Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 821: The strongest battle of the guru

From the gambling of Niet and the wind Saka to the birth of the sect Tatenis, to the disciple of the mysterious guru Saman about fighting Tetones, the three-line master of the once-disappearing genius "Arthur." The second Masters of the Masters can be described as a wave of twists and turns.

Not only the people on the stage, but the audience in front of the magic TV was quiet, waiting for the most exciting matchup.

Under the signal of Tetnes, everyone in the field retired and let out a piece of open space.

"If it's not the rule of branding, you don't need me to be a big fan of this kind of ant-like role." Saman looked at Chen Rui with a scorn, and a golden glow appeared on his body.

Chen Rui did not explain that he used to seal the atmosphere of the brand with the power of evil spirits. Now that he wants to defeat Saman in a bright and honest manner, he naturally no longer suppresses, letting his own half-burning force fly out of the body.

The two golden lights are combined, and the space where the two people are located has been partially moved. It looks like a glass that refracts light, and the sound and image can still be transmitted. This is the independent space of the brand.

Chen Rui learned from the branded information that this is a space containing the mystery of the law and the ancient ancient slang. When the two sides set the rules, the space will automatically determine the outcome, and finally only one person can leave alive.

“Ready to face death?” Saman has experienced this kind of duel more than once, and he is self-sufficient and confident.

Chen Rui calmly said: "I am not interested in such a person, and now make rules."

"The confidence of bluffing, you guys. I have seen too much, just knowing that I must be defeated and undoubtedly want to self-hypnosis. It seems to be fearless of death." Saman's one-eyed eyes are more disdainful, not his underestimated . Because even Tetnes, who has already advanced to the master, has absolute confidence, not to mention the disciple of Tetnes.

Chen Rui shook his head: "I have been full of fear of death, so I will choose to conquer death to overcome my fear."

"I don't know the guys who live and die!" Saman said coldly: "I know that you have a three-master master of masters, I give you the opportunity to show, the first game is more than the maker, the bet is half the life, how about it?"

"Agree. The second is pharmacy?"

"Agree! The bet is the life of the other half. If you can win two games in a row, your life will automatically disappear. In turn, you will be the same. If you win and lose, you will enter the final of the third game. In the final, the bets of the first two innings will be repeated, and the gambling will be repeated until one party fails completely."

"Agree." Chen Rui nodded. After the two people said "agree", a visible golden chain emerged from the space and entangled together. The singular words form a certain rule. Under the conclusion of this rule, the two people have some states in their minds. Includes vitality as a bet.

"What an amazing vitality! No wonder he will agree with your request for delays!" Saman couldn't help but smirk and laughed: "The delay is more than the cost of three hundred years of life. But At least one hundred times of interest will be recovered at one time! You seem to have got some kind of pharmacy feeling in the brand, it is a disciple of Tetnes. Unfortunately, you don't understand, even if you completely penetrate the brand to transcend Tetnes, it is only Becoming the second Daur, even if Daur was killed in my hands, let alone your "Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text"? ”

"Listen to the teacher, when you gamble with his teacher, the bet was only two hundred years of life. How did this change from a specific number to a ratio?" Chen Rui frowned, his eyes faint Surrounded by Saman, it made Saman feel a feeling of being seen through.

Chen Rui used his deep analysis to follow the rules of space to form a force for a moment, and finally revealed the true color: "You have a myriad of undead power, this should be a contract similar to symbiosis. Your contract partner should be an undead creature! No wonder you can continue unbeaten for nearly 10,000 years. It turned out to be cheating on the life of a symbiotic partner!"

The life of that contract partner is equal to Saman's almost endless bet, plus its own powerful strength, naturally invincible.

This truth made Tetnes suddenly realize that the teacher who had passed away could not help but clench his fist.

"You can actually see this secret!" Saman's one-eyed eyes glowed coldly: "Hey! This does not violate the rules of space imprinting. It is not cheating at all. It is the guys who are stupid! The winner is king, if you With this ability, you can also cheat with the rules, as long as you can win me!"

"Yes? I don't see more than these..." Chen Rui's evil spirits have reached the limit. "It turns out! Your symbiotic contract is flawed, plus the punishment of the branding rules, the life of your undead partner." It’s not really undead, life should be less than a thousand years, no wonder...”

Chen Rui finally understood, why the last time the lich would incite Saman to delay the fight time, that is, he is far more powerful than Tetnes. Chen Rui doesn't know how long his life will be, but the half life expectancy from Pagliu is at least 100,000 years old, so from Saman's point of view, this is definitely one. The value of the sale of the pen.

"What do you understand?" Saman made a sinister laugh: "Now the rules have been determined, only two games are needed, and your life is mine."

Chen Rui smiled, even if it was a mask, Saman could clearly feel the firmness: "This kind of cleverness doesn't mean anything to me. Anyway, only one person can live today, whether it is a trick or a conspiracy. In the face of absolute strength, it’s just a joke. After a long time of nonsense, our duel should begin."

Saman does not think that this disciple's disciple really has the strength to compete with him. He is equally confident: "This sentence should be the right thing to say, the first game, the three games and two wins. The content of the game is decided by taking turns. ""

In front of Chen Rui, there was a six-faced scorpion in the air. When the mind was moving, the scorpion had turned. After the rotation is over, the scorpion is shattered. A "one" word appears in the air. This comparison project is. Refined.

At the same time, two of them appeared in front of the table, with various utensils and a piece of purple star iron ore. In an hour, who has a high refining rate, who will win the game.

Refining is the purification process of 芜 芜 菁 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Chen Rui’s heart is moving, and Saman can use the loopholes of the rules. He can do the same. This first item just happens to try out whether the super system is suitable for this gambling. He turned on the smelter of the controller, and when the ore was heated and turned red, he picked up the hammer and simply knocked it down at the ore.

Saman saw Chen Rui’s action “Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text”, the scorn color is more concentrated, the hammer in the hand also began to hit the red ore, the action seems to be in the hands of the masters. The singular reason and rhythm can almost pull the soul. Just this hand, I have been able to determine the strength of Saman.

"Zhong Shi!" has been exclaimed by the masters, and this voice was heard by the audience and spread quickly.

Saman. Sure enough, it is a powerful master! Or as he said, the strength is still far above Tetnes!

Listening to the conversations between the two men seems to be playing a life and death gamble. The master has almost no suspense for the guru. How will the genius master who is proficient in the three departments deal with it?

Saman can remain unbeaten for ten years. In addition to the huge amount of cheating "bets", the skills of the game are truly extraordinary. Over the years, Saman has thoroughly penetrated the subtlety of the half-burning, and the strength is still above the original teacher Rosenbach. Although he is quite disdainful to Chen Rui, he has no scorn in his hands, beating, refining, beating, refining. ... so repeated, the volume of the ore is also rapidly shrinking.

An hour passed, and a small round metal ball appeared on Saman's table. The appearance seemed to be natural, and there was no visible bump. Chen Rui did not seem to know how to use time to step up refinement. Instead, he ended the purification in the morning, but only watched Saman's movements with enthusiasm. He was in front of a small metal cube.

The masters of the machine shook their heads, not to mention the relatively inferior movements of Arthur. From the perspective of the shape of the two refined products, Arthur is obviously much inferior, because the corners of the cube are very easy to accumulate impurities. Only the circle is the perfect shape for refining. There is no suspense in this duel.

Saman taunted and looked at the small square in front of Chen Rui. The branding space began to judge the outcome. The result was directly displayed in the space in the form of text as the result of the dice.

Saman's refining degree is 86%. Generally speaking, many materials cannot be repeatedly purified after reaching a certain purity. This purple star iron is one of the most difficult materials to refine. It is difficult. It is already the limit for ordinary masters to achieve 70% refinement. Saman can achieve 86%. It is quite amazing. It is still within an hour's time limit. From Saman's approach, as long as the time is sufficient, it can be fully The degree of refinement has increased to over 90%.

The masters were amazed. Regardless of Saman's character, the master's skill was really real, but this amazement lasted only a few seconds. Immediately after the "Arthur" performance came out, it became shocked.

Arthur's refinement, 100%!

Saman is incredibly embarrassed, almost thinking that his eyes are 100% is a concept? No matter what the material is, there is always an inevitable impurity in how to refine it. For the purple star iron, 90% of the refining is almost the limit that can be achieved by man.

Today, however, this theory has become a living reality in front of you!

Saman is very clear that the cutting data of the branding space is absolutely accurate, that is to say, the ore that has been hammered a few times, it is incredible to achieve the highest purity that can be achieved by theory! What kind of techniques and means can this be achieved? Can the top masters do it?

"What trick did you use for cheating!" Saman couldn't help but scream.

"The winner is king, as long as the rules allow, this "Baidu ★ Meng Meng 桜 ★ text" is what you said. Chen Rui replied indifferently, and there are counts in his heart. As long as he is "transformed" by his hand, he can be recognized by the rules!

Saman gasped, and his eyes seemed to shoot out countless sharp blades to crush Chen Rui's body. He finally calmed down and began to roll the ball to decide the content of the second game. The content of the second game is that within two hours, a sword of superior quality is made with the prescribed materials, and then the two swords are smashed, and the first break is negative.

There are several points in this rule. First, the material can not be increased or reduced. This greatly limits the means of forging. Second, superior quality, which exceeds or falls below this quality, will be directly negative. Third, mutual ambiguity, which requires that the most appropriate balance must be chosen between the hardness and toughness of the sword, and the attributes are also conducive to attack.

Looking at the fixed swords and materials on the platform, Chen Rui did not move the extra mind, and really calmed down the mind. The refinement just was a test, and now, it is really a contest between the masters and the masters. Contest.

After a moment of silence, Chen Rui reached out to the hammer. Due to the previous accidental defeat, Saman was not eager to start, and has been observing Chen Rui’s movements.

When I saw Chen Rui's hand holding the hammer, Saman's pupil suddenly shrank: this kind of movement, this kind of cohesion, this kind of momentum... completely different from the previous one, this is the feeling that the real master has. !

This Arthur's strength has surpassed Tetnes incredibly, at least to reach the level of resistance with his "Master of the Year"!

The masters of the controllers outside the field only looked a few times, and their eyes seemed to be attracted by the whirlpool, and they fell deeply into it. Chen Rui’s actions seem to be awkward, and every detail reveals a sly life. In this breath, the sword embryo changed a little into a long sword, and this change is a natural change as if a metamorphosis.

With this alone, only the guru can do it! That feeling, even the "Arthur" teacher, Tetnes's previous actions seem far from perfect.

No wonder "Arthur" dared to gamble with Saman, and it has already surpassed his own teacher!

Anderson, the president of the Shadows Empire, showed his incomparable look. Only a few years later, the three masters of genius have become the true masters that everyone can look up to!

Not only the masters, but all the audience present at the same time have a feeling in the same mood, can not see or see through the process of Chen Rui forging, just feel that the sword looks like a new sapling, from the height of the eye, open branches Loose leaves until they become towering trees.

This is a wonderful feeling, and some people even get an unexpected feeling, and the body exudes a special strength.

Saman couldn't move, and immediately converges her mind and begins her own forging.

The two hours are not too short, but the Royal Arena is very quiet, fearing to disturb the two people in the branding space. Unlike the previous game, this time almost everyone's mind is full of expectations for the unknown results, because this is the contest between the two masters who represent the highest level of the devil, and only one of them can survive.

PS: This chapter 4000, today is 7000, seeking a monthly ticket, seeking support! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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