Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 636: set off

The face of the light **** statue has restored its original ambiguity, and the strange force field surrounding the **** image gradually disappears. Www.)[]

It is not that Shura has some kind of change. In fact, Shura is not completely annihilated. Instead, when Chen Rui comprehended the cosmic truth of birth and destruction, as another self, he truly returned to Chen Rui’s body. Like the Heiner River, the destruction has returned to the mystery of the entire "universe."

The avatar outside the body is more of a derivative skill derived from this. Even if this avatar is given the corresponding consciousness by Chen Rui, it is just another idea that is quite similar to the ontology, and will not become the anti-customer-like existence as before.

The reason why Shura stopped the power is because the power of faith accumulated in the statue of the praying hall is almost empty, and the less power of faith, the stronger the counter-attack force is counter-inflicted, just in case, Chen Rui Recovered the avatar. Not only that, but the footsteps outside are getting closer and closer, it should be Mana and others.

The power of these stolen beliefs is accumulated in the body of Shura, and the power of faith that transforms into a super system is relatively slow. It is equivalent to first getting back a lot of food storage, then eating a part of it every day, slowly digestion.

In any case, the success of this attempt gave Chen Rui an unexpected surprise. The “heritage” left by Shura was really extraordinary. It was like the power of the belief in stealing the super system. It was able to steal and transform the beliefs outside of itself. power.

In this way, the speed of the crystallization of belief will be greatly accelerated, and it is not a luxury to reach the door of the starry sky and return to the demon world.

Then, Chen Rui’s first priority now becomes two. First, mix in the white cliffs and go to the bright mountain to pick up Snowdale. Second, try to steal the faith of the bright church and get together a million faiths as soon as possible. crystallization.

These two tasks are all related to the Bright Church, and the plan for this "replacement of the Light Knight" is the key.

Chen Rui walked out of the prayer hall and saw that Mana, Lucio and others were waiting outside. The fat priest saw Chen Rui coming out. Quickly asked: "Li Cha, your mental strength has completely recovered?"

"I haven't fully recovered yet, but it's no big deal." Chen Rui looked at Lucio. "It seems that our pastor is really different. It solved the problem so quickly."

"Insignificant little things," Mana's triangle eyes passed the smug color. "It's you, my friend. Zola said that the hall feels a little different, but he doesn't dare to go in and disturb. This makes me worry about your situation. Fortunately, you are fine."

Chen Rui’s heart jumped. I looked at the monk Zola and found that his strength was only F, and his mental strength reached E. He deliberately asked: "Master Zola, what did you feel just now?"

Zola replied reverently: "It's just a special feeling. It doesn't make it concrete. It lasted for a while, and then disappeared when Mana came. Maybe this is just my illusion."

"No, your feelings are not wrong. It was my mental power fluctuations." Chen Rui’s brains flew, and he had already thought of an excuse: "There is a special sacred atmosphere in this hall. When I restore strength, my spiritual strength. It seems that I have been washed and sublimated... Originally my strength has been stagnant for several years, and now I have faintly found a hint of breakthrough bottlenecks."

"Oh?" Mana's eyes are bright. The higher the level of strength of "Li Cha", the stronger the "beast" is, the better the plan for the two. If you can successfully pass Eliza through the line of Cardinal Rogge, not only can Mana be on the long-standing position of the bishop of the king. "Li Cha" can be a candidate for the Guangming Knight, and in the long run, Richard found a strong Knight of the Temple as a patron, as a contractual object of interest, his bishop also benefited a lot.

"Mana, if you don't bother. I hope to stay in the church for a while, to seize the inspiration of this breakthrough, and strive to break through to the next stage of the division." Chen Rui said faintly, his present The strength has reached the first stage of the division.

Sure enough, Mana showed the color of surprise, and he became more and more convinced that Chen Rui was the genius of a big family. He did not hesitate to agree: "Of course this is no problem! You will soon be the candidate for the Bright Knight, just there. Some of the corresponding guidelines and etiquette needs to be firmly grasped. You will stay in the church to grasp the time and learn. In fact, we don't have much time."

In this way, Chen Rui was crowned in the bright church. In the next few days, he went to pray every day to "sense", sometimes in the dead of night, sometimes when the believers prayed.

After a few days, the harvest is not small. Not only digested the power of those stolen beliefs, but also turned them into a crystallization of faith, and Chen Rui also experimented with a more subtle method of stealing, using Shura’s magical talent to create a real “reality”. "Fantasy" hides the face changes of the wheel of faith and the image of the gods, so that even in the public, you can steal the faith.

Of course, the precondition is that no strong person can see through the magical power of the devil, in general, it is safer when no one is.

The only regret is that since Chen Rui’s first use of the power of the gods to steal the power of the gods, the speed of the power of the gods’ faith has been unsatisfactory. In the past few days, the sum of the powers of the faith stolen by Shura has not been allowed. The first tenth.

There are quite a lot of believers in the Church of Light. The statue is the pillar of the super system. Even if you don’t pray in the prayer hall, the usual beliefs can be automatically absorbed by the gods of the light god. It is estimated that it will be restored after one or two months. The speed is not too slow, but for Chen Rui, who has limited time, it is obviously not feasible to wait for this.

It seems that the object of theft can no longer be limited to this place in Gudan Town, and the target must be replaced.

At this time, Pastor Mana just raised the matter of leaving for Garton City immediately. The fat man received the latest news. Although Cardinal Rogge did not arrive at Yangshuo Wangdu, his most beloved niece, Miss Elisa, changed her course on the way. The target is the location of the largest Warcraft trading market in Yangshuo. Garton City.

The head of the Garton City Church, pastor Sorrenton is the cousin of Mana, and Mana belongs to the same faction in the church. This time, Chen Rui’s candidate for the Guangming Knight is recommended by the Garton City Church.

Chen Rui will certainly not raise an objection and bring Lucio. Set off with Mana and took the carriage to Garton City.

Gudan Town is about five days away from Garton City. As in the past, Mana hired **** mercenaries at the mercenary union. The Shengyu Mercenary Corps was abandoned this time because of the “offended” church relationship. Mana chose another more powerful mercenary group “Iron Shield”.

Coincidentally, the head of the Iron Shield Mercenary Corps, Chen Rui, was a little bit impressed. It was the maid who reminded Chen Rui not to go to Lucio, called Ina, twenty-seven or eight years old. The figure is relatively petite, but it has a mature charm. The strength D is equivalent to a high-end demon. It is a shield warrior who is good at defense.

This time, there were more than 40 members of the Iron Shield who participated in the escort. They were equipped with mounts and the **** team was divided into two columns to protect the carriage.

Ina's mount is a dragon. It looks awkward, but not slow. Lucio’s attitude towards Ina seems particularly diligent, riding a horse. And Ina traveled side by side, and from time to time along the way, Ina's attitude is very indifferent, rarely confusing.

At night, everyone camped in the woods along the way.

"You are really different from before," Ina finally opened her mouth. "Even if it was a year ago, the change was a bit big that person?"

Lucio looked at the direction of her gaze and nodded. "Yes. A group of violent caves a year ago was a turning point in my life, and I met the captain...that is, my life has a chance to start again." ""

Ina was slightly different, and looked a little more surprised in the eyes of Chen Rui in the distance.

"You call him captain?" The bearded mercenary on the side showed a sullen color. "Look at his age, even if he hides his strength, he is at most a rank. But from the attitude of Mana’s fat man, his background should be Not small, the rifle Lucio, you really have a 'eyes' and found a powerful young master to be the master."

Lucio felt ugly in front of Ina, his face turned red, and he stood up violently, glaring at the beard, calming down, not saying much, turning and leaving - the master is the strength of the holy level, As a follower, naturally there is no need to care about these ignorants.

This reaction made Ina's eyes move, and her brows wrinkled: "Silva, I know that you and Lucio are not in sight, but this time we are accepting church employment and escorting them to Garton City, anyway. Can't affect the completion of this task. And... I always feel that this person is not simple, let the brethren converge and try to pay attention to their words and deeds."

"I know, the head." The beard nodded. "In fact, I was too lazy to care about the waste of Lucio. I just saw that he was not arrogant about you. Then he said, even if he recognized it. The master is stronger, and it is impossible to compare the deputy head of ours."

"That is of course." Referring to the "deputy head", Ina's eyes are a little bright. "I don't know if his mission is completed. This guy just likes to act alone."

"Do not worry," the bearded man shook his head in disapproval. "With the strength of that should not be a problem, the only thing the head of the group needs to worry about is that he should not be taken away by other women."

"What nonsense, you are responsible for the night tonight! If there is a leak, give the old lady back to the town of Gudan!" Ina waved her fist and laughed and fled.

Chen Rui did not pay attention to these details. After eating something, he hid in the tent and began to "cultivate". The fat priest naturally told the people not to disturb.

These days, in addition to studying the power of faith, Chen Rui is also trying new features of the super system.

In addition to the new skills, the six-star evolution has added a new type of building - Feng Xingtai.

The construction of Fengxingtai requires 100,000 reiki and 100 crystallizations of faith. Originally, it was necessary to return to the devil world for one million beliefs. In the absence of other means, it must be accumulated a little bit, so Chen Rui is reluctant to use it for other purposes.

Now that Shura’s power to steal faith has succeeded, the beliefs of “shun” have not been digested, and nearly 3,000 beliefs have been added. Chen Rui has made up his mind to start building Fengxingtai. RQ

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