Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 715: Variance

Brought to the Princess of Helen, Helen, the Datura all the way to the deep blue waters of the water elements.

Helen has never given a good face to this guy who forced himself to take it away. In fact, the culprit of this strong robbing of the female servant should be the old man of the "that guy". According to Augustus, even Chen Rui’s current realm can benefit from the singing of the little mermaid princess, but the precondition is that others I am willing to really pay the soul to sing to him.

If you use martial arts or something, you lose the power of your heart. It can only be her voluntary heart. Unfortunately, according to the current attitude of Helen to Chen Rui, this possibility is basically zero. Like, the temperament is called a fierce, even if it is Augustus, there is no good way.

The water element is no stranger to the mandala. Chen Rui has not been hindered by the 1974 chapter, and he has successfully boarded the deep blue island.

The water element king Blue Bobst received a report and greeted it with the earth element King Moore.

The two elements of the king’s cognition of Chen Rui’s itinerary stayed a few months ago. When he and Hegel went to the black flag, the two wanted to know the situation of the source of the dark source. I haven't asked questions yet, and my eyes are on the back of Augustus behind Chen Rui.

Blue Bobst and Moore looked at each other with amazement and performed an ancient etiquette. They said, "I am honored to see the inheritor of the Eye of the Dragon God, the emperor of Long Island."

"I can recognize the breath of the eyes of the Dragon God at a glance," Augustus solemnly repaid a ceremony: "It is the avatar of the elemental king. If there is a chance to enter the elemental plane, I will visit two great monarchs."

Split? Elemental plane? "Great" monarch? Chen Rui thought of what Moore had said before. He seemed to have some enlightenment. He smiled bitterly: "Can you not learn so much? How can I not understand it?"

The old man gave the son-in-law a "no culture" contemptuous look, a look that was too lazy to take care of.

Moore came to Chen Rui's side and smiled. "My friend, please forgive me. I have not told you some things. You will naturally understand the changes in the 715 chapters. I am in the position of your strength." Surprised, it seems that the harvest of this black flag is not small, just go... Why didn’t you see Hegel?”

Lan Boster also discovered the change of Chen Rui’s strength and said: “Let’s go into the palace and talk about this sly Akuli’s lord. If the dragon’s sire is standing outside, it’s the rudeness of my master. It is."

Augulas was slightly surprised. He could see that, as Isabella once said, the friendship between the earth element king and Chen Rui is quite profound. It can be seen from words and attitudes, but I don’t know why, even the water element. The king is such a casual friend.

It would not be so surprising if the Dragon King knew that the crown of the water on the head of the water king was a gift from humanity.

Lan Boster has a lot of minds. Compared with the source of the water, Chen Rui’s source of water is nothing. He said that he still owes Chen Rui a favor.

After entering the Shuilan Palace, Chen Rui said that he and Hegel’s general experience of going to the Black Sea area. Of course, the fact that the space seeds in the body caused the transmission of the human world cannot be said. The operation fled, and it turned out to be a long time before I woke up. I asked Augustus to come here, just to deal with Rodriguez.

"Pseudo-god's soul of the holy dragon!" The water element king and the earth element king also showed strange eyes at the same time, and there is such a existence in the black sea.

"In this way, the recent changes in the sea of ​​death should also have a reasonable explanation." Blue Boss nodded in no doubt.

As the Queen of Seymour has said, there have been some changes in the sea of ​​death, and the battles between races have become more frequent, mostly in conflict-free communities. The ethnic group wisdom of these active attacks is generally low, and the temperament suddenly becomes very violent, usually not endless. The growing scope of ethnic battles has gradually evolved into war, and even the strongest elements of the water have been attacked.

"Now it is only a creature with lower intelligence, but as this power increases, it will affect more and more marine life, and the scale of killing will become larger and larger." Blue Bobst's tone is very dignified: "In these days, both Moore and I can feel it faintly. The battle and disappearance of these lives seems to be attracted by some special and powerful force, so I regret it..."

"Sacrifice?" Augulas inserted a sentence, revealing a rare dignified color: "According to Chen..., Agulyli, the soul of Shenglong Rodriguez should have fallen into a deep sleep, and this difference It is very likely that it will be related to the recovery of the power of his kingdom. When my father, Cruzier, defeated him, he was already a realm of false gods. The power of a false god... the power is extremely terrifying, If he really wakes him up, even if only half of the strength is left, it is not what we can match. It will bring devastating disaster to the sea of ​​death and even the whole devil world. Therefore, it must be revived. , completely destroy his soul."

Chen Rui secretly stunned. When he was fighting Rodriguez, he used Shura’s hand to let him sleep, but he did not feel such a terrible force. Nowadays, the power of a broken country can affect such a distant future. The scope of the pseudo-God's kingdom in the heyday, what kind of power would it be?

The pseudo-god has already been this, the real god?

The words of Augustus let Blue Bost nod, unless the water element is moved to Germany, or once the holy dragon really recovers, this deep blue waterland will certainly not be spared.

"Yes, we have to hurry up and go to the black sea area. With my ability to sense the water, I should be able to find the hateful land hidden in the deep sea."

"So, let's go together." Moore also spoke up and smiled at Chen Rui.

Soon, there were two more guests on the Mandala, two elemental kings. Blue Bobst does not bring people with elite water elements. Because of the relationship between the changes, the deep blue waters need to guard the power. Moreover, this place of hateful hatred, the ordinary strength can not be inserted.

The little mermaid princess Helen was surprised to see the blue Bobst and Moore on the new ship, and the earth element king fell back. As the supreme power of the sea, the king of the blue king, Bobst, even talked with "Agulie" . The poor guy, I don’t know how to have this kind of wrist! By the way, another guy who said she wants her to sing to her daughter is also annoying.

Chen Rui sees her shock in her eyes. With these days, she suddenly understands a few points. If the little mermaid princess knows that her "hate guy" is the king of the dragon family plus the semi-god strong, I don't know. Is there any courage to be as ridiculous as usual?

The reluctance that emerged from the good-looking golden cymbals seems to be..., yes.

Under the force of the blue elements of the blue Bost, the Datura reached the Lei Snake Islands on the outskirts of the Black Sea, several times the usual speed. It is the territory of the Naga family.

When entering the area of ​​the Lei Snake Islands, the mandala was surrounded by sea snakes appearing in all directions, followed by dozens of large ships appearing in front. The ship was a snake warrior with a scimitar. The arms were four and some were six. Naga!

On the big ship headed by him, it was the Naga Queen who was wearing a crown. In the past few months, the Naga people have been attacked by many accidents. Even the huge sea snakes that have been tamed by Naga have a lot of anti-spoilers. Capricorn took the initiative and ordered the killing of a large number of sea snakes, and spent a lot of secret medicine to firmly control the remaining sea snakes and wipe out a large number of sea animals.

In order to prevent the attack, Capricorn raised the army and set up heavy protection on the periphery of the Razer Islands.

Facing the ship that invaded the Naga site, the Nagas clenched the machete in their hands and rushed forward to tear the entire ship.

At this time, Capricorn’s face suddenly changed, and the bright sky suddenly darkened. The feeling of depression poured into the heart of every Naga’s heart. At the same time, an indescribable horror The "enemy" ship emerged from the ship, and the rushing sea was stopped at an instant, including the Capricorn, and all the Naga lost their mobility at the same time. The only thing that can be done is under this pressure. Trembling.

A cold sigh was uploaded from the Datura, and a circle of unparalleled power fluctuations spread out. The sea snakes that trapped the ships began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye. This fluctuation gradually spread over the four sides, except for the sea. Everything is annihilated in an instant, and Naga's sturdy ships are no exception.

The Naga felt the terrible death threat, but they couldn’t move. They could only watch the death step by step.

At the beginning of the millennium, a voice was uploaded from the ship: "Wait a minute."

The horrible power of annihilation suddenly stagnate, and with the pressure of the Nagas, it gradually disappears, and the Naga who have restored their ability to act no longer dare to move, although it is not clear what kind of existence on this ship. However, it is clear that they are not able to compete with them. With a little carelessness, the entire Naga family is in danger of extinction.

Capricorn slowly floated up and walked to the front of the Mandala. His hands crossed his chest and he respected the mandala.

"Respected strong, I am the Queen of the Naga family, Capricorn, please allow me to sincerely apologize. Recently we have been attacked by countless unknown enemies, so this time I am ignorant of offense, please forgive the adults."

"His Royal Highness, remember me?" Chen Rui's figure appeared in front of Capricorn.

"You"..." Capricorn saw Chen Rui's Lost the voice: "You are the Agulie who participated in the sea festival!" You don't go...

Capricorn remembered the memory of the sea sacrifice a few months ago. At that time, she had already bitten her teeth and prepared herself to lose a daughter. However, she lost two of her and lost the future of the Naga family. queen.

This incident became the deepest pain in the Queen's heart. The subordinates of the Naga also felt that the shadow of the Queen's eyes was more and more moody.

Nowadays, I saw this "Devil", which is a ship with Adeline as a sacrifice, and lived in front of her eyes. Rao is a sorrowful sorrow, and she almost lost her calmness.

"His Royal Highness, go on board and talk about it. I need to know the latest situation in the Black Sea area before I go to save Steiner and Adeline with my companion." Chen Rui dropped a sentence and turned and flew slowly. .

Capricorn made a shock, followed Chen Ruifei to the Mandala, and a teardrop fell in the cold eyes.

Great, still alive! My daughter...we! ! ! !

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