Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 718: Resuscitation of the holy dragon

Lan Boster’s words made Chen Rui shocked: the power of the semi-god-level kingdom? Augustus was over, and the Rodriguez remnant in the hateful tower returned to the level of the demigod?

"Try to converge as much as you can." Moore reminded him, "In order to avoid affecting the country, the people of Augustus are distracted."

Chen Rui immediately displayed the ability to gather interest, converge power and atmosphere. Despite the protection of the scorpion crown, although not a positive response, Chen Rui still clearly feels that the two opposing forces are unprecedented. powerful. The oppression brought by the gods is incomparable, as if the collision between the world and the world is counterbalanced, and the power of the emperor level is as small as an ant in this "world."

It is as if the ordinary folks, even if the body is tempered to the peak, can not resist the power of nature, this is a difference of essence, unless ..., truly turned into nature.

Although Chen Rui is now unable to display the blue star kingdom of the extreme star change, but when he feels the power of this semi-god country, the concept of "quality" has deepened a bit, and if he can get rid of the "polar star change", he truly understands the kingdom. "Maybe it is the time to break through the blue star level."

The black flames of Augula's hands gradually became lower and lower, and the surface was suppressed. In fact, it was accumulating strength, and the black pupil suddenly became a dragon's erect, jīng light flashed, drunk. In the voice, with one hand, the power of the king of hatred was suddenly torn apart, and all the shadows disappeared.

Chen Rui only felt the pressure suddenly loose, and then the scene changed, the tower of hatred has been far and near, and instantly appeared in front of everyone, just this blow should be a disintegration of some kind of space barrier.

In front of the Tower of Destruction, there are statues, not only the silent black iron secret ghosts, but also the Naga, the elements and the souls including Sterling.

Sterling and others seem to have lost their souls. The body is plated with a layer of gold and silver alternating metal radiance, which is solidified. It was caused by the aftermath of the dark cage of St. Rodriguez.

The key to the Tower of Destruction has been in the hands of the Dragon, but the Tower of Destruction does not seem to need the key to open, because the punch of Augustus hits the Tower of Destruction, the Tower of Destruction. The ground trembled fiercely, and there were large cracks on the surface. If it wasn't for Chen Rui's prior shackles, the aftermath of this blow would destroy those sculptures.

The two surrounding black and white breaths roared out and quickly solidified into a dragon shape. The dragon's eyes slowly opened, and the pupils left the right and the silver, and the radiant light appeared.

"Who is, actually destroying the cage, awakening the long sleep of the Dark Dragon Emperor?" A deep voice rang.

"Dark Dragon King?" Augustus sneered: "A holy dragon in the ground world dared to be a dark dragon?"

The dragon seems to have just awakened, and he was stunned by a word. He glimpsed a little on the face of Augustus: "A black dragon with a **** level? Who are you?"

Just listen to the sound of a familiar earphone: "Lord Rodriguez, remember me?"

"It’s you, your **** human." Rodriguez suddenly roared. He couldn’t forget the shame of being almost annihilated before he fell asleep: "Has it been 10,000 years?"

The king of water heard the word "human", and in the eyes of the shocked sè, he saw Moore nod to him, and Blue Boss thought about it and returned to calmness.

"Less nonsense." Augustus black cockroaches once again became erect, the whole body began to change rapidly, "the account of the year, settled together today"

"The Eye of the Dragon God" Rodriguez’s voice is full of horror and anger. "You are Cruzier... I don’t think about it. You were the dragon of the year.

"The Emperor of the Dragon Island, Augustus La Salomon Klein." Augustus's erection is shining, the breath is soaring, and a boxing to the shadow of the dragon, "Today will completely destroy your soul." ”

The Tower of Destruction suddenly exudes a strange light. Under this ray, the surface cracks previously caused by Augustus began to peel off quickly, revealing the white jade-like material inside, engraved on the surface texture as if it were alive. Jumping up, the attack of Augustus actually seemed to be muddy cattle into the sea, and was actually offset.

"Remnant Soul? Ignorance of the Black Dragon, let you see how powerful this remnant is." Rodriguez made a sound laugh. "Right, I seem to think of something..., human, this time I am blessed with evil. The soul and the power of the kingdom have recovered more than half, and have been able to display the tower of glory, thanks to your last invasion.

In order to express my gratitude, I will let you enjoy all the pain and die slowly."

The name "Glorious Tower" made the earth element king and the water element king exclaimed at the same time. Chen Rui saw a lot of mysterious textures under his feet. In the blink of an eye, the scene has changed suddenly, and four people appeared at the same time. In a strange space, it is full of chaos and powerful power.

"Yes, the tower of glory, the feeling of re-mastering it is really comfortable." Rodriguez's voice came over. "If it wasn't this space artifact, I was already in the hands of Raphael. Today, you will all be buried in the eyes of the Dragon God, and it will become my trophy."

At the same time, the sun and the moon appeared in the sky, and the power of the chaotic power suddenly became more violent, and the overwhelming pressure was like a high god.

"Is it seen? This is the supreme power of light and dark integration." Rodriguez's laughter is full of pride. "As long as I fully understand this rule, I will step onto the real road of the gods step by step."

The attack has not yet been launched. It is the oppression of this kind of sound that makes Chen Rui’s blood almost stop flowing. The pressure is much higher than that of the previous August. Even the two elements are kings. I feel that the action is difficult.

The only thing that can move is Augustus, who ignited the flames of black sè, quickly spread to the whole body, and a full body of majestic armor appeared. Chen Rui was the first to see the belief of the semi-god. This pair of armor is black and black, and it is impossible to directly look at the deterrent.

After wearing this armor, the power of Augustus skyrocketed, and Chen Rui felt that the pressure was loose and he resumed his mobility.

"The light and dark fusion? The big words are nothing but the power of the source of the light and the source of the dark source. In some accidental circumstances, the force is barely matched." Augustus snorted and appeared on the side. The shadow of the country, faintly visible castles, mountains and other scenes, quickly spread in the space, intertwined with the country of the same month.

The scenery of the two kingdoms began to collapse and collapse. Only the sun and the moon in the sky remained the same, which made Augustus feel strenuous. Moore and Lambert looked at each other and turned the body into a blue one. The two clouds of yellow cover the rì light and the moonlight.

With the help of two elemental kings, Augustus has been able to resist the country of Rodriguez and said: "Chen Rui, Rodriguez's country has undergone some changes, but the strength of the real body cannot be synchronized. Even the national level did not reach our three kingdoms and space artifacts that restricted him. You immediately found out that his real body had killed him."

Chen Rui knew that the situation was urgent, and the perception was full of openness, searching for the whereabouts of Rodriguez.

Rodriguez’s laughter rang from all sides: “I can kill me with this ant-like human being? Last time I was just a big idea, the same mistake would not make you twice in your country. In the force, as long as I kill him, you will gradually exhaust your efforts, and eventually you will be wiped out, let you see with your own eyes, how the final hope is lost."

The voice just fell, Chen Rui's surrounded by countless light, is a high-concentration energy filament that is enough to split the space, surrounded him, the light is intertwined, and the body is divided into countless pieces. .

A transparent blue sè reticle appeared, and the light left a myriad of horrible vertical and horizontal cracks on the reticle. It was impossible to destroy the protection of the defensive hood. Without waiting for the next round of attack, the mask disappeared, with the figure in the middle. It’s gone.

The disappearing Chen Rui let Rodriguez, who was also hidden in the dark, startled and started various attacks and temptations, but he could not find the whereabouts of the other party, as if he had disappeared.

At this time, Rodriguez in the void suddenly gave birth to jǐng mega, and appeared in the figure, slamming his hand toward the rear, the light flashed, and a figure teleported to the distance, it was Chen Rui.

Rodriguez was amazed: "Do you know that I am here?"

Of course, Chen Rui will not say that he is using the perception of the deduction and the eyes of the analysis to find each other. He just said indifferently: "I will lie to the hidden tricks of the dutiful son, so I don't have to offer ugliness."

Race: Amoeba 12

Comprehensive strength assessment: "Ten

Body buckle, strength buckle, jīng god, speed buckle,

Analysis: deformation talent, devour talent, undead body, reply talent, absorb analog talent, Long Wei.

Danger level: quite high.

Such as the assessment level, it really did not reach the national level, but above Chen Rui's current strength, especially the talent of the amoeba is so scary ... and so on, the amoeba? Chen Rui seems to have realized, the mind immediately entered the super The system in the jīng **** link, the lost master servant link still remains, so it seems that the lost soul has not completely disappeared, but still exists inside the body.

Rodriguez didn't know that Chen Rui's sneak had time limits. He didn't use the hidden means: "It's less than a year since the last battle. I don't think your strength is growing fast, but unfortunately. It is my change that is far above your imagination."

Chen Rui thought of a turn: "The so-called change, does it mean that a holy dragon has become... amoeba?"

"This amoeba is not simple, it can swallow the power of the source and the source of the dark source, so that the two can blend together, and the power and kingdom of my soul will quickly recover under this kind of harmony." Driggs sneered: "Thank you for giving me this shell. As long as my soul is fully recovered and I have mastered the highest law of light and darkness, even if I don't use the black dragon's body, I can really be born again. At that time, the entire devil world will be under the majesty of a new god."

Chen Rui took a deep breath and the power was running at high speed: "What do you seem to have forgotten?"

"You are talking about the master servant contract?" Rodriguez showed a strange smile. "You can try."

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