. But what can't be put down is the people who are valued in the heart. It is much more effective to use Shi Trina and even Chen Rui to marry her than to threaten her own life.

At this time, a voice sounded: "It turned out to be like this, the devil... This race is really strange to me."

The two blue light flashes on the head of the white fog, and it is obviously extremely shocked. I saw Chen Rui’s eyes slowly open and looked at him faintly.

"You are not confused?" The voice of the white fog is unbelievable. "Where is this..."

Here, Adeline has been pleasantly surprised to say: "Agulie adults!"

Chen Rui nodded to her: "You seem to have forgotten our agreement. You should not give up hope so soon. For those you value, you can give up more than your own hope."

The tears of joy flashed in the eyes of Naga girls: "I'm sorry."

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "Now is not sorry, we need to have a good chat with this Mr. Devil. Accurately speaking, it is the devil's avatar."

"Impossible!" The white mist screamed: "How can you know this when you are a little emperor! Even the elemental king who lost before can't see through me!"

Of course, Chen Rui will not say that it is judged by the eyes of the analysis: "This is not important. What is important is that you have already gone out, even though it is only a avatar. If it is destroyed, it will definitely bring no to your body. Small damage. Let's sit down and talk about it, just like I did with Akasaka."

"Don't compare me to that stupid octopus!" The white fog calmed down and Sen smiled. "You still don't know the true power of the demon family. Maybe you will have a little mental trick, but if you want to Playing illusion in front of me is just as ridiculous as the elementary schooler who is showing off in front of the guru. This illusion is just a good meal for me, I will swallow it now. Then I will swallow your spirit and soul!"

After all, the shadow of the white mist turned into a mist of fog, spreading toward the entire starry sky. However, the star field is endless. No matter how hard the fog works, it is only a drop in the ocean. Near the biggest star. The fog seemed to be a flame, and the sound of "sweet" was evaporating, and the screams rang again and again.

"This is not a fantasy! The devil is on! What is this **** place! It can hurt and imprison me!" The fog re-aggregated into an adult shape, which seemed to be a lot thinner, apparently suffering from a minor trauma.

Chen Rui shrugged: "Maybe you can understand this as a country... more accurately, it should be a universe."

"You actually have a domain country!" The fog was once again shocked. "Right, this is... the power of faith? The power of such a terrible faith! How is this possible! And, is this form of the country, is it legendary? ... you, who are you?"

For a time, the devil's mind was chaotic. It has always used talents and illusions to play with people's hearts. Now it has been confused by the other side in a few words.

"I have no interest in explaining what, if the demon Lord did not talk about it, then..." Chen Rui's open five fingers, a huge black hole appeared in the void, the fog on the figure involuntarily rushed toward the black hole, aside Adeline has not been affected at all.

"Wait a minute!" The sound of the foggy figure finally began to panic. "The soul of this Naga girl is in my control. If you dare to destroy my avatar, then I will let her soul fly away!"

Chen Rui’s eyes are cold, the black hole’s suction is stronger, and the fog feels that the power of the whole soul has been involved in the power of terror. At any time, there is the danger of being completely swallowed up. He is shocked and angry: “If you really care about her life and death. I can't help but abandon the power of this soul! I will die with the girl!"

Aideline didn't have the righteousness to say "Don't care about me", because it would make Chen Rui more vulnerable to criticism. She just said: "Agulie, the demon has said before. What kind of soul is I?"

Chen Rui secretly praised the girl's intelligence. Before he heard the demon, he had threatened to let Adeline dedicate his body and soul. It was originally because of the special constitution of the girl, or the real reason why the devil did not kill everyone. In order to get Adeline's body, it is very likely that this body with special mental ability is very important to the demon.

"It turned out to be like this." Chen Rui showed a meaningful smile.

"Damn!" The devil finally became angry and angry: "You just mentioned the negotiation with the octopus, so it must be related to the Dragon King Treasure. I can let you pass the fog hidden island! There is only one condition! Take this soul body The girl gave me!"

Chen Rui glanced at Adeline and found that the girl had “recovered” her eyesight without panic or worry, only a strange tranquility.

"Adeline, do you believe me?"

Suddenly, the girl did not dare to look directly at his bright eyes, but just turned her head down and said: "Yes, from the moment when the adults gave me hope."

"I think you have already got a reply? Demon avatar." Chen Rui said quietly to the demon.

The devil is even more angry: "Very good! I don't want this soul to be separated! I will never die with you! In the end, this soul is still mine!"

Chen Rui sneered and was about to speak. Suddenly the expression was stagnation, it seems that some strange change occurred, and then immediately clung to the head. It seems to be very painful. In the process, the entire universe has begun to appear irregularly distorted.

Adeline was taken aback. Just about to fly, the distortion of the entire space has calmed down, Chen Rui slowly loosened his head, the black pupil has turned into a blood red, and looked at the demon.

The previous demon did not feel anything in the face of Chen Rui, but now he was only seen by him, and he actually gave birth to an instinctive fear from the depths of his soul.

Aideline clearly felt something special happened to "Agulie", but for a moment she couldn't say what it was, and asked: "Aguly, you are all right?"

"Nothing. I am very good, not as good as ever." Chen Rui showed a strange smile. "Is it true, no matter what happens, are you willing to believe in me?"

Adeline bit her lip gently. Nodded, in the blink of an eye, Chen Rui has flashed in front of her eyes, gently holding up the girl's chin, the smile is even more demon: "very good, a very interesting toy."

This move made Adeline's face red and half. However, Chen Rui’s figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of the demon. The distance was very close and the demon was shocked.

"Look at what I found, a demon who plays with the little tricks of spirit?"

"You dare to be so rude to my Altman, I must..." The voice of the demon is somewhat guilty.

"Even if you are almost nationalized, it is just a weak demon. You seem to have the power of imprisonment in this silky soul. No wonder you want to use the body of the soul to get out. I remember the taste of the devil soul is quite wonderful. Rest assured, I will completely let you get rid of it... Don't try to hide, anyway, there is the power of imprisonment, you can't run away, my delicious."

The kind of coveted look in Chen Ruihong’s sorrow made the sorcerer tremble with real fear. Chen Rui, who saw all this, was more proud: “Yes, what did you just say? I didn’t seem to finish listening. ?"

The demon screamed in horror, and the foggy person suddenly burst open, and it automatically detonated this silk avatar!

At the same time that the demon avatar disappeared, Aidelin felt that God was shaking, and Agulie, the avatar, and the starry sky disappeared at the same time. In the meantime, I have already returned to the tent, and I have recovered the state that I could not see. What happened in that starry sky seems to be a dream.

Intuition tells her that it is not a dream. I think of a certain The girl’s cheeks are not hot, but she quickly reacts and starts calling for the companion in the tent, but let her yell. Or shoving, those companions are still awake.

Adeline dared not touch the tent and shouted: "Sister! Where are you?"

Screaming a few times, did not get Stirrina's answer, thinking of the previous demon, Adeline's heart suddenly sinking, groping for Chen Rui's magic tent.

Going halfway, the girl’s footsteps, I heard the familiar sound sounded.


There was a strong exhaustion in this voice, as if after a hard battle.

Adeline quickly said: "Aguly Daren! My sister, she..."

"Street is probably already in the hands of the demon," Chen Rui frowned and looked at Adeline. "Let's go, use your inductive power to find the demon, save Steiner." Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to --() to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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