Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 850: Last 1 inning

Laleria, who has soared in strength to the middle of the country, easily tore up his fists. The black scorpion exudes a spurred light, and turns around on Lola’s body, suddenly converging the hostility and revealing a strange smile.

"Beauty. I admit to seeing you. You are the one I have ever seen, beautiful and powerful in one of the finest beautiful women, and a rare fairy dragon family. I decided! You will be my Chenglong Island throne After the Queen of the Palace, of course, Miss Isabella, Miss Jiya, Miss Helen, you do not need to be jealous, because the three of you will also be my favorite emperor."

Jealousy your sister! Chen Rui was speechless to this Lalaron, and the face of Master Augustus was soaked, what he wanted to say, and swallowed back.

Lola didn't look at Laleria, and slowly walked over to Chen Rui and grabbed his neck. Chen Rui smiled slightly and hugged the warm and familiar body in his arms: "Lola, welcome back."

This is the last time that the Rainbow Valley space collapsed, and Rolla made its debut in front of everyone. The space passage of the garden should be repaired. This also means that Rolla has thoroughly mastered the power of the law and become a national-level powerhouse in the true sense.

"It turns out that you are also this guy... It’s really mad at this uncle!" Lalaria couldn’t believe her eyes, not only Isabella, but even the future Queen of the Dragon, the grandfather’s hand-picked That guy's woman!

"This uncle must let you lose even the pants, your woman will be mine!"

Some of the jealousy Lola was snorted by Chen Rui’s little maid in public: "Lalaria, you are the guy who lost the good now."

La Laria's expression was stagnation, and roared: "Chen Rui! Start our last game immediately, otherwise you don't want to get a half-thunder mine! Not to mention my wealth!"

Isabella spoke up: "Lalaria, why do we believe that you will not lose this so-called 'final' game. Will you continue indefinitely with your account?"

"I will lose to him?" Lalalia seemed to hear a big joke, and looked at Chen Rui's eyes without disguising the contempt and disdain.

"What if you say no way to make a contract?"

Lalaria’s eyes turned: "Good! But add one. If he loses, you have to follow me."

Isabella showed a touching smile: "Lalaria knows that your old dragon and the emperor have made the same request, but unfortunately..."

"Oh?" Lalaria's eyes lit up: "The old man once pursued... the unsuccessful woman? The beautiful and beautiful Miss Isabella, you are really amazing. Rest assured, I can compare the old man who can't eat. Stronger, I will definitely catch you up."

The old man of the Dragon Emperor had a cellar in the trachea and coughed for a long time. He almost became the first pseudo-powerful person in history to be killed by the wine cellar.

"Huo Huo..." is also a strange laugh. The aunt showed a different charm, and looked at someone who was loosening his arms but still holding a hand on his waist. "Okay, I promise you."

"Plus me." The little maid is speaking. In some respects, the sixth sense of the succubus is quite keen.

"Isabella, Jiya. You..." Obviously, the strategy was successful, and Chen Rui turned his attention from Miss Fairy Dragon to the size of the demon girl.

“Very good!” Lalalia looked sullen and waved her hand. A contract instantly condensed successfully, and floated to Chen Rui. "We came to the last game, you lost. Just spit out the benefits of winning this uncle, Isabella and Jiya followed me; if you can Win me. Then all the wealth of Fenglong Island and Ben's uncle is yours. This uncle will not only keep secrets for you, but also smash the meaning of the old man and give you an opportunity to pursue this uncle."

Your uncle, who wants to pursue your uncle... Chen Rui said, although the actions of Isabella and Jiya made La Laria unable to repay, but Chen Rui had to choose to accept. However, Lalaria's words are very active, giving a chance, not to say that or to enter the harem, when it is time to perfunctory things can not be done, anyway, neither side has a good feeling.

Seeing that Chen Rui accepted the contract, Lalaria laughed and laughed. The original convergence of the momentum skyrocketed: "I am in this circle, no matter what attack you use, as long as you can force me out of this circle, even if you win. As for the time, the contract has already been marked... For an hour, I have no patience to see the useless work you have been doing for too long."

At the same time, Chen Rui’s ear rang the voice of the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor: “I have set up protection around, you can do it with confidence, let me see... defeat the power of Ukamis.”

Chen Rui slightly decapitated, and Lola kissed him, and Isabella and others retreated.

"Lalaria, you are too young to see me."

"Small look? I advise you not to bother with the mental tactics," Lalaria sneered: "There is a sentence for you, in the face of absolute strength, any little tricks are futile."

"Maybe my current strength can't beat you in the peak state, but if you just push out this circle..." Chen Rui shook his head, everyone suddenly felt that time was like a pause, and then, I saw that Chen Rui’s place has changed. It became a silhouette of a starry star, surrounded by a mysterious galaxy illusion, a faint scent in the starlight, and the dragon and momentum that erupted from Lalaria was surrounded by this breath. , is constantly decomposed and eliminated.

Chen Rui used the time rule to compress the previous transformation and the time of applying the Blue Star Kingdom and the Summer Domain. He intended to give Lalalia a strong blow.

Seeing Chen Rui’s “Blue. Polar Star Change” transformation, Augustus’s first reaction was the belief, and then he felt the power of the pure and powerful country radiated by the star field. The passive improvement of the belief armor, but the real power of the country!

For the first time, Rolla saw the transformation of Chen Ruiji's star, and the glasses were intertwined with joy and pride.

Lalaria’s eyes have become very dignified, not only because the other party has erupted beyond imagination, but also has a strong warning sign in her heart, as if there is any terrible power to be exerted from the other side. Subconsciously raise the power of the whole body to the apex, very quickly. This hunch immediately became a reality.

The sea of ​​flamboyant and violent red appeared in front of Lalaria, the **** red behemoth that gave her a feeling of congenital deterrence, as if it were the real dragon. The "Dragon" is full of hundreds of heads, screaming with amazing power, and can't dodge.

Lalaria instinctively felt the threat of death, and screamed without thinking, and the pupil became golden red. His eyes suddenly became violent, and red and black runes appeared on the back of his hand. He had already launched a violent talent that greatly enhanced his strength. He opened his hands and was planning to harden the "Yanglong Roar."

However, it still can't be picked up. The body shape involuntarily step by step, Yan Long Ocean blink of an eye has wrapped Lalaria in it. Outside, I only saw the **** seas of the hustle and bustle of the giants. There was no excessive movement. However, Isabella and others who watched the royal amphitheater of the Emperor of the Angels knew the horror of this trick, but The power of Augustus is far from comparable to that of Lei Zen. Rao is the power of Yan Long’s roaring, and it is absolutely impossible to incite the protective power of the pseudo-god.

The ocean of Yanlong constantly squirms and moves. In the meantime, the Yanlong group acted for a meal, then trembled fiercely, and a black crack appeared in the sea of ​​Yanlong. The cracks spread more and more, and eventually "bang", the entire Yanlong group was torn apart, and the fragments exploded. There is no trace of annihilation.

Chen Rui’s “Yanglong Roar”, which was issued in the strongest state, was for the first time forced to break open like this. Among the scattered red energy, one figure becomes clear. Unlike the image of the young girl who was before, this is a mature woman with beautiful facial features and a hot body. The curve is even compared with Isabella and Rolla. There is a special charm that is not too much, with a neutral hairstyle and clothing.

Race: Dragon

Comprehensive strength assessment: ss+

Physical ss+, strength ss+, spiritual ss+, speed ss+.

Analysis: high anti-magic physique, elemental engulfing, mind demon, violent.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

Peak country strength! The complete form of La Laria! From the tablet loli to the young girl to the mature beauty, we can only explain it with the words "unscientific".

"Damn!" Although Laliya did not suffer any injuries, her appearance was very embarrassing. The torn sleeves revealed the red and black runes on her arms. The red eyes were fierce and violent. Zhou Yudi has an invisible force.

This force, with irresistible power, quickly dispels the power of "violent" talent. Gradually, the rune disappears without a trace, and La Lilia's red pupil turns back to black. A voice of Augustus came: "Lalaria, don't force the seal to be forcibly removed, which is not good for your impact on the realm of the demigod, let alone... you have lost."

Lalalia shocked and looked at her feet. It turned out that she had already taken out the previously defined circle.

The terrible breath finally converges, and the image of the whole person changes rapidly. From mature beauty to youthful girl, it finally returns to the appearance of the tablet Loli at first sight.

"Lalaria is an adult." Chen Rui received the good, and recovered the original state: "You really look down on me, otherwise you will not necessarily lose."

"Stop!" The tablet Lolly eyelids are somewhat red. "Loss is losing, winning is winning! According to the contract, Fenglong Island and my wealth are yours!"

"Lalaria..." Augustus came This guy only wants Fenglong Island, and the rest of everything I will let him vomit. ”

"Want to make me grateful to him or have a good impression on him? Old man, you are weak!" Tablet Loli stunned the old dragon and looked at Chen Rui: "This is my wish." Gamble and lose! I promised to give you a chance, but not to lose all of you to you! Orlyfis did not say, what kind of military meeting will you attend next year? I will go there too! If you can be in Wu Beat me at the fight, then I am your fiancee!"

After that, the angry and irritated tablet Loli smashed into a black light and went straight into the sky, and the eyes disappeared into the sky.

The following Dragon Emperor snorted and squatted, and it was clear that the tablet Lolita’s daughter had left her foot on the instep.

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