Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 787: Cooperation

"Of course it is me." Chen Rui now uses the face of "Li Cha", more accurately, Shura.

This Billy is what Chen Rui saw in the memory of Shura, the "bed companion." The deacon of the Black Death, Solangli!

Biliya's face is not very similar to Sorran, the hair and pupils are different in color, and the arrogant temperament does not see Sorene's seductiveness and debauchery. However, intuition tells Chen Rui that she is Sou Lanli. .

Especially after the road broke, the woman’s first reaction made Chen Rui’s heart more certain. No one could have imagined that the sister of the Star Kingdom’s Star City, the deputy minister of the Star Optics School, turned out to be a black dead! And it is still the deacon of the Black Death!

This matter is likely to involve the mysterious church that has disappeared for thousands of years. How long is the hand stretched?

Billy looked around with vigilance, and Chen Rui smiled confidently: "Reassured, I have already closed this zone with the field, plus the soundproof magic array in your office, we can't hear us outside, even if we are There are some things that love to do here, and no one knows."

The last sentence is that he deliberately retreats and imitates Shura’s tone. At this time, Billia will definitely not be chaotic. Once discovered, even if he does not expose the body of the Black Death, he will also be defeated. danger.

"Hey! I haven't seen you for a while, is your upper and lower body upside down?" Biliya said with a slight sigh of relief, "You have been missing for so long, I can't contact you at all, I thought you already ...I don't think you are a bright knight."

"The most dangerous place is often the safest place, not to mention that this body is just a cover-up," Chen Rui said with a disdainful smile: "Are you not the upper level of the Starlight Academy? As for what you expected." Angeli really wants to take the opportunity to get rid of me, send me out to complete a dangerous task, and send someone to hide the poisonous hand, I will hide the land. I wait for the right time to start with the woman."

This sentence is not fabricated. Shura’s promotion is too fast. The Bishop of the Black Death, Angeli, feels deeply jealous. This time, the task was really dangerous, and he sent an assassin to kill Shura. In the middle of the battle, Shura was summoned back to the body by Chen Rui because of the battle with Teres, and then naturally “disappeared”.

"You are fine, I am worried about dying of me during this time. I believe that you will give Angela a big ‘surprise’ when it comes time.” Biliya smiled. In fact, both of them are tacit, and Billy does not want to use Shura to kill Angeli, and even has planned a conspiracy to destroy with Shura. As for the relationship between the two people (in fact, Shura), it is just use and indulgence. It is not enough to become a kind of jealousy or chip.

"Your worry is superfluous," Chen Rui said in a pun. "Now I am in the dark, as long as the time is ripe, I can give Angeli a critical blow... Are you sure to replace her as a bishop?"

"I? Bishop?" Biliya looked surprised, but her heart was trying to figure out the true meaning of this.

Chen Rui shook his head: "I am not interested in guiding a group of people to instill teachings. The embarrassment I pursue is absolute strength, and it is more suitable for the path of the guardian."

Compared with the "educational" position, the guardian is equivalent to a pure killing machine, and the development and cultivation of force is the focus.

Biliya’s mind flew. The body of the "Li Cha", who is the color of thinking, is only a bright knight. It is probably still a fake, but her deputy minister's body is not the same as "Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text." In case of failure, there will be endless troubles. The best way is to kill people. But in terms of combat effectiveness, she is far less inferior to each other. Moreover, the other party is also a master of work, and will not be easily blinded or counted.

Chen Rui sees Biya's concerns: "I appreciate your talents and means, and know that you have a considerable background, whether here or 'where', with my potential and strength, we can work together, in This road is getting farther and farther, instead of smashing the knife in the middle... The premise is that you really want to cooperate with me."

Looking at Chen Rui's eyes, Biliya finally showed a charming smile, and formed a strong gap with the arrogant temperament of the weekdays. He did not hide the temptations revealed in the middle: "I very much agree with your statement, perhaps, An equal contract can be the beginning of our true intimacy?"

"Of course, the real intimacy, no matter what." Chen Rui also laughed, this is exactly what he wants to say.

The conversation in the office was over. Chen Rui did not go to the pharmacy department and left the college.

Master Matthews has been waiting for the worst result to appear, but the worry has not happened. Instead, Bilia sent someone to say: "This is just a misunderstanding."

It is obvious that this opportunity can be used to push Fitz to the desperate situation, but it is no longer. This is definitely not the style of Biliya. There is only one answer. The "light knight" not only did not sell Fitz, but played an unimaginable Energy, let Biliya give up the attempt to pay.

As for a bright knight, I am already sitting on the carriage returning to Venus City, and I am in a good mood.

This trip to the Starlight Academy was originally for Blu-ray grass, but unexpectedly encountered the black death of Shura. "Taro." Chen Rui, who is the body of Billia, will definitely not be exposed now, not because it can be cancelled at any time with a spiritual link. The contract, but to long-term fishing big fish, further into the interior of the mysterious church.

In fact, the harvest of the Starlight Academy is far more than that. With Biliya’s relationship, he has obtained a large amount of blue grass and seeds far beyond expectations, as well as embossed paper and lock vines. The task has been overfulfilled, not only that, but another surprise, that is, the number of places to enter the Star Tower.

The Star Tower is the greatest mystery of the Starlight Academy and is known throughout the world. It is said to be an excellent way to practice for the Holy Power. The Tower of Stars is opened every ten years. Now it is the opening period of the tenth year. Due to the limited number of places, the college has already competed in the competition to compete for the entry into the Star Tower.

In addition, each additional level of recommendation or special contribution to the teacher has an additional recommended quota, which can be outside the college, mainly for the tutors the college wants to recruit or recruit.

There is naturally an extra recommended place on the hands of Biliya. Originally wanted to give Neil, but Nell's heart or strength can only be regarded as the mud that can't help the wall. It was only by the relationship of Biliya that he became an elite student and joined the compulsory legal team. It is nothing more than to gain political capital in the future to compete with the brothers for the father of the city.

Billia's ambition is more than just the bishop of the mysterious church. After signing the equality contract with Chen Rui, it is equivalent to putting the bet on the "Li Cha" with great potential and establishing the relationship of interest coexistence. The stronger the "Li Cha", the higher the odds for her, so he did not hesitate to give the recommended quota to Chen Rui.

The official opening hours of the Star Tower are more than two months later, "Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text", due to the relationship between the Devils Alchemist Competition, Chen Rui can stay in the ground world for up to four months at this time, so These two months can not always be spent in the city of Venus. There are two choices in front of him. First, go to the jade forest to ask the two masters for advice. The second is to go to the island of the storm, to obtain the source of light and the source of the wind.

Considering it over and over again, Chen Rui decided to go to the storm island first. The location of Stormwind Island is in the southern waters of the Yangshuo Kingdom's Jiadun City, far away from the Starlight Kingdom, but Venus City is a transmission city with a transmission point to the mirror city of Loya, while the city of Der Spiegel is the human world. The largest transfer station has a transfer point to all parties, which can greatly shorten the time of long-distance travel.

Just tomorrow is the time when the Venus City and the Mirror City transfer points are simultaneously open. Calculating the voyage of Shanghai Road, it is estimated that it will take half a month to reach the island of the storm. Anyway, the star point is set in the Venus City. It is only a blink of an eye to come back.

After returning to the Golden Star City from Storm Island, you can also travel to the Jade Forest Sea from the sea route of Blue Star City. Studying for a while under the guidance of the two masters, just go back the day before the opening of the Star Tower.

The island of Stormwind is one of the most famous dangers in the world of the ground. The violent hurricane that surrounds the sea all the year round has captured the lives of countless seafarers. There are countless dangers on the island, but in the concept of many adventurers. Risks and wealth often coexist, and Stormwind Island has many unique resources. Mercenary unions often have high-paying tasks associated with them, and of course, there are also adventurers who come to try their luck.

In the sea, on the edge of a hurricane, a white sailboat is swinging left and right, struggling.

The burly bearded captain shouted, "The last step! Just pass through this last area, we can leave this ghost place!"

"Captain, the deputy has been broken!"

"Captain, the back tank seepage exceeds the warning level!"


"Left full rudder! Stabilize! Meng Siyang, with a few people to strengthen the port side!" The voice of the bearded man was a little hoarse: "Think about the wine and woman of Garton City, think about the black crystal in the pocket after delivery. Currency! Just leave here, the oldest man will go out and ask you these **** to go to the Rosa Bar for ten days!"

These words will definitely cause the crew's cheers in peacetime, but now there is no response. Seeing that death is close to each other, everyone's heart is like a tight bowstring, which may break at any time. The sound of the beard’s screaming voice was gradually buried by the terrible whistle. Many people have begun to collapse, and others are praying.

The nearby black hurricane is like a ferocious behemoth. Seeing that the ship is sucking into the entrance, the ground, the action of the "bane beast" quickly retreats, and on the way it seems to be torn apart. go with.

It was not until the two hurricanes that had split apart that the rest of the people had waking up like a dream, and they shouted together.

"Bright God! Must be the miracle of the **** of light!" A sailor who believes in the light of the gods shines and screams.

The bearded captain slaps on the head of this fanatic believer and points in one direction: "Your light god, there."

The man saw that a magnificent black sailing ship in the distance was riding the wind and waves at an incredible speed. It was a straight sailing, completely ignoring the existence of the hurricane. There was a figure floating in the air in front of the sailboat. The figure was free to punch, and the hurricane in the distance was torn apart.

Everyone looked at this scene with a stunned look. As the veteran of Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text in this sea area, it was the first time that someone saw such a violent way to direct the stormy sea!

In any case, the strong are respectable, not to mention the benefactors who saved their lives. Under the leadership of the bearded captain, the awesome sailors are escaping from the black sailboats that are gradually disappearing in sight.

"Right, Captain, you just seemed to say... Rosata Barn Carnival for ten days?"

"Yeah, I heard it too!"

"Meng Si Yang, you are a jerk. When the old nephew said that you would strengthen the port side, where did your ears go?"

"Lossa Bar!"

"Lossa Bar!"


The buzz of the bearded man was once again drowned, but this time it was a wave of cheers.

Chen Rui didn't pay attention to the thing behind the sailboat. The rescue was just a matter of handing it. Although it took only ten days to get here smoothly, in general, his time is very limited and he must arrive as soon as possible. The island of the storm.

The Datura is not the first time to enter the stormy seas. Combined with the signs of the chart, the sand people skillfully control the ship to bypass some possible danger zones and advance toward the island of the storm as quickly as possible.

In order to save Samuel, Chen Rui once climbed the island of the storm and fought a mysterious creature on the island. This mysterious creature is the Titan giant. The eyes of the analysis show that the Titan has strong combat power. It is actually an alchemy life.

This kind of alchemy life is probably the product left by the ancient alchemy star of the star is controlled by Chen Rui, there are crystal monsters, lights and other alchemy life, but when he releases When the spirit of the ancient alchemy civilization was imprinted, the Titan giants showed unexpected anger and launched a more violent attack on Chen Rui.

It can be seen that the Titan giant is definitely related to the ancient alchemy civilization. As for why there is such a strong hostility, it is still unknown. In addition to the Titan giant, Chen Rui also encountered another powerful presence on the island last time, the wind element!

Not only the elemental people, but also the king of the wind that has the king's original source of debris!

The speed of the wind element king is extremely amazing. It is still above the "sound burst", plus the power of the original source fragments and elemental rules. Despite some limitations, the strength stays at the level of the emperor, but the combat power is absolutely with the roller and lost. The S++ level is the same grade.

The last time Chen Rui used the hidden technique to escape the pursuit of the wind element king. There is no doubt that this time the exchange, he will face the enemy of the earth element king, perhaps, the mystery of the Titan can also get the answer.

PS: PS: Thanks to the book friends for doing nothing~ to read the correction of the novel, in the previous chapter "Wake Up", Lentini has been changed to Sorran.

There are only one more work in the past few days. Next Thursday, on the afternoon of the 13th, the editors arranged an important recommendation, and now they are desperately trying to save the manuscript, so stay tuned. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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