Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 745: Only one method

Lei Zen’s figure turned into a streamer, and he opened his mind and walked through the forest between the forests. Although Catherine had his Leidi seal, he was the first wise man. I don’t know if there will be any variables, in order to be safe. To see, live to see people, die to see the corpse, at least to see the yīn shadow cloak.

As he walked through the line, Lei Zen’s figure suddenly became a meal. The pupil of the black sè emitted a silver sè, and a blood vessel appeared on the body, revealing a dark silver sè, as if even the flowing blood had some kind of Change.

The muscles of Lei Zen's face were somewhat distorted, and the body shivered slightly. It seemed to endure tremendous pain. He snarled with a low voice. The ring on his left hand finger gave a faint black awn, and the silver sè quickly turned black and forced the situation. Suppressed.

"Amis······" Lei Zen gnashed his three words, tried to mix the disordered breathing, clenched his fists, felt the difference in the body's power, and finally did not continue searching. Make a blood rainbow and fly away at full speed.

After the blood rainbow disappeared for a long time, on the rocky hillside, two blurred figures appeared, which is Chen Rui and Catherine.

"That is Lei Zen," Chen Rui looked at the light disappeared from the sky. "Strange, how could he suddenly fly away? What happened?"

"You can't take it lightly. It's very likely to deliberately lure the plan. For the sake of prevention, we can't return to the fortress in Yemen. From here to the east is the mountain area, where it is safer." Catherine just said, coughing up a blood. The blood stains of the veil have spread and are dyed red.

Chen Rui thought of the "Leidi Yin" in the thunder of the previous hearing, and his heart was tight: "Your injury..."

"First find a place to settle down and say." Although Catherine has already drunk Chen Rui's healing potion, but from the situation, it is still very bad.

About three hours later, the two rushed to the mountains of the east to find a hidden cave. Catherine took out a space prop like a magical tent, which was a magical house and went into recuperation treatment. It took another hour for Chen Rui to lay a hidden array of inscriptions outside the cave.

When Chen Rui returned to the magic house, she found that Catherine was sitting on the bed and had already changed her blood coat, but her face was very pale and the injury seemed to be heavier.

"That ‘Leidi’s India,...’

Catherine shook her head gently: "The ability of the yīn cloak is a space shift and concealment. Compared with the **** mask and the magic shield, it is naturally impossible to escape the attack of Lei Zen."

Catherine, who had previously hidden in the yīn cloak, witnessed Chen Rui’s means of attacking Lei Zen. In the Crystal Valley, she knew that the **** mask was in the hands of Chen Rui, but she did not think of the magic shield (magic shield). in

The seven artifacts can only be used by the royal family corresponding to the blood. This is the common sense recognized by the devil world. Nowadays, this human man can freely apply the artifacts of the two royal families, which is absolutely unbelievable.

"It’s all this time, are you still calculating these things?" Chen Rui brows tightly: "Take your wounds first, and other things will be said later!"

"Your combat power is amazing. Even the strength of the Emperor has blocked the attack of the national powerhouse. I have retained a lot when I played against me. I am not necessarily your opponent..."

“Is there any way to get rid of that Lei Di?”

Catherine still said to herself: "I really want to know how a person combines all the abilities. In just a few years, your strength has reached the peak of the emperor from the high-level demon, and he is a master. The pharmacy is also a master of the three-line system. It also has unimaginable thinking and inspiration, new military system, urban planning, magic soil, magic TV, yellow wine, battle ball... the so-called first genius Weiss is in front of you, and even the mediocrity is not."

"I am asking your injury!"

"So many new things that have never been seen before, covering a wide range of fields, even if it is a stunning generation, it is difficult to create a few things in a lifetime, but you seem to be hand-in-hand, you still don't know how many unknown knowledge and things in your heart. What surprised me even more is that these things are not even seen in the human world. Where did you come from? Is it the reincarnation of a god? You...

"Catherine!" Chen Rui can not care a lot, hold her shoulder and ask aloud: "How to cure you?"

Catherine’s voice stopped short, her eyes gradually settled, and she shook her head slightly.

"The resurrection of the master class?"

"It’s useless. Once the punch is going on, I will be smouldering. ····················································································

Chen Rui trembled, slowly holding her back, Catherine did not resist, let him hold himself

The empress, the noble woman, the other identities, all of her, I have this man in my heart.

At this time, she did not need any mask, because her life is only less than three days.

(Sure enough, very warm embrace)

Catherine slowly closed her eyes.

Chen Rui had dreamed of embracing the Queen’s majesty more than once, but now he would rather not fulfill this wish.

"After I die..."

"If you are not there, then I have no attachment to the yīn shadow empire," Chen Rui saw through her mind and shook his head. "I will not only take away the yīn cloak, but also bury the life of the poor. Lei Zen and the entire **** empire... plus yīn shadow empire, as your funeral

"You don't have to force me to live, I don't want to die. ● Catherine opened her eyes and sighed: "But there are things that I can't just think about." ”

"But don't think about it, there is no hope, even if there is a hint of hope, you can't give up," Chen Rui said with a slap in the face: "The words were just not a joke... I will speak out."

Catherine was silent for a moment: "The last time in the secluded wetland, the ‘9 days of mysterious fruit, is there still?”

"It's the name is Lingguo, that time I lied to you..." "Chen Rui's hand shows a red sè's fruit, round and clear, like a gem.

"You can lie more than that," Catherine's pale face showed a smile. "Is there a woman who said that you are a big liar?"

"Amount... no.

Chen Rui replied guiltyly, suddenly reacted and said: "You want the fruit, is it thinking..."

“Yes,” Catherine gently stroked the fruit in her hand, and there was a bit of firmness in her eyes: “The only way to get rid of Lei Diyin is.”


Nie is the most easily awakened talent of the Asmode kings. The original Nie can make the spirit of the Asmodian kings stronger, and the appearance will become young and beautiful.

Nie is also the most powerful blood talent, except for the first time after Nirvana, not only the strength is greatly increased, but also the physique and qualifications will undergo a "quality" transformation, and if you go to the sacred refining.

It is not that only Nirvana can make the strength improve, but Nie can make its own foundation get a qualitative leap. At the same level, the Genghis genus is definitely higher than the low niche and the higher the Nie level, the more the impact bottleneck will be. easily.

However, once every time, the risk of danger and the probability of failure will increase exponentially. Once it fails, it will be turned into ashes by Nie.

Catherine last completed the fourth time in the wet night, this time is the fifth Nirvana, if Nirvana succeeds, Lei Diyin this "impurity" will naturally be "washed" off Catherine himself The strength will also leap greatly, but the probability of this success is almost zero.

Because in addition to the ancestor of Asmode, only one Asmode king completed five times in the history, is the first strongest person in the world, in a battle with ten peers of the same level, then nowhere trace. In addition, there is no longer a king of Asmode who can reach five times. The genius of countless qualifications is defeated in the battle of five times, without exception. For this reason, the strongest blood talent known as the Aximod king gradually became the weakest and was replaced by war.

"This spirit is much higher than the quality of the last night wetland should be able to increase the chances of success again. I need about one hundred this time, is there so much?"

"There is no problem in terms of quantity, just... have you really decided?" The stock of Lingguo was quite a lot, but it was transformed into the energy needed for the ancient alchemy castle, but later the Star Garden produced new ones. Lingguo, let alone one hundred, even if there is a thousand, there is no pressure.

"I have no choice." Catherine slowly got up from Chen Rui's arms. "You must gamble once, bet on my life, and bet on the future of the entire Angel Empire."

Chen Rui took her hand: "And our future."

Catherine wanted to say something, but she did not say it. She only said faintly: "The future will be said in the future."

"I understand what you mean, that is, to cherish the eyes." Chen Rui took advantage of her hand, smooth as jade, feels very good.

"It seems that you are not only a liar, but also a rogue." Catherine burst into tears and couldn't help but hold back the impulse to give this guy a punch.

However, it is very strange. With Chen Rui, she has an unprecedented casualness and ease, and a feeling that she can't say it.

As if laughing and screaming, they are all touched by one person.

This feeling has never been seen before.

"Well, my heart is almost quiet, don't want to interfere with me, you can stop the cheap hug and leave the room."

Chen Ruiqi smiled twice, and some of them reluctantly left the tenderness of the emperor's gentle and soft jade. When he walked to the door, he scratched his head: "Right, this time with the help of the fruit, will there be That... side effects?"

- The side effects of It is because of this "side effect" that Chen Rui suffered a reversal from Her Majesty, not only turning the first beauty into a real woman, but also getting rid of the two worlds. The hat of the cadre of the ranks has since embarked on the life of the Crystal Palace, which is jealous of all otaku.

The king of Asmode is also known as the royal family. The power of Nie will induce the original use of the magic quinoa, which not only can improve the success rate of Nirvana, but also has the special effect of containment, and the effect of Lingguo is much stronger than that of the devil. It just has no containment.

To be precise, side effects = benefits.

Catherine's face passed a touch of redness, but she was not angry. She just glanced at him deeply and showed a smile: "Don't forget me."

Beauty is like jade, a smile.

I don't know why, Chen Rui only feels a little sob in his throat, can't speak for a while, can only point

Nodded hard.


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