Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 623: Tower of Destruction

Glorios, who realized that the biggest crisis began to fight hard, was hard to be attacked by Hegel’s dark source. The power of the horrible kingdom seemed to be like a raging tide, and the dark element king was once again hit hard, and the rest did not stop. The land came to Chen Ruichong, just to see that there was already a sword in the other hand.

The swordsman is two back-to-back angels. The body of the sword is white and white, engraved with two strange signs. The ancient style is full of mysterious atmosphere.

The power of the raging country is still not approaching. The sword in Chen Rui’s hand has been decisively smashed over the slash of the sickle. In an instant, Glorios and Scythe have simultaneously mourned, and the power of the whole country has begun to distort. It sounded loud and screaming.

Like Snow Sword with a special restraint power, the power of the golden essence of the soul that was originally attempted to escape seems to be a fire in the snow, and was annihilated.

"No!" The double voice of the sickle and the Lich King sounded up, "That sword..."

The sword in the hands of Chen Rui is not Beiming, but one of the seven artifacts, the sword of the angel.

The mixed metal of the sickle is very strong, but those materials are just the best aura conversion materials. Although it is impossible to turn the whole sickle into aura in a short time, it is no problem to open a mouth. And the sword of the angel has the characteristics of "breaking soul", can directly kill and split the soul of the enemy, even if it is the soul of the country's powerful, it is unfortunate to be shackled by the angels without any defense. Reason.

The power of the surrounding kingdom was rapidly attenuated, and the figure of Glorios began to become vain, and he was unwilling to say: "Awful ants! I can't think of it, I will fold in your hands... Let's die together!"

The stick in his hand turned into a blue light, and came toward Chen Rui. After the attack, the residual soul essence of the sickle was suddenly vanished, and the body of Glorios became a ash.

The haze that shrouded the entire hateful land dissipated, and the black iron secret ghosts who were besieged by the ghosts also stopped their actions. Inundated with the sea of ​​resentment, but Chen Rui is facing a huge crisis at this moment.

The Lich King’s dying strike condensed the power of the last kingdom, and the horror was incomparable. Although there was a teleportation skill, Chen Rui instinctively felt that this attack contained special rules and forces, no matter what. Means can't be evaded, only hard.

Once it is solidified by the bones filled with the power of the kingdom. Not only the body. Even the soul will be completely destroyed, even if there is regeneration characteristics are useless.

At this time, Chen Rui was unable to display the flies or moving stars, and suddenly there was a big shield with a quaint pattern. The sturdiness of the magic shield, even if the lord of the abyss could not be destroyed, it should be able to prevent this blow. However, it is currently impossible to cast a royal star. When it’s too late to show the body of Yanlong, his strength is only the Emperor’s level, even if he can save his life. It will also suffer extremely serious damage due to shocks.

At the turn of the millennium, there was a sigh of blackness around the bones.

The more intense black gas spread quickly and wrapped up. In the process of this parcel, the blue light on the bone stick was continuously eroded, and the rapid momentum suddenly slowed down.

In the end, the stick stopped at a distance of about two meters from Chen Rui and began to break. Scattered into powder to dissipate.

After the strong black gas destroyed the bones, the breath has been greatly weakened, apparently consuming a very large amount of power, and then showing a few thin points when it condenses into the body of the dark element king.

Chen Rui showed a stunned color. He did not expect Hegel to desperately help him block this last fatal blow. He only heard the indifferent voice of the dark element king: "The dark elements are not only vengeful."

Chen Ruiyi, this is a sentence that was sprinkled with Glorios when he was gambling. He was actually remembered by Hegel in his heart. Isn’t it careful?

Faced with the dark element king who saved his life but still has a tough attitude, Chen Rui did not say much, just nodded: "I understand."

Hegel’s eyes fell on Chen Rui’s mask of gods, and he looked at the big shield and the long sword. Two red dragons suddenly flashed a splendid color: “You are a person full of secrets, maybe we will never It will be a friend, but I don't want to be your enemy. It's not because you have the strength to let the dark elements fear or taboo. In fact, you don't have this power, at least not yet. As for the real reason... If you can live that day, you will naturally understand. As a reward for saving the dark elements, I will not reveal your secrets to anyone."

“Thank you.” Chen Rui understands that the elemental king has countless years of inheritance memory, and his knowledge and experience are extremely rich. The “famous brand goods” of the seven artifacts should not be able to get Hegel, and it is natural to be able to get this promise of keeping secrets. but.

"Hey! Just your human feelings! If you didn't help me find the original source fragments, I still won't deal with your friends!" Hegel throws a sentence, ignores Chen Rui, and walks toward the dark elements. go with.

Chen Rui smiled and followed.

After this war, the black iron secret ghosts who lost their control cores returned to the silent statues, only about half of them were left. The elements and Naga were damaged a lot. The water elements on Chen Rui’s side are only left. Next, while the sand people are weak in combat power, they have all been annihilated in the Lich King's kingdom. Fortunately, Chen Rui has the earth element king to give the sandstone essence. When needed, the sand people can be revived.

The happiest thing is to count the grievances. The annihilation of Glorios makes them cheer. Because of the power of hateful land, the grievances still can't really be freed, but the Lich King is less horrible to torture everyone. The ruler, for the resentment, is already a great fortune.

Chen Rui released the returning Yuan tree to help his companions and dark elements to treat the injury. The function of returning to Yuanshu is very wonderful. Even the soul power lost by the grievances can be quickly recovered.

After appease the resentment, Chen Rui and his entourage went to the final destination, the Tower of Destruction.

The entrance to the Tower of Destruction is a completely closed door with a strange pattern. When Chen Rui takes out the treasure map, the treasure map emits a strong golden light before the victory. It automatically splits and turns into a golden color. The symbol, immersed in the pattern, the pattern changes rapidly, and a keyhole appears in the center of the door.

Chen Rui thought about it and put on a purple heart ring. The hand was close to the keyhole, and the purple heart ring changed rapidly. The shape of the raised purple gemstone was the concave shape of the keyhole. After the insertion, the seam was tightly stitched, and then the purple light was shining. The whole door disappeared and became A space entrance with a strange "ripple".

"Let's go." Chen Rui said to everyone.

"I and the tribes will not go in." Stirling spoke up. "The so-called treasure has no meaning for the Naga. You have the dragon emperor's token. Now that you have defeated the Lich King, you should be able to become a successor." At that time, it is only necessary to eliminate the seal of Akasaka to solve the problem of the sacrifices that have plagued my family for tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the heroes of the ancestors of Naga just asked us to stay and learn the secrets of the Naga people who are now incomplete. Knife broken. For us, this is the real treasure."

Chen Rui saw her attitude is very determined and not reluctant. Nodded: "Reassured, I will definitely help Naga to solve the troubles of the sea sacrifice, and Adeline's bondage."

The lost throwing in the war just now appeared on the shoulder of Chen Rui. Obviously, the amoeba, which is contaminated with the dragon's collection, is still very sensitive to the word "treasure" - go in with the owner, and the most incompetent thing can be a gleaming thing.

Hegel thought about it and let the rest of the dark elements stay. The purpose of his coming here is to secretly source the fragments. The dark elements have lost a lot of roads. Now the tower of destruction should be the last level. I don’t know what dangers there are. There is no need to let the people be white again. sacrifice.

that's it. There were only three people who finally entered the tower of destruction... forever, one person, one element king, one amoeba.

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Rui three people entered the gate of the Tower of Destruction. After entering, the ripples gradually disappeared and returned to the originally closed door.

As soon as he entered the gate, Chen Rui felt a dazzling dizziness, and then the entire field of vision became wider. There was no imaginary layer of stairs in the Tower of Destruction. It was an independent space.

The gray space in the space is gradually, and gradually, there are two sources of light and heat, not the double moon of the demon world, but a sun, a moon, and distant relatives.

Mountains, water, animals and plants have gradually emerged in the space, and people and cities have emerged, and a strong sense of life can be clearly felt. There is a huge statue in the center of the city. It seems to be the image of a black dragon. This statue reminds Chen Rui of the tower of faith in the super system. Yes, this is the building of faith. There are a large number of believers worshipping statues every day. .

The area under the sun is bright and hot, full of hustle and bustle, and the area under the moonlight is cold and quiet.

Between the sun and the moon is a circular trajectory, slowly moving to exchange the orientation, and the space alternates with white.

Space provides a living environment for and the power of faith in life has become a source of disruptive supply and a powerful source of life, forming a cycle of endless life. Chen Rui’s heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of enlightenment – ​​this is the real kingdom.

The sun and the moon are circulating, and I don’t know how long it has passed. The light begins to dim, the noisy city becomes dead, the black statue in the center gradually becomes weathered and decayed, and the vitality in the whole country is annihilated step by step, and the space becomes nothingness.

Chen Rui and others floated in the air, as if the outsiders of the entire space witnessed the rise and fall of this country. Unlike Hegel and Lost, Chen Rui’s heart has been lingering with a strange feeling, as if this country is his place. Owned super system.

In the moment when the country turned into nothingness, the feeling of Chen Rui’s heart was opened fiercely, forming an unprecedented realization. A certain path that had been searching hard in the fog suddenly became much clearer.

This kind of enlightenment also made his state of mind further touch the limit of a certain bottleneck, but he did not have much time to understand, because there have been two rays in the country of nothingness.

This is a pair of huge eyes with a pupil on the one hand and a silver on the other, looking at the three outsiders who broke into the space.

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