Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 930: Going to the clothes

The same movement was accompanied by a trailing embarrassment. She saw the plane very fast when she exploded, and hid behind Michael, without being damaged. When she saw the boots in Chen Rui’s hands, her heart was only four words: unbelievable.

Michael screamed, and the red glow of the Holy Cross sword shone, and the sun of death rose again. The light of this statement was volley.

At the moment when Chen Rui rushed out of the Temple of Light, although he did not perceive the arrival of Michael, he had already noticed from the eyes of the analysis that in the next second, he had been shrouded in the "sunshine" of death.

This blow has not yet come, and the pressure of terror has caused the star of the "Red. Star" to be cracked. Even the anger Wang Kai, which is integrated in the star, has become extremely tight.

Once it is accepted, even if there is protection from the wrath of Wang Kai, it will not be able to withstand it. By then, the body and soul will be shaken.

For the first time, Chen Rui is really a powerful attack against the peak and false gods. Under this pressure, there is no action to do anything. Can only be hard-wired, and immediately strive to run the power of faith in the country. Quickly resolve the pressure, while showing a faint starlight in the hands. Draw a path of mysterious.

Move the stars!

The flaming ray of death seems to have encountered something that slips and keeps hands, is distorted, and many rays are reflected towards Michael.

When Michael was too big, he was caught off guard and was swept by his own killings. Several golden feathers suddenly fell. If this blow is a strongman of the same class, it is a half-god-class guy. It is tantamount to a humiliating humiliation for a self-defeating and self-proclaimed "closest to God".

Michael’s eyes were murderous. The Holy Cross sword shook, the power suddenly doubled, but it was never able to hit the abominable "Devil."

Before the battle with Michael, he was not eager to shoot, but he was hiding behind him. He quickly recovered and hurryed to prepare for the opportunity.

Chen Rui actually has a hard time knowing that "moving stars" is very powerful. Even a pseudo-god attack can shift and reflect, but this skill only has a ten-second effective time. Once ten seconds pass, it is immediately wormed by the dragon. Even if it is only swept by the sword, it will be completely broken.

For the sake of the present, it is most important to escape immediately. Chen Rui’s mind was fretting, and the door to the starry sky appeared in front.

Michael saw the space door. The heart is even more awkward. The Temple of Light is the place where the source of creation is, unless it is a powerful talent or a special artifact of the pseudo-god. Otherwise, the power of all space is rejected, and this "Devil." actually resists the power of the Holy Cross sword, and opens the door of space incredibly.

There must be a big secret in this person's body!

Anyway, stay with him today!

Michael glanced at the golden feathers that fell on the ground, and the feathers suddenly turned into countless golden light spots, immersed in the air. At this time, Chen Rui’s effective time of “moving stars” just ended, and it was no longer possible to transfer Michael’s attack. The sunshine of countless deaths penetrated his body.

Chen Rui’s body immediately shattered, but the debris turned into a strange fly and flew to the door of the blue starry sky. The flaming death sun shines on the fly, but it doesn't matter.

"The chapter of the soil!"

"Death mask!"

Michael and the cockroach drank almost at the same time. The two names are actually one thing.

One of the seven artifacts, or one-seventh of the supreme artifact!

I finally understood how much I looked at this human being. It was ridiculous that she always thought that she had paid enough attention to each other.

The chapter of the earth, which is the mask of the Besib family, is said to be immune to all soul control. Previously, this guy did not use the mask of the gods to isolate her soul, while ignoring that even Michael could not Very irritating to immunity.

What's even more amazing is that this guy actually used a strange substitute under her and Michael's two false gods, and sneaked into the Temple of Light, breaking through the powerful enchantment that even the false gods could hardly enter, and got the wind. Shadow boots (wind chapter)!

No! Since it is a human being, how can it exert the power of the **** mask?

Is this guy really a devil in the West?

The name "Chen Rui" is also a pseudonym!

For a time, I couldn’t help but be suspicious of my own judgment.

Just as the magic fly flew to the door of the starry sky, Michaele, who had quickly recovered from the surprise, sneered at him: Want to escape?

With his space law, plus the power of creating the source near the Temple of Light, even if it is awkward, it is difficult to fly!

The speed of the magic fly is very fast, but it has been flying for a long time, but it has never been able to draw closer to the door of the space that is close at hand.

In the space around Chen Rui, dotted with golden dots, like a firefly, surrounded him. He is equal to entering an infinite loop of channels, no matter how advanced, will be offset by the space rules attached to the strange "fireflies".

Chen Rui knows that it is caused by Michael's power, and the effect of "flying fly" is about to end. At this time, it is the most crucial moment of life and death, and the last card is displayed without thinking.

Michael felt that the power of space had flowed unrestrained to the "Devil." Then, the golden "Firefly" was surrounded by a transparent "wall." The white sparkling light is looming, and the connection between Michael and "Firefly" has been cut off!

The golden light fades away. Re-aggregated into pieces of feathers and landed on the ground.

Michael clearly felt that he could not fully control the space law here. Because the space law has been partially controlled by the other party's translucent "wall"?

Do not! The whole should be a tall building... tower?

"The Tower of Brilliance!" Michael remembered a high-level space artifact that had been lost for many years in the Church of Light. Once again, this Mozu was associated with the holy dragon Rodriguez who betrayed the church!

The archangels only feel that tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years or even longer, the sum of them is not so much surprised today!

The tower of glory seems to be unable to operate freely in the hands of the "Mozu". It is only driven by some kind of foreign object, and the barrier wall is only similar to the existence of phantom. This is the case, the force of the space in front of the fly is also completely broken, and the fly rushes to the door of space and disappears.

Because of the power of Michael's law and the oppression of creating the source. The tower of glory is barely driven, the power cannot be fully exerted, and the space power of the artifact begins to rapidly decline.

Michael immediately brewed his strength, and wanted to make the biggest blow. He completely defeated the tower of the glory. Although the guy had a glorious tower, he could not exert its true power. He thought that he could escape from the door of space and master the law of space. The peak of the false god? At that time, the guy will be taken out of the door of space, not only to recover the chapter of the wind, but also to get the chapter of the earth and the tower of glory!

The twelve wings behind Michael are one. The illusion of the Tower of Glory was torn apart, but his next move was not to rush into the space of the Tower of Glory, but to return to the sword.

The Holy Cross sword draws an arc of light. The body behind the raid is almost smashed, and the space behind it has been split.

It was just a sigh, and the movement did not stop. It seems that this hit that was expected to come to Michael was hardened. And by that force, dragging a half of the body that almost fell off. Preemptively rushed into the enchantment of the tower of glory.

Although the illusion of the Tower of Glory has been shattered by Michael, the power of space has not completely subsided. When it rushed to the front of the starry sky, the cockroaches on the body were already half dim, but still rushed without hesitation. The light blue "transportation door".

Although the injuries and losses are quite serious, as long as you enter the portal, you can escape from the holy mountain and seize the mysterious "Chen Rui." Not to mention the secrets of this person, at least two pieces can be obtained. The tower of the artifact and the tower of the space artifact.

At this point, the magic fly just flew into the blue door that was faintly revealing, and the shadow of the cockroach followed, but the incredible thing happened. The cockroach’s body could not enter, but penetrated directly. In the past, it seems that the "door" that is still shining is just an illusion!

However, the guy just entered this "door"!

A little bit of God, the terrible red mansions behind have already come, completely no time to dodge.

The original plan was to break into the door of space and arrest Chen Rui, and destroy the entrance to get rid of Michael's pursuit. She knew that the facts were unexpected, she could not enter the light door. The state and strength of the game were originally inferior to Michael, and this level of battle, small mistakes may affect the entire victory and defeat ~ ~ this step is miscalculated, almost all lost.

In the scream of screaming, the body was cut into two pieces by red light, and the break quickly began to burn. Although it was not an entity, this blow also caused the cockroaches to be hit hard.

Just a few moments of the electric stone fire, but there have been several twists and turns, and it is also a smashing generation, the reaction is extremely fast, and the heart is arbitrarily arrogant, taking advantage of the tower of glory to Michael's law of space and creation. The resistance of the restraining force is still there, and the half-breaking, ethereal body blasts open.

Under the power of this soul's self-destruction, the space of the shackles suddenly appeared a crack, and the remaining body turned into a burst of blue smoke, immersed in the crack, and quickly disappeared together with the crack.

Michael did not pursue the shackles. He appeared in front of the already faint starry sky and rushed in. The result was the same as 贲薨, and he was too worn and unable to enter. The michael gold rushed in the cold, the Holy Cross sword waved, and countless red light engulfed the light door.

However, the light door seems to be transparent. The red light, which contains the powerful space law, penetrates the past unimpeded and is unaffected. The fading starlight seems to be laughing at some "the closest person to God."

Inaccessible! Also can't attack! What is the law of space?

The next second, the roar smashed the sky, and the entire white cliff trembled. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @魔道OR骑士] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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