Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 953: Give a gift! Swear by the light god's stuff

“Amazing inductive power,” Lafayette’s eyelids moved slightly and slowly opened. “The people who chose the crown of the thorns saw the power of my eyes at a glance.”

The pupils turned out to be white, as if they were penetrating into the eyes of Chen Rui with the power to penetrate everything. Chen Rui felt that the soul was shaking and could not help but shudder. After the body, the poisonous dragon and the emerald dragon immediately alerted, and in the loud voice, they all shot.

Lafayette's gaze flashed, Paglio and Krobe Ruth only felt a numb body, and the flashing figure returned to the original place, as if it was entangled in countless invisible chains, the power of the whole body is also here. Under the entanglement, it was sealed and locked, and it was impossible to move.

"Don't worry, Dragon." Lafayette smiled lightly. "I didn't hurt him. If I really want to do something, with your strength, it is impossible to stop me."

Chen Rui’s body suddenly radiated a strong radiance, and a circle of light rippled open, and the whole person seemed to be crystal clear, and in the blink of an eye, it was restored to its original state.

"Sure enough, it is the body of glory, completely absorbed the light." Lafayette's white pupil gradually turned back to black, but the face became blurred.

Chen’s eyes have been restored to Qingming, and he said: “Thank you adults.”

Raphael has some doubts: "Your body is a little unexpected to me. I just wanted to improve your strength, but there is a special kind of power in your body. The power of the Holy Light that I have given you is being Ways to absorb it."

"Yes, adults, this is the power of the heritage of the ancient alchemy civilization. Because I have not completely digested the power of branding, the brand will automatically transform the external force into the alchemy master. My strength cannot be improved temporarily. Wait until I am completely Control the brand to absorb external forces and enhance strength."

"The ancient alchemy civilization? Well... no wonder you become a master of the system when you are so young." Lafayette glanced at the couple of poisonous dragons who couldn't move. "Is these two dragons your guardian?"

Chen Rui nodded: "Poisonous Dragon and Emerald Dragon accurately said that it was the guardian left by the ancient alchemy civilization. Besides them, there are four others who are not here for the time being."

Lafayette's tiny jaws, Paglio and Krobe Ruth suddenly felt that the **** had disappeared. The two looked at each other without any sway. The strength of this enemy is far better than they can match. Level. This strong person should not be malicious to Chen Rui, so don't be desperate now.

Chen Rui sighed with relief and secretly fortunately passed the most important level.

Rafael’s light system was indeed absorbed by the body of glory, but Rafael’s eyesight was so powerful because he used his super system to show his strength as a level (high-level demon). Change the breath to "advance." It is likely to reveal flaws. Fortunately, under the urgency of the savage, the above ancient alchemy civilization has been mixed up as an excuse.

"Let me see the power of the crown of thorns."

"Yes." Chen Rui reverently responded with a crystal-clear white crown on his head, and a sacred radiance spread out.

"The purity of the sacred power is very good! It is the master of the crown of the thorns." Lafayette's tone eloquently praised "My name Raphael, one of the three highest angels."

Chen Rui’s heart has already anticipated that this is Rafael’s face and face with a faint color, and once again deeply salute: “I don’t think it’s Rafael’s personal presence!”

"Who is the person who is recognized by the crown of glory and the crown of thorns, are you willing to follow my back and bathe in the light of the Holy Light forever?"

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and said without hesitation: "I am willing."

"From today, you are the Son of the Church of Light, the teacher and the teacher, the crown of thorns to inspire and transform the most faithful believers. Your position is slightly lower than the three major bishops, higher than the cardinal. As long as you remain pious and cautious, You will become the pioneer and guide of the future of the church. As for the loyal said, ... you are a wise man, if you are superfluous, you don't need me to repeat it." Glalin and Miranda show a strange color, more respectful and happy. Raphael’s remarks have already been made clear. “Arthur” will be the next pope, which also represents the highest control of the entire church in the future.

"The official sacred ritual will be officially held in the Holy Mountain in the future." Raphael said lightly: "Now you can do what you want to do, the church will provide maximum support, including the throne and holy you want. Things...and everything."

"Understood, Rafael's adult!" Chen Rui reveals the color of ecstasy, and his heart is bright: the highest existence of the peak of the holy sacred priests descends on the land and is personally enshrined. It is a finale, and it is completely marked with "Arthur". The label "Raphael" made it impossible to change its mind to other factions.

There should be corresponding competition between the three highest angels, and it is likely to reflect on the power of faith, but these are not important for Chen Rui. Rafael’s "support" commitment is what he wants most.

Chen Rui’s guess is not far from it. His real value is the body of glory and the crown of thorns.

The "sacred care" of the crown of thorns can transform the light system, although the effect is inferior to the snowy tree, but now the snowy tree disappears, the crown of thorns becomes a necessary substitute, otherwise the church of light will lose itself. The ability to hematopoietic, who can only absorb the two sacred empire in the future, became the backbone of the church. The reason why the two sacred empires appear to be radiant is due to the relationship between the two sacred objects, but unlike the crown of thorns that has its own transforming effect, the holy grail and the sacred robes do not have a transforming function, but are their own sacred attributes. Will affect the blood, there is a chance to birth the light system physique, this contingency is very large, and the probability is low, far less than the crown of thorns.

After the "missing" of the snowy tree, the church can no longer change the light system, the body of the light is becoming less and less, and the body of the light in the light body is even rarer. By convention, one of the prerequisites for the pope is the body of glory. Although Vatican is still in place, but in the absence of the light system, Chen Rui has already entered the high-level view of the church.

Therefore, Raphael, one of the three highest angels, will personally come and recruit the "talent" who combines many titles such as the imperial prince, the genius of internal affairs, the master of alchemy, the body of glory, and the crown of thorns.

Raphael nodded. "I will give you two more things. The first one is the Holy Ring badge. This badge represents my will and privilege. You can give orders to any church member under the Patriarch, including the Glorious Knight and the referee. This badge also has a role, that is to summon my points, but this summoning can only be used once and is not too small for my body power, never use it when it is absolutely necessary. It is a 'chain of thoughts' is a powerful artifact that has a restraining effect on the soul and spiritual strength. Even if the other party is a super-powerful person with a nationality, it cannot be immune. With this artifact and the holy ring badge, plus the strength of the drug scorpion guardian kingdom level..., it should be able to protect you well during the time before you return to the holy mountain with the sacred son. Security. ”

“Thank you an adult!” Chen Rui looked at the looming silver-white chain and the round ring-shaped badge that appeared in front of him. He looked very excited. He stared at the chain and looked at it suddenly: “Raphael’s adult Boldly ask, this artifact seems to..."

"I actually saw it?" Raphael was slightly surprised. "Your eyesight is still above my expectations. It is worth accepting the ancient alchemist." The chain of thoughts is actually part of a powerful artifact. The combination of the two is called 'real shackles' and can form a more powerful artifact. 'The ban on the wind and fire.' Even the false gods may not be able to avoid its shackles. Unfortunately, this requires special rules, I have been unable to find the most suitable. The method used to separate the two artifacts to use "real shackles, I gave it to others, but unfortunately lost." Otherwise, it will be possible to combine the two with your master-level system to form a real ban on fire.

"It turns out that." Chen Rui's cherished color passed by, took over the chain of the chain of thoughts and the holy ring badge, deeply covered, loudly: "Thank you adults! I Arthur, Roland, with the great light **** Swear, you will not let the adults down!"

That's right, swear by a small body of chaos...

Where did Raphael know the care of the Son, only when the ants had been completely lowered, the slightly blurred face showed a satisfied smile, and the figure faded away.

The Supreme Angels did not see the ecstasy of a human eye in the lower head. Is it true? Yes, my buddy will definitely "express." Never let you "disappointed"!

Hey, this room is a good guy, your dear Rafael!

In fact, Chen Rui did not see the speciality of the chain of thoughts, but some kind of power in the body caused some kind of faint incitement because of the relationship of the chain of thoughts. It was strange that Raphael actually said it himself. .

Law fusion?

At the beginning of his battle with Isyour, he used the power of the "absorption rule" of the super system to "swallow" the real shackles. Now he can "swallow" the chain of the sacred, and you can get two kinds of The purest and powerful law As long as the two rules are truly integrated, even the "fire ban." can also derive a stronger bond than the real shackles! Gralling’s promise was effective, and the Dragon sent a representative to discuss the magic game cooperation on the second day.

"Old acquaintance." St. Long Glorias.

After a tacit "negotiation and negotiation", the two sides reached an agreement on the distribution of interests. The Dragon Valley will entrust the signal tower and magic helmet "technology" needed to set up the magic game to the Jin Yao territory.

This magical game helmet is actually a simplified version, out of the magic TV, only a simple game function.

The long-awaited Jinyao Territory immediately began producing magic helmets and signal tower components, and will produce the signal tower components! Time is given to the bright church that comes to pick up the goods: At the same time, the church-led propaganda work begins in the human world.

The belief coverage of the Bright Church is extremely large, and its influence far exceeds any kind of power. It can even be said that it is the sum of the entire empire and the kingdom.

For a magic game, it is equivalent to a horrible commercial propaganda group. For a time, the key words related to magic games, such as practice, entertainment, glory, battle, etc., are everywhere in the human world.

The storm of the magic game begins to sweep the entire ground world! (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @丶夕阳o] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your sect is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read. )

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