Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 778: eye

A considerable part of Chen Ruiping's in-depth analysis has been reserved for the space **** "Glory Tower". As long as the tower of the brilliant is not forcibly displayed, the depth of the current Srr's power can still be used freely.

This ancient world of accusatives is not static, but it is constantly circulating and changing, just like a huge life. For Chen Rui, who already has the basics of the language, it is undoubtedly a huge treasure house, but what he is going to do now is not to learn the treasures, but to find the companions and the goals of the trip as soon as possible.

Although I don't know how Tiffany stayed in this place for more than a month, it is certain that after about a few hours, this treasure trove of knowledge will become the most terrible hell.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and calmed down, began to analyze and identify the trajectory of the surrounding ancient slang, but the disappearance of Akasaka is just what happened just now, but it has no trace, as if it is a drop of water in the vast ocean. The change in the signology he had previously discovered was probably left by Tiffany who entered the world 40 days ago. It can be guessed that Tiffany must have caused some amazing changes.

Nowadays, it is impossible to find the place where Akasaka is located. Only by following Tiffany may leave traces, and perhaps find relevant links.

Chen Rui's in-depth analysis has been running to the limit. Those incomprehensible statements are quickly “resolved” by deep analysis. In memory and understanding, high-speed search for possible meanings is consistent. Although there are still some errors, some meanings have been faintly understood.

It is like a primary school student. When reading a novel of interest, although there are many words that I don’t know, I can still roughly understand the general meaning of the novel.

Following this "probably" feeling, Chen Rui carefully walked forward step by step. The "transparent ladder" in the eyes of analysis is actually a conditional handle of cyclical changes, if this handle is combined with alchemy The technique is applied to the real world, and it is very capable of making something quite amazing.

Chen Rui does not have this kind of superfluous thoughts now. He is only trying to digest and identify this mysterious character, which constitutes the origin of the world, and finds traces that may be Tiffany. For the world of the language, it is as if the wound in a person is slowly healing, and many have been assimilated. Moreover, the whole world is not static, but it is changing all the time. This has made it difficult for Chen Rui, who was originally a "foreign household".

Unconsciously, it has been two hours, Chen Rui frustrated to draw a conclusion, so if you look for it, even if it is difficult to have a few days, the time left for him is not much, if Akasaka does not use the cloak The strength of the escape to the outside is still tiring the octopus, so you can only take a chance.

What Chen Rui has to do is to use deep analysis to understand the ancient idioms and use his own power to influence the world, so that he can find the clues he wants to find. Simply put, he plays a "virus" invasion. computer.

Chen Rui’s hand shows a physical gold sè rune slowly flying towards a node that has been prying for a long time.

This rune seems to be only the size of the palm, but it condenses all his power. The golden sè rune quickly merges into the rune of that node and a minute has passed. Two minutes, three minutes... It has been half an hour. Still no movements.

Chen Rui was helplessly giving up waiting, just going forward, and suddenly there were a few golden lights in the line of sight. The gold sè of the node spread like a spider web.

Although it is only a small movement of the whole world relative to the whole world, it is enough to make Chen Rui a surprise. He didn't move, immediately put on the magic glasses, and saw that the world in the glasses had a strange change. An intermittent passage appeared in front of him. Chen Rui knew that the power of the rune was limited, and the passage could not be maintained too. For a long time, I immediately went in.

Each section of the passage is another sub-world. Chen Rui shuttled for a while, feeling that the "wound" caused by a certain force on the big world became more and more obvious. In a void, he saw a floating figure.

Look at the figure, this is a woman, with black and white interlaced light. With the interlacing of the light, the night and the white space in the space are constantly changing. A strong repulsive force emerges from Chen Rui. The strength is not close enough.

Tiffany? Chen Rui looked too unclear about the specific appearance of the woman. The distance between the two was about a thousand meters, but in fact it was two different spaces. The repulsive force Chen Rui felt was from the space junction. The power of the pure destruction law is very amazing.

Chen Rui has already felt that the power of his previous gold sè rune is about to disappear. It is very likely that this space will disappear into the feeling because of the change. Anyway, it has already reached this stage and cannot be defeated. He took a deep breath and passed a trace of blood red in his eyes. He switched to the Shura mode.

Shura, who had been annihilated in the battle with Teres, has already been reborn. As long as Chen Rui is truly immortal, he can be born again infinitely. The price is a lot of aura and corresponding time.

If the avatar does not leave the body, Chen Rui can directly "call" the ability, but if it is separated, it will not be able to perform.

A huge black hole appears in front of you. This trick is a combination of the power of Shura's engulfing power. The power is far above the normal mode of the octopus. Chen Rui will jump into the black hole and merge into it. In an instant, the incomparable destruction of the surrounding madness rushed into the black hole, and the edge of the space was gradually solidified into a translucent entity, as if it were glass.

As the devastating atmosphere was greatly weakened, the "glass" showed a crack, and the crack spread rapidly. "Beep" and shattered, the two spaces merged into one, and the black and white light of the woman was quickly dimmed. It’s a lot closer to Chen Rui’s, and it’s just a few tens of meters away.

Chen Rui, who converges on the black hole, looks really real. It really is Tiffany, but his eyes are closed and he seems to be unconscious.

At this time, an extremely dangerous harbinger rushed into Chen Rui’s mind, and there should have been some time to report jǐng’s eyes to reveal the red light of jǐng. Without waiting for Chen Rui to respond, the calm world around him instantly boiled up, and the indescribable fierce power burst out, and the whole world was already in the blink of an eye.

Tiffany's body was wrapped up in breath and slowly blurred.

Chen Rui was unable to move by the kind of breath, and could not crush the escaped cloak lock. He could only watch Tiffany's figure disappear a little under this breath.

"Hey!" The magical glasses shattered, and the madly changing ancient idioms could not see the specific meaning, but they could feel the more intense meaning: death! Annihilation!

Chen Rui’s vision has been blurred by the increasing violent power, and even the body has almost lost consciousness, leaving only the gods and souls to resist. In this case, even if you can barely display the door of the starry sky, you can't get in.

This pressure has far surpassed any of the country-level powers that Chen Rui has encountered, and even more than the dragon emperor Augustus!

This absolute gap, even if Chen Rui can perform extreme star changes, is definitely not an opponent.

The violent and uneasy rune world gradually subsided, and the vision began to recover. It saw the emptiness of zhōngyāng and a huge eye.

Chen Rui had fought with Isorud, who had the "third eye". He also saw Rodriguez in the Tower of Destruction using light and dark elements to form a mixture of gold and silver eyes and Augustus. The eyes of the Dragon God, but these "eyesights" add up, and this eye is not terrible.

Compared with the previous violent breath, this eye exudes relatively quiet power, but this "quietness" gives a stronger sense of suffocation.

There is no information in the eyes of the analysis. Obviously, this eye is farther away from him than the imagination. The pupil of the eye is black, with the meaning of crystal, the kind of gaze is very light, Chen Rui instinctively feels, as long as This "eye" is a thought, and it will be able to kill him. This is such a terrible force.

If according to Teres, the gods have fallen asleep, then this level of strength should be infinitely close to the gods... false gods!

"Who are you believers?" The voice of the soul of the soul rang in Chen Rui's mind, as if from the deep hell.

"Awe-inspiring strong, please forgive me for taking the liberty. My name is Agulie. I was entrusted by the **** Emperor Lei Zen to come here to bring back the lady of the Mamen royal family, Miss Tiffany." The eye of analysis responded in the **** of jīng.

"Ignorant ants! Even if your hidden skills are deep, the light system still can't survive the eyes of the real strong! The body of the light... No! I saw that it is purer than the body of the light... Hey! Are you the Pope or Pope's heir to the Church of Light, or what is the plan of Michael's **** yīn?

Chen Rui was shocked. He couldn’t think of the other person’s skills of “collecting” and “disguise” in the super system. He directly broke his brilliance. Moreover, this "eye" does not hesitate to say the name of the first Michael of the ground to the third angel, and it must be the pseudo-power of the same class.

The fourth layer of the **** squadron is the most subtle. In the ancient slang world of this activity, there is a hidden god-level powerhouse. This truth is too amazing!

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and quickly said: "Please allow me to explain, respected adults..."

"My name is Shaliye... You may have heard my name." The voice of "eyes" reveals the fluctuations that make the soul tremble. "The trick of your soul reborn is in front of my evil spirits." It’s not worth mentioning at the moment! Now, answer my question right away! If you play tricks, I will make your soul completely vain!”

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