Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 670: Riding

The previous personal warfare has eliminated half of the number of people, and those who are eligible to participate in the second competition are not weak. After these people have gone through a round of screening in the riding battle, the rest can be called the elite level of this selection contest.

Now Chen Rui and Paul will face such an opponent. This kind of riding is no more than the first item. The competitors can't attack from the chariot, otherwise they will be judged. In addition to their own strength, they will ride the mount. And commanding operations are indispensable.

In the stipulated time or when the gun is exhausted, the party that hits the opponent's most chariots is the winner. If the time does not hit the opponent, the opponent will be eliminated at the same time.

In addition to Paul, most people choose the bright knights equipped with the contest, and a small number of contestants choose their own driving, these followers should be good at riding, and because of mutual understanding, the cooperation is more tacit.

Paul's first opponent was a b-level fighter named Tam, who chose the bright knight to drive. If it is heads-up, winning or losing is just a blink of an eye, but this kind of long-distance war is completely different. First of all, the chariot is specially made, just like the same nature of the magnets, so that the two chariots can still maintain about five. The distance of ten meters; then the magical shooting is also special, will not cause damage to the participants, can greatly absorb the power of the user, greatly reducing the speed and power of the throw, to balance the strength of both sides. Although there are still strong and weak differences, the gap has been narrowed a lot, and the outcome has become more difficult to predict.

Paul's game began, in a huge circular field. The two sides rushed out from the opposite channel and began a long-range confrontation.

There are four horses in each chariot. For Chen Rui, who has an analytical eye, these top-quality pure-blooded horses are much easier to communicate with the Thunderbirds, and they are now fully in control.

The opponent knew that Paul's strength had entered the holy level, so there was no plan to face-to-face hard work. At first, he commanded the carriage to turn around and run. Open the distance from Paul. Because time is limited, if both parties do not vote, they will be eliminated at the same time. Of course, no one wants to be eliminated. Therefore, one party will definitely take the shot first, and in the case of eagerness to seek success, it is prone to mistakes. In this way, he has the opportunity to seize the flaws and counterattack, to weaken and win.

Tam's combat experience and mentality are good, and the abacus is also very fine. However, as the chariot rushes forward, he suddenly finds one thing. The other side is pulling closer, and his brow is not wrinkled.

Now, if the horse is pushed at full speed, the horsepower will be unfortunate in the back. It seems that the other party has no patience to fight a long-term battle and wants to make a quick decision. Just taking advantage of this psychological delay, I immediately ordered: "Accelerate! Keep a distance from them!"

The bright knights spurred the horses, but despite the speed of the chariots, Paul was still approaching quickly and the distance was shortened again. I was shocked and cried quickly: "Come on!"

"Hurry up!"


The response of the Bright Knight came: "It is already the fastest!"

"Ah? No, how could they be so fast?" Tam was shocked, seeing Paul's figure standing on the chariot, holding a magical shot in his hand and exclaiming: "Go right away!"

However, it is too late. As soon as the light flashed, Paul actually threw 20 shots in an instant and threw them into a coherent arc. In an instant, Tham felt that the vision seemed to slow down, and then a blink of an eye, all of them became dozens of times faster. Before he could react, the chariot came with successive bombings.

Twenty of all hits, no one lost, Tam was eliminated.

The first reaction of the failed Tham was to appeal and question Paul’s horse speed problem. After careful examination by the examiner, he was unanimously ruled that the horses on both sides were the same and did not do anything. The reason why Paul’s horse can speed up, It is because the driver has performed a brilliant beast.

The episode of this complaint made Chen Rui, who was originally unremarkable, quickly enter the eyes of the contestants. Everyone knows that Paul has a follower who is proficient in beastly surgery. In the next game, Chen Rui perfectly explained the examiner's assessment of his beastly "Gao Ming" and made a big splash.

The most striking World War I took place in the Final Four, with Paul and Stanwell on both sides.

Stanwell's strength is close to the peak of the Emperor, is the first personal war champion, has easily beat Paul in the final stage of the personal war, but in the riding battle, and the defeat of the men will meet again, but encountered more than Expected results.

Due to the characteristics of the shooting, the strength of the two sides was narrowed. After a dazzling long-range confrontation, Paul and Stanwell each hit seven shots. On the surface, the scores are equal, and Paul's seventh shot has a time advantage before Stanwell, but Stanwell has five shots in his hand, and Paul has no guns, as long as Stanwell hits Paul. With the gun, Paul can be eliminated.

Just when Stanwell, who thought he was winning, attacked, Paul’s chariot suddenly made an incredible move, s-shaped z-shaped avoidance, sudden braking, and even unprecedented “drift”... ... In a series of incredible moves, Stanwell's five shots all fell through, and the final result was seven to seven. Because Paul hit the time before Stanwell, Stanwell was eliminated.

This battle sensational audience, almost everyone is hot to discuss the amazing movements of the chariot and "Li Cha" is a wonderful singular magic. The next day's final did not have much suspense, because Paul's advantage is too obvious, just focus on the offense, as far as driving or directing the most powerful follower "Li Cha" to cook.

In this way, Paul won the first place in the second riding competition, the top three will be listed as a seed player, directly into the finals of the third team battle, after the elimination of the first two competitions, the third The total number of participants is only forty-eight. In the group round robin, Paul can become one of the final 20 winners if he wins once. The title of the Knights Templar is almost a nail.

After Paul won the championship, he immediately received the olive branch thrown from the Temple of God and the Temple of the Stars. If it was before the city of Garton, or if Paul would join in any faction, it has now been selected. The Temple of the Holy Ghost, who has seen the saints again, if you are half-hearted, but the two are not pleased, there is no hesitation at the moment, one by one.

In the afternoon, the saint really summoned Paul and Chen Rui again. This time, it was not Elisa who brought the two up the mountain, but the half-elf Miranda. Because of the pothole elf story, in order to avoid the "become" foundation, Chen Rui had to show a lot of enthusiasm for Miranda. Fortunately, this half-elf lady seemed to be particularly disgusted with "Li Cha", and did not pay any attention to those diligent, Chen Rui just cooperated to reveal the "尴尬" look. Paul looked in his eyes, and Lenovo himself was rejected by Joanna. The hidden stagnation in his heart was inexplicably comfortable, and he took a picture of the frustrated followers.

After the strange angel statue, several people entered the hall of the Holy Ghost, and Chen Rui once again saw the Virgin Eudora.

"Miranda, let's go first." Yudola said faintly, Miranda squatted down, and Chen Rui, while respectfully bowing his head, sneaked at the corner of his eyes and sneaked at the squatting Back, control the heartbeat a bit faster.

Eudora took this scene into his eyes. The blue dragonfly passed through the faint light and said: "Paul, congratulations, you got the championship of riding, now only one step away from the Knights of the Temple, but don't relax afterwards, if Yes, I hope that this time you will win the final championship, which will also be the glory of the Temple of the Holy Grail, or you can get the attention and appreciation of an adult."

In the last sentence, Paul was overjoyed and quickly said: "Your Majesty, I will try my best to win."

Compared with personal warfare and riding, the final team battle is more commanding. The entrants as commanders are not allowed to fight in person, so if Stanwell’s superior opponent is unable to play, Paul will The military strategy is still quite confident.

Yudola appreciatively beheaded and asked: "Last thing, did you hand it over to your teacher? Did he say anything?"

"I have already handed over to the teacher according to the instructions of His Majesty. The teacher seems to have fallen into meditation and asked if I have made a decision. I said yes," Paul lowered his head and took out a bottle: "The teacher’s hand Not much to say, just take out another thing and let me hand it over to my majesty. I also brought a sentence saying that...the two are not owed."

Yudola indulged for a moment, and when he waved, the bottle flew into his hand: "I know, you can go back first. Richard, you stay."

Paul asked the virgin to ask Chen Rui to be a little surprised, but not only asked, but the ceremony was retired.

After Paul left, Judola slowly walked over to Chen Rui: "Li Cha, is this your real name?"

Chen Rui did not know what kind of intention Yuduola left alone in his mind, and he replied: "Your Majesty, frankly, this is not my real name, just one of the many names I have used. ~www I was born in a big family of kingdoms, and I was forced to leave because of some competition. I once swear that I was just an ordinary wanderer before I regained my own things."

"So you chose Paul, want to use his power to recapture everything?"

"Yes." Chen Rui knew that You Dora had definitely investigated his details, and that "Richard" was a blank before Gudan Town, so he deliberately said that "Li Cha" was just one of the used pseudonyms.

"It turns out that, strictly speaking, you are a person of unknown origin, but from the words you just said, whether the mood or heartbeat is stable, there are only two possibilities. First, you are telling the truth. Second, you have an extremely terrible mind and strength that can deceive me." Eudora said, his eyes fell on Chen Rui's face.

Chen Rui secretly called for a good risk. Fortunately, he used his mental power to deliberately control the mood swing. Immediately, he put a look of surprise on his face, and then smiled bitterly: "If I can, I would rather be the second."

After the veil of Eudora, he smiled slightly: "As long as you join the Hall of the Holy Ghost and help me accomplish one thing, I will satisfy your three requirements. Whether you want to be a strong, have power or others, you will not It will be a dream." (To be continued) m

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