Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 762: Urgent both sides

Tries swept through the jīng light, although "Agulie" was just suppressed by him, but the muscle or combat reaction, including the ability to respond, is above his estimate. He has experienced countless opponents and has extremely rich combat experience. With "Agulie" now forced to promote the state of the artifact, but also to play such a quality, is definitely an opponent that can not be underestimated, and this sudden mysterious shadow seems to be related to "Agulie", or a state of prosperity, give He has a more dangerous feeling.

However, Teres is still full of confidence, he is only the last step away from the country, not to mention the two peaks of the emperor, even if it is twenty, he also has confidence to win. Because he is not only "Terry", but also "White Night"!

The first strongman below the super-order.

Shura moved, and the foot was bombed. It had already flashed in front of Teres, and his hands were claw-shaped, with a faint scent of destruction, and he grabbed the door of Teres. Teres is about to react, smashing the ground and appearing in the air. It turned out that the former Shura was a phantom, and the real Shura had moved silently behind the phantom. If it wasn't for Tres, it would have been successful.

Teres had just escaped the sneak attack of Shura, and the slashing knives had already broken through. He sealed all his positions from front to back, left and right, and Teres snorted, his fingers open, his hands stretched out, and he drew a In the big circle, there were countless flashes of crystal light in the body, and the pieces were like mirrors. The unbreakable and broken Yuandao knife was actually opened by the mirror-like crystal, and some of them were folded to Chen Rui.

Chen Rui was too late to avoid, and a translucent mask appeared immediately around the body. Several cracks appeared on the hood, which finally blocked the broken knife in time.

There was a light smoke around the specular crystal, which swung fast, and the flash of crystal light seemed to be swallowed up and quickly dimmed. Teres's hands were shaken, and the crystals shattered and burst open. The light smoke scattered and polymerized into the body of Shura. Several obvious cracks on the body did not bleed and quickly began to heal automatically.

The change in the transition was just an instant thing. The speed and reaction of both sides were extremely fast. It was like holding a bow and arrow on the shè. Dodging, picking up the arrow, returning to the shè... A little poor pool, already fell to the ground.

In the **** enchantment, the space is constantly twisting and changing. Lei Zen and Catherine, who can't move, can only see the three looming shadows in the interlaced space.

They may never have thought of it, there is a sigh, the three emperors of the demon world (including the two national powers) and even the survival of the three empire, will be tied to a "district" a demonic.

There is a bit of dignity in the eyes of Teres. These two opponents are not easy to send the corners, a little careless, I am afraid that the boat will be overturned in the yīn, it seems that it must be taken seriously.

As soon as I read this, Teres's momentum suddenly changed, and a breath of arrogance came out. The shadow of a armor appeared on the body. This "armor" had previously blocked the strike of Lei Zen. Although Lei Zen’s blow was exhausted, Bi Jing was the power of the country. The original cracked armor was brought together, but there were still cracks on the surface, and it was not known whether it was skill or equipment.

The phantom of the armor is fleeting, the surrounding light becomes bright, and the space is filled with the vast ancient atmosphere. A star-studded crystal long river appears at the foot of Tevez, flowing with a strange rhythm. White Night Emperor is known as the realm of the devil world - "Dream River"!

When this long river emerges, the growth of the star field is still good, and the weakening effect is obviously reduced. The negative effect of the autumn field is decomposed by a little starlight, and it does not work.

At this time, several huge white sè light **** flew out of Chen Rui’s hands, whistling and rushing to Teres. At the same time, Shura turned into seven or eight phantoms, imaginary and real, surrounded by all directions, for a while. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

With a wave of Tears, the whole space seems to have reversed, and the glorious star river is hanging over the hollow, which is dreamy and confusing. This process seems simple, but what actually happened was that Chen Rui's aurora bombs were distorted by the strange rhythm of the Milky Way and attacked several phantoms of Shura. The aurora bomb has a special destructive power. When the phantom of Shura is penetrated, it is suddenly annihilated. The real body just makes a hooping posture, and the aurora bomb with the destructive power quickly shrinks and disappears, as if it was swallowed up by what.

Teresi pointed to Chen Rui, the huge rapids in the hollowed out star river rushed down and split into two waterfalls, pouring toward Chen Rui and Shura.

This is not a simple "water", but a myriad of powerful stars. The flow rate of the star is not very fast, but it is faintly with a breath that is quite close to the law. The locked Chen Rui can hardly dodge. Can only be taken.

The "waterfall" has not yet reached Chen Rui's face, and he has already felt the terrible pressure, as if the surrounding air has been solidified into a solid body, almost making it difficult to move. The North Sword in the hands of Chen Rui screamed, swaying a circle of soft water lines and welcoming the "waterfall."

The turbulent rapids encountered a gentle turbulence, and the power of the two "waters" was instantly intertwined. There was no imaginary shock or rejection, but accidentally intertwined and stalemate.

Shura will shake his body and turn his body into a light smoke. It will spin like a whirlwind. The black smoke will surround the Milky Way waterfall. The waterfall will be swept away by a special force.

"Hey!" Chen Rui, who is fighting against the Xinghe River, is shocked by the water. The body is full of blushing, and the face seems to be drunk and full of blush. Facing the tremendous pressure of the Milky Way waterfall, the anti-phagment caused by the tower of glory is untimely. It happened. Chen Rui's face became more and more red, and finally he couldn't support it. A blood spurted out, and the sword of the water was stagnation. The starry river that had covered the land had already rushed into the water and rushed.

The power of the Milky Way is vast, and the temporary translucent blue sè is only maintained for a few seconds, and it collapses. The zhōngyāng will be engulfed by the falling river.

This scene just flashed in the turbulent space, Catherine's heart pounded, and the coolness in her eyes was suddenly torn apart.

Teres was confident in the power of the Mengxing River. When he hit it, he immediately turned his attention to the body of Shura. When he thought of it, the star river that rushed to the cyclone of Shuralong immediately solidified and became a giant sword.

During the swing, the black smoke will be cut into several pieces. Black smoke is not an entity, and it quickly converges together. However, there is a little bit of starlight in the interior, which makes the speed of black smoke slower and slower, and it can no longer be blurred, and it becomes a body of Shura.

Tres's ghosting eyes appeared in front of Shura. In the high-speed hitting sounds, Shura’s retreat was very passive, and the scars on his body were slowly increasing. Obviously, Tracy’s “control” combat ability, Suppressed Shura in the downwind.

The strange twists of the engulfing Chen Rui’s Xinghe River were not a strange vitality and a strong violent atmosphere. The sound of the Milky Way slammed into pieces, as if it had been evaporating by the terrible high temperature. A figure seems to fly away from the arrow of the string, a sharp air blast, as if the knife is close at hand.

The special technique of the special technique is repeated, and numerous flashing crystal mirrors appear in the body circumference, and the broken yuan knife will be opened, and the Teresi face will change. The surface of the crystal lens will appear a crack, and the speed will be high. The knife gas entered a blood mark on the back of his hand, followed by another one, two, three... This time, the near-perfect mirror protection was defeated!

Teres immediately dissipated the skills, overlapping phantoms flashed back into the air of the star river, jǐng stunned and stared at Chen Rui, who was full of fierce atmosphere, and his heart felt an extremely dangerous feeling. Obviously, this enemy has exerted some secret techniques, and the attack ability has been greatly improved, and has risen to the same level as him.

However, in the case of barely using the artifact in front of you, the more you use this kind of secret technique, the more you will increase the load of the **** and the body, which also shows the other party's eagerness to win.

Teres thought about the electric turn. At the same time as the ghosting movement, the fingers of both hands quickly made the seals, and the Milky Way around Shura became a spider's thread, criss-crossing, and blocked it with a mysterious rule. Soon, the spider silk became a star-studded cockroach, wrapped in Shura. From time to time, there was a bulge, and it was obvious that Shura was attacking, but he could not break the protection of the big bang.

At this time, Chen Rui made several consecutive teleports, intercepted the ghost and launched a crazy attack. Teres appeared very calm, and the war and retreat, giving full play to the control, making Chen Ruikong have a violent force, but can not fully play.

Teres is not afraid of Chen Rui, but this time the use of combat delay is the best tactic, as long as the mysterious combat power is banned, exhausting the vitality of the "Agulie" burning, naturally can win without fighting.

If you change the time or place, Teres will completely defeat the other party, but in order to destroy the three empires, he has painstakingly planned for three hundred years, and must not be surprised by the last negligence.

Chen Rui has given up the defense and started to attack. He has not had much time left. Once he exceeds the critical point of the load, neither he nor Shura will be turned into a bubble.

蓦地 What does Teres feel, the pupil suddenly shrinks: No!

How the power of the **** beads is reduced!

The power of faith! What is weakening the power of faith that he has accumulated so hard!

This is a terrible surprise. Once the **** beads are out of effect, then Catherine and Lei Zen will be out of the trap. With his current strength, even if the two entrances are already strong, they can't match!

That way, everything is over!

Teres, who realized this, immediately reacted, and his eyes fell on the big cockroach wrapped in Shura. The source was the mysterious!

It turned out that the other party actually had such a terrible calculation!


Teres screamed, and did not retreat. The Galaxy suddenly became shining and fully greeted Chen Rui. The mysterious creature must be the summoning creature or servant of "Agulie", and must kill "Agulie" as soon as possible!

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