Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 723: 2 planning

Chen Rui’s current mood can be described as “everyone’s happy things”.

I paid for it, Isabella became his woman.

What surprised Chen Rui was that he was actually the first man of Isabella.

He knew that Isabella was deceived, and the foundation from the ground world deceived the wind and shadow boots, but dismissed Isabella's dedication. However, it has been more than a hundred years since the incident happened.

In the past 100 years, as a socialite celebrity dìdū, it is said that there are countless men who worshipped the "Datura flower" Isabella under the pomegranate skirt, and they have always kept their body as jade. There are certainly yīn shadows left in the past that caused the aunt to hate men, but after all, they cannot do without the essence of cleansing.

Under the seemingly poisonous mandala, it belongs to the fragrance of Xuedala, and it is as fragrant as yīn荏苒.

It makes Chen Rui more cherished for Isabella, and there is inevitably a certain vanity of the man. In the next few days, Isabella completely released the line of defense for this whole-hearted man, and offered everything without reservation, including some special services, and the taste was not enough. The outsider said.

With the arrival of the earth element king with Adeline and Helen, the world of glue-like paint has finally come to an end, as for the old man... because the pseudo-god-level dragon force jīng marrow needs to be "digested" with special rituals as soon as possible. In order to avoid the loss of precious power, Augustus immediately returned to Long Island.

To be precise, Long Island is also within the wide range of the Dead Sea, belonging to the deep sea area of ​​the extreme east, completely different from the direction of this sea area, and the distance is extremely far away. With the help of the King of Water, he took advantage of the special transfer capacity of the Aquamarine Palace to bring Augustus to a relatively close area.

It is because of the departure of the old man, a certain guy dared to blatantly return to the dark moon and the aunt's adult lingering in advance with the door of the starry sky.

It was learned that Chen Rui had brought back two sisters, and the Crystal Palace was a violent shock. It is not easy for Chen Rui to explain clearly. The little mermaid princess is used by Auguras to help Olivier recover. It is also beneficial to ordinary practice. As for the Naga girl... is a sister worthy of sympathy. .

This kind of statement will inevitably lead to the suspicion of several harems. However, after contact with the two sisters, it is generally believed that the most suspected Adeline "dangerous" is far lower than the charming and charming Princess Serge, Naga. The current situation and the tortuous growth of the girl’s blindness (not yet restored) also triggered the sympathy of Athena and others. The succubus little waitress made a bad idea, let Aide Lin recognize Chen Rui as a brother, and later several "嫂嫂" also take care of her. This idea was actually passed by all votes.

The brother-sister relationship made the Naga girl suffer from some losses, and she was smoothly integrated into the family. The warmth brought by the small group was never experienced before, and she was very humble and humble, very good, everyone was very like her. The smile on the girl’s face began to increase.

In the eyes of the little mermaid princess, although “Agulie” rescued the fate of the Haizu including the Saiqi family “by the way” when searching for the Dragon King Treasure, it could not conceal its despicable acts such as robbery and slanders. The so-called objects are grouped together, and his friends are not good goods. In this kind of vision, the arrogant poisonous dragon uncle, sè fascinated nephew, lazy amoeba... The shortcomings of these guys are infinitely magnified, naturally can not afford the half-point of the little mermaid princess The words are not to be sighed. This attitude has greatly reduced the hostility of the women. After getting along, Helen and Athena, Delia, and Krobe Ruth became good friends.

When the little mermaid princess was chatting, it was inevitable that there were poisonous tongues like "You flowers are all inserted in xx", and the girls laughed.

The most eye-catching is the lost grandfather, and the ambition has changed from a silk to a rich and handsome. The strength of s++ is not only the roller, but even Paglio is quite close to s++ under the guidance of Augustus. Inferior.

The amoeba remains respectful to the masters who have mastered their own lives, including the hostess. Extremely flattering. For the hostess's friends Delia, Krobe Ruth is also honest, but it is not polite to have been stepping on his head before Duron and Lomon. Unfortunately, combat effectiveness and strength level are two different things. In particular, the courage and will of the amoeba did not undergo a corresponding qualitative change. In a "friendship study" with Paglieu, the opponent was frightened and frightened, and the poisonous dragon uncle finally defended his position.

Luo Meng also wants to imitate the poison dragon, which knows that the strength gap is too big, the tiger is not an anti-class dog, was thrown to death at the foot, from this position, the limit is the bottom of the house. In this case, Duron and Lomon began to practice hard in an uncharacteristic manner. Lomon actually broke through to the level of the emperor. Paglio also had a trend of nationalization. From another perspective, the lost grandfather contributed.

In addition to the secret return to the dark moon in advance, the relationship between Chen Rui and Isabella is no longer a secret. Although I know that my aunt will come to the boss's bowl sooner or later, when I came to the bowl, it caused a small earthquake, and the crystal palace cracked a few tiles.

It is worth mentioning that the aunt is very good at living, still living in the quiet yard, did not move into this "collective dormitory", occasionally come to the small gathering, is also a veil dress, low-key words and deeds, get along with the girls It’s also awkward... At least, the crystal palace on the surface is still a river crab. As for the back ground... the events such as drying, blood sacrifice, hatchet, and chainsaw are unknown.

Because of this incident, a certain nephew was always short and half when he saw the captain of Yaowu Yangwei. No way, who made the words of the year become a slap in the face, people really became uncles - the house leaks and even the night rain, In short, Grandpa Lomon has been ruined recently.

堕 Angel Imperial Palace.

“You seem to have been very leisurely recently?”

"It's not too leisurely." Chen Rui listened to the blame of the Queen's words, and laughed twice. He has not been leisurely this month. Augustus sent Danielle to the Darkmoon, responsible for the transaction with Chen Rui, the exchange of things for the black sè potion and the devil fruit. Danielle was the blue dragon that was bitten by Lola when he was decisive in the black battle, the old knowledge of Paglio, and the husband of Black Dragon Julia who stayed in the dark moon.

Seeing that Chen Rui was able to come up with so many demon fruits and black sè potions, Danielle was surprised. When she saw the gentle and pleasant appearance of Miss Fairy Dragon next to Chen Rui, the surprise of Blue Dragon became a worship, and it was a dragon king. Your maid! Strong words on two words!

Miss Fairy Dragon's recent mood is very good, with the help of the dragon force jīng sent by Augustus, the elemental country foundation has been successfully completed, and the rest only need to comprehend the power of various elements. Originally, any element of the source needs a long time and experience to be enlightened. However, now there are four sources of elements, which are amazingly smooth, and the rest of the light source and the wind source. Men also take the chest to ensure that no problem. Once you have assembled six kinds and built a complete six-series country, you will not only have difficulty in the national level, but even if you are a demigod, you may not have the power to fight.

With the dragon force jīng marrow brought by Danielle, plus the blue star heavy water and ghost coral obtained from the Dead Sea, the crystal beast, the construction magician and the crystal monster in the ancient alchemy fortress "Xinghuang Capital" The three arms have already begun production, and the number of lights is also increasing. However, the fortress of Xinghuang Capital currently has a control ceiling, which can accommodate up to 20,000 strange servants, 10,000 crystal beasts, 5,000 light spirits, 1,000 thousand warriors, and one hundred crystal monsters.

The crystal behemoth is the existence of the beautiful emperor. If it can reach the number of one hundred heads, then the single high-end combat power should be the strongest existence of the devil.

Although this time did not go east and west, but the things of the capital of Xinghuang, the alchemy practice that Tetnis urged... the most important one, in order to coordinate the Crystal Palace "sacrifice" the night of the night Chen Rui is indeed not leisurely.

His current harem deeds have to be thrown into the circle of ancestors in the past life. It is absolutely eye-catching... The existence of the target, the portrait will be made by countless red-eyed men, and the curse of the seven arrows in the night. Even if you turn into fly ash, you will get a lot of resentment like "opening the palace must die."

"Yes? Then, you have worked hard." Her Majesty the Queen, even with her eyes closed, can guess the most important one. This is so sinful that it is self-evident.

Someone’s face was not red-hearted and answered: “It’s not hard for the Queen’s majesty.”

This sentence makes Xia gas not to fight one place, when I don't know who you are "cāo labor"? Athena Gia Lola fell back, and the "bridesmaid" actually took the lead.

Her Majesty the Queen suddenly regretted that she had been hanging the appetite of this guy. She knew that she would "give" him in the dark moon... but this must not be said.

Chen Rui took advantage of the imperial face of the empress, and quickly said: "I have been planning two major events recently. I wonder if Her Majesty is interested in listening?"

The attention of Chia was really diverted. After listening to these two things, she was shocked. "Are you sure that you can make the Angels' Alliance of the Angels have no less than the rest of the two great empires?"

"Of course I am sure Chen Rui will nod and nodded, suddenly smiled. "This kind of meritorious minister, should you deserve to reward me?" ”

Xia saw the guy's gaze sweeping straight into the neckline that was open on his chest. His face was slightly hot and cold. "You don't have a big event? I will reward you with Alice to attend. Recently she I am looking for you every day. I heard that there seems to be an agreement between her and someone?"

Chen Rui smiled stiffly. I didn't expect Xia Xiaoli's three-year appointment to be known to Xia.

"Hey!" Her Majesty’s squatting face: "Don’t argue, let’s stay with Alice this time, remember, don’t think anything about it! Also, after these two things are finished, it’s time to prepare for us. Married, remember, the bridesmaid must attend. Tell her, I hope she can play me at the wedding, well... even if it is the "end of the world" I don't mind, it seems that something is the same ""

Seeing the shimmering light of the emperor's majesty in the purple sable, the quasi-Wang Fu adults could not help but shudder.

Really don't mind?

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