Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 841: Dragon Valley's "experts"

Melia has recovered from her surprise, and the burning eyes seem to be the first time to face up to Chen Rui: "Your name?"

"Li Cha, the inheritor of the ancient alchemy civilization."

"The ancient alchemy civilization?" Merial glimpsed, then beheaded: "Meliya, the Dragon Valley elders, I can fully represent the dragon Emperor Palgoris."

This is considered to be the real place for Melia to put Chen Rui in the position of reciprocity. Of course, in addition to the ability shown by Chen Rui, the contract that controls the life of the dragon and the knight is the most important reason.

"So... Richard, I am very puzzled, what is the purpose of your purpose? What can you get?"

"I don't want this kind of unnecessary casualties and hatred to continue. I want to be friends more than the enemy of the Dragon Valley." Chen Rui smiled. "Of course there are other reasons. It is not convenient to explain at the moment, but For Dragon Valley, this kind of cooperation is also beneficial."

"Although there is no vocabulary in your words, I still feel a very clear threat." Melia's eyes groaned. "You have so many dragons' lives, I don't seem to have more choices. Okay. , we can sign the contract."

Chen Rui thought for a while and gathered a soul contract in his hand. "Please take a look, how are these terms?"

"I will first look at the amount... The Dragon of the Dragon Valley must not do any harm to the contractor... If there is an accidental casualty in the trial, the Dragon Valley must not harm the Titan and the wind element who set up the trial... The two sides cooperate for a long time. Partnerships, in the event of a crisis, must provide voluntary assistance? This article needs to be revised..." Melia looked carefully and continued to point out what needs to be modified in the terms.

After determining the content of the contract, Melia fingered a little. Signing his name, Chen Rui smiled: "The elders really are a refreshing person."

He said that he also signed the contract, and the contract was made into two lights. He did not enter the body of Melia and Chen Rui, representing the establishment of the contract. Merial felt a surprise, she thought that the other party would also put forward some conditions and the like, I can't think so smoothly.

The fairy elders and the red dragon Jinlong quickly exchanged their eyes and suddenly shocked: "Licha. You have not lifted the duel contract just now?"

Stronger countries above the national level can sign more than one contract. For example, you can have both an equal contract and a master-servant contract, but the same type of contract can only be signed one. That is to say, you cannot sign two kinds of equality contracts at the same time. If Chen Rui wants to accept the contract of cooperation, he must first remove the previous contract. Drop it.

"Oh, forget to explain..." Chen Ruiyi just thought of it. "My talent seems to be able to accept more than two equal contracts."

The face of the red dragon elders twitched and looked at the expression should be a greeting such as "forget your sister."

Melia's eyeglasses passed a cold light, and her original intention was to perfuse the other party to lift the key contract of the dragon's life and death, and get rid of the hostage. As for this cooperation contract, with the realm of her demigod, it can be lifted at a certain price. Regardless of whether or not you really cooperate with each other in the end, the initiative is always in your own hands. However, now this "Licha" has swallowed two contracts in a quiet manner, no wonder that no guarantees have been proposed.

Both contracts are valid, which means that the other party not only controls the life of the dragons, but also can't do it to him.

Chen Rui observed the situation and immediately said: "Meriya adults should not misunderstand. I just want to complete the planning and cooperation of the test site first. After that, I will definitely cancel the previous contract."

Melia's face is unchanged. Nodded: "Okay, but since it is cooperation, it must be two-sided. The trial field is a big-action project, so it is also necessary to use the experts of the Dragon Valley to modify it. So, I will use the water space array. A magical array expert who sent the Dragon Valley, he is also proficient in the dragon inscriptions and the ancient runes. But it takes a day to structure this space array, what do you think?"

"Good." Chen Rui nodded, the time limit of the great star change is coming soon, this suggestion is in his heart.

As a result, the two sides ceased fighting here. Melia and the two elders led the dragons and dragon knights and the gryphon knights to camp, and Chen Rui returned to the palace of the clouds with the elements of the wind and the Titans.

When Chen Rui and other talents left, the red dragon elder Russola, who was behind Merida, couldn’t help but ask: "Great elder! Why did you just cancel the contract? You are a semi-god realm, as long as..."

Without waiting for him to finish, he was interrupted by Meriya. "Do you think I don't want to? I don't know if the guy has any secrets or talents. I can't force the contract to be lifted!"

As a great elder, Melia was naturally unwilling to be subject to such calculations. At the beginning, she was trying to unleash the power of the law and forcibly cancel the contract. Suddenly, she was surprised to find that the power of the cooperation contract just signed was integrated with the soul, unless she completely annihilated, otherwise It is impossible to lift.

The red dragon and the golden dragon face change at the same time. This situation can occur only if it is lower than the other side. The "Li Cha" in front of this is obviously only the national level. How is it possible?

"Oh! Even if you can't force the contract to be lifted, the dragon who is limited to the Dragon Valley can't hurt him." Melia's eyeglasses passed through the light: "In the Valley of the Dragon, there are more than a dragon."

Beautiful Roskeya reveals the stunned color: "The expert of the elders to be transmitted is...Span adult?"

Russell pulled his eyes brightly: "This guy just relied on the fire to immunize and restrained me. If it was Spean, he would be able to crush the guy, and the contract naturally did not exist."

"It’s not necessary to break the bones, but the contract must be eliminated, and the kid must be taught. I dare to play tricks in front of the elders," Melia said with a red dragon elder. "In fact, the idea of ​​the trial site is a bit interesting." However, you, Russola, not only make the Dragon Valley shame, but also almost ruined the lives of so many people! You must contribute one-fifth of the wealth as a fine, and return to the Dragon Valley to reflect on one century!"

Red Dragon Cold Khan: "Understood, the elder."

Although one-fifth of the wealth is quite painful for the dragon, he does not dare to disobey the meaning of the great elder. You must know that the elders are famous in the Dragon Valley, even if the dragon is under the shackles. If you refuse, the loss of wealth will be more than one-fifth.

On the other side, Chen Rui and Feng Elemental King and others returned to the Palace of Clouds.

The first sentence of the wind element King Sestin is: "Why don't you wait for the red dragon to hit or kill me and shoot again?"

Chen Ruiyi stunned and shook his head in the wrong way: "You also did not give up the Titans."

"In the previous trials, the Dragon Valley also hurts the wind, and the elemental king has the dignity of the elemental king."

"Then I also have my guidelines," Chen Ruizheng said: "Although I don't understand the truth of the elemental war, I believe that even my best friend Moore does not want his biggest opponent to accidentally fall outside the elemental battlefield. The place."

The wind element king watched him for a moment, slightly decapitated: "The earth element king did not look at the wrong person. Once the dragon test site was successfully established, the dragon's threat to the Titan and the wind element no longer exists. This human condition, I wrote down. Later Where you need to contribute, the wind element will not blame your strength."

The leader of the Titans, Alos, also said: "The great master, you saved the Titan again. Since you fight for the Titans, the Titans swear to fight for you! From today, you are the real master of Titan. If the master can create a new Titan giant in the future, I can cast the will of the leader and let them fully control the master."

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright. He got the crystal plate from the multi-channel secret database, which records the complete information of making Titan!

The power of the Titans is powerful, but it is unruly and unconstrained, so there is a rebellion in the past. Now there is the will of the Russians, and it is an unexpected surprise to completely fall and control the Titans. One of the necessary materials of the Titan is the core of the wind and the wind. The multi-channel was forced to draw from the wind elements, causing the death of the wind element, causing the war of the wind element king. According to Setstin, as a wind element king, he can use the original source of the wind to create a core of higher quality wind, but the number is limited.

As Chen Rui's reward for the wind element, Seth is willing to provide some core of the wind at regular intervals. After this problem is solved, Chen Rui has a wide heart and relieved the extreme star change and fell into a protective sleep.

One night, nothing happened. On the afternoon of the next day, the dragon came over the news, and the "experts" sent from the Dragon Valley had arrived.

Chen Rui immediately rushed to the silver refining area This time he did not use the extreme star change, but use the ability to gather their strength to limit the level of low-level demons to confuse each other's judgment.

The "expert" sent by Dragon Valley this time is called Span. This is a silver-haired man with a beautiful face and extraordinary temperament. What surprised Chen Rui most was that Span’s ears were sharp and long, even if they could not be judged, they could be judged: Elf!

The expert sent by Dragon Valley turned out to be an elf!

The strength of this elf is SS+, the peak of the country, the silver eyelids just look at Chen Rui with a faint look, it gives him a great mental pressure.

Chen Rui’s heart suddenly gave birth to a strong sense of vigilance. Since it’s an elf, the terms of the “Dragon Valley’s 'Dragon' can’t hurt the contractor’ in the contract are naturally invalid. From the data and analysis point of view, this elf is a magical double repair, in addition to the elf family's previous physique is relatively weak, just SS, the rest of the strength, spirit, speed have reached the strongest SS +, and the fine ventilation and water system Power - This is a terrible enemy. No matter whether it is the body of glory or the sacred mark of fire and phoenix, it has no use. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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