Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 799: whereabouts

() Genk's comprehensive strength is rated as A, the strength has reached A+jīng divine power, but only the strength of the middle moth is quite powerful in this area.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Different from those who are "嫔妃", a beast woman sitting in the first drink, xìng, dark skin, there are many strange tattoos on the body, the strength is C, the big devil level, jīng divine power to achieve C + looks like a a wizard.

Because Chen Rui condensed the breath, the orc leader was lazy to look at him a lot, and asked the human businessman straight away: "How many people have you come this time?"

The first question of the orc leader did not ask for goods or add money, which made Corradia somewhat surprised, but still replied truthfully: "There are a total of fifty-three people, not including this distinguished jīng spirit."

“Jīng Ling?” Genk immediately turned his attention to Chen Rui, and his eyes seemed to flash a strange look: “Remove your mask, I want to know if you are a jīng spirit!”

"I am not a jīng spirit is not important," Chen Rui felt the unscrupulous in Genk's eyes, could not help but frown, "I came to the Zhuangzi tribe, is looking for a female xìng half jīng spirit, hope The chief adult can help, I will pay accordingly."

"Female xìng half jīng spirit?" Genk's eyes lit up. "Is it a girl with glasses and a masked face?"

Chen Ruiyi listened to the word "glasses", and the gods shouted: "Yes, it should be her!"

“Ha ha ha ha!” Genk laughed wildly. “It’s the beast **** bless! I can’t think of not catching half of the jīng spirit, but there is a jīng spirit to send it to the door! Fifty-three humans, plus a jīng spirit, will surely Get the reward of the great wizard!"

The great wizard's reward? This time even the human businessman Corradia has come to understand, this is a yīn seek! This time I came to the original trading of the nightmare, I am afraid that it is a real nightmare!

In this kind of mixed land, killing people and winning the jungle, the weak meat and strong food is a matter of course for the orcs. The caravans are often the target of robbery, but in general, for the long-term interests and livelihoods, the larger orc beasts do not It will start with a caravan with a fixed trading relationship. I don’t know why the Zhuangzi tribe will suddenly turn over.

Genk's laughter seemed to be a signal of mobilization. The anger of the mercenaries and the snoring of the white winds came from outside the tent. More is the roar of the orcs.

Genk showed a sly smile and slowly got up from the animal skin chair. The orc women succumbed back to the back, and the drinking wizard stood up.

The nerves of the human businessman suddenly tightened, and they felt a flower in the eyes, and they appeared outside the tent. I don’t know when the hand holding the arm is releasing. It’s the “jīngling”

Outside the tent, the members of the caravan and the mercenaries have been surrounded by the orcs. The heart of Corradia has suddenly sunk, and the situation in front of them is much worse than that of the wind wolves. There are only 50 on this side. There are only thirty mercenaries who can fight, and there is no chance of winning in this orc tribe's base camp.

The only hope is this mysterious "jīngling", but this "jīngling" is stronger and can't compete with so many orcs. And there is such a powerful orc like Genk and the mysterious witch. It’s a blessing to escape alone.

Around the white wind, several orcs fell to the ground, and they were braving the electric flowers, and more orcs were holding their eyes, which was very uncomfortable. The beasts’ hands were actually very sudden. Fortunately, the white winds of jǐng felt in time, and the human mercenaries finally responded in time, barely posing a defensive formation.

However, there have been several head-level jīng sharp orcs approaching the white wind. Two of these leaders are the strength of the big devil level. The unicorn feels the threat and the mane is erected.

Chen Rui throws Cola Diva into the mercenary, and his figure instantly appears in front of the white wind. A wave of hands, surrounded by a large circle of orcs, suddenly feels that the body is several times heavier, and the action is almost It was planted on the ground in a uniform manner and could not be moved for a while.


The witches exclaimed, this kind of gravity control is almost unimaginable. It is also the human and unicorn in the magic range. It is not affected by the slightest. It seems that this "jīngling" is a powerful magician. .

The witch's mouth made a sharp voice, with a strange rhythm, like a howl, and it seemed to sing. The beasts within the scope of gravity have suddenly glowed red, and the eyes are a little more crazy, and the power suddenly increases.

This is the "violent trench" commonly used by Orc wizards, which allows the orcs to enter a violent state in a short period of time and give extraordinary power.

Under the influence of the "violent treacherous warfare", several powerful forces actually stood up with gravity and trembled. However, after a few steps, they could not support it and fell to the ground.

Although Chen Rui is a magical blind, the earth element king is not only a small force with the gift of elemental blessing, but also the performance of Srr's jīng power. Even if it can only exert the minimum power, it is not a violent warfare. Can eliminate.

The orc is not afraid of melee, but it is extremely jealous to the magician. "The magic power displayed by the jīng spirit makes Genk as an enemy, snoring, and the right hand swells rapidly and becomes twice as big as the left hand. The arrogant muscles are dark red, and the palms are still sharp claws, as if they were real beasts.

The witches also changed their tactics, and a strange stone pillar appeared in their hands, about two meters high, with a strange totem engraved on it. The witches quickly read the words in their mouths. The totems on the pillars and the tattoos on the body began to glow at the same time. There was a halo of purple sè on the ground - the unique totem power of the orc wizard!

Inside the aura, all the orcs have some purple sè patterns. This additional pattern allows the orcs to greatly enhance the magic resistance for a certain period of time. Of course, the main beneficiary is Genk.

The power of the witch's totem made up for the anti-magic weakness of the orcs, and Henkton's confidence increased greatly. He screamed and his body was strong and powerful, and he had already rushed to this "jīng spirit magician." The gravity of the "Jīng Spirit Magician" was just over the end. Seeing Henk rushed, it seemed to be captured by the momentum. It was too late to display the next magic. He could only watch the orcs rushing close.

The right arm of the Henk mutated bursts with amazing power, the claws glow out of metal, and the lightning sweeps toward each other. With this effective attack distance, he has absolute confidence to make this weak in three seconds. The jīng spirit magician tears into pieces.

Seeing that the giant arm is going to encounter the "jīng spirit magician", everyone feels that the eyes are a flower, and Henk "takes" the "jīng spirit magician" and rushes to the half-beast, and only the leader leads the way, cheering.

The figure that rushed into the air fell to the ground at a faster and more powerful speed. In the open space before the big camp, there was a large pit full of cracks, as if some kind of meteorite fell, and the impact field formed would be big. The surrounding tents are all over.

Genk fell in the big pit of zhōngyāng, this pit is suddenly recited by the orc leader, and the cheers of the surrounding beasts abruptly stopped.

The hand that buckled on the face of the orc leader slowly took it back. The "jīng spirit magician" who had been holding the face under the pressure of Genk’s face flashed and fell to the side, playing the cloak. The dust, as if just just out of a similar casual action.

Henk fell to the ground and felt that his muscles were shattered. The proud right-handed bones that had been arrogant had been shattered, and the pain almost lost consciousness.

In fact, the terrible fear inside the orc leader is especially physical pain - what is this magician? It is clearly a terrible melee-strong, and the power is extremely horrible. It is just a simple blow that disintegrates all his resistance!

All the orcs were quiet, but did not escape. Instead, after a brief pause, they rushed to the side, not to mention anything else. In terms of bravery and blood, the orcs with relatively simple minds could indeed circle. Can be.

At this time, the voice of the witches rang in time, and the position of the wizard in the tribe was second only to the leader. In the loud cry, the chaotic beast finally stopped the charge.

A tribal wizard is often the most sober brain thinker. The witches know the strength of Genk. The opponent can easily defeat the strongest Genk. It is not difficult to destroy the entire Zhuangzi tribe. In the face of this absolute power gap, there is no more use for people. Once the "jīng spirit" is completely angered, all the orcs of the tribe will face the catastrophe.

The witch wizard just stopped the orc, and suddenly she felt jǐng in her heart. She saw that the mysterious and terrible mask man had appeared in front of her eyes, and a terrible jīng **** oppressed her.

"What happened in the end? Where is the half-nine spirit?"

"I don't know ······" The witch wizard just said a few words, and with that pair of eyes, suddenly chilled, feeling the soul involuntarily trembled, and sometimes could not give up or refuse The idea of ​​lying.

"Tell out all that you know. Otherwise, you know what the consequences are. You only have one The voice of the other party makes the witch's heart tight, and the trembling sounds out.

About two months ago, the great wizard of the Doom Marsh, Long Meir, sent people to various tribes, rewarding a woman who captured a half-nine spirit, characterized by masked faces, glasses, and asked the tribes to arrest and come to nightmares. The original human beings were sent to the Doom Marsh.

The reward was very rich, so the orcs went around and searched for the whereabouts of the half-Jīng spirit. Just five days ago, Henk and the witches received news that half of the spirits fell into the most powerful violent tribes. In the hands.

Blanche was caught! Chen Rui’s heart was shocked, and the power of evil spirits was released. The witches only felt a whirlwind, their feet were soft, and they fell to the ground. They were sweaty and heavy, and did not dare to look at the mask.

Thunderstorm tribe! Doom Marsh!

Chen Rui clenched his fist, Blanche, must hold on! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (wm) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my greatest motivation. PS: Last night, the insomnia was very bad. Now the state of jīng is very poor. I can't eat breakfast. I will try to make up for it. Today's update, try your best.

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