Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 977: Brood

Although he is the supreme master of the abyss, with powerful power, but because of the relationship between the seal of the natural tree, Queriana can not come directly, can only use the "slit" of the seal to be weakened to spread the power of the abyss, accumulated over time, Finally, a projection is successfully projected.

Next, based on this projection, it is necessary to continuously accumulate the projection and accumulation of power. At that time, the inside and outside of the attack will break through the seal, and the passage will be opened, so that the abyss nightmare completely covers the whole world.

Before the elves tried to completely close the passage, they all failed under the interference of the power of the abyss. Not long ago, the army she summoned also eliminated a group of elves who were not self-sufficient, but also consumed part of the accumulated power.

Today, she was once again alarmed, the ants who only had the power of half gods actually discovered the existence of her projection.

Although the attack on her by the "anthill ant" was weak, she clearly felt that the person's body contained the power of destruction of the source of high quality. This extremely rare physique can directly become the advent of the dominant level. No matter the choice, it is much more cost-effective to control this person than to kill him.

As long as this person becomes a slave to the abyss, the process of destroying the seal can be greatly advanced.

Unexpectedly, however, the ant actually rejected the hatred with incredible will and power, and then she deliberately killed his companion and wanted to use his hateful emotions to control his soul. A strange country.

This country has the power of true faith and the power of life, but it is a vast universe. It is obviously a means of deceiving the ears. The ridiculous means, does this ant think that he has the legendary kingdom?

However, it is the ants that she believes can be easily annihilated or controlled. Even in this "like-like" fantasy country, she exerted the power to make her feel tremble! Just when she did not hesitate to spend a lot of time on the projections, after the strongest transformation, she still couldn't break through the strength of the other side. She could only watch the power being suppressed step by step.

"Damn ants!" Queriana felt a shame in a rare way. All the projections of the desperate explosion broke out. The whole body was integrated into the brown-red power, and suddenly the word "feng" was swollen. Several times, it seems to be bursting open.

Chen Rui closed his eyes and held his hands up. Completely integrate the will into the entire galaxy.

He seems to have seen on the vibrant planet, countless believers are praying in front of the pillar of faith, and the inexhaustible power of power, the power of faith, and the vitality are gathered together in the word "Feng".

The "sealing" suddenly made a big splash, and the brown-red power was completely suppressed in an instant, and the scope quickly narrowed.

"How can there be such a strong life and faith! Such a powerful power!" Quirina's incredible voice came out. With a bit of horror: "God... Kingdom of God!"

The voice just fell, "Hey!" The whole projection of the consciousness burst completely, no more sound.

Only the one word of "封" is quietly suspended in the void, with a faint gleam of red.

The elves only saw the blood in the sky, and then Chen Rui, who rushed to the tree of nature, was suspended and seemed to be stupid.

After a while, the space in the crystal ball seemed to tremble. The huge "face" that wrapped the tree of nature faded away, while the abyss army on the ground faded.

In the blink of an eye, the abyss of the ocean is gone, and the feeling of shaking is dazzling. The natural tree in the air returned to the ground, and the scene cheered the elves.

Qi Lanya also breathed a sigh of relief, but she noticed that the tree of nature is still in a state of wilting. The leaves and branches are faintly revealing the fascinating blood red color - just repelling the abyss' offensive power and not fundamentally solving the seal problem of the natural tree.

Chen Rui, who was originally floating in the air, has stood on the ground due to the replacement of space. For a long time, I recovered from the state of "dementia".

The battle just now turned out to be a twist and a turn. It finally defeated Qureiana’s projection. It’s not a big sin to lure Queriana into the super system. Even if the projection of the highest abyss is tricked into the super system, it’s still Not easy, fortunately, the super system is extremely strong, and Chen Rui has further mastered the mystery of Feng Xingtai.

Not only is "the star", but also the "sea" star. If it is not a strong enemy like Queriana to enter the super system, Chen Rui has not realized the power of "sealing" so quickly, this is a collection of the entire super system. The powerful suppression of the life and beliefs of the galaxy, from the horror of Queriana's projection before the collapse, even approached the power of the real kingdom of God.

Queriana's projection is not as simple as a crash. Her consciousness is annihilated, but most of the power is stunned by the word "封". Just like “Stars”, this function can slowly absorb or transform the power of repression into its own use, but this skill seals more energy than “Stars” and there is no overflow threat.

"Filling" consumes the crystallization of belief, and the "price" is not cheap. In this state of seal, the crystallization of belief is lost every second. The more power of the seal, the more crystallized the loss. Once the crystallization of faith is not enough to pay, the "sealing" will disappear with the power of the seal. This must have been an elusive thing in the past, but since the popularization of magic games, Chen Rui’s accumulated beliefs have been in the form of billions, so despite the amazing amount of beliefs consumed in the seal state, But for Chen Rui, it can only be regarded as a slap in the face.

The biggest regret is that this trick can only be used in the super system and cannot be displayed outside.

After Chen Rui solved the biggest enemy, he finally recovered and focused his attention on the tree of nature.

Although the projection of Queriana has been annihilated, the abyss army has disappeared. However, the 20,000-year-old anti-drug accumulated in the abyss has not been eliminated. The life of the natural tree is still extremely weak, and the defects of the seal are still not compensated.

Chen Rui took two steps forward and found a strong hostility from the tree of nature. This hostility has a strong scent of destruction. His pupils have smeared the color and used the "eye of deep analysis". Now Without Queriana's "face" shrouded, but when Chen Rui saw the tree of nature through the "eye of deep analysis," he was shocked.

This is not a "tree", but another strange creature outline, covered in brown, those branches are actually a circle of tentacles, faintly red light, the crystal clear above, should be the flower of the abyss, the whole The shape of the creature looks a bit like a huge sunflower.

Abyss nest!

Chen Rui’s surprise is that the tree of nature has turned into the birth and cultivation of the abyss monster!

The abyss masters have eroded the tree of nature in such a way!

From the situation of the tree of nature, it is almost full of deep-roots. Once the mother's nest is completely transformed, it will not only open the entrance to the abyss, but will also become one of the most terrible abyss.

No wonder Queriana can project such a powerful projection, and it has become a nest of abyss monsters!

Chen Rui did not think that the situation was so bad that he had taken the first few steps and felt that the atmosphere of destruction became more and more intense. The closer you are, the greater the pressure. Although not as magnificent as Queriana, it is as infinite as the sea, just like the characteristics of the abyss, the impact of a wave of waves, Chen Rui's star has been faintly cracked.

Chen Rui wanted to merge Shura’s destructive body, and his thoughts changed. He suddenly changed his mind. He appeared black holes behind him and began to swallow the impending destruction. The black hole is not as good as the assimilated body, but the effect is not good. In the same general, the pressure suffered immediately fell sharply.

At this time, Chen Rui was quite close to the tree of nature, but did not go any further. His eyes fell on the center of the "Abyss Mother's Nest", where it was a seal with a hint of green light. The shape was a leaf, crystal clear. The faint breath is familiar with a few points, this is... the leaf of nature!

Chen Rui suddenly understood that the seal of the prince Wang Laozhang who was 20,000 years ago was actually the leaf of the tree of nature!

To be precise, it is not the seal of Span's display, but Span's life as a medium, with the leaves of nature sealed the abyss passage in the tree of nature that is about to be opened.

Chen Rui suddenly remembered the words of the legendary prophet Ai Your leaf of nature is the essence of the tree of nature before being polluted, and it is the last remaining piece. "In this way, Span sealed the tree of nature 20,000 years ago, and there is probably a legendary prophet behind it."

So now... Chen Rui subconsciously took out the leaves of nature. This piece of natural leaves should be the key to the seal, but today’s situation is different from 20,000 years ago. The tree of nature is no longer a blood sacrifice ceremony. The channel medium is transformed into the mother of the abyss, which is completed in one step. As a living sacred object, it is transformed into a tree of death and destruction. The two forces are incompatible. If you rush to seal directly with the leaves of nature, it will only turn the last essence of the leaves into the power of destruction. Ugly. Therefore, the first problem to be solved is to infuse the source of the destruction of the abyss.

It turns out that the power of the black hole's engulfing power can dispel the power of destruction. However, the power of destruction from the abyss is inexhaustible. Although it is promoted to the red star. The capacity of the "star" has greatly increased, but it is limited and cannot be Fundamentally solve this "tree of destruction" that is almost to become an abyss creature.

So how do you completely eliminate "destruction"?

Chen Rui thought for a while, and in his mind, there was a scene of the final battle with Shura in the tower of glory that day, a flash of light: the power of creation!

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