Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 18 - Going on a job with Erza
After I left Erza at the riverside I decided I'd continue my walk.
The walk then turned into a jog.
This is my morning routine, I do ŀȧps around the city!
I started doing ŀȧps around Magnolia ever since I came back from Isvan.
After about two hours I managed to do five ŀȧps around the city which is my everyday goal for now, and then I went back to the guild since I have to clean it...
That took me over an hour!
Haaahhh… Ever since my punishment I've been waking up a bit before sunrise so I can do my jogging training before I have to clean the guild hall…
Thankfully my {Sleep} spell grants better sleep to the user! So even if I go to bed late at night I get a goodnight's sleep!
It's the reason I do my running first.
"Yo, Arthy! How's the cleaning going!" Ur came into the guildhall and asked
"Hey Ur, as you can see I've just finished." I replied
"Good, good. You're getting really good at cleaning you know? And you learned how to cook too! I'd say you'd make a fine housewife some day!"
"Why you little… Who are you calling a housewife?!" I think my face twitched at that comment.
"Hahaha! Sorry, sorry… It's just really fun to tease you.
Anyway I'm low on money so I'll go take a job now, cya later Arthy!"
"Yeah, see ye later Ur. Good luck with your job."
"Haha, Thanks Arthy!" She said and raised her hand over her head as she walked up the stairs to the second floor.
I don't like the fact that I'm getting used to hearing her call me Arthy…
Damn it Ur…
Anyway I should probably do the rest of my training.
Right now I train using gravity manipulation via {Gravity Raise} and also big rocks. I usually have one tied on my back whenever I do push up or sit ups plus a times two or three gravitational force on.
An hour and a half later I finished my workout and went back to the guild.
At this point in time a lot of people had already entered the guildhall and were either chatting or eating.
Gray, Lyon, Ultear and Cana were also here.
"Yo! How you guys doing?" I asked them
"Yaaawnnn… I woke up just a little while ago… How was your morning nii chan?" Cana asked me with a sleepy look.
"Good actually. I met Erza and got a conversation out of her. I guess?"
"Hooohhh! Good job Arthur! All we usually get is a 'yes' or a 'no' answer out of the girl. Sometimes not even that… *Sigh*" Ultear said with a sigh
"Hey Arthur! Where is she right now? This time I'm gonna beat her!" Gray asked me with his fist raised up.
"She'll probably show up in a bit. So wait a little" I replied
"What's with you and trying to beat Erza? Do you like her or something?" Lyon asked
"No! I don't! I just can't accept that I can't win against her!"
"Why? Is it cause she's a girl?" Ultear asked
"No! That has nothing to do with it!" Gray replied
"If that's the reason why don't you fight with me? You can't beat me either you know?" Cana asked him
"What do you mean I can't!? I'd totally kick your ȧss!" He replied
"Try me then." Cana said with a grin
"You asked for it Cana! Don't blame me if you get hurt!"
Gray and Cana had a little fight afterwards. It was basically Gray trying to hit Cana and her dodging all his punches.
Gildarts taught her Martial arts so it's pretty hard to land a clean hit on her now.
It ended with Gray flying over the table after Cana accidentally punched him with a bit of crash magic infused.
It's a hard magic to control.
"Oops… Sorry Gray!" She clapped her hands together and apologized.
Gray however was unresponsive… I think she knocked him out!
"Haaah… Come on Gray wake up. {Water Ball}" I created some water and had it fall on Gray's head. Then I used {Dry} to dry the floor.
"AHH! What?! Where am I?!" He's confused now… Great…
"You're at the guild. Cana punched you a little too hard and knocked you out." I answered him.
"… So I lost!? Damn it I'll win next time Cana!" He yelled at her.
"What? Oh no I'm not dealing with you and your fighting addiction. Go brawl with Erza and win first before you ask me to fight you again." Cana replied.
"Oh, speak of the devil." Lyon said while sitting at the table.
Erza came into the guildhall and walked towards the job request board.
"Great! Now I'm gonna show her!" Gray said
"Chill out! You just got your ȧss handed to you…" I said
"Hey Arthur, you said you managed to get a conversation out of her right? Go on, prove it!" Ultear asked me to talk with her again with a mischievous smile.
What you don't believe me? You think I'd make a fool out of myself? Well then…
Watch this Hehehe…
"Sure." I said and went towards Erza.
"Yo! How you doing Erza?" I asked her
"Oh, hey Arthur… Well I'm um… trying to find a good paying job since I want to buy a better sword… Master said I can't go on any of the combat related ones though so it makes it difficult." She said and diverted her gaze towards the request board. Quite a few jobs on it today!
"Hmmm… In that case if you want we could go together on a higher difficulty one?"
"Eh? Are we allowed to go on bigger jobs if we go as a team?" She asked suprised.
"No, it's just that gramps allows me to take on any job other than 'S' and above.
He usually doesn't let the younger members take the harder combat related jobs since they're dangerous but both me and Cana are exceptions."
"I see. Then I guess I'll be in your care." She said
"Alright! Then let's take this one." I peeled one of the job requests of the board
Investigate the Lighthouse!
Job Location: Crego Island, off the coast of Daisyfield village
Description: I am the mayor of a small village called Daisyfield along the coast in the southern part of Fiore that is near the port town of Hargeon.
Just off the coast there is a small island on which sits our only lighthouse.
This lighthouse ceased functioning several days ago.
We sent a team of engineers to figure our what was wrong but they have yet to return.
Several decades ago, the island was used to house several criminally insane mages possessing powerful black magic.
The asylum located on the island was eventually shut down and it is believed the mages housed there were all executed.
After the asylum shut down there began reports of strange lights and noises being heard coming from the island in the dead of night.
Several investigations into the events revealed nothing as to what could be causing these strange occurrences and with the recent disappearances we've come to believe that the island is cursed.
Please figure out what is going on there and bring back our men safely.
Job Rank: A
Reward: 850,000 jewels
Taken/Untaken: UNTAKEN
"So it's near Hargeon huh? Okay let's go then." I said with a smile
"If it's near Hargeon I guess we'll need to take the train. Are there any going for Hargeon right now?" Erza asked me
"Train? Hahaha! We need no trains!" I said with a laugh
"Then how are we supposed to get there? Or are you suggesting we walk?" She asked
"Hehehe… Watch this! {Gate}!" I said and created a portal leading just outside of Hargeon.
"A portal?! That's… Amazing!"
"Hey Arthur! Where are you going?" Lyon asked suddenly after he saw me open a gate
"Me? Oh, I'm just gonna go on a quick job with Erza! See ya guys later!" I said and went through the portal with Erza.
(3rd Person POV)
"He… He got her to agree to go on a job with him?" Ultear was baffled.
"Hehehe, that's my nii-chan! He managed to conquer that unapproachable girl!" Cana said with a mischievous smile
"The hell? He actually got on her good side?" Lyon was surprised
"So what? They'll probably be back in less than ten minutes anyway with how fast he works…" Gray said while still wearing clothes.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Ultear agreed
"I wonder when he had time to get so friendly with her…" Lyon asked
"Gray, you're clothes are gone again." Cana said suddenly
"Eh? When did that happen!?" Gray said while not wearing clothes.
(Arthur's POV)
We exited the portal and ended up right next to Hargeon town.
"Wow. We really ended up next to another town!" Erza was amazed at the teleportation it seems
"Yup. Come on we need to get to Daisyfield village" I said
"Okay, let's go."
"But before that. {Storage}!" I opened my storage spell and out of it appeared a red Ferrari.
I've been using this car for a while now and yes I like driving expensive cars!
"What is that?" Erza asked
"This, my dear Erza is a Ferrari! A really good vehicle to be more precise."
"So… it's like a carriage?"
"Not even close! This here is a piece of art! To compare it to a carriage…"
"Ah, sorry… I've never heard of this vehicle before so I don't know about such things…"
"Of course not, it doesn't exist anywhere else."
"Oh… Wait… Eh?! How did you get ahold of it then?" She was confused
"I made it with my magic." I said with a grin.
"Your magic can create such vehicles?"
"Yup. It's called Word Soul magic! Basically anything I say happens."
"That's incredible!"
"I know right! Hop on in and lets go." I said and entered in the driver's seat.
"Yes. Let's get going then." She said and entered the front seat.
After less than an hour of driving we reached Daisyfield village and I took the car back into the storage after cleaning her up with magic.
"Excuse me miss. Where can we find the mayor of this village?" Erza asked a passing lady with a basked full of fruit.
"Ah, if you're looking for the mayor you can find him in his home over there on the top of that hill." She pointed to the house that was above the others of the village
"Thank you very much, have a good day."
"Oh, it's no problem at all! What a polite child."
After that me and Erza went up to the Mayor's house and knocked on the door.
After a while the door opened and a maid appeared on the other side.
"Children? Is there something you need? The mayor is very busy right now so please go play somewhere else." The maid said
"Actually we're mages from Fairy Tail. We've come for the request you made." I said and showed my guild mark.
"Fairy Tail mages? But even so you two are children! Can you really do this job?" She asked
"Of course we can! Now can we please see the mayor?" I said
"… Right this way." The maid let us enter the house
Afterwards we walked upstairs and she opened a door that seemingly led to the mayor's office.
"Mr. Mayor there are two young mages from fairy tail look for you. It's about that request." The maid said
"Ah, yes finally. Let them come in and bring us some tea." An old voice said
"Right away." The maid said and allowed us to enter the room. She closed the door and left to make some tea for us.
"So you kids are here to accept my request?" The old mayor asked us
"Indeed we are." I replied
"Are you positive that you can accomplish it?" He asked seriously
"Of course! We wouldn't be here otherwise." I said
"Then, fine. I'll trust you young mages.
The island is just off the coast maybe three or four kilometers away from the shore, I'll provide you with a boat so please go and save the missing people!
One of them is my only son…
I shall be eternally grateful if you bring him and the others back to the village." The mayor said
"You needn't worry. The two of us will definitely save your men!" Erza said trying to encourage the mayor.
"Thank you…" he said
Afterwards we drank tea with the mayor and he even gave us some desserts to eat. He's a nice guy!
Later the two of us went to the shore and took a small boat to the island.
Maybe I should make a motorboat later?
Well for now I want to enjoy a slow boat ride…
The only problem now is that this place reeks of trouble… I doubt this is going to be a simple job is it?
The walk then turned into a jog.
This is my morning routine, I do ŀȧps around the city!
I started doing ŀȧps around Magnolia ever since I came back from Isvan.
After about two hours I managed to do five ŀȧps around the city which is my everyday goal for now, and then I went back to the guild since I have to clean it...
That took me over an hour!
Haaahhh… Ever since my punishment I've been waking up a bit before sunrise so I can do my jogging training before I have to clean the guild hall…
Thankfully my {Sleep} spell grants better sleep to the user! So even if I go to bed late at night I get a goodnight's sleep!
It's the reason I do my running first.
"Yo, Arthy! How's the cleaning going!" Ur came into the guildhall and asked
"Hey Ur, as you can see I've just finished." I replied
"Good, good. You're getting really good at cleaning you know? And you learned how to cook too! I'd say you'd make a fine housewife some day!"
"Why you little… Who are you calling a housewife?!" I think my face twitched at that comment.
"Hahaha! Sorry, sorry… It's just really fun to tease you.
Anyway I'm low on money so I'll go take a job now, cya later Arthy!"
"Yeah, see ye later Ur. Good luck with your job."
"Haha, Thanks Arthy!" She said and raised her hand over her head as she walked up the stairs to the second floor.
I don't like the fact that I'm getting used to hearing her call me Arthy…
Damn it Ur…
Anyway I should probably do the rest of my training.
Right now I train using gravity manipulation via {Gravity Raise} and also big rocks. I usually have one tied on my back whenever I do push up or sit ups plus a times two or three gravitational force on.
An hour and a half later I finished my workout and went back to the guild.
At this point in time a lot of people had already entered the guildhall and were either chatting or eating.
Gray, Lyon, Ultear and Cana were also here.
"Yo! How you guys doing?" I asked them
"Yaaawnnn… I woke up just a little while ago… How was your morning nii chan?" Cana asked me with a sleepy look.
"Good actually. I met Erza and got a conversation out of her. I guess?"
"Hooohhh! Good job Arthur! All we usually get is a 'yes' or a 'no' answer out of the girl. Sometimes not even that… *Sigh*" Ultear said with a sigh
"Hey Arthur! Where is she right now? This time I'm gonna beat her!" Gray asked me with his fist raised up.
"She'll probably show up in a bit. So wait a little" I replied
"What's with you and trying to beat Erza? Do you like her or something?" Lyon asked
"No! I don't! I just can't accept that I can't win against her!"
"Why? Is it cause she's a girl?" Ultear asked
"No! That has nothing to do with it!" Gray replied
"If that's the reason why don't you fight with me? You can't beat me either you know?" Cana asked him
"What do you mean I can't!? I'd totally kick your ȧss!" He replied
"Try me then." Cana said with a grin
"You asked for it Cana! Don't blame me if you get hurt!"
Gray and Cana had a little fight afterwards. It was basically Gray trying to hit Cana and her dodging all his punches.
Gildarts taught her Martial arts so it's pretty hard to land a clean hit on her now.
It ended with Gray flying over the table after Cana accidentally punched him with a bit of crash magic infused.
It's a hard magic to control.
"Oops… Sorry Gray!" She clapped her hands together and apologized.
Gray however was unresponsive… I think she knocked him out!
"Haaah… Come on Gray wake up. {Water Ball}" I created some water and had it fall on Gray's head. Then I used {Dry} to dry the floor.
"AHH! What?! Where am I?!" He's confused now… Great…
"You're at the guild. Cana punched you a little too hard and knocked you out." I answered him.
"… So I lost!? Damn it I'll win next time Cana!" He yelled at her.
"What? Oh no I'm not dealing with you and your fighting addiction. Go brawl with Erza and win first before you ask me to fight you again." Cana replied.
"Oh, speak of the devil." Lyon said while sitting at the table.
Erza came into the guildhall and walked towards the job request board.
"Great! Now I'm gonna show her!" Gray said
"Chill out! You just got your ȧss handed to you…" I said
"Hey Arthur, you said you managed to get a conversation out of her right? Go on, prove it!" Ultear asked me to talk with her again with a mischievous smile.
What you don't believe me? You think I'd make a fool out of myself? Well then…
Watch this Hehehe…
"Sure." I said and went towards Erza.
"Yo! How you doing Erza?" I asked her
"Oh, hey Arthur… Well I'm um… trying to find a good paying job since I want to buy a better sword… Master said I can't go on any of the combat related ones though so it makes it difficult." She said and diverted her gaze towards the request board. Quite a few jobs on it today!
"Hmmm… In that case if you want we could go together on a higher difficulty one?"
"Eh? Are we allowed to go on bigger jobs if we go as a team?" She asked suprised.
"No, it's just that gramps allows me to take on any job other than 'S' and above.
He usually doesn't let the younger members take the harder combat related jobs since they're dangerous but both me and Cana are exceptions."
"I see. Then I guess I'll be in your care." She said
"Alright! Then let's take this one." I peeled one of the job requests of the board
Investigate the Lighthouse!
Job Location: Crego Island, off the coast of Daisyfield village
Description: I am the mayor of a small village called Daisyfield along the coast in the southern part of Fiore that is near the port town of Hargeon.
Just off the coast there is a small island on which sits our only lighthouse.
This lighthouse ceased functioning several days ago.
We sent a team of engineers to figure our what was wrong but they have yet to return.
Several decades ago, the island was used to house several criminally insane mages possessing powerful black magic.
The asylum located on the island was eventually shut down and it is believed the mages housed there were all executed.
After the asylum shut down there began reports of strange lights and noises being heard coming from the island in the dead of night.
Several investigations into the events revealed nothing as to what could be causing these strange occurrences and with the recent disappearances we've come to believe that the island is cursed.
Please figure out what is going on there and bring back our men safely.
Job Rank: A
Reward: 850,000 jewels
Taken/Untaken: UNTAKEN
"So it's near Hargeon huh? Okay let's go then." I said with a smile
"If it's near Hargeon I guess we'll need to take the train. Are there any going for Hargeon right now?" Erza asked me
"Train? Hahaha! We need no trains!" I said with a laugh
"Then how are we supposed to get there? Or are you suggesting we walk?" She asked
"Hehehe… Watch this! {Gate}!" I said and created a portal leading just outside of Hargeon.
"A portal?! That's… Amazing!"
"Hey Arthur! Where are you going?" Lyon asked suddenly after he saw me open a gate
"Me? Oh, I'm just gonna go on a quick job with Erza! See ya guys later!" I said and went through the portal with Erza.
(3rd Person POV)
"He… He got her to agree to go on a job with him?" Ultear was baffled.
"Hehehe, that's my nii-chan! He managed to conquer that unapproachable girl!" Cana said with a mischievous smile
"The hell? He actually got on her good side?" Lyon was surprised
"So what? They'll probably be back in less than ten minutes anyway with how fast he works…" Gray said while still wearing clothes.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Ultear agreed
"I wonder when he had time to get so friendly with her…" Lyon asked
"Gray, you're clothes are gone again." Cana said suddenly
"Eh? When did that happen!?" Gray said while not wearing clothes.
(Arthur's POV)
We exited the portal and ended up right next to Hargeon town.
"Wow. We really ended up next to another town!" Erza was amazed at the teleportation it seems
"Yup. Come on we need to get to Daisyfield village" I said
"Okay, let's go."
"But before that. {Storage}!" I opened my storage spell and out of it appeared a red Ferrari.
I've been using this car for a while now and yes I like driving expensive cars!
"What is that?" Erza asked
"This, my dear Erza is a Ferrari! A really good vehicle to be more precise."
"So… it's like a carriage?"
"Not even close! This here is a piece of art! To compare it to a carriage…"
"Ah, sorry… I've never heard of this vehicle before so I don't know about such things…"
"Of course not, it doesn't exist anywhere else."
"Oh… Wait… Eh?! How did you get ahold of it then?" She was confused
"I made it with my magic." I said with a grin.
"Your magic can create such vehicles?"
"Yup. It's called Word Soul magic! Basically anything I say happens."
"That's incredible!"
"I know right! Hop on in and lets go." I said and entered in the driver's seat.
"Yes. Let's get going then." She said and entered the front seat.
After less than an hour of driving we reached Daisyfield village and I took the car back into the storage after cleaning her up with magic.
"Excuse me miss. Where can we find the mayor of this village?" Erza asked a passing lady with a basked full of fruit.
"Ah, if you're looking for the mayor you can find him in his home over there on the top of that hill." She pointed to the house that was above the others of the village
"Thank you very much, have a good day."
"Oh, it's no problem at all! What a polite child."
After that me and Erza went up to the Mayor's house and knocked on the door.
After a while the door opened and a maid appeared on the other side.
"Children? Is there something you need? The mayor is very busy right now so please go play somewhere else." The maid said
"Actually we're mages from Fairy Tail. We've come for the request you made." I said and showed my guild mark.
"Fairy Tail mages? But even so you two are children! Can you really do this job?" She asked
"Of course we can! Now can we please see the mayor?" I said
"… Right this way." The maid let us enter the house
Afterwards we walked upstairs and she opened a door that seemingly led to the mayor's office.
"Mr. Mayor there are two young mages from fairy tail look for you. It's about that request." The maid said
"Ah, yes finally. Let them come in and bring us some tea." An old voice said
"Right away." The maid said and allowed us to enter the room. She closed the door and left to make some tea for us.
"So you kids are here to accept my request?" The old mayor asked us
"Indeed we are." I replied
"Are you positive that you can accomplish it?" He asked seriously
"Of course! We wouldn't be here otherwise." I said
"Then, fine. I'll trust you young mages.
The island is just off the coast maybe three or four kilometers away from the shore, I'll provide you with a boat so please go and save the missing people!
One of them is my only son…
I shall be eternally grateful if you bring him and the others back to the village." The mayor said
"You needn't worry. The two of us will definitely save your men!" Erza said trying to encourage the mayor.
"Thank you…" he said
Afterwards we drank tea with the mayor and he even gave us some desserts to eat. He's a nice guy!
Later the two of us went to the shore and took a small boat to the island.
Maybe I should make a motorboat later?
Well for now I want to enjoy a slow boat ride…
The only problem now is that this place reeks of trouble… I doubt this is going to be a simple job is it?
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