Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 924: Nothing

Chen Rui looked at the rich color of the **** ring, secretly surprised - this "accident", it is too unexpected.

Before he used the **** ring to find Tiffany's direction, but the human world is too big, the color has not changed much. Now, the iron shoes are innocent, and Tiffany, who has been unable to find it, is actually white. Cliff.

Tiffany is a Mozu, actually appeared in the core of the Church of Light? Is it imprisoned? Or, the mother of the human world she has been looking for...

"What did you find?" The voice of the snoring sounded in my mind, apparently feeling the abnormality of his emotions.

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and decided to tell the truth: "There is a person I have been looking for. It is probably in the holy mountain. I have already sensed her. If I can, I hope to take her away."

"Your first mission is the Temple of Light," he said, and it is quite true. "If you can successfully complete the task, I can promise your request, but before you complete the task, you must not make extra money!"


Chen Rui communicated with him in his soul. His body movements have not stopped. He followed the believers and walked slowly toward the front. This road can be felt, there are a variety of interlocking magic arrays in the vicinity, even in the air, the alert seems to be much stricter.

About three hours later, I saw a level in front, and the color of the ring was a bit thicker, indicating that the direction was correct.

There are several teams of light knights in this level to maintain order, and the believers are lined up in the ranks. This situation is somewhat similar to the toll station in Chen Rui’s memory.

In Chen Rui’s impression, when he came to Paul last time, there was no such “toll station”. It should be a different relationship between the place and the route. The last time I walked was the knight's dedicated channel.

The role of this level is to exchange the badge for another light badge that resides in the Light City, just like a "temporary identity card."

Chen Rui followed the team until the checkpoint, and handed the badge to the censor of the censorship. The priest took the badge and glanced at him. He took out a light badge and handed it over.

Chen Rui was keenly aware that there are several kinds of holy light badges in front of the priests. It seems that there are subtle differences. I don’t know whether it is related to the amount of donated goods when I get the badge. He wants to ask. The priest waved his hand and pointed at the huge number of teams behind him, meaning to pass quickly, and don't let the followers wait.

Chen Rui had to carry the light of the Holy Light and continue to move forward, slowly mixing in the crowd of believers who did not step by step. Go in the direction of the pilgrimage city.

Soon, a large fortress appeared again in front of the believers. The believers entered through a tunnel, and the entrance was stationed in a large number of bright knights.

"Please ask the believers to hold up the light badge and enter the passage of the fortress."

Believers have raised the badge of the Holy Light that they received before, one by one through the fortress, and it is Chen Rui’s turn. A bright knight looked at the badge and politely signaled him to take another "VIP Tunnel."

There seem to be very few people in the VIP tunnel. Chen Rui is a bit strange, but he still obeys the requirements of the Cavaliers. Walk towards the tunnel.

In addition to Chen Rui, there are only two people who walked this tunnel, a young man and a middle-aged woman.

Walked for a while. Chen Rui found that something was wrong, and the tunnel seemed to have no end. Fluctuations in the surrounding forces indicate that this is a magical array of cycles.

Chen Rui stopped his steps, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was discovered? It should be, where is the flaw? Is it... he looked at the light badge in his hand.

At this time, the glory was great, and a team of bright knights appeared in all directions, surrounded by three people. Sure enough, the so-called "VIP Pass" has a special "entertainment."

"You adults, I am a believer in the God of Light! I donated all my property to the church! What are you going to do?" The middle-aged woman in front said with horror.

The headed knight has reached the middle of the demon, and should be a shrine knight, sneer: "The despicable pagans, under the supreme light of the gods, any sophistry and disguise is futile, the letter you have paid before. The badge has already explained everything! After entering the white cliff, the badge of the letter does not reflect the belief in the light god. Obviously, you are the spies of the white cliff!"

Originally, the letter badge also had this kind of effect. Chen Rui knew the real reason of the "toll station" before, and it was a good means to distinguish the spy from the quiet.

The middle-aged woman and the young man knew that their identity had been revealed, and they shouted and turned and rushed toward the road.

The strength of these two people is not weak, as if two lights, the bright knights blocked along the way have been knocked down.

The front of the magical array flashed, the figure of the Knights of the Temple appeared in front of the two lights, the long sword turned, the light suddenly flew out, turned into two figures fell to the ground, looks look languid.

The two responded very quickly. They knew that they were not the opponents of the knight. They did not wait for the other party to take it. They used a certain secret technique for the first time. The face suddenly became gray and the lips flowed out of black blood. The whole body began to decay rapidly.

"Sherk adults!"

The bright knights came up, and Schalke raised his hand: "No, the masterpieces mixed into the white cliffs are mostly dead. This toxin can not only destroy life, but even the soul will be annihilated."

Daddy, the Knights of the Temple remembered one thing and said: "Is there another person?"

The bright knights face each other, yeah, that big beard?

In this magical array, so many bright knights, including Scherck himself, no one even noticed how the "bearded" disappeared.

"Either even the holy stealth of stealth, it is impossible to leave the magic array without a sound, unless this person is still a master of magic," Scherke said with a dignified look: "or ... he The strength has far exceeded our ability to perceive, even surpassing the general holy level! Immediately report the warning to the front of the defense forces, and report this to the adults of Passari in the Temple of Thunder!"

The judgment of the Schalke Knight is really good. Chen Rui had already roughly figured out the veins of the magic circle when he stopped. The roots do not need to work with these knights. Most of the attraction by the knights is two. When the spy was attracted, the magic array took off in a few moments.

I have experienced this incident just now. Chen Rui did not take it lightly, took full advantage of the skills of disguise and movement, mixed in the crowd, constantly changing position and appearance, successfully passed several levels, and finally came to the Holy Light City at the foot of the Guangshan Mountain.

Shengguang City is one of the most famous cities in the ground world. It is the same as Longhuang Emperor, Lanyao Emperor and Yinyuexian.

The inhabitants of the Holy Light City are the closest believers to God. Under the power of God's care, both life and physical condition are higher than ordinary people. Here you can participate in various activities organized by the church. Seeing the legendary big men, you can even witness some legendary "mirages." For the believers of the Light God, being able to join the Holy Light City is the greatest glory.

The number of people in Shengguang City is strictly limited. Only a few new residents are absorbed every few years. This process needs to be reviewed. Only the most devout believers can join the Light City, which is one of the best.

On weekdays, the Holy Light City welcomes a large number of foreign pilgrims every day, but the pilgrims have only five days to stay in the Light City.

In this area of ​​the sacred mountain, whether in the air or on the ground, especially in the sacred city, the defensive enchantments have been enhanced several times than when Chen Rui came, and it is obviously impossible to move directly through the holy city to the holy mountain. Unless you plan to be hard.

After using the sneak technique to successfully pass through the gates in the crowd, Chen Rui frowned. He was already a light-hearted road, and the crowds were surging. It is not difficult to hide the original. However, every believer wears a light badge, which is likely to have a special screening effect like the previous fortress. It makes the infidels who have no faith in the light gods invisible.

The fact that the front was seen in the fortress shows that it is useless to get the badge of others. The humming sound sounded: "Trying to be a light knight?"

Chen Rui immediately became an ordinary bright knight, and also pretended to block some believers to check, it seems that there is no flaws, but soon, Chen Rui found himself being caught up, and there are still bright knights constantly All directions come together towards this side.

After all, Chen Rui is far better than these knights. He didn’t give them the opportunity to gather. His body shape has already opened up the chase. After several turns, he has escaped into the safest residential courtyard, but his brow is wrinkled tightly. - The defensive layout of the White Cliff is simply terrible, and it was not the same as when he followed Paul to the roots. In particular, the use of the "recognition" of faith is simply the ultimate weapon against the masters. It is almost impossible to mix with the ability of deformation.

Chen Rui did not know that the reason why there is such a defense today, the most "impossible" person is himself. After the Snowdale tree was stolen, the entire church high-rise angered The church was frequently attacked by the Black Deaths, so the church took great pains to establish a huge overall defense system in the bright mountain, to prevent any foreign spies.

In the future, this kind of defense system will gradually spread to the core area of ​​the Guangming Hall in various places. While ensuring safety, it will further strengthen the belief purity of church personnel.

"There is no way, the guard strength of this place is beyond imagination. If this continues, even the bright mountain can not enter." For a moment, "Since it has come here, naturally can not return like this... Perhaps the sound of the East is a good idea."

Chen Rui nodded. He had just changed his hiding position. In fact, he was looking for the direction of Tiffany according to the display of the **** ring. From the display point of view, Tiffany was not in the holy city, but above the holy mountain. !

The closer you are to the holy mountain, the stronger the strength of defense. In today's situation, even if you have stealth skills, it is impossible to mix them in the same way as before. It seems that you must do a hard job. get ready.

Ps: Zhang thanked all the friends who participated in the "send mooncakes, win the moon" event to send my mooncakes to me. At present, I have received 24 pieces, especially the little wolf sister who sent the most, holding one, ha.

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