Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 13 - The Bureau of Magical Development.
About five days after my spar with Ur, the both of us took the road towards the Bureau of Magical Development.
We should be able to reach there within two days or so of travel and their leader shouldn't be there when we arrive.
Ur decided we should leave Gray, Lyon and Ultear at the house for now until we get back.
While Lyon protested heavily in the end he agreed to stay. He probably just wanted to see Ur fight again.
They've got some money and can buy food for themselves when they need to so they'll be fine.
A little less than two days later we reached our destination!
The facility was shaped like a crescent moon and had a mechanical appearance being mostly made out of metal.
It's pretty damn big too!
Now it's about time we went inside.
"Are you ready Ur?" I asked her
"Yeah, let's break this damn place apart!"
"Okay then…{Concealment Area}!" I created a small barrier like orb around us that concealed our presence just like my {Conceal Presence} spell and as an added bonus made us invisible.
We snuck in the building and walked around to see what everyone here is doing.
Allot of the personnel here were testing the different kinds of magic that they had developed.
We didn't really pay much attention to them
What really caught my and Ur's attention was the prisoners they had here and used as test subject for their magical experiments.
These poor people did nothing wrong yet they were kidnapped, abused and tortured in this place…
This is unforgivable!
Soon we reached a big room with a giant hole in the ground and a weird half Sun half Moon like structure on the ceiling.
This is the room where they tied up Ultear and tried to raise her Magic power…
"Man, this room is only going to be collecting dust it seems, the damn brat escaped and now we've got no job to do here…"
"I know what you mean! It's so boring without that kid's screaming and screeching…"
"Yeah, I just wish we could still hear her cry 'Mommy! Mommy! I wanna go home please save me!' in her room. Hahaha!"
"You got that right, Hahahah!"
"Arthur… Sorry, but I'm done with hiding and scouting out." Ur said
"Yeah, I couldn't agree more." I replied and canceled the concealment area spell.
"{Ice Make: Rose Pillars}!" Ur made a few giant Ice Roses appear from the ground and had the tops hit the bastards that were talking with full force.
"What th- AaaaahhHH!!!"
She send them all flying over ten meters away from their original spots!
"I feel a little better now. Now I just need to break this room into pieces! {Ice Make: Rose Garden}!"
Ur's Rose Garden went into all directions, decimated the entire room and destroyed nearly a 100 meter wide area with her as the center.
A loud alarm is now ringing, probably to signal them that there are intruders! Namely us.
"Good job Ur! Now let's blow this entire building up. {Explosive Spheres}!" I created over a dozen spheres of energy and threw them all over the place.
When they explode they're easily over a half a dozen times more powerful than C4 bombs!
"Intruders! Stop them now before they destroy everything! We can't allow them to do any more damage while Master Brain is away!" One of the people here yelled at his colleagues
Brain? You mean Brain from the Oración Seis? Now that I think about it he was the leader in charge of this place wasn't he...? How did I forget that!
Anyway… {Thunder Bolt}! I sent a lightning bolt from my hand towards the guards.
"They're too strong! Bring the Magical Fruit eaters here! They might be able to stop them!"
The magical what now?
"I'm here you dim wits." A tall guy maybe 2 meters appeared and was holding a spear.
"Ah! Chojiro! Great, great! You're just who we needed! Please punish these intruders, they're both powerful mages and are wrecking the entire facility!"
"Oh, so I can kill them right?" he asked with a grin while gripping his spear.
"Of course, of course! Please do your thing, we'll be off now! I'm going to call for the rest of your crew to join you soon!" The guard personnel said to this 'Chojiro' and started running away.
"Don't bother!" Chojiro yelled back at him
"Well then, I don't know how you two rats got in here but you ain't goin out!" He said and jumped towards me with his spear!
"{Iron Spikes}!" I created a bunch of iron spikes from the ground and shot them towards him! But…
"That won't work on me kid…" It went straight through him and any place of his body hit would turn into sand!
I jumped to the side and his spear grazed my side slightly, thankfully my defense held up…
but what the hell was that?!
"You… Did you just turn into sand?" I asked him confused.
"Yep! They gave me this weird magical disgusting fruit to eat and it gave me the ability to control and become sand! It's not even magic and no one knows how it works yet! Pretty neat huh?" He said.
… That's totally a devil fruit isn't it…?
But… He's not young like me so he can't be a participant… And he did say they gave the fruit to him… I don't understand…
"Arthur are you okay?" Ur asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't expect that to happen…"
"If he can turn into sand then just leave him to me. I'll freeze him real quick."
"Okay then. Should I deal with the ones hiding back there then?" I asked her after finding out there were 3 other presences hiding near us with my {Detection} spell.
"Oh, so you noticed us already, huh kid?" the three people that were hiding behind the rubble popped up.
"You go ahead and do that." Ur said and went to fight with the Sand man that apparently ate Crocodile's 'suna suna no mi' or the 'sand sand fruit'....
"So what are you guys' powers?" I asked them
"Why don't you find out yourself little man?" the man in the center said and jumped at me
His hand turned into a blade and he sliced at me with it!
That's Mr.1's supa supa no mi or the dice dice fruit!
I used my {Sword} spell and made myself a Katana to block his attack! Might as well try using a sword against this guy I guess? {Strength UP}!
He kept striking at me with both of his hands and even his fingers that had turned into blades, but I managed to mostly block him with my sword. Anything else that hit me didn't manage to do much damage thanks to my defenses.
"Come on little one! You can do better can't you?!" Oh, okay so you're getting ċȯċky with me huh?
"Fine, you asked for it {Spiral Flame}!" I cast one of my favorite spells, the Spiral Flame and placed my hand on his ċhėst launching him into the wall with the wave of fire!
"Are you okay my dude?" one of the other two asked their friend but he was unresponsive.
"Guess he got taken out?" the other one said
"Well he was pretty weak to begin with so it's understandable. Time to clean up his mess!"
"You got that right."
They both then jumped towards me and transformed into a Tiger and a Lion respectively.
Zoan Fruits this time huh?
"I'll tear you to pieces you runt!" the tiger growled at me
I dodged all of their attacks by simply moving around and using the good ol' dodge roll until I was bored with them and decided to cast {Lightning Field} Zapping them both and knocking them out completely.
Was that it? And here I thought you two would be strong with all that boasting about the other guy being weak…
Still, why are there Devil Fruit users here?
This is the Fairy Tail world unless you're a participant and obtained the power from the wheel of fate you can't possibly find and eat a devil fruit…
Unless… Did someone get the ability to create devil fruits?!
Oh Ur seems to be done over there.
That poor guy 'Chinjuro' or whatever got a bad matchup against an Ice make user… Sorry bud! Now you're an Ice sculpture…
"Arthur let's go free all of the prisoners here now, we can't just leave them to die here as we blow this entire place up." Ur said
"You're right, let's go Ur!" I'll have to think about that whole thing later…
Along the way we saw over a dozen other people with devil fruit abilities like the Explosion fruit, Wolf Zoan, Elephant Zoan, Mud logia fruit, Wax Wax fruit, Eagle Zoan and even a logia fruit that turned the user into plants…
I burned him!
But don't worry I extinguished the flame before he died… Still that's a crappy devil fruit…
We freed all of the people we could find and I helped them leave the building with a {Gate} spell before we started destroying everything again.
Ur then cast a giant Rose Garden spell that completely toppled the top half of the Bureau of Magical Development building.
In the end it took us less than half an hour to completely obliterate the whole crescent moon shaped building and round up every resident inside of it.
All of its employees and workers were bound within Ur's Ice and I send them to the Magic council's prison with a letter explaining what they've been doing.
I also sent some of the prisoners as witnesses to their crimes, while the rest were sent to any place I could that is closest to their homes or just to any city that they could manage at.
"Well Ur, the Bureau of Magical Development is no more. How do you feel?"
"Honestly, it's refreshing to know the bastards got what they deserved.
Their leader will probably be furious about this whole thing and we saved allot of the captives too so I'm quite happy with how it turned out!" Ur said with a grin on her face.
"Well then, let's get back to Gray, Lyon and Ultear then. Come on I'll open a portal." I said and cast my {Gate} spell so that Ur and me could teleport back to her house.
The {Gate} opened right in front of the house and we walked through it,
After we went to the front door and opened it to go inside we saw Lyon and Ultear who had weird looks on their faces…
Like they were concerned or something.
"Ur Sensei!" "Mother!" They said in unison
"What is it you two? Why the long faces, were you worried about me or something? Also where is Gray?" Ur asked them
"That's the problem sensei! Gray heard a rumor about Deliora appearing in Brago and went after him! We tried to stop him but..." Lyon said and looked like he was panicking a little.
That stupid idiot… I didn't think he'd go right after me an Ur left!
"He what?! That stupid child… Arthur! Can you teleport us to Brago? Have you been there?" She asked me
"No I can't say I have. We'll just have to rush and get there as fast as possible! Can you tell me when Gray left?" I asked
"He left not a day after you two went towards the Bureau of Magical Development… He's bound to be quite far away by now…" Ultear answered me
"Damn it… Ur, come on! We're going to go and 'check out' Deliora!" I said with a grin on my face
"… Right, I guess you did originally come to Isvan to see Deliora didn't you? Fine let's go see what he's made of!" Ur said with a smile and determination in her eyes! She isn't about to let Gray kill himself it would seem.
"Lyon, Ultear I want you to stay he-" She was cut off by Lyon
"Sensei! I won't stay behind again! This time I'm coming with you." he said
"M-me too! I'm also coming mother!" Ultear also wants to come it seems…
"That's a bad idea! We're not going on some joy ride trip!" Ur retorted.
"Please, Ur sensei! I promise that I won't get in the way!" Lyon started begging her
"Mother you can't just leave me here and go fight some monster! I'm coming with you okay?!" Ultear yelled at Ur and was about to start sobbing.
"Uh, fine. You two can come but make sure you don't get in the way, okay?" Ur reluctantly agreed after seeing Ultear beginning to tear up.
"Come on, I'll take us as close as I can with {Gate}!" I opened a portal to the nearest location I've been at to Brago.
"Let's go!" Ur said
"Right!" the three of us replied and we all walked through the portal.
We need to find Gray before he gets himself killed! The bigger problem now is how to deal with Deliora without having Ur cast Iced Shell…
Guess I'll have to figure it out later…
We should be able to reach there within two days or so of travel and their leader shouldn't be there when we arrive.
Ur decided we should leave Gray, Lyon and Ultear at the house for now until we get back.
While Lyon protested heavily in the end he agreed to stay. He probably just wanted to see Ur fight again.
They've got some money and can buy food for themselves when they need to so they'll be fine.
A little less than two days later we reached our destination!
The facility was shaped like a crescent moon and had a mechanical appearance being mostly made out of metal.
It's pretty damn big too!
Now it's about time we went inside.
"Are you ready Ur?" I asked her
"Yeah, let's break this damn place apart!"
"Okay then…{Concealment Area}!" I created a small barrier like orb around us that concealed our presence just like my {Conceal Presence} spell and as an added bonus made us invisible.
We snuck in the building and walked around to see what everyone here is doing.
Allot of the personnel here were testing the different kinds of magic that they had developed.
We didn't really pay much attention to them
What really caught my and Ur's attention was the prisoners they had here and used as test subject for their magical experiments.
These poor people did nothing wrong yet they were kidnapped, abused and tortured in this place…
This is unforgivable!
Soon we reached a big room with a giant hole in the ground and a weird half Sun half Moon like structure on the ceiling.
This is the room where they tied up Ultear and tried to raise her Magic power…
"Man, this room is only going to be collecting dust it seems, the damn brat escaped and now we've got no job to do here…"
"I know what you mean! It's so boring without that kid's screaming and screeching…"
"Yeah, I just wish we could still hear her cry 'Mommy! Mommy! I wanna go home please save me!' in her room. Hahaha!"
"You got that right, Hahahah!"
"Arthur… Sorry, but I'm done with hiding and scouting out." Ur said
"Yeah, I couldn't agree more." I replied and canceled the concealment area spell.
"{Ice Make: Rose Pillars}!" Ur made a few giant Ice Roses appear from the ground and had the tops hit the bastards that were talking with full force.
"What th- AaaaahhHH!!!"
She send them all flying over ten meters away from their original spots!
"I feel a little better now. Now I just need to break this room into pieces! {Ice Make: Rose Garden}!"
Ur's Rose Garden went into all directions, decimated the entire room and destroyed nearly a 100 meter wide area with her as the center.
A loud alarm is now ringing, probably to signal them that there are intruders! Namely us.
"Good job Ur! Now let's blow this entire building up. {Explosive Spheres}!" I created over a dozen spheres of energy and threw them all over the place.
When they explode they're easily over a half a dozen times more powerful than C4 bombs!
"Intruders! Stop them now before they destroy everything! We can't allow them to do any more damage while Master Brain is away!" One of the people here yelled at his colleagues
Brain? You mean Brain from the Oración Seis? Now that I think about it he was the leader in charge of this place wasn't he...? How did I forget that!
Anyway… {Thunder Bolt}! I sent a lightning bolt from my hand towards the guards.
"They're too strong! Bring the Magical Fruit eaters here! They might be able to stop them!"
The magical what now?
"I'm here you dim wits." A tall guy maybe 2 meters appeared and was holding a spear.
"Ah! Chojiro! Great, great! You're just who we needed! Please punish these intruders, they're both powerful mages and are wrecking the entire facility!"
"Oh, so I can kill them right?" he asked with a grin while gripping his spear.
"Of course, of course! Please do your thing, we'll be off now! I'm going to call for the rest of your crew to join you soon!" The guard personnel said to this 'Chojiro' and started running away.
"Don't bother!" Chojiro yelled back at him
"Well then, I don't know how you two rats got in here but you ain't goin out!" He said and jumped towards me with his spear!
"{Iron Spikes}!" I created a bunch of iron spikes from the ground and shot them towards him! But…
"That won't work on me kid…" It went straight through him and any place of his body hit would turn into sand!
I jumped to the side and his spear grazed my side slightly, thankfully my defense held up…
but what the hell was that?!
"You… Did you just turn into sand?" I asked him confused.
"Yep! They gave me this weird magical disgusting fruit to eat and it gave me the ability to control and become sand! It's not even magic and no one knows how it works yet! Pretty neat huh?" He said.
… That's totally a devil fruit isn't it…?
But… He's not young like me so he can't be a participant… And he did say they gave the fruit to him… I don't understand…
"Arthur are you okay?" Ur asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't expect that to happen…"
"If he can turn into sand then just leave him to me. I'll freeze him real quick."
"Okay then. Should I deal with the ones hiding back there then?" I asked her after finding out there were 3 other presences hiding near us with my {Detection} spell.
"Oh, so you noticed us already, huh kid?" the three people that were hiding behind the rubble popped up.
"You go ahead and do that." Ur said and went to fight with the Sand man that apparently ate Crocodile's 'suna suna no mi' or the 'sand sand fruit'....
"So what are you guys' powers?" I asked them
"Why don't you find out yourself little man?" the man in the center said and jumped at me
His hand turned into a blade and he sliced at me with it!
That's Mr.1's supa supa no mi or the dice dice fruit!
I used my {Sword} spell and made myself a Katana to block his attack! Might as well try using a sword against this guy I guess? {Strength UP}!
He kept striking at me with both of his hands and even his fingers that had turned into blades, but I managed to mostly block him with my sword. Anything else that hit me didn't manage to do much damage thanks to my defenses.
"Come on little one! You can do better can't you?!" Oh, okay so you're getting ċȯċky with me huh?
"Fine, you asked for it {Spiral Flame}!" I cast one of my favorite spells, the Spiral Flame and placed my hand on his ċhėst launching him into the wall with the wave of fire!
"Are you okay my dude?" one of the other two asked their friend but he was unresponsive.
"Guess he got taken out?" the other one said
"Well he was pretty weak to begin with so it's understandable. Time to clean up his mess!"
"You got that right."
They both then jumped towards me and transformed into a Tiger and a Lion respectively.
Zoan Fruits this time huh?
"I'll tear you to pieces you runt!" the tiger growled at me
I dodged all of their attacks by simply moving around and using the good ol' dodge roll until I was bored with them and decided to cast {Lightning Field} Zapping them both and knocking them out completely.
Was that it? And here I thought you two would be strong with all that boasting about the other guy being weak…
Still, why are there Devil Fruit users here?
This is the Fairy Tail world unless you're a participant and obtained the power from the wheel of fate you can't possibly find and eat a devil fruit…
Unless… Did someone get the ability to create devil fruits?!
Oh Ur seems to be done over there.
That poor guy 'Chinjuro' or whatever got a bad matchup against an Ice make user… Sorry bud! Now you're an Ice sculpture…
"Arthur let's go free all of the prisoners here now, we can't just leave them to die here as we blow this entire place up." Ur said
"You're right, let's go Ur!" I'll have to think about that whole thing later…
Along the way we saw over a dozen other people with devil fruit abilities like the Explosion fruit, Wolf Zoan, Elephant Zoan, Mud logia fruit, Wax Wax fruit, Eagle Zoan and even a logia fruit that turned the user into plants…
I burned him!
But don't worry I extinguished the flame before he died… Still that's a crappy devil fruit…
We freed all of the people we could find and I helped them leave the building with a {Gate} spell before we started destroying everything again.
Ur then cast a giant Rose Garden spell that completely toppled the top half of the Bureau of Magical Development building.
In the end it took us less than half an hour to completely obliterate the whole crescent moon shaped building and round up every resident inside of it.
All of its employees and workers were bound within Ur's Ice and I send them to the Magic council's prison with a letter explaining what they've been doing.
I also sent some of the prisoners as witnesses to their crimes, while the rest were sent to any place I could that is closest to their homes or just to any city that they could manage at.
"Well Ur, the Bureau of Magical Development is no more. How do you feel?"
"Honestly, it's refreshing to know the bastards got what they deserved.
Their leader will probably be furious about this whole thing and we saved allot of the captives too so I'm quite happy with how it turned out!" Ur said with a grin on her face.
"Well then, let's get back to Gray, Lyon and Ultear then. Come on I'll open a portal." I said and cast my {Gate} spell so that Ur and me could teleport back to her house.
The {Gate} opened right in front of the house and we walked through it,
After we went to the front door and opened it to go inside we saw Lyon and Ultear who had weird looks on their faces…
Like they were concerned or something.
"Ur Sensei!" "Mother!" They said in unison
"What is it you two? Why the long faces, were you worried about me or something? Also where is Gray?" Ur asked them
"That's the problem sensei! Gray heard a rumor about Deliora appearing in Brago and went after him! We tried to stop him but..." Lyon said and looked like he was panicking a little.
That stupid idiot… I didn't think he'd go right after me an Ur left!
"He what?! That stupid child… Arthur! Can you teleport us to Brago? Have you been there?" She asked me
"No I can't say I have. We'll just have to rush and get there as fast as possible! Can you tell me when Gray left?" I asked
"He left not a day after you two went towards the Bureau of Magical Development… He's bound to be quite far away by now…" Ultear answered me
"Damn it… Ur, come on! We're going to go and 'check out' Deliora!" I said with a grin on my face
"… Right, I guess you did originally come to Isvan to see Deliora didn't you? Fine let's go see what he's made of!" Ur said with a smile and determination in her eyes! She isn't about to let Gray kill himself it would seem.
"Lyon, Ultear I want you to stay he-" She was cut off by Lyon
"Sensei! I won't stay behind again! This time I'm coming with you." he said
"M-me too! I'm also coming mother!" Ultear also wants to come it seems…
"That's a bad idea! We're not going on some joy ride trip!" Ur retorted.
"Please, Ur sensei! I promise that I won't get in the way!" Lyon started begging her
"Mother you can't just leave me here and go fight some monster! I'm coming with you okay?!" Ultear yelled at Ur and was about to start sobbing.
"Uh, fine. You two can come but make sure you don't get in the way, okay?" Ur reluctantly agreed after seeing Ultear beginning to tear up.
"Come on, I'll take us as close as I can with {Gate}!" I opened a portal to the nearest location I've been at to Brago.
"Let's go!" Ur said
"Right!" the three of us replied and we all walked through the portal.
We need to find Gray before he gets himself killed! The bigger problem now is how to deal with Deliora without having Ur cast Iced Shell…
Guess I'll have to figure it out later…
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