Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 705: Unexpected guest of Darkmoon Residence

The blue sè light door faded away, and Chen Rui’s figure appeared on the long-lost land.

Devil World, a room in the Angel Palace.

At the moment when the door of the starry sky disappeared, my heart screamed with a tender voice: "Dad! Blossoming sleep!"

Chen Rui was shocked and shouted subconsciously: "Flowering!"

However, the voice did not ring again. Chen Rui shook his head and shook his head. It was an illusion, the blossoming was gone, and it was already the devil world. How could it be...

This "flowering" has already alerted the outside guards. This is a beautiful woman with a veil, and the skin is sky blue. Although Chen Rui's face has not changed, but the special jīng **** branding atmosphere has made this light spirit recognize the identity of the owner and immediately bowed.

Soon after, a familiar figure of Dina appeared in front of Chen Rui’s eyes. On the long hair of Jin Sè, it was a crown of jīng inlaid with gems. This crown symbolizes the peak of the power of the devil. There are countless people who yearn for this crown. But only three talents in the entire Devil world really own it.

In the moment of seeing Chen Rui, the beautiful face was slightly moved, still maintaining the usual calmness, but in the amethyst-like alum, the cold snow and ice have been melted by the fiery heat.

"Come back." Still this faint sentence, very familiar style.

"Well." Chen Rui raised his warmth in his heart and walked straight ahead, holding her in his arms. The light guards at the door had quietly retired. At this moment, they belonged to only two people.

The woman's body moved slightly and closed her eyes. His hands caught his waist and clung to the long-lost arms. No matter how noble she is outside, in front of this man, she is only a woman, a woman who loves him. You don't need a mask that you wear on your face, you just need to simply love it.

This is a rare happiness, especially for the Queen of an empire.

Neither of them spoke. Just quietly feel the warmth of the other side.

a long time.

Shia opened her eyes and said an amazing news: "Isabella and Lola have something to do, and you are now going back to the dark moon!"

"What?" Chen Rui was shocked. He went to the sea of ​​death this time, and went to the human world in yīn, and he got the snow Dalai. In order to save Isabella, what happened to her? And Lola!

"You will know when you return to the dark moon." Shia saw his nervous look, sighed and gently broke away from the arms. "You rushed."

Chen Rui apologized sè: "Sorry, I originally had a lot of things to say to you... but it can only be postponed. ()"

"Very good, don't forget your promise, I must be the first person to know these things, which means before this. You can't tell other women, understand? Go now!" Shia revealed A faint smile, suddenly stepped forward and kissed his face.

Chen Rui was warm in his heart, nodded and walked toward the door. Behind him came a sentence added by Her Majesty the Queen.

"Resolve Isabella's business as soon as possible... Our big marriage requires a bridesmaid."

The main point of this sentence is big marriage? Is the bridesmaid? Still concerned about... the secret of the Crystal Palace?

Chen Rui’s brain is a little sweaty, giving birth to a long-lost feeling of helplessness. For a **** who is not blessed in the blessing, this is also a kind of happiness.

Chen Rui is worried about Isabella and Lola. After the disguise, I rode a fast horse and went out to the rainbow valley.

A few hours later, Chen Rui appeared in the Rainbow Valley. The sight of the eye made him startled. The rainbow valley was completely unrecognizable. The original magic array and the inscription array were destroyed. From that situation, it was not solved by skill, but it was irresistible. It was destroyed by the power of terror. Fortunately, the area around the laboratory was not damaged.

What happened?

Chen Ruisheng gave an ominous omen and immediately rushed to the lab and shouted: "Lola! Isabella!"

Every room in the lab was empty, and the voice of shouting echoed in the valley. Chen Rui couldn’t remember the blossoming, and his heart was tight. He could no longer bear the blow of losing his close relatives. His eyes fell on that road. The space passage of the dark moon residence quickly rushed in.

After the dazzling transmission, I came to the dark moon house that I had not seen for a long time.

"Lola! Isabella!" Chen Rui's shouts alarmed several people in the yard.

"Chen Rui!" A moving voice came up, it was Lola.

This voice is heard in Chen Rui’s ear. Although there are still a few acquaintances in the yard, Chen Rui only saw Lola at first sight. The hanging heart finally fell down and rushed forward to hug. She, feeling the familiar body fragrance and temperature.

Great, my Lola is fine.

Why does Xia say...

There is also a rainbow valley...

How does someone seem to cough? Hey... Love ān love is also good, heavy sè light friends, just how the two **** laugh.

"When are you coming back?" Lola was held by Chen Ruiqi, and her eyes were stunned and she was very happy.

"just came back."

(So ​​nervous, Miss, when I came back, I called the name of this lady, and I still embraced it like this, wow hahaha! It seems that this lady is the woman he values ​​most!)

(How does ‘hahahaha’ learn? It seems to be taught by a little princess...)

(Oh, unfortunately Athena and Jiya are not there... Also, he seems to have called Isabella? No matter, the first name is Miss Ben!)


The sound of coughing was even louder. Chen Rui heard the voice of Paglio, gently loosened his arms and sighed: "Are you a dead duck dragon, a cold or an envy?"

"Your family is..." Paglieu hated a word without saying a word, and put on a smile: "That... Augustus, this is Chen Rui."

Augustus? Chen Rui’s heart was moved and finally saw a stranger in the yard besides sitting.

This is a black short-haired man, about thirty years old. The face is cold, thick eyebrows, eight-character Hu, black and black pupils with vicissitudes and deep squats. The man sat there like this, but gave Chen Rui, who had already launched the spirit of the gods, an almost ethereal illusion, as if nothing had disappeared at any time. So I have not been aware of it for the first time.

Race: Dragon (Black Dragon).

Comprehensive strength assessment: unable to judge.

Analysis: Extremely dangerous!

Chen Rui’s heart is shocked. With his current strength, he is even the national powerhouse of Ijjurur. Will show specific information tips, but this dragon man is prompted to "can not judge", then there is only one reason. Have a strong strength above the national level - half **** or false god!

Why is such a powerful dragon, why is it here?

Chen Rui associates with what Xia said, “The accident” and the situation seen in the Rainbow Valley. The brow wrinkled slightly and was about to go, but it was tightened by Lola. Miss Fairy Dragon seemed to be a demonstration. At a glance: "He is my man, Chen Rui."

Chen Rui heard the name of Miss Fairy Dragon, a warm heart, gently patted her back and motioned her to let go. Going to the man and bowing to the ceremony: "I am sorry, just rude, respected dragon strong."

"Oh?" The dragon man, Ocholas, raised his eyebrows. "Can you see that I am a dragon? Is it because of Paglio? Is it something I don't know?"

"It’s just an intuition." Chen Rui felt the imposing deterrence of the unsuspecting, and smiled a little: "Please forgive me for being offended. In my feelings, the adult should be a powerful black dragon, at least a demigod. As the owner of this house. Please allow me to pay my most sincere respect and welcome to the adults, although it is a little late..."

The eyes of Augula have a general cold light, and a compelling jīng **** power spread out. This kind of power is extremely powerful, as if it is in the storm of tearing everything. Lola snorted and was about to move. She was glanced at by the man and couldn’t move. Paglieu’s body moved slightly and was pulled by Krobe Ruth next to her.

In the face of terrible jīng **** oppression, Chen Rui face sè unchanged, keep a smile, secretly running the super system, decomposing the intrusive consciousness of the divine power into aura, but this pressure is extremely large, the decomposition speed of the super system can not keep up. For a long time, Chen Rui’s forehead began to secrete cold sweat.

Augustus didn't think that Chen Rui could resist his Long Wei, his eyes swept away from the sè, and he dissipated the oppression. He said: "Not bad."

Here, Rolla has a blue sè and a yellow s brilliance, automatically draws a strange rune, and the man's control is eliminated. Miss Fairy Dragon immediately shifts in front of Chen Rui: "Augulas, you What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just try it. The result is still satisfactory." Augustus's deep gaze seemed to penetrate the soul of Chen Rui. "Under the age of thirty, the strength of the Emperor's peak, especially the power of jīng is close. The national level is indeed a rare genius. But... it turns out to be a personal class! You haven't told me before."

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "The grown-up is really like a torch. I have tried my best to use the secret technique to disguise it, but I have still been seen."

"Great secret! In fact, I have not seen your disguise, but I feel the fascinating light of the genius. Your identity is not in the human world, nor is it an ordinary existence."

Augustus suddenly frowned. "Wait a minute, you have a strange atmosphere on your is the power of the law?"

"It's just a little trouble. It takes a little time to solve it. I don't dare to worry about it." Chen Rui knows what Augustus is saying, and does not want to reveal the secrets of the real shackles and super systems.

"Little trouble?" Augustus sneered. "It seems that your strength is stronger than it is on the surface, but in my eyes, it is just a small trick that doesn't flow... Since you hosted a welcome Speech, then I should introduce myself, Augustus Sila Salomon Klein, the ruler of Long Island, you can also call me... the Emperor of the Dragon."

Lord of Dragon Island! Dragon King! No wonder you have this powerful strength! Chen Rui was taken aback by the ground.

At this time, the door rushed in with a shadow: "Dad! The 300,000 black crystal coins you gave me were spent by me! I also bought you a bunch of barbecue!"

Once I heard this voice, I was just imaginary and unbearable. The dragon emperor of the ruthless man was suddenly stunned. He smiled and laughed, as if he had a shelfless middle-aged uncle.

This voice makes Chen Rui even more surprised, Black Dragon Chick, Ollie Fiss!

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