Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 919: Dragon Valley Grand Marriage

The next day, Dragon Valley

A grand wedding kicked off

Although the preparation time was very rushed, it did not affect the grandeur of the wedding. Almost all the dragons of the Dragon Valley came.

This time the wedding was the marriage of the Emperor Pargoris, and the two daughters of the great elder Melia, one was the fairy dragon who had left the Dragon Valley, and the other was the newly recognized daughter of Melia. Called Isabella, it seems to be a personal class. What is even more surprising is that the groom "Li Cha" is actually human.

Although this "Li Cha" is a human being, it is a strong person who has been unsatisfied. It has been deeply praised by the dragons for the trial of the storm island. It is the hand of Richard’s handwriting that was tried at Rainbow Peak yesterday. The "official version" of ol" is more than a hundred times more powerful than the original one. It is not only dangerous, but also very interesting and challenging. It has made countless tried dragons so intoxicated that they can't put it down.

It is said that "Li Cha" will spread this illusion in the Valley of the Dragon. At that time, every dragon can participate in the "Endless Warrior ol". This is enough to make all the dragons cheer.

The big event that happened yesterday was far more than this. The elder eurelia, who thought that he would step down or even be expelled, regained the support of the Dragon Emperor Palgoris and the elders, and the oldest Stanwell elder not only Nothing, and still in the "learning" of the great elder's son-in-law, "Li Cha", lost face

It is said that it is actually being beaten by a large number of people who participated in the trial of the dragons. Stanwell, who has the semi-god-level strength, has no strength in the "Li Cha" and has strong strength. It can be seen that it seems that the last time Jin Long elders, the beautiful Roskeya and the red dragon elder Russola, lost to this human being on the island of the storm, it is not accidental that they are still merciless.

Due to the time relationship, the big marriage saves a lot of red tape, but the Dragon Valley’s traditional “test” for the groom is inevitable. If it fails to pass the test, it must pay a considerable amount of money to each dragon who participates in the wedding. Otherwise, it will not be able to Going to the bride's side to complete the wedding, in front of Chen Rui, is the dragons who like a test of "Wealth Balance"

The wealth balance is actually a long-established artifact of the dragon. It has no lethality or protection. The only role is to measure wealth and value.

The core content of the test of "Wealth Balance" is "Doufu". The dragons choose a representative and the groom to take out the corresponding amount of treasures. They are placed on the balance of the artifact to measure the comparison. If the groom wins, then the opponent will get all the measures. Wealth, and the gifts paid by all the dragons who participate in the wedding will be doubled; if the other party wins, the bridegroom’s wealth will be owned by the other party, and the return of all the dragons’ gift money will be refunded, plus twice the gift money. Doubled, lost twice as much

Participation in the competition representative is usually the pursuit of the bride's loser, although the emotional failure, but can win wealth as compensation. In general, this sigh of "representative" will spare no effort to compete, the groom's winning rate is very small, the year of Span and The representative that Méria had encountered when she got married was Glorias, the biggest pursuer of Melia. As a result, Span’s defeated Elf Wang Laozhang not only lost all the property on the wealth balance, but also lost all the dragons’ gifts. I almost lost all my underwear, which is one of the reasons why Laozhang’s people have always been worried about Groas.

The dragons are all wealth management experts in other words, that is, the miser, but the more you make such a lot of money, the more you earn the opportunity to collect money, you will not miss the stimulant and send a large gift.

The representative of this appearance was somewhat unexpected. It was not the Karru who was fleeing by Rolla, but the frustrated Stanwell of the General Fono. However, Stanwell was shackled by humans yesterday. Today, he is willing to use the wedding to "revenge". Among them, playing is not to beat others. If you can win the wealth of mankind, you can export bad luck.

The longevity of the dragons is very long, and the accumulated wealth is said to be rich and enemies. It is not an elder of Stanwell, so everyone is full of confidence that Stanwell can win.

Stanwell’s appearance was not known to Melia and Span in advance, and the couple were taken aback and screamed.

The appearance of the wealth balance is a huge balance of three meters high. In fact, the two trays are space doors, which can accommodate the wealth to the maximum. The types of equipment, treasures, coins, etc. must be obtained in addition to the space ring. After the pallet space, the balance will show the wealth value of the treasures displayed by both parties. The comparison is made. The time limit is ten minutes. Although the whole process of taking out the things cannot be recovered, although the treasures are not directly displayed to the outsiders, the justice of the balance is absolute. The wealth that will eventually lose will automatically fall into the space of the other party.

Under the eager gaze of the dragons, Chen Rui and Stanwell flew onto the balance tray and disappeared.

However, Stanwell’s tray began to shine, and the color representing the value of wealth began to change. From green to blue, then blue to purple... eventually turned into dazzling gold, and the balance completely inclined to Stanwell’s side.

The dragons have made a lot of exclamations. Everyone knows what this color represents. It’s not too much for Stanwell’s family to go bankrupt. It seems that the elders who were humiliated yesterday really live up to expectations.

At this time, the dragons were instigated for a while, because the balance moved again, and they turned to the side of Chen Rui. Everyone saw that the tray had become the color of the rainbow, which is the color that has never been seen before!

The two sides in the space are able to see each other's balance. This scene made Stanwell startled. According to yesterday's gambling agreement, after he lost to Chen Rui, he should apologize to Melia in public and compensate for all the property. Later, the Dragon Emperor Pargoris mediated from it, freed a public apology, and let Stanwell participate in the test of the wealth balance as a representative. If Stanwell loses, then he will pay all the property as a gift, if he wins, he can Harvesting a lot of money, and letting Chen Rui put down all the gifts of the dragons, it is also a bad smell. Stanwell is the one that Palgoris has cultivated. The balance and comfort of the Dragon King does have a set.

It’s a pity that Stanwell, who is victorious today, is unexpectedly sad again.

Seeing the rainbow light, Stanwell’s face was pumping a bite, and the golden light of the balance of the ring in his hand suddenly turned into a dark gold, which once again attracted the wonders of the dragons. We are amazed that although Stanwell’s balance has turned into a dark gold, the whole balance has steadfastly inclined toward Chen Rui’s side, and has not moved.

Stanwell’s cold sweat came out, shaking and taking out two silver scimitars. The dark gold of the balance was thicker, but the tilt still remained unchanged.

This result made Stanwell fall like a hail, and even the ten-minute flashing warning was not noticed until the end of the time. The elders of the sacred dragon that was sent out just woke up like a dream, looking at the empty hands, only to feel Turning around, his eyes are black, and he faints

On the other side of the space, Chen Rui looked at the numerous coins, antiquities and wealth that were like the sea. He smiled and used his storage warehouse one by one.

In fact, Chen Rui did not do anything. He took out the mask of the gods, the sword of the angels, the wrath of the wrath, and the magic shield. Upon seeing the light of the rainbow and the tilt of the balance, Chen was originally planning to throw the tower of glory. Ruixin immediately calmed down these pieces of things. Although the appearance is a quasi artifact, it is a part of the legendary high artifact. The value contained in it is really incalculable.

As a senior elder of the Dragon family, Stanwell is definitely hard to estimate, and the ones he took out will not take away if he loses the other party.

Seeing that humans are smiling out of the wealth balance, all the dragons’ eyes are green. This guy actually won the Stanwell, and now everyone has to pay twice as much!

Melia and Span naturally laughed at each other, especially the Elf Wang Laozhang, and the son-in-law was proud of this time, much stronger than he was.

The next test is a sister. This girl looks beautiful and beautiful, but it looks like a bitter and deep enemy. It is Stanwell’s sister Lorraine.

Chen Rui can fully understand the anger of the sister, whether it is the family property of her old brother Stanwell, or the former "big scorpion" that has been quietly spread by the dragon, there are good reasons for Lorraine. Sister biting teeth

Lorraine’s sister knows that even her brother’s semi-god strength is not the opponent of this human being, so she calmly chose the best magical game of her life, the fateful confrontation.

The result is naturally a sad reminder of the brothers and sisters.

In the distant view of Lola and Isabella, Chen Rui did not dare to show his mercy. In ten minutes, he used the fast-breaking tactics to smother the Loren sisters in three games. He almost killed the poor St. Dragon sister, and there was no clean and neat. Entangled or eyebrows have passed

Dramatic is the final test, the biggest "bitter Lord" of this wedding, the object of the marriage that Rolla was engaged in the past

"That... Richard, I...I..."

Looking at the stunned "beautiful" pseudonym, Chen Ruisheng has a strong sense of nowhere to make it. This level is estimated to be difficult, than what? embroidered? Female red? Potholes...

What Karlu just wanted to say, the lady behind the fairy seemed to cough softly.

The pseudo-nature’s originally tight nerves seemed to have been bounced, and suddenly it’s awkward, and the speech is smooth several times: “I am a big man, I have no problem here!”

"Thank you," Chen Rui sighed with relief.

"No, no! It’s me, thank you." The pseudonym looked back and looked at it with sincerity.

Thank you, Miss Fairy you in the heat?

How much shadow did Laura Baby leave in the depths of this child's paper?

Chen Rui showed a friendly smile to Karlu, wiped the sweat on his forehead and walked forward.

" are a good person"

The good man card that the pseudo-naughter flew from behind let Chen Ruihu’s body shake, and the cheering voice of a certain “master! Good man! Really handsome” made him almost fall hard, take a deep breath, and finally stabilize his body. Going to the etiquette

Today's Rolla and Isabella are dressed in traditional costumes of the dragons, which are elegant and luxurious, and the color is particularly attractive.

Chen Rui gave a gift to Melia and Span, took the hands of two brides, and went to Pargoris.

As the witness of the marriage, the Dragon Emperor looked at the three newcomers who came hand-in-hand, and looked at a poisonous dragon whose face was "Don't know you". His face smiled and began to read the wedding vows to be continued...

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