Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 655: accident! Joanna’s crisis

After Chen Rui left the room, Elisa spoke up: "This is a good follower. However, did you say that you were early? Do you think you can become a Knights of the Temple?"

Seeing the confidence in Paul's smile, Elisa shook her head gently: "Your strength has reached the holy level, and the teacher is the paladin. It is reasonable to say that there should be considerable hope. But there is an old saying that things are impermanent."

"What do you mean?" Paul's brow wrinkled.

“White Cliff is a place where rules are everywhere,” Elisa stood up. “Although absolute strength can be above everything else, your strength is not enough to override certain rules, even yours. Teacher Passari also has rules that cannot be crossed. With your wisdom, I should not say more."

Paul's face sank: "Are you threatening me?"

"Don't misunderstand, I just tell you the truth," Elisa looked at Paul without fear. "If you want to choose the path of Passari, it obviously doesn't work. You must think about your position. Otherwise, you will be eliminated by the rules sooner or later."

Elisa showed a smile again: "The last time I said something... How are you thinking about it? Although you look very conceited on the surface, I know that you are a smart person, don't say it in your mouth, I must have been seriously thinking in my heart - don't doubt my judgment, I don't have the sensory talent to deceive Richard. I know very well about your heart, there is no third person here, I just pick it up. The Lohman family is just a middle-class family. You worship under the door of Passari, one is opportunity and study, and the other is to expand the family's strength by the influence of the Holy Mountain. The pursuit of Joanna's greatest purpose is also So, she is the eldest daughter of the family, and she does not have a younger brother. As long as the means are right. In the future, the entire Philip family will become your control, and with the help of the Holy Mountain, the Lohman family will not become the first family of the Longhuang Empire. may."

Paul browed his head and only listened to Elisa's tone: "But, you never thought about it, even if your ideal is successfully realized, it is still only a **** in the hands of the emperor, and your involvement with the holy mountain will also cause Guess. Maybe one day. All of this hard work will be wiped out by the thought of the emperor! You should put away the two minds and make the most correct choice."

Paul finally explained: "For me, there is no difference between choosing the Longhuang Empire and choosing the church. At least there is only one king of the Longhuang Empire, and there are too many great people in the church game. I am insignificant in this game, so I I can't put all the bets on the church side."

"Don't you understand? In the eyes of the church, there is a secret hand of the king behind you; and in the eyes of Rex the Great. You are a church person, only two ends will not be pleased. If it is just an insignificant little fall After all, you are a person with great ambitions. This dangerous situation will become more and more obvious as you and the Lohman family become stronger and stronger - you should receive the news. Rex the Great The second meeting personally presided over your second duel with Samuel, I believe this is enough to explain something."

Paul’s looming sweat on his forehead, he is from a negative calculation, but the authorities are fascinated, and Elisa’s words are like a head. Some things are indeed not carefully thought out before.

"It’s not too late to wake up now," Elisa saw through Paul’s mind. "Of course, you can give up the church and bet on the side of the Longhuang Empire, but I want to remind you that with that The Emperor's plan, it is very likely that he is self-defeating, and even if he chooses to trust you, you lose the most important background of the Holy Mountain. In the eyes of other people, is there any original value? I boldly predict one sentence, I am afraid Even the first reaction of the Phillips family is to dissolve the marriage contract..."

Paul took a deep breath: "Do you want to say that now that the Templars are selected, I must make a decision before this?"

"It seems that you have made a decision," Eliza smiled. "The distribution of the factions of Baiya has many branches, but the dominant position is the three main lines. The Pope, who represents the Archangel, It is the first of the three series, followed by two archbishops, and His Majesty Pusmir and my teacher, Judola. There are many talents in the Pope. My uncle, Cardinal Rogge and the referee, Xiusi, respectively. It is the two main brains, and the internal competition is fierce. Another cardinal Bishop Birmingham is the next line of Pusmir, and Sorento and the dead Mana belong to this faction. In recent years, the forces have expanded extremely fast. The last one Cardinal Glalin is a saintist faction. Compared with other factions, the saints are much more understated... Finally, I have to mention your teacher Passari, who is a true holy knight. The creed of loyalty to the light and the protection of justice is known as justice and justice. However, because he is too obsessed with the creed, he does not understand the flexibility, and almost every person in the department has been offended, so the situation is not easy. Talent, you should know, A system most suitable. "

Paul considered for a long time and sighed: "Although the Virgin faction is the most understated and weakest in the three major families, it is also one of the indispensable mainstays. The Lohman family does not have much inclusive knowledge. If you choose The other two forces, in the case of limited competitiveness, are afraid of being hard to pay attention to, and may never be able to take the lead, so I don’t have much choice."

"It’s easy to talk to a smart person." Elisa looked awkward and became awe-inspiring. "So I finally asked, have you really made up your mind?"

Paul showed a firm expression and nodded slowly.

"Great, I believe that His Majesty the Virgin will be very happy to see a talented person with such potential to join. I remind you, don't look at the low-key posture of the Virgin, the Raphael behind us, Isn't it a lonely angel who is willing to be lonely?"

Paul is not an idiot. He wouldn't ask Elisa as a stupid question about why Rogge's niece would join a saint. In fact, he knew in his heart that Elisa had valued him so much, and it was not unrelated to the identity of the "Palace of the Paladin". It is likely that the saint’s wife had the intention to draw the Passari and the Glorious Knight. At least one relevant signal can be expressed to the outside world, or it may be related to a long-term plan of the intelligent angel under the bright seat of the saint.

The key point in the analysis of Elisa was that he saw something farther away. In any case, the Virgin family is indeed the best faction for him and the Lohmann family.

Paul finally made up his mind and gave a tribute to Eliza: "So, please ask the lady to take care of it later."

Elisa is a rumored disciple of the saint. Since he is determined to be a virgin, then he must do a good job with Elisa.

"What kind of politeness? Our future relationship will be quite intimate, but we can't be so divided," Elisa smiled. "But before that, you must use your actions to prove your determination."


"Since you have chosen the right path, is it necessary to change your development plan in the Longhuang Empire? For example... the marriage with the Phillips family?"

Paul frowned again: "You mean..."

Elisa smiled and caught close to Paul's ear, whispering: "If I want you to shoot... Kill Joanna, really prove your determination?"

Paul shocked, did not expect Elisa to propose such conditions, let him kill his fiancee, and also her best friend, watching this girl's face still innocent and lovely smile, Paul's heart can not help Give birth to a chill.

"If you have to use this to prove yourself, then, I..." Paul's breathing was a little short, his eyes were intertwined with complex looks, his heart seemed to be struggling, and finally he gritted his teeth: "I... I will solve it myself." Joanna!"

"Haha!" Elisa grinned, and the laughter was full of different meanings. The whisky gradually faded. "Actually, this is just a joke. But your performance order I am very satisfied. You have passed my test. After returning to Yangshuo Wangdu, I will return to Baiya as soon as possible, report this matter to His Holiness, have the support of the Virgin, and add your own strength. It is already a tense victory for the Knights of the Temple. At that time, you can use the identity of the Knights of the Temple to gradually expand the family's strength in the Longhuang Empire. Even the Rex Emperor will be jealous of three points."

Paul sighed with relief. The reason why he pursued Joanna was that utilitarianity accounted for a large proportion. However, he was always obsessed with Joanna’s beauty. It was actually very difficult to make this decision, but for the future. Ambition, don't say that Joanna likes others, even if he is really in love with him, he can't care so much.

"After you return to Yangshuo Wangdu, there is not much movement on the family side. After you have finished the necessary affairs, you should leave for the white cliff as soon as possible. Remember to bring your faithful follower. I am against him. The talent of the soul language is a bit of interest... As for the duel, don't worry, because no accident, your opponent should not appear "Why? ”

"Because Joanna has been escorting with him, this will dampen the Campolet family and the Philippe family, and it will be of great benefit to your future development plan."

Seeing the doubts on Paul's face, Elisa sat down again and stretched out on the sofa. "Tell you anyway. Joanna's departure in advance is actually the idea I gave her, but I let the Bright Knight **** her 'return' is not the Chilong City of the Longhuang Empire, but the island of the storm. The port here is not far from the island of the storm, according to the itinerary, it should arrive at the sea... ..."

“What? The island of the storm!” Paul was shocked. The island of Stormwind is located in the dangerous waters of the south of Garton City. It is one of the most dangerous places in the ground world. There are countless crises in the interior, just the existence of the Titans. , can make the real holy powers discouraged.

Also surprised, there is Chen Rui who steals in the sidelines. Joanna’s departure was also there. He didn’t expect this to happen. This seemingly innocent girl’s mind and viciousness were far from unexpected. Chen Rui kills the big man. Rq

Please collect.

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