Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 732: Change of the sky

Chen Rui, who left the Hongguo Hotel, strolled the streets, and his heart was lost.

He didn't know what was happening in the woods of the Iron Fist. He didn't know that there was a lonely emperor walking in the rain. He only understood one thing. Catherine was never as close as it is now, but it has never been like this. As far away as possible.

You are the only man who makes me tempted.

If in the future you really want to conquer the shadow empire to achieve a stupid desire, even if you can succeed, you will only get my body.

Will it go further and further? That lonely shadow, even without regret...

Chen Ruiyong had a faint sadness, and suddenly he stopped and stopped because somebody was waiting for him.

If it is the first woman who just left, then this is his first woman to fall in love. On the face of appearance, it is not the most beautiful. On strength, not the strongest, but his favorite woman, so far.


Ruby-eyed eyes stared at him, coming over, in front of many people, gently holding his arm without any artificiality. Although she is already the supreme ruler of the Darkmoon, one of the three giants of the Emperor, in front of him, she is the original gentle and gentle Athena.

She is always worthy of cherishing.

With a slow walk with him, Athena spoke up: "Have she coming?"

As early as Xiqiao Mountain, he confessed to Athena the relationship with Christina. Athena is also the only woman among his women who knows the name "Christina". The rest of the people are only faintly aware of the Assisi. Before Na, Chen Rui had a woman with a shadow empire.


"Your mood doesn't seem very good."

"It's not very good... because next time we meet, we are probably the enemy."

"Sorry, I heard Isabella talking about her name..."

Ini? Chen Rui smiled bitterly, in order to deal with Xiao San, do not hesitate to force the Yuan to match the horse? Don't forget, you are also a junior.

"I am sorry to say that I am, Athena."

"Go home." Athena leaned her head against his shoulders, completely ignoring the jealousy of all kinds of jealousy in the distance.

"Well, go home."

The warm-hearted man took the waist of his lover. The shadows of each other are together and go forward.

A few days later.

The shadow empire, the palace is partial.

Lilith looked at the window sill and looked at the Queen Catherine in the distance, and she had some doubts in her heart. As the confidant of Her Majesty, she can feel it. There have been some changes in the body of the Queen recently. Especially after the secret came out a few days ago, the number of times of looking into the distance suddenly increased a lot. In the memory of Lilith’s service for many years, only when there is a knot, Catherine’s knees will habitually look far.

"Lilith. You said, a woman can meet in her life..." Catherine asked thoughtfully, and then seemed to wake up and didn't say anything more.

"Your Majesty?" Lilith showed amazement. "Are you OK?"

Catherine shook her head, silent for a moment, and said: "You and Gildir have always been my most trusted people, and they are loyal, but because of my negligence and selfishness, your feelings have dragged on for so many years, I I am sorry... From today, I will give you a two-year holiday. Enjoy the life of two people. Maybe you can take the opportunity to have a good descendant."

Lilith blushes: "Your Majesty..."

"Don't refuse, just be the means of my subordinates. Gil Dilla is a good guy. Cherish each other, I will support you, he won't bully you, or... don't bully him too much." ""

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lilith bit her lip and said something. "That, please forgive me. I have been different when I was in peace recently. I ventured to ask..."

"Don't guess it." Catherine walked down the steps step by step. "Now the **** empire has just ended. The great emperor Achilles has defeated the second emperor Edmund, but his prestige is far from being able to compete with Lei Zen. In comparison, there is an urgent need for time to stabilize the domestic situation, and the Angel Empire is also developing, unless Lei Zen is out, or... Generally speaking, there should be no major turmoil in the devil in recent years. You have to rest for two years, this is me. The command."

"The most rest should not be me, but kneel!" Lilith's eyes suddenly turned red: "Over the years, His Majesty has been alone in supporting this empire, leading the people of the entire empire through the most difficult moments, one step Steps toward prosperity and stability. I know very well how much your Majesty has paid for this empire. If you really encounter it, it’s worth it..."

"Lilith!" Catherine's voice suddenly increased the emperor's majesty. "You are over the moment! Now, execute my orders, and immediately hand over the affairs of the hand to Xi Xi."

Lilith didn't dare to speak any more, and she stepped back and went to the door of the temple to receive the information from her subordinates.

Lilith opened it and saw the shocking color pass by and immediately returned to the temple.

"Your Majesty, it’s not that I am disobedient, but this time my holiday... I really want to postpone it!"

堕 Angel Palace Palace.

Xia’s look was extremely grim, and he looked at several urgent messages that “erupted” in one day.

"The **** Emperor Lei Zen ended his practice and declared that the civil war was the second emperor's Edmund rebellion, and praised the great emperor of the rebellion, Ayers and the youngest son, Tevez."

"The retracing of Edmund's army suddenly turned in the direction, the **** 煞 first general Gustav personally led the elite army, south of the iron fist territory regrouped, the **** empire fully mobilized strategic supplies to the south transport, Warlock The fortress of General George was mobilized to arm the troops."

"The **** empire fully launched the western defense line, closed the gateway to the shadow empire, and sent messengers to the shadow empire."

Xia looked at the same condensed ministers and said: "You, I need to listen to your opinions."

Left Prime Minister Oliver said: "It is obvious that Lei Zen’s troop movement is against us. If it is not a bluff, then even if General George is there, the Warlock Fortress will be hard to block the **** army's offensive. However, What puzzles me is that the **** empire has just ended the civil war and has not recovered. How can it suddenly and desperately attack China? Of course, for the sake of prevention, we should not be taken lightly. We should immediately increase the number of troops in the north. At least we must make full efforts. Going to the posture."

Right-hander Stiller agreed: "I also feel that there is a flaw, and the **** civil strife has just settled down. It is impossible for Lei Zen to use force against us at this time. If I guess it is correct, the real purpose is to emulate the shadow. The original means of the empire proposed conditions for cooperation, such as the technology of magical television, yellow wine and other new things. But now the empire is not the empire that had just settled the black chaos. It also formed an alliance with the shadow empire. I don't think I have to fear the **** empire."

"Don't underestimate Lei Zen," Sarandi, the king's heavy minister, shook his head. "We have only formed an economic alliance with the Shadow Empire. It does not include military. Once a war happens, the Shadow Empire will definitely stand by and wait. Opportunities benefit from it, we can only rely on ourselves. Although the economy of the empire is developing rapidly, the military forces are steadily recovering, but our comprehensive strength is still the end of the three empires. I followed the White Night Emperor three hundred years ago. Joining the Mozu Allied Forces who fought against humans, Lei Zen was also there. He used the strangers best. I have an ominous premonition. I am afraid this time, it is not a bluff."

"Don't you think this so-called 'premonition' is ridiculous?" Lent's of the veteran family sneered: "No matter whether it is a state or a military, it is impossible to use this feeling of nothingness as a basis! What do you want to determine? Will it be? I bet that Lei Zen is our technology and resources. The **** empire is only for pressure, and the messengers sent to our country should be on the road!"

Without waiting for Rendez to finish, there were guards to report: "The messenger that Lei Zen the Great sent to our country. Has passed the Warlock Fortress with the permission of General George."

Upon hearing the news, Lentez immediately showed his ambition, and Sarandi showed his deep thoughts. Frowning.

At this time, in the hall of the Imperial Palace of Shadows. It is also a heated debate.

On the throne, Catherine, who had been thinking and not making a sound, finally slowly opened her eyes.

"Commanded the first general, Bailuo, to fully enhance the defense of the Jekyll Fortress; ordered the second general, Warren, to lead the Ruifeng Legion, to enter the southeastern SEG territory for military exercises, and not to be close to the town of Leia; The third general, Kafu, will gather all the elite troops of the territory and the legion and stand by."

The ministers were shocked and strengthened, and the defense of the fortress was strengthened. The "drills" and the Kafu collections of the Ruifeng Legion in the SEG territory were sharp and distinct, and it was clearly intended to smash the angelic empire. It seems that Catherine the Great Judgment is...

"I have a hunch that Lei Zen will definitely shoot, and will try his best." The black sable after the veil of Catherine flashed the wise light: "Because he is Lei Zen. Mamen."

The same is the word "premonition". No one in the shadow empire is ridiculous because she is Catherine Asmode, the first wise man in the devil. This "premonition" once saved the entire empire.

After the end of the meeting, the group of ministers retired and Catherine’s orders were communicated and quickly implemented.

By the throne behind him, Catherine's eyes looked to the East and became far and deep.

"Ray Do you also notice the threat of the Angel Empire? Want to destroy this threat before it grows?"

"Sure enough, it is still so vigorous, but sometimes it is the most effective way directly... If I was decisive at the beginning, perhaps now the Angel Empire has been in the hands of it."

"So eager to shoot... or, your strength is already..."

"In any case, this is a rare opportunity for the Shadow Empire."

"The sky of the devil world has to change again." Catherine slowly stood up and gently touched the same thing in her hand. "Will you come to me?"

Obviously, the "you" in this sentence and the former Lei Zen are not alone.

The white jade fingers stroking, is a delicate gadget.

Good luck.

Ps: Compatriots in the earthquake-stricken areas, please be strong, give up hope, and peace with you.

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