Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 944: How to save you

For a long time.

The two were separated and seemed to have returned to calm. There was no intense movement. They just looked at each other and sat down on the only two stone benches in the garden.

"Little Arthur, these years... Where have you been?"

"Inadvertently... I went to a dangerous place," Chen Ruiping regained his mood and quickly organized the language in his mind. "Fortunately, my luck is good, and I finally survived until I have the ability to leave that place..."

“Not careful?” Veronica looked at him with concern. “What happened in the past?”

Chen Rui shook his head: "I fell into a dangerous place at the time. Although I woke up, I lost a lot of memories."

Veronica looked at Chen Rui deeply. The blues lingered with inexplicable emotions and reached out. He seemed to want to touch his face and let go: "Maybe, you should not come back."

"Why? Teacher."

"Here, it's not a place that makes you happy. Maybe it's more dangerous." Veronica's eyes became stunned, bowed his head and sighed softly. "The teacher may have said it should not say." However, in the face of the little Arthur like a younger brother, the teacher can’t control his emotions, and it’s still the case.”

Little Arthur? Little brother?

Chen Rui’s brains involuntarily revealed some fragments of the Starlight Academy in the past. This mature and beautiful teacher has always been the most loved Arthur’s sister. Unfortunately, in Arthur’s heart, she is not only her sister.

Veronica himself should be aware of this too.

"Teacher..." Chen Rui looked at Veronica, indulged for a moment, and said: "Do you want to leave here?"

Veronica raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

"I will take you away, if you want to." Chen Rui's look and tone are extremely firm. "The ‘Arthur’ of that year did not have that courage or ability. But now I have.”

Let her be truly happy, give her true self-confidence, this should also be Arthur's greatest wish, and even more than her possessive desire, the three emperors of that year, is really a pure boy.

If you can "save" Veronica, you can completely untie the final knot of ‘Arthur’, for Chen Rui. The most crucial step in the perfect integration of the soul and the spiritual realm, the mood will truly become perfect.

"Leaving? That year..." Veronica seemed to think of something, his hand trembled, his body followed by a slight tremor, red eyes. The tears of forbearance are spinning.

Daddy, a slap in the blue scorpion swept past.

Although hate is only fleeting, but Chen Rui’s current strength, just watched a clear, my heart could not help but glimpse


Like the oven magma, the suffocation is almost breathless, and the line of sight and soul are distorted.

What aversion and resentment this is.

Veronica’s violent body gradually calmed down. The tears in the blue dragonfly disappeared little by little, shaking their heads: "In those days, it really didn't matter to you, you don't have to blame yourself. Right. It's not appropriate to come here, or go back early."

"Actually... I came here today and got the permission of the Majesty."

Veronica was shocked and seemed to think of something: "The first few days before the start of the morning. The Aster Palace was closed by the guards. Are you at that time..."

"Well. At that time, I rushed to the conference hall and clarified the crime of being trapped for my friend Samuel."

"Samuel, it turned out to be yours..." Veronica looked very guilty. "The knight has helped me many times. I have also found the fruit of the sacred marrow to save my life. Last time I ran the intention again. Garfield, but he was dragged into the prison. I once pleaded with His Majesty and explained the reason at that time, but unfortunately left him... Later I heard that Garfield wanted to be unfavorable to Samuel’s wife. I secretly informed her that the incident was detected by the squatting. I was ordered not to take a step outside the Ziyuan Palace. Even the trial would not be allowed to participate. Later, even a large number of bans were sent to close the Aster Palace... until today."

"It turned out to be a teacher to Joanna!" Chen Rui showed a stunned color. Garfield once set a trap to ask Joanna to retaliate against Samuel. As a result, Ina got a warning and rescued Joanna in time. A terrible crisis, and that informed Ina, it was Veronica.

"For the grace of the Samuel Cavaliers, what I did was only trivial, but until today I realized that Samuel helped me the real reason." Veronica finally showed a smile, although The veil, but gives a feeling of gentleness like water, "I should thank you, right, little Arthur, just, you really should go..."

"Today I can stay here for one night. This is the prestige of the Majesty." Chen Rui’s face has a hint of sorrow: "After I showed some value, I got this 'reward', but Only one night."

Veronica got a shock, and his face suddenly became pale like never before: "You, you want to..."

“Reassured, teacher.” Chen Rui smiled and pointed to his head. “Although Arthur’s loss has been changed a lot because of his survival, some things will not change. ”

Veronica looked at Chen Rui’s sincere eyes and finally returned to ruddy: “Sorry, the teacher should not misunderstand you...”

"Teacher, you have to recuperate," Chen Rui stood up. "This communication badge is for you. If you have anything, you can inform me by subpoena. If there are things that don’t have long eyes, dare to harass, I can guarantee that he It won't leave completely. Your brother and students are not the weak people who have no power at the beginning. No one can hurt you when I am in the day."

Veronica looked at Chen Rui with surprise and felt the gentleness and firmness. The blue dragonfly showed a gratifying color and nodded. "The teacher's little Arthur has grown up."

"Teacher, I am wronged for these days. I will try my best to restore your self-discipline." Chen Rui shrugged and waved goodbye to Veronica. "The teacher can plan well and live in the future, such as leaving this. After you hate the bird cage, where do you want to go, etc. In short, don't worry about anything."

Watching Chen Rui go step by step. Until it disappeared, Veronica’s eyes suddenly fell and sighed: “Little shouldn’t come back.”

Chen Rui smiled and left the Aster Palace, but his eyes were unprecedentedly dignified.

Before, because of his own emotional fluctuations, he did not pay attention. After feeling the terrible hatred, he had subconsciously opened the eyes of analysis. Veronica’s data is:

Race: Human (soul variant)

Comprehensive strength assessment: (D) SS

Constitution (D-) SS-, strength (D-) SS-, spirit (D) SS+, speed (D) SS.

Analysis: The blindness. Hidden body, soul of blood sacrifice, hateful heart!

Veronica has the strength of a national level!

Chen Rui’s surprise is indeed a small one, with this kind of strength. It is easy for her to leave the palace! So, what is the purpose of her stay here? Garfield’s strength is only the first stage of the Emperor. How can she make such a weak person “indecent”?

The blinded and hidden body should be a very powerful shielding ability. If it is not the eye of analysis, even if it is the perception of Chen Rui’s nationality, it will not be able to see the true strength of Veronica... then, Rex do you know?

and also. Is the strength of Veronica only owned by the Starlight Academy, or is it only after being forced to marry into the Longhuang Empire? What is a soul variant? Is it her own strength, or is it controlled by a certain soul?

Chen Rui suddenly thought of the "blood sacrifice ceremony of some kind of intensified strength" that the Archbishop of Winter had said. Linked to the analysis of the "blood sacrifice soul." could not help but chill, my heart faintly gave birth to a terrible guess.

"Little Arthur", your ‘rescue’ mission this time. It’s really a difficult challenge...” Chen Rui said to himself, taking a deep breath. Going to the residence of Jinyun Palace.

Three days later, Jin Yao’s territory held a grand celebration.

This celebration is to celebrate the return of the lord who has been missing for seven years, and the three emperors of the Empire, Arthur Roland.

Rex the Great and almost all the upper aristocrats of the emperor attended the celebration. At the ceremony, the second emperor Garfield handed the coat of arms representing the lord to the second emperor, Arthur. It also represented the official re-entry of the Golden Yao territory. In the control of the prince.

Over the years, the second emperor Garfield has maintained a tyranny of crushing and exploiting the rich Jin Yao territory. As the large black crystal coins entered the pockets, they also made the people complain. There are comparisons to identify, most of the people began to miss the relatively loose policy of the "Arthur" emperor at the time, and now I heard the three emperors return to the territory, and they are thunderous.

This celebration also ushered in a special heavyweight guest, one of the two great masters of humanity, Qi Kui.

Master Chiqui was present with the genius disciple Peluxi. The relationship between the master of Chiqui and the three emperors "Arthur" seems to be very close, and the arrogant master of the instrument, Peluxi, is in " In front of Arthur, there is a special respect, just like facing a certain teacher.

The answer was revealed. Master Chiquie announced a shocking news in public. The third humanist master of the alchemy world was born. is also the youngest master in the history of alchemy, that is the Longhuang Empire. The three emperors "Arthur"!

For a time, everyone was sensational - "Arthur" is no more than 30 years old, has been unknown until the disappearance, after seven years of disappearance, turned out to become a master!

The master is not a master, even if it is the entire ground world, there are only a handful of pharmacists and masters. Prior to this, the only masters of human masters were the only two survivors, namely, Chiqui and Faraceni, and the master of Arthur, since the mouth of the most highly respected Chiqui, should be true. !

The dignitaries have seen new changes in the eyes of the three Highnesses. The cardinal of the bright church, Gralling, who is attending the celebration, has once again been shocked. The future Son, even the future Pope, is still a system. Master!

At the age of "Arthur", whether it is the empire, the church or the ruler, the future is immeasurable!

If the three emperors can formally become the Son of the Church of Light, not only can they create the most powerful equipment for the church, but the influence of the church, which has been declining for reasons such as the Black Death, will once again be raised to a new height.

The most favored emperor of Longhuang Emperor, after missing for seven years, regained the reign of the Jinyao Territory and the master of the system. The special envoy of the Lan Yao Empire, Keen Heber, secretly calculated several keywords belonging to the "Arthur's Prince". That's right... plus one more: the fiance of the Lanshi Empire Pearl Princess Rambis. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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