Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 738: Roar

Faced with the approaching Fenglong Legion, the Warlock Fortress only flew out dozens of horned beasts. Whether it is strength or quantity, these horned beasts are far from being able to compare with the Wind Dragon Legion. The strange hood, the cavalry on the back, also carrying a mask, carrying a huge cylinder.

The cylinder behind the cavalry began to spray a thick smog, intertwined in the air. These fogs seemed to have special ingredients. They were difficult to dissipate in the air. Soon, the Warlock Fortress formed a large thick fog. The sea, like a black cloud, can't see the scene inside.

The Wind Dragon Legion has come to the foggy sea, headed by the head of the army, Agung, watching these powerful weapons, suspicion in the heart, ordering the army to circle in place, silently muttering a small whirlwind in front, and the whirlwind At the same time, the smoke seemed to be torn apart, and they dissipated. Soon they came together, but they did not see any ambush. The former horned beasts that had been fogged out seemed to have left.

"Dust of Boeing Grass?" Algon took a mist and sniffed it. In his heart, Boeing grass is a relatively common plant. Dust can be suspended in the air in the form of smoke, and has special effects of spreading and expanding sound. In some magical call class props, more importantly, there is no poison ng.

"I want to delay the time to solve the infantry? The poor plan of the suspects!" This is the battlefield, but the attack is a felony. Algon took the initiative and ordered the Fenglong Legion to move forward. However, for the sake of caution, it did not advance at full speed.

The Wind Dragon Legion entered the foggy sea. Due to the relationship between Boeing Grass, Agung could more clearly feel the situation of nearby companions, and did not encounter an ambush.

At this time, the two-legged flying dragon underneath suddenly began to make uneasy screams. This scream quickly spread, and Agong’s heart gave birth to a dangerous omen, and loudly ordered the team to move forward carefully.

The voice of Argonne just fell, suddenly felt a terrible breath, and saw a vaguely huge figure in front. Before he could make the next reaction, some kind of air and waves burst out violently, and the surrounding fog was suddenly dispersed by the terrible sound waves, and the giant shadow became clear.

This is a terrible dragon, with scales that are yellow and brown, with a short horn on the head, two fin-like things, wrapped in a black scorpion, fluttering with huge wings, dark gold The snakes of the sè are murderous.

The argon visual picture solidified in this scene. The next second, suddenly a "bang" in the brain, as if something exploded, whirls in the middle, the mind is blank, and then nothing can be heard, the only thing that can be felt It is the deep tremor of the soul.

The whole battlefield heard the horrible roar, and the snoring of the special deterrent lasted for a few minutes. After the amplification of the Boeing grass dust, it was so strong that the soldiers below threw down the weapon, suffering. The ground slammed the ears, and the weaker ones were stunned on the spot.

In the misty sea, like a hail, the figures of the two-legged dragon or the horned beast fell, and many unlucky soldiers were smashed and all had broken bones.

The mutated bipedal dragon of Argonne slanted and slanted a few wings, and finally could not support it, falling straight down.

Rao was the soldier on the Warlock Fortress who had already brought the earplugs prepared before the smoke was scattered, still showing an uncomfortable expression. Only the greedy vines were unaffected, and they madly swallowed the nearby soldiers who lost their resistance.

Before the magic mirror of Heiyun Town, the three **** leaders were surprised: "What happened to the competition?"

The magic mirror couldn't transmit the sound, so the three-in-one did not hear the terrible roar. Only after seeing the Wind Dragon Legion entering the mist, it fell like rain and fell.

Just a blow, the entire Fenglong Legion will be defeated, including the tribute of the first stage of the Emperor, even if it is the peak of the Emperor, it can not be done, what is this weapon or strong?

The dragons in Dafa Shenwei’s heart are dark and cool. Just now, this is the mysterious “Rage of the Dragon” that Dragon Emperor Augustus taught him. It can attack the enemy with Longwei mixed sound, plus the effect of Boeing grass dust. , one hit the work.

After returning to the body, the dragons flew back to the fortress silently, but in their hearts, they were thinking about how to scream in the face of a certain one in the face of the next time.

The smoke in the air gradually dissipated, there was nothing inside, and the siege equipment and **** soldiers in the area below the wall were almost lost under the attack of the greedy vine.

Finally, the rear blew the horn of the retreat and saw the enemies who had gradually receded. The defenders of the Warlock Fortress cheered.

n Shadow Empire, Jekyll Fortress.

Unlike the urban-style monolithic building of the Warlock Fortress, the core of the Jekyll Fortress is Guan ng

The giant castle of Yāng is surrounded by military camps and fortifications.

The highest command of the castle.

"What?" The first general of the Shadow Empire, Bailuo, listened to the guard's report, showing an unexpected expression: "Lokie?"

"Yes, General Rocky returned to the fortress and was looking for a general outside the castle."

Bai Luo's brow wrinkled, Rocky Leviathan, who was his most powerful deputy, but about two years ago, Loki suddenly disappeared, there was no news in the middle, and he could not think of returning to the fortress today.

Bailuo knows very well that Loki was actually secretly dispatched by him. At that time, Bailuo received his father’s wife and his wife’s fortress because of his unwell father-in-law, and it was actually made into quality. Lynn voted for the mouse. Catherine immediately responded by assigning the daughter of the master of the division of the master of the division, Rumeneig, to the first general, Bailuo, as the side room.

Bai Luo claimed to have deep feelings with his wife, Medici, and refused to give the emperor a gift. However, on behalf of his dedication, he gave Loki to Catherine the Great to ask for Fini as the main room. Catherine the Great was seriously considering and agreeing. Bailu’s request, agreed to Loki to welcome Finney.

This marriage seems to be simple. The inner game is the game between Bailuo and Catherine, but Fini is used as a victim. Unexpectedly, with the love of Fini's childhood sweetheart, the third general, the son of Kafu, Monroe and Evan, ran away, this was originally expected in Bailuo, so secretly sent Loki to pursue, want to let Monroe With Finney's body appearing in the dark moon territory, in order to resolve Catherine's back hand, it can also affect the cooperation between Darkmoon and Blood Jinghua territory.

Just because Chen Rui went to the town of Leia at the plant expo, he killed the traitor around Monroe in the dark moon, defeated Loki, and saved the young couple. Monroe was grateful for the help of the life and devoted himself to the dark moon.

Rocky was controlled by Chen Rui with a **** mask, and of course, Bai Luo did not know.

Bai Luo also did not know that the "special envoy" and the empress of the Queen, who had been far away, had already passed the secret transmission array and came to the Thunder territory in the east of the fortress of Jekyll.

"Is there any other Loki back in?"

"No, General Rocky is one coming back."

"Let him wait for me in the hall."

Now the empire is battling with the **** empire, and the empire is heavily entrenched in the southeast, preparing to attack the imperial empire, and the fortress of Jergen is the most important line of defense at the border with the **** empire. The long-lost Loki suddenly appeared, making Bai Luo’s heart inevitably doubtful.

Soon, Bai Luo saw Loki in the partial hall.

When Rocky saw Bailuo, he quickly went to a ceremony: "General!"

Bai Luo glanced at him and said faintly: "Come back."

"Yes, general."

From the beginning, Bailuo has been carefully observing Loki. He feels that the other side has no flaws in strength or movement details and tone. He should be the familiar Loki. He nodded at the moment: "I want to listen." You disappeared for two years."

Loki looked around and Bai Luo waved his hand and the guards retreated.

Loki said this: "At the beginning, I ordered the big entry and went to kill Monroe and Finney. As a result, I encountered a terrible dragon in the dark moon. I tried to escape and then I tried to wait for an opportunity to secretly. I couldn’t think of it. Monroe actually joined the Darkmoon. After an attack failed, he almost died. He only had to look far. Later, I met an entry. As a result, I was forced by him to join a secret organization and could not get away... until now ""

Bai Luo’s brows rose: “Secret organization?”

"I am very honored that the general is in a sense, we are still colleagues, because..." Rocky’s gaze fell on the face of Bai Luo: "Because my ensignment is called Azgalo... Az Gallo Besib."

"Bishb royal family?" Bailuo’s eyes smashed: "I don't understand what you mean. It seems that you need to write a report on these experiences and then present it to Her Majesty."

Rocky shook his head and didn't stop on this issue: "In any case, I am the Leviathan and the general's right-hand man. I will do my best to help the general."

"Is it?" Bailuo's voice suddenly cooled down, and an icy scent gradually spread out. The temperature in the entire room suddenly dropped and began to freeze and freeze.

Rocky didn't think that he explained this way. Bailuo suddenly had a trouble without any warning. He had already had a pair of gloves in his hand. The whole body exudes a light blue sè, trying to whisper the cold breath, but the body. By 1

i is hard to resist and gradually stiffens, the feet have frozen into ice, and the solidified ice surface is still spreading further upwards.

Rocky bite his teeth, the pupil of the right eye and the white eyes suddenly turned black. A strange force spread out, and the speed of icing immediately eased a lot.

Bailuo sneered, and the eyes became black. Loki screamed and the right eye oozes blood. It is also the nightmare. No matter the quality or quantity, Rocky and Bailuo are not in a grade.

Seeing that life was hanging on the line, Rocky’s throat strove out two words: "Magic Shield!"

The power of Bailuo slammed down, and the pupil instantly returned to the original blue sè. Rocky body slowly melted.

"The general's temptation should be over," Loki wiped the blood from his right eye and said faintly: "As for the other things... I am a little tired, general."

"The nightmare of the nightmare, the water system ng pass, these two royalties will not be fake, you really are Loki," Bailuo Yu's face showed a smile, as if the killer was just a test of identity: " Very good, let's go to rest first, General Rocky."

Rocky turned around and turned away.

Looking at the back of Loki, Bai Luo’s gaze became extremely impressive.

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