Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 711: Competition

In the face of the arrival of the enemy Saman, Tetnis's eyes showed a hateful look: "Saman, you are not welcome here."

"Don't worry, little guy." Saman snorted, and for him who had lived for tens of thousands of years, Tetnis really could only be considered a "lady."

Saman looked at the situation in the yard, his eyes fell on the sword that was cast, and he was slightly surprised: "I don't think you have reached this level, at least your teacher Rensqiang, so it seems that three months later. The death race will be more interesting than imagined."

Chen Rui listened to Tetnes, the contract to inherit the crystal is very magical, Saman and Tetnes can not hurt each other in the scope of the contract, and will not be hurt by external forces. Even if he can surpass the rules of the crystal and kill Saman, then Tetnes will die, so he can only win by rules.

"This young man is your disciple?" Saman looked at Chen Rui for a while, and shook his head. "What a wonderful young life. It seems that your teacher is too embarrassed, and even the true inheritance is not willing to leave it to his disciples."

"I also want to find a ghost that can be passed down." Tetnis sneered: "Unfortunately, only one of the ribs in this mind is not this material."

Chen Rui was silent and did not say anything. He knew that the old man’s bitter irony was to protect him and even sacrifice himself.

Tetnis once asked Chen Rui when he was a disciple. At the time, it was not unexpected that Chen Rui did not accept it. As time went by, Chen Rui had been regarded by Tetnes as the true successor of the fire, even if Chen Rui I don't want to accept it if I want to accept it.

"Yes? It's a pity... It's 10,000 years, it's coming to an end soon. As a commemoration, as a reward for Rosenbach's curse, then I will separate your soul separately and put it in a magic container. Slow torture, survival can not be demanded to die. Samansen said: "Don't blame me, you must blame you for being a descendant of Daur's family. There is a contract of soul branding. It is useless to escape. So, enjoy your last. Three months."

Tetnes has already set his life and death to the outside, revealing a sneer sneer: "If you come here just to fart, then you have finished, roll!"

"Wait a minute, teacher." Chen Rui said, this name makes Tetnes and Saman face change at the same time, Tetnis is angry, and Saman has a strange smile.

Chen Rui said unhurriedly: "His Saman is, don't you think that the three months are a little unfortunate? Next year... the amount is about ten months later, the angelic empire and the yīn shadow empire will unite When the pharmacist contest is held, at the time, in front of all the audience, how about the outcome? When the deadline expires, the curse will disappear. If you win, you can use it to become famous. The strongest master. How?"

"Interesting" Saman yīn's gaze is staring at Chen Rui "I don't know what you have, but I won't promise, I don't want to wait any more!"

At this time, the murderer was silent. "No, you can promise, but the premise is that you have to accept the branding instead of Tetnes. The bet is naturally your life."

Saman was surprised to see the corpse witch, the corpse witch did not pay attention to Saman, but the two points of the smoldering fire fell on Chen Rui's body, flickering, Saman brow wrinkled, nodded: "Yes, this is the condition !"

"No!" Tetnis angered: "He is not a heritage of the soul, and is not qualified to participate!"

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "I think, my teacher is not so embarrassed?"

Due to the special genus of the soul brand, if there is no designated inheritor, Daur's half-soul brand will automatically find the next successor. However, this is the last competition, the soul brand will be completely integrated, and will not be automatically passed, that is, as long as Chen Rui does not take the initiative to accept the inheritance, even if Tetnes is dead, he is fine.

However, at this time, Chen Rui proposed to accept the inheritance, no matter how dead. The most angry is the old man Tetnes, he could not think of it, this most important disciple will propose to accept the inheritance at this most critical moment, and in front of the enemy of life and death!

"He doesn't think it's useless, as long as you are willing to pay a certain amount of vitality as a price, and, get recognition from my opponent." Saman saw Trentice's anger, yīn smiled: "Tetnes, you are Do you brand it to him, or let me tell him that spell?"

Tetnis was shocked and seemed to be hit by the blue sky.

Saman reveals the emotion of God: "History is always strikingly similar, Tetnes, when Lens originally did not designate you as the next successor, you also used this mantra to gain brand inheritance for revenge. Now Your disciple is willing to die for you, what an enviable teacher and apprentice! Haha!"

Tetnis body trembled and squeezed his fists. Chen Rui knew that there was such a secret. He said, "This old guy is a diehard. I see Lord Saman telling me the mantra."

"Slow!" Tetnis seems to be an old man for a hundred years, and his voice is full of sorrow. "I pass on the soul to you, but Saman must first swear by branding and move the time to tomorrow's pharmacist. Contest!"

Saman glanced at the corpse next to him and nodded, "Good!"

After Saman branded his oath, the inheritance of the soul brand was very smooth, just like countless compressed memories entered the mind. This information is so huge, it is Chen Rui’s divine power, and it’s dizzy for a while before it recovers. .

Saman saw the success of the soul branding, did not stay again, laughed, and went away with the corpse.

Tetnes, who was out of the soul of the soul, was equal to the race of death. It had no effect on life. However, the old man sat down on the chair and looked as if he had lost his life.

Chen Rui’s mind was moved, and his figure quickly became empty.

After leaving the house, Saman immediately asked the corpse avatar: "Uka Muse! Why do you have to promise the kid's request? The cost of extending the contract is too great. Every more than one day, our life will be shortened by one month. Ten months is three hundred years!"

"Hey! What do you know! There is no gain without paying!" There are two points in the corpse black sè cloak: "I can clearly feel the strong life of the young man, and it is three hundred." Years can be compared! If you can get his life, then even Long Island..."

At this point, Saman seems to have sensed something. He looked at the house at the rear. Although he did not find it, Ukamis immediately stopped the topic and said only one thing: "Go, tomorrow's pharmacist contest is When we harvest!"

The corpse and the avatar did not know what kind of means were applied. The two bodies gradually became thin, and the eyes disappeared.

Before the house, Chen Rui’s figure came out. Although there were only a few words in the dialogue between the two people, I was able to hear some clues. The purpose of Ukamis was to tens of thousands of years of life for Chen Rui. There seems to be something special between this corpse and Saman. The association, and finally mentioned Long Island.

It is a pity that there is a special inductive force between the soul imprints. Even if it is a stealth skill, it can't be shielded, so it was almost sneaked by Saman.

Chen Rui thought about it and went back to the yard and saw that the old man was still sitting there.

Chen Rui came to the old man and smiled: "The old man, I still have something, go back first."

"Bastard kid!" Tetnis slammed up and raised his hand to face Chen Rui's face. With his current strength, there was no way to hit Chen Rui, but Chen Rui did not hide, just smiled and looked at it. Old man.

Tetnis's hand trembled, and finally did not fight, clasped Chen Rui's shoulder: "You stupid! Your qualifications are stronger than me, younger, and the inheritance of the great master, sooner or later you Will become the strongest master in the history of the devil, why do you want to be such a stupid thing! Why!"

"You don't have to be "soon sooner or later". As long as I defeat Saman in the high-profile competition, willn't it become the master of the whole devil world? Chen Rui did not take it with a smile: "Alchemy is almost the same as practice. If you don't experience tempering, how can you see it?" The old man, don't underestimate me, I have black sè potions, and I get half of the soul brand, and soon I will become a master of the system. Saman's little horn will only become my stepping stone. ”

Tetnes sighed, the amount of knowledge contained in the soul brand is extremely large, due to the relationship between time and power, these years himself only digested and realized part of it, such a short time How can it be promoted to a master? Although as for the black sè pharmacy, Chen Rui's rumors are not as good as Tetnes, able to "manufacture" the black sè pharmacy depends on the "master of the gods." Can not match the real understanding of Saman's black sè drug, and branded The death race took away a very strong randomness, and once the great master’s gods failed in the fight, they regretted it.

The old man is actually only half right. Unless Chen Rui has a problem, the super system will not fail. But the mechanics is really a weakness. Chen Rui is just touching the level of the master. It is already a master for many years. Saman, will be defeated.

The old man is thinking, Chen Rui has already broken his strong gold claws and smiled: "There is a saying, called the Yangtze River, the waves are pushed forward, the front waves are dead on the beach... forget it, you don't understand it. The old man A lot of age, but also what kind of limelight? This kind of famous opportunity, let the young people. Usually nothing to drink a small wine, do some research, or accompany Sha Yi, Ai l Ann they go out, Do you want me to honor your filial piety and give you a woman?"

The old man was red-eyed, and he took all the things he could pick up and went all the way to Chen Ruiquan: "Roll!"

Looking at the figure of the disciple holding the squirrel, what Tettness wants to say, is finally in the throat, mixed feelings, tears.

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