Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 686: Yanlong Howler

Collena has always been hidden in the cage of war. Just now, Chen Rui’s inconspicuous “star burst” in the whole field is the real intention of forcing her to appear.

Collina was stuck in the neck by Chen Rui. Although she was horrified, she did not panic. The body suddenly turned into countless interlaced lights. Chen Rui grabbed an empty space and was slightly surprised. The air suddenly became cold. A strong whirlwind appeared, and the whirlwind was a sharp ice blade.

Chen Rui put a cross on his hand and guarded his head. When the ice blade touched his body, he only had to leave a subtle white mark and it would be broken. The broken ice debris began to attach under the action of the cyclone. In Chen Rui's body, it quickly crystallized and solidified, and the blink of an eye became an ice sculpture.

The power of the ice whirlwind gradually weakened in a violent breath, and there seemed to be signs of dissipating. Collena knew that she could not trap the other party for too long, and the sharp voice sounded: "Fast, full force shot, kill him!"

The strength of this enemy is indeed very powerful, and the time of belief is limited, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Muref’s physique is very special. The previous hit damage has been restored for a little while. Although the “Starburst” has caused his wound to crack, it is a skin injury after all. These injuries are not enough. The key is that the eyes are red. The horror figure has left a fearful yīn shadow in his heart, so you must remove the enemy early, otherwise this yīn shadow will be bigger and bigger in your heart, and you will not be able to get rid of it for life. Murif’s golden giant arm burned the flame of the golden sè, and the volley flew toward the ice sculpture, and it was necessary to attack the enemy completely with a single blow.

Clarke danced several phantoms in his hands, and countless magic cards swelled out. Before Murphy, I was surrounded by ice sculptures in all directions. Behind the magic card, there were two small regiments of "destiny confrontation".

April's foot, the ghostly figure squats back and forth, under the cover of the magic card, around the back of the ice sculpture. Although the strength of strength is the same as S++ evaluation. In fact, she wants to sè Muref, but the combat skills are more exotic and changeable, especially the sinister appendix. It is a weapon that usually kills the enemy. However, the poison seems to have no effect on this enemy, which makes Aprrier more cautious. This time naturally, we must spare no effort.

The ice whirlwind has been completely extinguished. The ice on the surface of the ice sculpture has a large amount of steam. It has been evaporated in the blink of an eye. The strange thing is that Chen Rui’s eyes are slightly closed, and the violent smell disappears. It seems that a special state has been lifted.

Faced with countless attacks from the surging, Chen Rui's hair has been blown up by the strong wind, but his face is still as quiet as water, and he will be overwhelmed by the crisis in all directions. The silent eyes suddenly opened, and the flames burned in the pupils!

The disappearing fierce and violent breath has been hundreds of times stronger in an instant, and it is no longer an ordinary atmosphere, but a majestic temperament that fills the space of the entire war cage.

In the moment when Chen Rui blinked. At the same time, the four saints felt that poker, soldiers, Muref, April, and so on... everything was slowing down, as if the flow of time was slowing down several times - the illusion?

Just as Murif and others were horrified, the "illusion" returned to normal, and a sound was heard in the war cage: "Yanlong growls!"

In the line of sight, the target to be killed suddenly turned into a **** ocean. No, not the ocean, but the kind of horrible fierce snake xìng behemoth! There are dozens of them!

In the fierce trembling of the war cage, the terrible dragon snarled and ran away, whether it was magic poker, a soldier, or a saint, everything close to it was swallowed up by red light!

Collena wants to use the war cage to transfer the special resistance of the attack, but everywhere is filled with the violent temper of the dragon, even the space is torn apart, the entire war cage can not withstand the pressure of terror, as if a blow Balloons to the limit will burst and burst at any time.

boom! Bang! Boom!

The blood-red ocean finally broke the field space, and the entire war cage was scattered into a ray of light, dim and dissipated. Affected by the aftermath, an earthquake-like tremor occurred in the Guangming Hall. The buildings collapsed. The enchantments near the square were turned into powder, and the ground was cut down by three or four meters. The bright knights on the periphery were all blown away under the powerful shock wave. They could not climb when they fell to the ground. Many low-powered ones had already fainted.

In the moonlight, the red light of the square is gradually extinguished. Except for one figure, there is no one standing up or even a standing building.

The figure in the hand holds a woman's neck, Corina!

When the war cage was destroyed, Collena could no longer escape the light as before, not to mention the power of the dragon roar, but the destruction of the war cage caused her jīng power to be greatly countered, and the belief armor also The collapse disappeared, and the resistance has been completely lost. The eyes are full of panic.

The four saints, equipped with the shackles of faith, joined forces in the cage of war and were defeated!

Chen Rui’s eyes are full of murderous murder, and the sound is like ice: “I rarely kill women, but you are exceptional.”

"The saints will not die..." Collina didn't finish a word, and there was a layer of white light on the surface of her body that suddenly trembled and screamed.

"嘭", Klarna's whole person burst open, the bones are gone, just like the two children she killed.

Chen Rui let go, his eyes fell on the other three saints not far away. Muref fell to the ground and motionless, bloody, as if he was dead, Clark and April are together, the breath of the two Very weak, only a light blow, can die completely.

Chen Rui slowly walked over, just after passing Murif, he had been stunned and Murif suddenly violently rushed from behind, Chen Rui’s shoulder turned, Murev acted, stayed in place There is a crack in the ground behind him.

"Even if you are brave in this battle, in another battlefield, you are still a coward and a weak." Chen Rui did not look at Murif again, and continued to walk toward Clark. What Muref wanted to say, his eyebrows suddenly had a red mark, and it quickly spread into a straight line. The strong body slammed down and fell into the ground when it fell to the ground. The blood spread quickly.

Eplier watched as Chen Rui came over and desperately tried to struggle to stand up, but because the injury was too heavy, he could not succeed. Instead, Clark looked calmer: "Before you kill, tell me, What is the strong person you said?"

Chen Rui looked at Clark and said: "With strong will and firm belief, constantly challenge yourself and surpass yourself, even if you face the difficulties or temptations, you will still hold on to your heart and not lose your heart. You are gaining strength. And the original intention before becoming a saint was to use force to slaughter weak and arbitrary cāo to control their life and death?"

This is Chen Rui’s personal experience. In the illusion of refining his heart, he was almost completely lost.

Clarke silently laughed and said: "You are right. On another battlefield, Muref is just a weak person. I am also... I will become a real powerhouse after reborn in the future... You can do it."

Clark tried to hold the hand of April, and April trembled and did not break free. Instead, he clenched his hand. Clark was interested in her. She always understood. Just in the cage of war, if Clark was not in front of her, she was already annihilated by Yan Long.

April suddenly regretted not holding the hand earlier, biting her teeth: "The saints have eternal life! Our souls will be born again in the kingdom of God, although you killed us today, but one day ......"

"Rebirth? Eternal life?" Chen Rui silent for a moment, asked: "The gods have existed for countless years, then the saints should be born again and again countless times? Are you still retaining the previous memories?"

April glimpsed: "The rebirth of the saints is a new beginning... God will renew the gift of our faith and continue the sacred mission."

"Is completely lost the rebirth of the past?" Chen Rui remembered a sentence he wrote when he was bored in the past: On the bridge, drinking Mengpo soup, forgetting all the dust, after the reincarnation, or me?

"I don't know if the so-called rebirth is true. I only know one thing. There is no absolute eternal thing in the world. Any immortal existence has a decadent day, even if it is a god..."

"I suddenly don't want you to 'rebirth', this is the price..." Chen Rui took a trick, Clarke's sorcerer's stone beads flew up, fell into the palm, and saw the two hands clasped. At a glance: "I think, you don't need it anymore."

Looking at the back of Chen Rui’s turn, Clark gripped April’s hand and suddenly tightened his teeth. He said: “Isjurur’s adult has a **** can pass the medium Look at your body, such as... blood that has not dried up."

Chen Rui has a body shape and a big shock in his heart. He finally understands why he has used the technique of converging and disguising, and he will still be found by the saints. The original Isruil was the blood that was left in Xuefengtai by the injury. The secret technique of the exhibition, then is it not under the supervision of the other party?

"The god's eye can directly sense your traces in the range of power. Once it exceeds the range, you must use the technique of voyeurism. This time, you will find it through the technique of voyeurism. Every time you perform it, you will lose three. One of the vehicles, after three times, the medium will disappear."

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright and the holy mountain is far away from here. This time the saints were temporarily summoned and came from nearby countries, so only four came, which is because the mirror city is a transmission point. . If you continue to change your identity, appearance and location, especially in remote places, then even if the other party knows that his whereabouts are coming, it is likely to be emptied. If you spend three times, you can completely get rid of the enemy's tracking.

"Isjourur is a four-winged angel...subordinate to Rafael, and the strength is far from being comparable to the saints..."

Chen Rui nodded and the figure gradually disappeared into the night.

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