Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 932: gift

Bright mountain.

Temple of the Holy Ghost, Square.

Michael gloomy face, standing in front of the giant statue of the twelve-winged angel.

In front of the statue is a black long-haired man gathered by white light. This man's temperament is outstanding, giving people a detached temperament.

"Hey? Mozu?" The dark-haired man frowned. "I don't think that the woman has such guts. She actually broke into the chapter of the holy mountain novel. Have we been too lax in these years? Or, we have three angels already I haven’t shown the power for a long time, and I’m ignored by those who are guilty. Do you want to wake Gabriel from the Black Prison Desert, let’s go to the Devils?”

"For the time being, it is not necessary. The most urgent task is to further digest and absorb the power of faith. Anyway, one hundred years later, the seals of the two worlds will be loosened again. It will not be too late for us to go back to those 'old friends'. But this time. Really careless, actually lost the 'wind chapter' and two four-wing waiters."

Said, Michael's eyes flashed in the cold: "He has lost his body, and this time I was hit hard, not enough. If it is not for me to wake up, I must divide some of the strength to suppress the source of faith that is not completely digested. She has been killed. But the ant ant of the Mozu is indeed an accident. Although it is only the strength of the demigod, it has the 'Turkish chapter' and the 'Glory Tower', which slipped away under my eyes!"

"The Tower of Brilliance!" The black-haired man raised his eyebrows. "It seems that the traitor Rodriguez actually fled to the devil world, but since the tower of glory is in the hands of the Mozu, then Rodriguez must have fallen. It is also a good news. After this, the Yi and Mozu certainly do not dare to come again. But this incident has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us, whether it is the Black Death or other enemies. We must not relax our vigilance. ”

Michael sighed: "You are right, Raphael. There is still a key issue. The snowy tree will be regenerated into seedlings for at least 10,000 years. During this time, the church can no longer convert light. The body of the scorpion can only rely on the source of the two sacred empire, so that the power of faith, combat power and influence will be greatly reduced."

The black-haired man is Raphael, one of the three highest angels with Michael. He replied: "There is good news. The sacred thing that lost in the Yunteng Empire has already fallen."

Michael's eyes lit up: "It's really good news. How much can solve the immediate needs."

"I heard that the Black Deaths are also paying attention to this sacred object. For the sake of prevention, I have sent the three saints under the seat to assist." Raphael said: "The discovery of the original dream is really amazing." I can't think of those stupid orcs who have been blinded by the Black Deaths for so many years. This time I sent an eight-winged angel to collaborate with the referee to wash away the nightmare of the nightmare. All the tribes suspected of evil beliefs were extinct and exempted from the aftermath."

"You are right, those pagans are damn." Michael flew in the cold. "The abyss is the biggest enemy compared to the devils in the devil world. In any case, it is impossible for those guys to return to the world." At least after we become true gods, otherwise everything will be completely destroyed..."

"Well, the power of my soul is getting closer. This time will focus on the movement of the world, and you will continue to sleep."

Michael nodded and his body slowly became thin. Finally dissipated in the air.

Dragon Valley.


There was a touch of tea in the courtyard, and Isabella sat at the small table. On the table is a set of exquisite tea sets.

Unlike the climate in which the Devil World is unchanged throughout the year, the ground world is not only rich in light. And there are four seasons, this is the hot summer, Isabella just came to the ground world is inevitably somewhat uncomfortable.

Not long ago, she discovered some "tea leaves" with very good varieties and textures in the Dragon Valley. It contains the light force of the light elements. After drinking, not only the body's adaptation to the climate environment is further strengthened, but also in this environment. Play the talent and normal combat power, and absorb the sacred scales given by the Dragon Emperor Palgoris.

Today, Isabella, even the Dragon Emperor Palgoris, can not see the identity of the Mozu, which of course thanks to the tears of evil blue and the sacred scales.

Isabella first habitually filled a few empty cups on the opposite table, then took the cup in front of him, gently smelled the tea and took a sip.

In the Devil world, although all the sisters and friends have tasted her tea, most of them are not used to it, even the best girlfriend Betty is no exception. In addition to Chen Rui, what I really like is only the Lola who is already addicted. The lady of the fairy called it a bitter drink. Every time she has time, she goes to her small house.

Now in the Dragon Valley, in addition to Rolla, Melia and Span also liked her tea art, this newly recognized righteous parents are really good to her, let her feel the long-lost family. In the past two days, the Dragon Emperor Palgoris sent a large number of spiritual resources. The Elf Kings and the couple took Lola, and then “by the way” smashed the unwilling and unwilling “The Son of the Dragon Emperor Brothers”. The wife of the brother's son and a really handsome, together with the practice of retreat, so currently absent.

Although it is only a person, it still has a comfortable and comfortable feeling, which is completely opposite to the loneliness of many people in the past.

The only thing that can't be assured is him. I don't know how he is doing now.

The strength of that "贲薨" is a false god, and I don’t know if he can...

Although I am very worried, I really want to stay with him, but I can only wait like this.

"This beautiful lady, may I ask if Melia is there?"

The strange voice rang behind him. Isabella looked back and saw that it was a strange man. His eyes turned out to be a snake, obviously, a dragon.

The dragon stared at her, revealing the expression of the soul, and made Isabella frown and shook her head: "No."

"You are... Miss Isabella, Spartan and Lola?"

"Thanks to the treasures given by His Holges, the father and mother went to practice with Lola's sister." Isabella pointed out the name of the dragon, intended to warn the dragon.

"Oh." The Dragons responded, but still looked at her intently: "A person drinks tea. Don't you feel too lonely?"

The original look made Isabella disgusted, but this sentence made the aunt's beauty bright. Looking at the dragons carefully, I sighed with a sigh: "Yes, a person is too lonely."

"Need my companion to disperse your loneliness? Missing lady."

Miss Ini glanced at the snakes and her eyes were sullen and charming: "First answer me a question. Am I the most beautiful and moving woman you have ever seen?"

"Of course." The dragon shrugged.

“Is your favorite and favorite woman?”


"So, you are now saying out loud, 'Besides the favorite Eni, the rest of the women will not be placed on my heart.'" Miss Ini showed her smile and rubbed her eyes. It looks like a lot of style. "If you say it, my sister has a special reward."

"This..." The snake man couldn’t stand it, and smiled bitterly: "How did you recognize me?"

Miss Yini sighed and raised her voice in the back: "It’s a step, but unfortunately."

The face of the snake man has changed back to the appearance of Chen Rui, sitting down on the table opposite Isabella, looking at the piece of phoning stone, sweating on his forehead. If you really say it, it will be recorded by this big goblin and played in the harem. I am afraid that the Crystal Palace will collapse halfway.

The aunt is charming and smiles. Put away the sound stone, got up and helped him pick up a cup of tea: "Except for Betty's couple, lost and Lola, no one knows this is called 'tea'. Even father and mother. It only knows that it is called bitter. Drinks. With a loophole, plus your habitual little tricks, it becomes a big flaw."

"It turned out to be like this." Chen Rui scratched his head and smiled. "In fact, even if there is no such loophole. Let me say a few more words, I am afraid I still can't marry my wife."

Isabella naturally understands the meaning of the term "wife", sweethearted, smiled and said: "Now what is the compliment to say is too late, this test is actually a manifestation of distrust of his wife, but also very Despicable behavior. Unless you give me a satisfactory gift, I don't guarantee that day... I will use a handsome man to test whether a guy pays attention to me."

"Of course," Chen Rui smiled. "I have prepared a gift. This is an important gift specially prepared for my Ini."

Miss Ini’s eyes waved and she was charming: "Is it? You seem to be prepared, but this gift must be satisfied with me..."

Daddy, her words came to an abrupt end.

Chen Rui's hand is a pair of light blue boots. For a woman, these boots are not a suitable gift, no matter the style or the other.

However, Isabella's gaze was solidified, as if she had seen something incredible, and slowly stood up.

Her face has completely lost the previous ease, and there is no such thing as flattery and style. There is only a strong emotion that seems to be excited. This kind of emotion has been suppressed, but it cannot be completely suppressed, and the body trembles involuntarily.

The trembling hand touched the boots, and at the moment I approached, I dared not touch it, until a warm palm gently held her hand and placed it on the boots.

Feel the long-lost strength of power, as if time has gone against the tide, back to a hundred years ago.

Then slowly slowly slowly from a hundred years ago, and now play back to the present.

From the moment I met this man, everything became fast, all the way to the Dragon Valley.

The line of sight is very blurred.

Because unconsciously tears have come out.

For the first time, she did not suppress her feelings.

Unreserved, completely venting the inner feelings, including deep in the bottom of my heart.

It’s like a girl who was crying in the heavy rain a hundred years ago.

The difference is that there was endless despair and pain, and now it is full of hope and happiness.

The embarrassment that blocked the deepest part of the heart was also the last shackle, shattered, and turned into a light smoke to dissipate.

She didn't talk, just sticking her body tightly to the chest that had been soaked by her own tears, feeling the strength and warmth of her arms. A feeling of true rebirth came from her heart, just like the legendary phoenix.

"For a lifetime, don't let me go."

In my heart, I said quietly, the tourmaline slowly closed, and at this moment, I felt unprecedented peace. (To be continued...)

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