Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 610: Hope and commitment

"Star burst!" Chen Rui roared and sounded, and the stars of the sky were smashed.

Faced with powerful power, the three Shura's reactions are different. There are a lot of strange twists and cracks in the space around them, constantly absorbing the power of the explosion and reflecting it out to offset it; the other hand is drawn like a wave of water. The mysterious lines constantly resolved and shifted the power of the huge explosion on the side of the body; the third was shrouded in a protective cover, and a huge black hole appeared in front of it. The smashed "stars" were swallowed by black holes, and the aftermath was only shattered. The protective cover did not hurt the root.

"Ha ha!" The three Shura laughed together. "How is the feeling of being solved by your own skills? Right, the kind of space crack is not your skill! That is, you will, I will, I will You won't, you don't have any chance of winning, unless... can return to the super system's star field, but unfortunately, you can't go back. This is the country of Hera's wheel and the magical power, as long as I kill You can become a real you by losing your 'divided body'! You may not give up resistance, but resistance is indeed futile."

Chen Rui clenched his fist, he will never give up, but it is undeniable that it is indeed in a desperate situation. The three Shura should be separated by the Hera wheel, each one is real, except In addition to the flies skills that need to be masked, these avatars are able to use all the skills of the super system freely, and the unique ability to "apply the way to others" is something he does not have.

Chen Rui accidentally saw Adeline on the bank below, and saw that the whole girl was wrapped in thick fog. The mist quickly poured into the girl's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and I was shocked: "Sura! What did you do with her!"

"This Naga girl is infatuated with you. I just married her wish and let her believe in you more..." Shura showed a playful expression: "Forgot to tell you, the real power of Hera's wheel is not a avatar." Instead, I have stolen my faith. I have thoroughly refining this magic weapon these days. How, this is your vocabulary that you can understand."

"Is she now controlled by the demon?"

"No, she just accepted the spiritual link. It is an honor to be my first believer. This is the link I invented. It is called the faith link. Your beliefs are not crystallized. To solve this, I am afraid that it will not be enough for the next Royal Star change, but you are not next time."

"As for this lovely toy," Shura stretched out a finger and shook. "As a believer, she must pay for her faith. I gave her to the demon as a magical country." Remuneration. Unless you reach the six-star evolution, it is impossible to stop or attack the demon with your current strength, and you don’t have to delay the time to make such a bad trick - just your star burst too Weak, I can't see it, let me see it now. The true look of the stars smash!"

Shura’s words just fell, Chen Rui’s body was surrounded by dark red and dark gold stars. The next second, the stars burst open with a terrifying power, as if the entire “universe” collapsed, all the atmosphere was full. A feeling: extinction.

This devastating power is far above the starburst that Chen Rui has shown. In the moment when the dark stars burst, Chen Rui’s “Shifting Star” skill has been launched, and the arm swings out two soft to fluctuations.

The sound of the sound rang, and at the same time as the rapid retreat, the light of the palm of the hand quickly diverted the power of the nearby star burst. The ten-second time limit of the moving star immediately passed, and the power of the starburst still existed. Chen Rui’s body appeared again with a protective cover. The protective cover instantly turned into powder, but he had already applied the teleport in time and finally took out the star. Within the scope of the explosion.

Another figure of Shura appeared in front of him instantly, and his mouth smirked with a smirk: "You can't run... Try this star burst again!"

The huge crisis came down in the blink of an eye. Chen Rui’s body shattered in the horrible starburst, but it actually spread into countless flies, which is the flies of the **** mask.

The fly is flying and is not affected by the burst. However, this state cannot be sustained. After the adult form is aggregated, it can only face the star burst without stopping. At this time, Chen Rui's protective cover or moving star was no longer usable. Even the number of teleports was gone. His hand immediately showed a large round shield with a simple pattern, protecting his body. The round shield was in the starburst. Suddenly fluctuating, Chen Rui's entire body flew backwards, and the mirror-like shield was unscathed. Despite the protection of the magic shield, and the magic shield can absorb a certain degree of damage into its own power, but this full range of powerful bombardment still makes Chen Rui's guilt suffered a minor injury in the turmoil.

At this time, the sudden warning signs and the eyes of the analytical eyes made Chen Rui’s pupil shrink suddenly, only listening to a sound behind the sound: “Star burst!”

Chen Rui’s refusal to dodge is too late. The three star bursts of Shura are intertwined. The power is not just a simple superposition. The nearby land has turned into powder. The sea water is hundreds of meters high under the force of terror. The center forms a The huge vacuum, the sea water could not fall.

The bursting of the continuous stars finally stopped, and the sea surface gradually returned to normal. The central part of the colorful light illuminates and re-condenses into the figure of Chen Rui, but the star of the body has been cracked and deformed in a large area, and the whole person is extremely weak.

"Oh?" The Shura sneered: "It turned out that Lola's talisman saved you, but unfortunately, your last life-saving straw was used up. Just now you were desperately trying to lift Adeline's spiritual link. At this time, Thinking of saving the lovely girl is really a foolish guy. When I annihilate you, I will give you a tombstone in the super system star field, which reads 'a lovable otaku'?"

Chen Rui gasped, and the residual power quickly condensed. After Shura swallowed the wheel of Hera, there was indeed a terrible change. On the surface, the level of strength between the two was the same, but in the quality In terms of aspect, Shura has far surpassed Chen Rui, and there are three more!

His cards have basically been exhausted. There are only four seasons of threats, the sword of the angels and the dragons. In this case, it is almost impossible to destroy the three Shura at the same time, but he has no choice but to fight. Only.

Shura saw through his mind: "Do you want to kill with the dragon? I have three people here. Your singer can only kill one at most... oh. I am waiting for your choice, this will be the last in your life. select."

Just as Chen Rui was in a desperate situation, Adeline, who was unlinked, suddenly recovered his mind. I immediately noticed the huge crisis of myself and Chen Rui.

"You are... Devil! Get out of my soul!" The girl showed a look of fear.

The gloomy laughter of the devil rang: "It’s already late, my soul is basically blended with your soul, you are me. I am you, unless you die, otherwise you can’t be a pseudo-god-powerful We are apart."

"No!" The girl tried to resist the erosion of the demon soul.

"Don't be afraid! Our fusion will only give you unexpected benefits!" The words of the devil are full of temptations. "You didn't feel it, can your eyes see things? The spiritual power has been greatly extended. You will have my magic talent..."

"Agulie adults!" This sentence reminded Adeline, watching Chen Rui, who is extremely critical in the sky, screamed.

"Useless, he is now in my fantasy country. You can hear his voice, but he can't hear any of your voice."

"Quickly cancel the Kingdom of Magic! I promise you everything!"

The demon sneer, "You are now in my control, and moving a finger is controlled by my will. Why do you mention the conditions?"

Adeline desperately wants to move her body. Sure enough, the soul and the body seem to be blocked, and they are not under their control.

"Give up resistance, the worst is the last point, and we will be able to blend perfectly. By then you will become a strong player with the power of the country. To accomplish what you could only do before you can imagine!"

When the devil's words have not been finished, I feel that Adeline's soul power has made a dazzling strong man, and the body has begun to break away from his control: "The power of burning the soul, are you crazy?"

"You just said... unless you die?" Adeline, while holding on to the pain of burning the soul, controlled her body and took out a delicate little dagger from her waist.

The voice of Shura in the air has already rang: "I still want to use the delay to restore strength? It is useless, this is a modern country, combined with my ruin, I was originally one with you, I am here, even if You can only use the door of the starry sky."

Adeline was shocked, and the dagger in her hand had already pointed to her heart. This action made the devil stunned and wanted to cut off the connection between the girl's soul and the body. However, the burning of the soul made him unable to imprison the girl's soul: "Wait! We can discuss it! I don't want to stop, but because I signed a contract with that guy, the Magic State can't stop!"

Aideline’s dagger was close to the heart, and the devil quickly persuaded: “Don’t do this! We still have a way! I can let the Shura imprison him! No, no, maybe he can let him escape...”

Aideline did not pay attention to his temptation. The dagger had penetrated the gauze, and the devil was so screaming that the powerful magical powers rushed out and turned into a very tempting voice: "You are not easy to recover your vision, if you If you die, you will never see your sister... not only your sister, but also this man, you will never see his smile again, you can't see his figure..."

The girl’s dagger trembled fiercely, and the tears in the eyes of the bean dribbled down. The demon quickly continued to confuse: “This man should have his own lover, but I can help you leave him, imprison him at your side, let He loves you alone in his life, you can still..."

When I haven't finished talking, I feel that my heart is cold, and I have been smashed through the dagger. The screams suddenly screamed, and the girl's body began to frantically overflow the white mist.

"Let me finish this, three kills, you have no chance." Shura's voice rang in three directions at the same time, the center is Chen Rui who has been seriously injured.

At this time, the scene of the entire starry sky suddenly became distorted and thin, and the screams of the demons below could be heard. Shura brows and sees Adeline, who is underground and whose chest is stained with blood. Gritted teeth: "Incompetent generation, even a girl can not control! To break my big thing!"

Once the magical powers have completely disappeared, Shura will be forced to return to Chen Rui’s body, and immediately fight for the final strength. The three avatars will also drink out at the same time: “Yanlong kill!”

The fierce and arrogant atmosphere instantly filled every corner of the space. Three huge dragons radiated a horrible power and wrapped in three different directions toward the middle of Chen Rui. Even if there is a magic shield, it can't be defended. And the skills such as teleport have been applied and can only be hard-wired. At the crucial moment, Chen Rui’s side flashed a strange light, changing at an extremely fast speed. The sea below was hot and sometimes frozen, and at the moment when Yanlong approached Chen Rui’s body, all the time seemed to be still. general.


In the blink of an eye, the three dragons have slammed together, and the entire fog hidden island has trembled. Chen Rui’s body appears outside the core of the impact. Although the aftermath is still terrifying, it cannot penetrate the defense of the magic shield. .

"I really can't be reconciled... I blame this useless thing!" Shura's three bodies merged into one, and looked at the screaming demon below, taking a deep breath, and Adeline's white mist overflowed with him. After suffocating, the entire state of magical power began to vanish, along with Shura’s body.

That voice is still echoing in faintly: "This time is just the beginning, very soon, we will have a real break..."

Chen Rui did not pay attention to the injury on his body. His eyes fell on the girl who fell in the pool of blood. The heart trembled and flew down.

The soul of the demon seems to be swallowed up by Shura. Adeline’s body has no scent of demon. The original stunned Sterling has also recovered her waking. She saw the dying sister, and she was shocked. She wanted to help Adeline in the past. The injury, however, the depth of the dagger made the heart of the Naga female warrior sink.

"I'm sorry... my sister, I can't help... I will listen to you again." The girl spit out this sentence with difficulty, and the look of disappointment began to collapse.

"Everyone blames me! I shouldn't be confused by the enemy!" Sterling vaguely remembered the scene before she was confused, tears rushing out, and there is still a half-heartedness.

"Adeline..." Chen Rui's star armor has disappeared, landed on the ground, half-squatting down, and staring deeply at the Naga girl at the time of her death.

"I'm sorry, Aguly Daren..." A tear in the girl's eyes slipped down, and the voice was extremely weak: "I just thought, I just thought..."

The girl finally did not say anything, even at this last juncture.

There is no imprisonment, no life-long death.

Just, I want to stay with you.

Just want to do this, just.

"I understand Chen Rui gently strokes the girl's wet hair, and the tired eyes reveal gentleness. "As long as you like, you can be with me, as a friend, as a brother or sister or... ...if there is this day. ”

Chen Rui has a bottle of black medicine in his hand: "You will see the castle in the sky with your own eyes. Your piano sound will make everyone intoxicated... This is my hope for you, but also a solemn promise."

The girl’s pupil, which had been dull and nearly broken, suddenly brightened.

Ps: I have a cold and a bad cold. It should be the cause of the weather. It snowed these two days, and it felt particularly cold in front of the computer. Even in the evening, I couldn’t sleep in the cup. Today, I have a headache, a stuffy nose, and a cough. I wanted to sue a fake, but I didn't want to interrupt it, especially the plot I wanted to write. So I wrote this chapter with 4,000 words. The code is in the early morning, as the doctor said, sleep late insomnia, vicious circle.

Hope that the state is not good, did not affect the depiction of Adeline's character. The rewards of several book friends are to see, Sheng Sheng is not excited, and wait for the status to be better.

I am really sorry during this time, I can't support myself anymore, I hope I can get better soon, whether it is work or body. Rq

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