Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 15 - Gildarts VS Deliora
(3rd Person POV)
As Arthur blacked out the last thing he heard was…
Deliora's angry roar and…
"Bring it on you monster! I'll make you PAY for hurting my friend Arthur!!"
Gildarts' Furious deep voice.
Arthur then lost consciousness.
Now both he and Ur are on the ground and the only thing keeping them away from Deliora is Gildarts!
Deliora threw a punch at the location where the three people stood trying to smash them all at once with it.
However Gildarts clenched his fist and threw a punch of his own infused with Crush Magic!
A loud sound came out of the two fists collision and Deliora staggered backwards!
"Huh? You're quite weakened already ain't cha? Guess Arthur did a fine job here while I was away ey? The damn kid's already S rank material…
The next generation already has a new Ace in the making it seems! Hahaha!" Gildarts said praising Arthur's exploits in his fight against the demon Deliora.
"Well anyway I should probably finish you off huh? Well maybe I'll play with you for a bit…" He said as he stared at angry demon that managed to keep its balance.
Gildarts walked slowly towards Deliora with both of his fists clenched tightly. He was gathering his magic power to use against the demon!
Deliora felt fear for the first time in a very long time, but he did not cower.
The demon started gathering energy in its own fists. His fists were covered in the same lime energy light that appears when he shoots his beams.
After he was done charging up his Magic Power, Deliora unleash an earth shattering force as he leaped towards Gildarts with his fist tightly clenched!
The powerful Crush magic and the demon's energy fist attack were devastating! All of the surrounding buildings started crumbling and flying away in the distance!
The end result was a huge explosion that sent both Gildarts and Deliora flying in opposite directions!
The two of them crashed into the ground and soon a massive dust cloud appeared from the blast covering the battlefield.
"Sheesh! Even in your current state you still persist and try to give me a challenge ey big guy?" Gildarts was impressed at the amount of strength Deliora still had left!
"ROOOOOOOOAAAARRRR" Deliora roared in the distance but Gildarts could not see him because of all the dust in the air.
After the loud roar a lime light shone and Gildarts saw a giant beam of energy rushing towards him at Mach speeds!
"{All Crush}!" Gildarts hurriedly thrust his palm forward and sent a wave of Crush energy in the form of a cross shaped blast!
Deliora's attack was turned into cubes and they all exploded on their own causing massive damage to the surroundings and clearing most of the dust away!
"There you are big guy!" Gildarts said and rushed forward towards Deliora
"ROOOOOARRRRRRRR" Deliora roared once more and smashed his fists into the ground sending a massive chunk of the city into the air together with Gildarts!
"Hohoho! Not bad!" Gildarts grinned slightly and jumped from boulder to boulder and from one chunk of rock to another until he reached Deliora's face!
"{Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Absolute Heaven}!" Gildarts send a massive punch with his left hand imbued with Crush magic to Deliora's face causing a huge explosion!
The strike sent Deliora flying backwards over a hundred meters until he landed on his back!
"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR" A screeching roar of pain sounded from the beast!
"Using that one always hurts my arm damn it! Well I still have my right!"
Gildarts once again ran towards the monster that was trying to stand back up and jumped on his body running up to his chin that was now fully raised!
"{Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Empyrean}!" Gildarts then hit Deliora in the chin with a powerful upper cut that lifted the monster in the air!
Deliora flew in the sky over the city and landed back in the crater that was created from him getting hit by his own blast previously!
As Deliora laid there motionless he saw Gildarts appear up in the sky with his right fist clenched and falling straight down towards him at high speeds!
"A last ditch effort ey? Sorry but it ain't gonna cut it! {Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Heaven's Fall}! "
Gildarts accelerated his fall and flew straight into Deliora's energy beam attack like a shooting star!
His fist collided with the giant laser that was over eighty meters in diameter and he continued falling towards Deliora as if he was completely unaffected!
The beam was destroyed and completely dissipated whenever it touched Gildarts' Heaven's Fall attack!
Deliora's struggles were futile as the Ace of Fairy Tail reached his head and the fist covered in Crush magic landed on his forehead!
The Crush Infused fist sent a massive shockwave of Crash magic everywhere in the surroundings and created a massive explosion that erupted from inside the crater!
Then a massive cloud of smoke rose and silence once again shrouded the city of Brago.
As the smoke cleared and the scenery of Deliora's crater revealed itself.
It was made clear who the victor of the final struggle was!
Gildarts' last attack had completely obliterated Deliora's head! The Demon was DEAD!
Gildarts stood victorious with one hand raised in the air!
The remaining people of Brago that survived started cheering at the sight!
"The Demon is dead!"
"We're saved!"
"Deliora is finally no more!"
"Screw you Zeref!"
"Hooray for our heroes the Mages! Hooray!"
"Hooray for our savior!"
Such cheering could be heard from all over the place.
"…Deliora… is… Dead…?" Gray said slowly with a trembling voice.
Tears soon started running down his face.
"Hey, Gray. Are you okay…? You're crying..." Ultear asked him as she was concerned that he suddenly started crying
"Eh? What are you talking about… Eh?" He was confused and started wiping the tears off his face.
These tears weren't ones of sadness or regret at not being the one to end Deliora himself.
They were tears of relief and joy.
Relief that the Demon that has been plaguing his dreams is finally no more.
And joy that neither Ur nor Arthur got badly hurt or lost their lives in the process of this colossal battle.
"Yo! Are you guys Arthur's friends?" Gildarts appeared from the distance carrying both Ur and Arthur.
Ur was on his right shoulder and he was holding Arthur with his left arm.
"Mother! Arthur!" Ultear saw Gildarts carrying the two and ran to him.
"Are they both okay?" She asked concerned.
"Of course they are! Both of them are just fine, they're just unconscious." He answered
"Who are you!?" Lyon asked
"Hi, name's Gildarts! Nice to meetcha!" Gildarts grinned at him and introduced himself
"Teacher Ur… She lost against that monster, yet you won? That's… That's impossible! She's the strongest there is! I refused to accept this outcome!" Lyon seemed like he was panicking for some reason.
"Oh, she didn't lose. I just stopped her from casting some dangerous magic that would probably have cost her, her life or something like that.
At least that's what I understood from Arthur who was trying to stop her from casting it…
That magic would have probably worked though, her magic power was soaring through the roof when she was about to cast it!"
"…" Lyon didn't talk after that. He seems to be thinking things through after all that has happened.
There was silence for a second until…
"You said your name was Gildarts right?" Gray spoke to Gildarts
"Yes, that's right." He answered
"So you're Fairy Tail's ace then? The one Arthur talked about…?" Gray asked
"Oh! He talked about me did he? What did he tell you? About how awesome I am!? Hahaha that kid's a real flatterer!" Gildarts laughed and grinned as he talked
"Well, he said you were very strong, dense as a brick and an air head that destroys everything he touches! He also said you were a womanizer!" Ultear replied to Gildarts question and looked at her mother with slight concern
"W-what! This little runt! He's totally ruined my image here! I ain't a womanizer!" He said and looked at Arthur angrily.
"Gildarts." Gray spoke again
"Thank you for killing Deliora. Truly." Gray bowed to Gildarts in order to express his thanks.
"Erm, uh… Don't mention it kid! Not that I know the full story or anything…"
"Ughhh…" Ur started waking up
"What happened?" She asked while still half asleep
"Oh! Mother you're awake!" Ultear beamed a smile full with happiness
Gildarts then let Ur down gently and she finally managed to fully wake up.
"What happened to Deliora?! Where is Arthur!?" She entered panicked mode
"It's all right, Deliora is dead and I've got Arthur right here." Gildarts said and showed Arthur to Ur while holding him by the clothes.
"D-dead? How did…"
"Oh, I killed him! He was pretty weakened so it wasn't that hard…" he replied
"Wow… Even so that's incredible! He had such strong defenses and seemed unkillable really…"
"I'm flattered to hear that from such a beautiful woman!"
"Ah! So you really are a womanizer!" Ultear exclaimed
"W-what!? No! This is a misunderstanding! I was just complimenting her damn it!"
"Well thanks for the compliment, but I'm not planning on entering a relationship. Sorry about that."
"Why does it feel like I just got rejected?!" Gildarts exclaimed
"Hahahaha!" Ultear and Ur started laughing
After the short conversation the six mages got into the Lamborghini and Ur drove it from her memory of how Arthur did it.
Gildarts was in the front seat with her and the other kids were in the back.
Quite a tight fit might I add.
The surviving citizens went back to the city and tried to salvage anything they could.
Now they were basically refugees so they have to find a new home for themselves. But that's a problem they need to solve on their own.
A day later Ur, Gildarts and the others finally got back to Ur's house
Along the way Ur mostly managed to learn how to drive the Lamborghini on her own.
She really likes the car now and said she'd be keeping it for herself.
Arthur hasn't woken up yet.
As time passed, Ur and Gildarts talked about this and that.
Like how she and the others met Arthur, what they've been doing until now and how they ended up fighting a demon of the books of Zeref like Deliora…
Ur's training regime was put on hold for the moment and so Lyon, Gray and Ultear could do whatever they want.
However Lyon was still very conflicted about his sudden realization the Ur might really not be the strongest mage out there.
And Gray was still coping with the fact that Deliora is gone and that he no longer has a goal to pursue.
To put it simply Ultear was quite bored for a while.
Arthur woke up two days after that…
(Arthur POV)
Uuughhh… Where am I? An unfamiliar ceiling?
Wait never mind, this is very familiar!
It's Ur's house!
Did I black out? What happened to Deliora and Ur? Did Gildarts take Deliora out or what?
I stood up and walked out of the bed room.
After that I saw everyone at the table and eating food.
"Arthur! You're finally awake!" Ultear exclaimed
"Yo! Did you have a good nap?" Gildarts asked
"So you finally woke up, ey Arthy?" Ur said
"Arthy?! Hahahahaha! That's hilarious!" Gildarts started laughing
"I wake up after sleeping of a huge battle and the first thing you do is make fun of me? Seriously…"
"Sorry, sorry… By the way I'm keeping the car!"
The hell?!
"What the hell? What's with the commanding tone! At least ask and I'd give it to you!"
"It was your idea we fight Deliora. Think of it as compensation! It's a sweet ride."
"I know right? Hey could you make me one too? I hear you made that one with word magic!" Gildarts asked
"Sure I can. But you both know that without me you can't run those for a long time right? You don't have any fuel or the knowledge needed to keep them in good condition…"
"… Could you help us out with that maybe? Hahaha…" Ur said and rubbed the back of her head while laughing
"Well I'm probably gonna head back to Fairy Tail now so I won't be able to."
Maybe I can use this to invite them in the guild?
"Oh! That's great! We're all going to be joining Fairy Tail too so this is really convenient!" Ur replied. Wait you're what now?
"You're all joining in? When did that happen?" I asked
"Well while you were sleeping Gildarts invited us to join. I thought it was a good idea so why now? A change of scenery is always good!" Ur replied
"Yeah, I don't really have anything else to do now that Deliora is gone so why not." Gray said
"I'd like to meet other strong mages so I'm coming too…" Lyon said
"I'm going together with mother so there's that." Ultear also said
"Well then… For now, it's great to have you on board! I'll welcome you officially when we get back to the guild!"
"Well, what are we waiting for? Arthur is up so let's go already! I want to see my cute little daughter! She must miss me already hehehe" Gildarts said with a slight grin on his face
"You have a daughter too? I didn't know that!" Ur said in surprise
"Oh right I guess I forgot to mention it to you! She's really cute and will end up as a real looker when she grows up, I can tell you that much! Hahaha" Gildarts replied
"Heeehhh? I doubt she's any cuter than my Ultear!" Ur said
"What! She's a hundred times cuter!" Gildarts retorted
"Nah, I really doubt that. Just look at my cute little angel!" Ur Replied
"Ughhh, I'll show you! Look at this picture! Ain't she just adorable?!" Gildarts pulled out a picture of him and Cana together
"Cute indeed but no where near Ultear's level!"
"You're right! She's way above her!"
"Will you two stop arguing over something so stupid and walk through the damn portal?" I told the two idiots as I've already been keeping this gate up for over a minute and the others are already on the other side…
"Right… Sorry…" They both said in unison.
"*Sigh* Let's go home."
After that we also walked through and ended up at the entrance of Fairy Tail's Guild hall!
As Arthur blacked out the last thing he heard was…
Deliora's angry roar and…
"Bring it on you monster! I'll make you PAY for hurting my friend Arthur!!"
Gildarts' Furious deep voice.
Arthur then lost consciousness.
Now both he and Ur are on the ground and the only thing keeping them away from Deliora is Gildarts!
Deliora threw a punch at the location where the three people stood trying to smash them all at once with it.
However Gildarts clenched his fist and threw a punch of his own infused with Crush Magic!
A loud sound came out of the two fists collision and Deliora staggered backwards!
"Huh? You're quite weakened already ain't cha? Guess Arthur did a fine job here while I was away ey? The damn kid's already S rank material…
The next generation already has a new Ace in the making it seems! Hahaha!" Gildarts said praising Arthur's exploits in his fight against the demon Deliora.
"Well anyway I should probably finish you off huh? Well maybe I'll play with you for a bit…" He said as he stared at angry demon that managed to keep its balance.
Gildarts walked slowly towards Deliora with both of his fists clenched tightly. He was gathering his magic power to use against the demon!
Deliora felt fear for the first time in a very long time, but he did not cower.
The demon started gathering energy in its own fists. His fists were covered in the same lime energy light that appears when he shoots his beams.
After he was done charging up his Magic Power, Deliora unleash an earth shattering force as he leaped towards Gildarts with his fist tightly clenched!
The powerful Crush magic and the demon's energy fist attack were devastating! All of the surrounding buildings started crumbling and flying away in the distance!
The end result was a huge explosion that sent both Gildarts and Deliora flying in opposite directions!
The two of them crashed into the ground and soon a massive dust cloud appeared from the blast covering the battlefield.
"Sheesh! Even in your current state you still persist and try to give me a challenge ey big guy?" Gildarts was impressed at the amount of strength Deliora still had left!
"ROOOOOOOOAAAARRRR" Deliora roared in the distance but Gildarts could not see him because of all the dust in the air.
After the loud roar a lime light shone and Gildarts saw a giant beam of energy rushing towards him at Mach speeds!
"{All Crush}!" Gildarts hurriedly thrust his palm forward and sent a wave of Crush energy in the form of a cross shaped blast!
Deliora's attack was turned into cubes and they all exploded on their own causing massive damage to the surroundings and clearing most of the dust away!
"There you are big guy!" Gildarts said and rushed forward towards Deliora
"ROOOOOARRRRRRRR" Deliora roared once more and smashed his fists into the ground sending a massive chunk of the city into the air together with Gildarts!
"Hohoho! Not bad!" Gildarts grinned slightly and jumped from boulder to boulder and from one chunk of rock to another until he reached Deliora's face!
"{Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Absolute Heaven}!" Gildarts send a massive punch with his left hand imbued with Crush magic to Deliora's face causing a huge explosion!
The strike sent Deliora flying backwards over a hundred meters until he landed on his back!
"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR" A screeching roar of pain sounded from the beast!
"Using that one always hurts my arm damn it! Well I still have my right!"
Gildarts once again ran towards the monster that was trying to stand back up and jumped on his body running up to his chin that was now fully raised!
"{Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Empyrean}!" Gildarts then hit Deliora in the chin with a powerful upper cut that lifted the monster in the air!
Deliora flew in the sky over the city and landed back in the crater that was created from him getting hit by his own blast previously!
As Deliora laid there motionless he saw Gildarts appear up in the sky with his right fist clenched and falling straight down towards him at high speeds!
"A last ditch effort ey? Sorry but it ain't gonna cut it! {Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Heaven's Fall}! "
Gildarts accelerated his fall and flew straight into Deliora's energy beam attack like a shooting star!
His fist collided with the giant laser that was over eighty meters in diameter and he continued falling towards Deliora as if he was completely unaffected!
The beam was destroyed and completely dissipated whenever it touched Gildarts' Heaven's Fall attack!
Deliora's struggles were futile as the Ace of Fairy Tail reached his head and the fist covered in Crush magic landed on his forehead!
The Crush Infused fist sent a massive shockwave of Crash magic everywhere in the surroundings and created a massive explosion that erupted from inside the crater!
Then a massive cloud of smoke rose and silence once again shrouded the city of Brago.
As the smoke cleared and the scenery of Deliora's crater revealed itself.
It was made clear who the victor of the final struggle was!
Gildarts' last attack had completely obliterated Deliora's head! The Demon was DEAD!
Gildarts stood victorious with one hand raised in the air!
The remaining people of Brago that survived started cheering at the sight!
"The Demon is dead!"
"We're saved!"
"Deliora is finally no more!"
"Screw you Zeref!"
"Hooray for our heroes the Mages! Hooray!"
"Hooray for our savior!"
Such cheering could be heard from all over the place.
"…Deliora… is… Dead…?" Gray said slowly with a trembling voice.
Tears soon started running down his face.
"Hey, Gray. Are you okay…? You're crying..." Ultear asked him as she was concerned that he suddenly started crying
"Eh? What are you talking about… Eh?" He was confused and started wiping the tears off his face.
These tears weren't ones of sadness or regret at not being the one to end Deliora himself.
They were tears of relief and joy.
Relief that the Demon that has been plaguing his dreams is finally no more.
And joy that neither Ur nor Arthur got badly hurt or lost their lives in the process of this colossal battle.
"Yo! Are you guys Arthur's friends?" Gildarts appeared from the distance carrying both Ur and Arthur.
Ur was on his right shoulder and he was holding Arthur with his left arm.
"Mother! Arthur!" Ultear saw Gildarts carrying the two and ran to him.
"Are they both okay?" She asked concerned.
"Of course they are! Both of them are just fine, they're just unconscious." He answered
"Who are you!?" Lyon asked
"Hi, name's Gildarts! Nice to meetcha!" Gildarts grinned at him and introduced himself
"Teacher Ur… She lost against that monster, yet you won? That's… That's impossible! She's the strongest there is! I refused to accept this outcome!" Lyon seemed like he was panicking for some reason.
"Oh, she didn't lose. I just stopped her from casting some dangerous magic that would probably have cost her, her life or something like that.
At least that's what I understood from Arthur who was trying to stop her from casting it…
That magic would have probably worked though, her magic power was soaring through the roof when she was about to cast it!"
"…" Lyon didn't talk after that. He seems to be thinking things through after all that has happened.
There was silence for a second until…
"You said your name was Gildarts right?" Gray spoke to Gildarts
"Yes, that's right." He answered
"So you're Fairy Tail's ace then? The one Arthur talked about…?" Gray asked
"Oh! He talked about me did he? What did he tell you? About how awesome I am!? Hahaha that kid's a real flatterer!" Gildarts laughed and grinned as he talked
"Well, he said you were very strong, dense as a brick and an air head that destroys everything he touches! He also said you were a womanizer!" Ultear replied to Gildarts question and looked at her mother with slight concern
"W-what! This little runt! He's totally ruined my image here! I ain't a womanizer!" He said and looked at Arthur angrily.
"Gildarts." Gray spoke again
"Thank you for killing Deliora. Truly." Gray bowed to Gildarts in order to express his thanks.
"Erm, uh… Don't mention it kid! Not that I know the full story or anything…"
"Ughhh…" Ur started waking up
"What happened?" She asked while still half asleep
"Oh! Mother you're awake!" Ultear beamed a smile full with happiness
Gildarts then let Ur down gently and she finally managed to fully wake up.
"What happened to Deliora?! Where is Arthur!?" She entered panicked mode
"It's all right, Deliora is dead and I've got Arthur right here." Gildarts said and showed Arthur to Ur while holding him by the clothes.
"D-dead? How did…"
"Oh, I killed him! He was pretty weakened so it wasn't that hard…" he replied
"Wow… Even so that's incredible! He had such strong defenses and seemed unkillable really…"
"I'm flattered to hear that from such a beautiful woman!"
"Ah! So you really are a womanizer!" Ultear exclaimed
"W-what!? No! This is a misunderstanding! I was just complimenting her damn it!"
"Well thanks for the compliment, but I'm not planning on entering a relationship. Sorry about that."
"Why does it feel like I just got rejected?!" Gildarts exclaimed
"Hahahaha!" Ultear and Ur started laughing
After the short conversation the six mages got into the Lamborghini and Ur drove it from her memory of how Arthur did it.
Gildarts was in the front seat with her and the other kids were in the back.
Quite a tight fit might I add.
The surviving citizens went back to the city and tried to salvage anything they could.
Now they were basically refugees so they have to find a new home for themselves. But that's a problem they need to solve on their own.
A day later Ur, Gildarts and the others finally got back to Ur's house
Along the way Ur mostly managed to learn how to drive the Lamborghini on her own.
She really likes the car now and said she'd be keeping it for herself.
Arthur hasn't woken up yet.
As time passed, Ur and Gildarts talked about this and that.
Like how she and the others met Arthur, what they've been doing until now and how they ended up fighting a demon of the books of Zeref like Deliora…
Ur's training regime was put on hold for the moment and so Lyon, Gray and Ultear could do whatever they want.
However Lyon was still very conflicted about his sudden realization the Ur might really not be the strongest mage out there.
And Gray was still coping with the fact that Deliora is gone and that he no longer has a goal to pursue.
To put it simply Ultear was quite bored for a while.
Arthur woke up two days after that…
(Arthur POV)
Uuughhh… Where am I? An unfamiliar ceiling?
Wait never mind, this is very familiar!
It's Ur's house!
Did I black out? What happened to Deliora and Ur? Did Gildarts take Deliora out or what?
I stood up and walked out of the bed room.
After that I saw everyone at the table and eating food.
"Arthur! You're finally awake!" Ultear exclaimed
"Yo! Did you have a good nap?" Gildarts asked
"So you finally woke up, ey Arthy?" Ur said
"Arthy?! Hahahahaha! That's hilarious!" Gildarts started laughing
"I wake up after sleeping of a huge battle and the first thing you do is make fun of me? Seriously…"
"Sorry, sorry… By the way I'm keeping the car!"
The hell?!
"What the hell? What's with the commanding tone! At least ask and I'd give it to you!"
"It was your idea we fight Deliora. Think of it as compensation! It's a sweet ride."
"I know right? Hey could you make me one too? I hear you made that one with word magic!" Gildarts asked
"Sure I can. But you both know that without me you can't run those for a long time right? You don't have any fuel or the knowledge needed to keep them in good condition…"
"… Could you help us out with that maybe? Hahaha…" Ur said and rubbed the back of her head while laughing
"Well I'm probably gonna head back to Fairy Tail now so I won't be able to."
Maybe I can use this to invite them in the guild?
"Oh! That's great! We're all going to be joining Fairy Tail too so this is really convenient!" Ur replied. Wait you're what now?
"You're all joining in? When did that happen?" I asked
"Well while you were sleeping Gildarts invited us to join. I thought it was a good idea so why now? A change of scenery is always good!" Ur replied
"Yeah, I don't really have anything else to do now that Deliora is gone so why not." Gray said
"I'd like to meet other strong mages so I'm coming too…" Lyon said
"I'm going together with mother so there's that." Ultear also said
"Well then… For now, it's great to have you on board! I'll welcome you officially when we get back to the guild!"
"Well, what are we waiting for? Arthur is up so let's go already! I want to see my cute little daughter! She must miss me already hehehe" Gildarts said with a slight grin on his face
"You have a daughter too? I didn't know that!" Ur said in surprise
"Oh right I guess I forgot to mention it to you! She's really cute and will end up as a real looker when she grows up, I can tell you that much! Hahaha" Gildarts replied
"Heeehhh? I doubt she's any cuter than my Ultear!" Ur said
"What! She's a hundred times cuter!" Gildarts retorted
"Nah, I really doubt that. Just look at my cute little angel!" Ur Replied
"Ughhh, I'll show you! Look at this picture! Ain't she just adorable?!" Gildarts pulled out a picture of him and Cana together
"Cute indeed but no where near Ultear's level!"
"You're right! She's way above her!"
"Will you two stop arguing over something so stupid and walk through the damn portal?" I told the two idiots as I've already been keeping this gate up for over a minute and the others are already on the other side…
"Right… Sorry…" They both said in unison.
"*Sigh* Let's go home."
After that we also walked through and ended up at the entrance of Fairy Tail's Guild hall!
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