Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 20 - Arthur destroys three divisions! Erza vs Jorris
I stood facing over forty mages, all of them were in front of me and getting ready for my next move.
"Come on boy! I though you said it was your turn?!" Nelti said with a shout.
"Gimme a moment. I'm trying to figure out what spell I should use on you idiots…" I replied with a hand on my chin making a thinking pose.
"Why you arrogant little…" She started fuming.
"Ah, I got it! Okay, let's try this… {Tidal Wave}!" I created a giant wave of water nearing forty meters in height in front of me towards my enemies.
"Crap! It's a tidal wave! Everyone run!!!" The dark mages panicked.
"Fear not! Use your magic to block it! We have over forty mages! we can block on measly water splash!" Wolt roared in an effort to encourage his allies
All of the dark mages started casting a number of different water, ice, earth and even fire spells in an effort to either block or evaporate the water but to no avail.
The wave swept everything in its way and was seemingly unstoppable!
That was until Wolt created a giant stone golem to take the brunt of the wave.
"W-we're saved!"
"Second division commander Wolt saved us!"
The dark mages were happy to survive my attack it seems… Oh well hate to break it to you all but…
"{Stone Rain}! {Steel Walls}!" I created four steel walls surrounding me and the other dark mages while having a rain of big stones fall from above on top of their heads.
Nearly half of them were out cold while some were either saved by Wolt's golem or Nelti's thread covers
"This brat is going to massacre our men! Damn it… You asked for it kid, I'm gonna cut you to bits now! {Thread Slicer}!" Nelti slung her arm forwards with her fingers outstretched.
The threads on her fingers sliced up everything in their way while going straight towards me.
"{Teleport}" I teleported to the top of the wall in order to dodge her attack.
"You're not getting away!" Wolt created over a dozen smaller stone golems and they all jumped towards me.
I tried blocking them with a {Barrier} wall but they simply went right through!
"Illusions?!" That surprised me quite a bit. A normal illusion like this was able to go unnoticed by my mask's resistances!
I guess he truly is an illusion specialist huh?
As I was still preoccupied with reacting to the illusions suddenly from behind me a net appeared and entangled me!
"You're mine now kid!" She pulled her hand backwards in order to tighten the threads and cut me into pieces
Without much time to react I bȧrėly casted {Cut} and got out of it with a few slight cuts here and there.
No need to heal myself from that for now.
"{Lightning Kick}!" I turned around and kicked her in the stomach with my lightning covered leg sending her flying together with her subordinate backwards outside of the wall.
"Nelti! Damn it… {Stone Tower}!" Wolt created a small tower made of stone to reach the height of the walls.
From the tower he shot a barrage of fire balls at me but I simply casted a large scale {Extinguish} to remove all of them.
"You accursed pest! Prepare yourself for my strongest offensive magic! {Magma Golem}!" Wolt then turned his giant stone golem into one made of Magma.
It also grew in size smashing the steel walls with its fists!
However I managed to escape into the air with my {Wings} spell
This one was just as big as the one I used against Deliora!
The golem was completely destroyed after taking the hit. So much for his strongest offensive magic I guess?
Well the guy is an illusion mage so I can't blame him. He did well I guess…
Considering I nearly completely countered his specialty it was still a pretty good fight! Good job old man!
"M-my golem…! So easily…" He was sitting on the ground in disbelief after falling off his now broken tower.
I landed in front of him and the rest of the dark mages
"Sorry old timer, but this is the end. {Water Prison}" I said while flicking my fingers.
When the flick sounded they were all enveloped in a huge ball of water! I waited until they're all unconscious from nearly drowning before letting them go.
After that I tied them up together with Nelti and the mage that could use teleportation magic.
(A few minutes earlier. Erza POV)
Me and the man named Jorris walked away from Arthur and the other's battlefield so that we could have a one versus one duel.
After getting far enough away from there, he turned around towards me and spoke.
"Hey kid. What's your name?" Jorris asked me.
"My name is Erza… Erza Scarlet." I replied and took a stance with both of my new swords.
"Hmmm Erza Scarlet? It's a fine name indeed… Worthy of a strong warrior such as yourself! Hahahaha!
"Well, thank you for the compliments and praises, but I find them quite inappropriate for the current situation, don't you?" I replied
"Oh, but they are! I don't want to leave a bad first impression on someone like you.
What do you say? After I defeat you will you become my disciple?" He asked me
"Disciple you say? Are you crazy? I'm here to send you and your goons to prison!"
"Hahahaha! I like your spirit little one! Well, unless you reconsider my offer I guess I'll have to treat you as I would any other enemy, and that of course means…
I'll have to kill you." After finishing his sentence, Jorris' aura suddenly turned ice cold and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
The look in his eyes had changed… His killing intent enveloped my whole body and I could feel that he was going for the kill!
It was then that Jorris suddenly disappeared and I lost track of him completely!
"Where?!" not being able to find my opponent made me start to panic a quite a bit.
Jorris' strike was stronger than I had thought and it sent me flying over ten meters away from my original location!
Jorris whistled "Nice! You actually managed to block a blow coming from your blind side? Did you know about me from the fifth division beforehand? No… you didn't seem like you did… So it was pure instinct! Marvelous! I wasn't wrong at all! You definitely have some amazing talent there little girl! Hahahaha!" Jorris started laughing loudly.
"…" I remained silent and stood up.
He's strong.
Really strong…
This definitely won't be an easy fight for me.
But I won't lose!
"Having talent is good and all but if you don't grow up and have it blossom to its full potential…" He stopped talking and vanished again.
"Then it is completely USELESS!" I heard his voice from behind and I knew that Jorris had once again appeared behind me!
I acted on reflex and instinctively turned around to strike him with my right sword but all I hit was the air!
A shadow loomed over me and I knew he had once again managed to get behind me!
How is he doing it? How is he so fast!?
Jorris then sent both of his swords downward towards my back!
Without time to turn around I could only place both swords over my head in an attempt to block his strikes!
When the swords collided my feet sank into the ground and afterwards there was a small explosion caused from the force of Jorris' strike!
I managed to jump away from him. Then I used the smoke as a cover to escape to a distance of about twenty meters to try and catch a breather.
When the smoke cleared, Jorris hadn't moved from his spot. He just waited for the smoke to clear completely and stared at me with a sneer on his face.
"*pant* *pant* So much for your honor... How do you always get behind me so fast?! *Pant*" I asked him while out of breath
"Oh my dear Erza… It is but some simple and cheap magic. I guess you could perhaps call it one more suited for ȧssassinations, but I'm quite fond of using it.
My style of fighting however has no relation to my honor."
After Jorris said that, I managed to see some kind of blue flash of light around the area of his ċhėst.
Is it some kind of holder magic item?
It was after the flash of light that he vanished once again but this time I was prepared and turned around instantly!
He swung both his right and left swords horizontally from the left side and I ducked under them practically lying on the ground to dodge.
Then I stood up as fast as I could and slashed with my left sword upwards from the right side with a wide swing towards his ċhėst grazing it just slightly but still enough to make him back away!
Even with just that much…
I did still hit him!
"Hoooh? Not bad Erza. It seems you started to figure out my little trick ey? Well either way first blood goes to you…
Now let's see if you can keep it up! Hahahahahaha!" Jorris laughed maniacally and kept swinging both of his great swords at me.
I dodged and I blocked but he just kept on rushing towards me while I retreated backwards waving his great swords like they were simple sticks!
One of his swords managed to hit my armor and damaged it quite badly nearly cutting it in half!
If that had managed to actually hit me I'd be…
Damn it I have to concentrate!
This fight isn't going anywhere good for me and fast… I need to do something now!
"What's wrong Erza?! Giving up already? Hahahahaha!" Jorris asked as he kept swinging both swords ferociously and laughing like a maniac.
He's stronger than me physically so it's very hard to block him…
I've only bȧrėly managed so far because these Katana's are seemingly unbreakable!
Any other sword I've seen before would have snapped long ago from these impacts…
Guess I'll have to thank Arthur later huh?
Anyway, right now I've still got at least one more trick up my sleeve that might work against this guy!
I kept dodging the attacks, waiting for an opportunity to strike…
After a while Jorris slammed his right sword vertically missing me and hitting the ground. This was my opening!
I went forward and stepped on his sword as he was trying to retrieve it.
He then he swung his left sword horizontally at me but I jumped high into the air to dodge his attack.
After reaching an altitude of about ten meters in the air I started falling head first straight towards Jorris!
"You're finished Erza! If you reconsider my offer I'm still willing to spare you and take you in as my disciple!" Jorris roared as he readied his swords.
"Sorry, but I'll do no such thing. {Requip}!" As I was falling I switched out my two katana's for the big great sword that guy 'Theod' of the fifth division had.
I had placed it inside of my pocket dimension while Arthur was tortu- *cough* I mean questioning Rowl.
I grabbed it with both hands and spun midair with it to gather momentum until about when I was four meters above him! Then I threw the sword spinning at him.
"Woah!" He was surprised to say the least.
But as I expected he managed to block it by using his two swords.
While he was doing that however I used {Requip} again and got both of my katana swords back from my pocket dimension.
When Jorris' swords came in contact with Theod's spinning great sword I had already landed back on the ground and threw one of the katana's at his right side!
Jorris send the great sword flying and immediately sliced at the flying katana that was coming from his right side sending it flying through the air as well.
But all of that gave me more than enough time to move in to his left side and thrust my sword upwards through his stomach!
"GRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jorris ġrȯȧnėd in pain and I took out the sword backing away to a safe distance readying myself for him to appear behind me.
"God damn it! *cough* That… That wasn't all that bad actually… *cough* You got me good there girl. You got me go- BLEEAARRGHH!!!" Jorris coughed blood and then started vomiting it until he dropped his left sword to cover his mouth with a hand.
I must have hit one of his lungs when my sword went upwards through his stomach, even reaching his ribcage…
"I ain't done yet girl…! I'm not about to lose now just because of a little scratch like this!" He said while holding his wound with his left hand.
Then the blue light once again flashed over his ċhėst!
This time I could see it was actually a necklace that was emitting it.
I guess it's a holder item that allows the user to teleport behind the opponent?
My ȧssumptions were correct.
After he vanished, Jorris appeared behind me again and tried to swing his right sword at me but it was obvious that he'd been severely weakened.
I sidestepped the now much slower strike and punched him in the chin with my free hand upper cutting him into the air!
Jorris fell to the ground and did not move after that.
I was out of breath after that whole ordeal but I still went up to him and confirmed that he was now unconscious and bleeding out from the sword wound I inflicted upon him...
After I took both of his swords and his necklace into my pocket dimension I just stood there thinking about the fight and looking over him for a while until the blood suddenly stopped flooding out.
Jorris had tightened his muscles to stop the bleeding... He was awake!
"Damn!" I got startled and jumped back.
I readied my stance with the one remaining sword I had in my hand and was waiting for him to jump right back on his feet!
But his next words surprised me…
"Hahaha… You got me Erza… I admit defeat. You may claim my life."
"Claim… Your life?" I asked as I was puzzled at what he meant by that.
"Yes, strike me down! I have died as a warrior today so at least let me preserve my honor, the honor of a swordsman by finishing me off! It is my last wish to you."
It took me a while to process what he said…
After all I was greatly surprised! Instead of wishing for life, he had discarded it because he lost a duel...
"I… I can't do that..." I replied
"You won't take my life? You won't allow me to preserve my honor?" He asked
"I apologize. But I cannot grant you your wish."
"... Fine. Then what shall you do with this life that you now hold...? What would my sentence... That you give me be?" He asked me while still lying on the ground.
I thought for a second and said.
"...You shall atone for your crimes by spending the rest of your life in prison."
"… If that is what you wish. As the victor of the duel, my life is now yours to do with as you please." Jorris said after a bit of a pause.
It seems at least that he won't end his life himself… That's a relief.
I sighed and sat down on the ground to rest.
This was both physically and mentally draining...
Not half a minute later I saw Arthur flying towards our direction, I guess that must mean he finished up on his end as well?
Now we just have to find the enemy's base and save the kidnapped citizens!
"Come on boy! I though you said it was your turn?!" Nelti said with a shout.
"Gimme a moment. I'm trying to figure out what spell I should use on you idiots…" I replied with a hand on my chin making a thinking pose.
"Why you arrogant little…" She started fuming.
"Ah, I got it! Okay, let's try this… {Tidal Wave}!" I created a giant wave of water nearing forty meters in height in front of me towards my enemies.
"Crap! It's a tidal wave! Everyone run!!!" The dark mages panicked.
"Fear not! Use your magic to block it! We have over forty mages! we can block on measly water splash!" Wolt roared in an effort to encourage his allies
All of the dark mages started casting a number of different water, ice, earth and even fire spells in an effort to either block or evaporate the water but to no avail.
The wave swept everything in its way and was seemingly unstoppable!
That was until Wolt created a giant stone golem to take the brunt of the wave.
"W-we're saved!"
"Second division commander Wolt saved us!"
The dark mages were happy to survive my attack it seems… Oh well hate to break it to you all but…
"{Stone Rain}! {Steel Walls}!" I created four steel walls surrounding me and the other dark mages while having a rain of big stones fall from above on top of their heads.
Nearly half of them were out cold while some were either saved by Wolt's golem or Nelti's thread covers
"This brat is going to massacre our men! Damn it… You asked for it kid, I'm gonna cut you to bits now! {Thread Slicer}!" Nelti slung her arm forwards with her fingers outstretched.
The threads on her fingers sliced up everything in their way while going straight towards me.
"{Teleport}" I teleported to the top of the wall in order to dodge her attack.
"You're not getting away!" Wolt created over a dozen smaller stone golems and they all jumped towards me.
I tried blocking them with a {Barrier} wall but they simply went right through!
"Illusions?!" That surprised me quite a bit. A normal illusion like this was able to go unnoticed by my mask's resistances!
I guess he truly is an illusion specialist huh?
As I was still preoccupied with reacting to the illusions suddenly from behind me a net appeared and entangled me!
"You're mine now kid!" She pulled her hand backwards in order to tighten the threads and cut me into pieces
Without much time to react I bȧrėly casted {Cut} and got out of it with a few slight cuts here and there.
No need to heal myself from that for now.
"{Lightning Kick}!" I turned around and kicked her in the stomach with my lightning covered leg sending her flying together with her subordinate backwards outside of the wall.
"Nelti! Damn it… {Stone Tower}!" Wolt created a small tower made of stone to reach the height of the walls.
From the tower he shot a barrage of fire balls at me but I simply casted a large scale {Extinguish} to remove all of them.
"You accursed pest! Prepare yourself for my strongest offensive magic! {Magma Golem}!" Wolt then turned his giant stone golem into one made of Magma.
It also grew in size smashing the steel walls with its fists!
However I managed to escape into the air with my {Wings} spell
This one was just as big as the one I used against Deliora!
The golem was completely destroyed after taking the hit. So much for his strongest offensive magic I guess?
Well the guy is an illusion mage so I can't blame him. He did well I guess…
Considering I nearly completely countered his specialty it was still a pretty good fight! Good job old man!
"M-my golem…! So easily…" He was sitting on the ground in disbelief after falling off his now broken tower.
I landed in front of him and the rest of the dark mages
"Sorry old timer, but this is the end. {Water Prison}" I said while flicking my fingers.
When the flick sounded they were all enveloped in a huge ball of water! I waited until they're all unconscious from nearly drowning before letting them go.
After that I tied them up together with Nelti and the mage that could use teleportation magic.
(A few minutes earlier. Erza POV)
Me and the man named Jorris walked away from Arthur and the other's battlefield so that we could have a one versus one duel.
After getting far enough away from there, he turned around towards me and spoke.
"Hey kid. What's your name?" Jorris asked me.
"My name is Erza… Erza Scarlet." I replied and took a stance with both of my new swords.
"Hmmm Erza Scarlet? It's a fine name indeed… Worthy of a strong warrior such as yourself! Hahahaha!
"Well, thank you for the compliments and praises, but I find them quite inappropriate for the current situation, don't you?" I replied
"Oh, but they are! I don't want to leave a bad first impression on someone like you.
What do you say? After I defeat you will you become my disciple?" He asked me
"Disciple you say? Are you crazy? I'm here to send you and your goons to prison!"
"Hahahaha! I like your spirit little one! Well, unless you reconsider my offer I guess I'll have to treat you as I would any other enemy, and that of course means…
I'll have to kill you." After finishing his sentence, Jorris' aura suddenly turned ice cold and I felt a shiver run down my spine.
The look in his eyes had changed… His killing intent enveloped my whole body and I could feel that he was going for the kill!
It was then that Jorris suddenly disappeared and I lost track of him completely!
"Where?!" not being able to find my opponent made me start to panic a quite a bit.
Jorris' strike was stronger than I had thought and it sent me flying over ten meters away from my original location!
Jorris whistled "Nice! You actually managed to block a blow coming from your blind side? Did you know about me from the fifth division beforehand? No… you didn't seem like you did… So it was pure instinct! Marvelous! I wasn't wrong at all! You definitely have some amazing talent there little girl! Hahahaha!" Jorris started laughing loudly.
"…" I remained silent and stood up.
He's strong.
Really strong…
This definitely won't be an easy fight for me.
But I won't lose!
"Having talent is good and all but if you don't grow up and have it blossom to its full potential…" He stopped talking and vanished again.
"Then it is completely USELESS!" I heard his voice from behind and I knew that Jorris had once again appeared behind me!
I acted on reflex and instinctively turned around to strike him with my right sword but all I hit was the air!
A shadow loomed over me and I knew he had once again managed to get behind me!
How is he doing it? How is he so fast!?
Jorris then sent both of his swords downward towards my back!
Without time to turn around I could only place both swords over my head in an attempt to block his strikes!
When the swords collided my feet sank into the ground and afterwards there was a small explosion caused from the force of Jorris' strike!
I managed to jump away from him. Then I used the smoke as a cover to escape to a distance of about twenty meters to try and catch a breather.
When the smoke cleared, Jorris hadn't moved from his spot. He just waited for the smoke to clear completely and stared at me with a sneer on his face.
"*pant* *pant* So much for your honor... How do you always get behind me so fast?! *Pant*" I asked him while out of breath
"Oh my dear Erza… It is but some simple and cheap magic. I guess you could perhaps call it one more suited for ȧssassinations, but I'm quite fond of using it.
My style of fighting however has no relation to my honor."
After Jorris said that, I managed to see some kind of blue flash of light around the area of his ċhėst.
Is it some kind of holder magic item?
It was after the flash of light that he vanished once again but this time I was prepared and turned around instantly!
He swung both his right and left swords horizontally from the left side and I ducked under them practically lying on the ground to dodge.
Then I stood up as fast as I could and slashed with my left sword upwards from the right side with a wide swing towards his ċhėst grazing it just slightly but still enough to make him back away!
Even with just that much…
I did still hit him!
"Hoooh? Not bad Erza. It seems you started to figure out my little trick ey? Well either way first blood goes to you…
Now let's see if you can keep it up! Hahahahahaha!" Jorris laughed maniacally and kept swinging both of his great swords at me.
I dodged and I blocked but he just kept on rushing towards me while I retreated backwards waving his great swords like they were simple sticks!
One of his swords managed to hit my armor and damaged it quite badly nearly cutting it in half!
If that had managed to actually hit me I'd be…
Damn it I have to concentrate!
This fight isn't going anywhere good for me and fast… I need to do something now!
"What's wrong Erza?! Giving up already? Hahahahaha!" Jorris asked as he kept swinging both swords ferociously and laughing like a maniac.
He's stronger than me physically so it's very hard to block him…
I've only bȧrėly managed so far because these Katana's are seemingly unbreakable!
Any other sword I've seen before would have snapped long ago from these impacts…
Guess I'll have to thank Arthur later huh?
Anyway, right now I've still got at least one more trick up my sleeve that might work against this guy!
I kept dodging the attacks, waiting for an opportunity to strike…
After a while Jorris slammed his right sword vertically missing me and hitting the ground. This was my opening!
I went forward and stepped on his sword as he was trying to retrieve it.
He then he swung his left sword horizontally at me but I jumped high into the air to dodge his attack.
After reaching an altitude of about ten meters in the air I started falling head first straight towards Jorris!
"You're finished Erza! If you reconsider my offer I'm still willing to spare you and take you in as my disciple!" Jorris roared as he readied his swords.
"Sorry, but I'll do no such thing. {Requip}!" As I was falling I switched out my two katana's for the big great sword that guy 'Theod' of the fifth division had.
I had placed it inside of my pocket dimension while Arthur was tortu- *cough* I mean questioning Rowl.
I grabbed it with both hands and spun midair with it to gather momentum until about when I was four meters above him! Then I threw the sword spinning at him.
"Woah!" He was surprised to say the least.
But as I expected he managed to block it by using his two swords.
While he was doing that however I used {Requip} again and got both of my katana swords back from my pocket dimension.
When Jorris' swords came in contact with Theod's spinning great sword I had already landed back on the ground and threw one of the katana's at his right side!
Jorris send the great sword flying and immediately sliced at the flying katana that was coming from his right side sending it flying through the air as well.
But all of that gave me more than enough time to move in to his left side and thrust my sword upwards through his stomach!
"GRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Jorris ġrȯȧnėd in pain and I took out the sword backing away to a safe distance readying myself for him to appear behind me.
"God damn it! *cough* That… That wasn't all that bad actually… *cough* You got me good there girl. You got me go- BLEEAARRGHH!!!" Jorris coughed blood and then started vomiting it until he dropped his left sword to cover his mouth with a hand.
I must have hit one of his lungs when my sword went upwards through his stomach, even reaching his ribcage…
"I ain't done yet girl…! I'm not about to lose now just because of a little scratch like this!" He said while holding his wound with his left hand.
Then the blue light once again flashed over his ċhėst!
This time I could see it was actually a necklace that was emitting it.
I guess it's a holder item that allows the user to teleport behind the opponent?
My ȧssumptions were correct.
After he vanished, Jorris appeared behind me again and tried to swing his right sword at me but it was obvious that he'd been severely weakened.
I sidestepped the now much slower strike and punched him in the chin with my free hand upper cutting him into the air!
Jorris fell to the ground and did not move after that.
I was out of breath after that whole ordeal but I still went up to him and confirmed that he was now unconscious and bleeding out from the sword wound I inflicted upon him...
After I took both of his swords and his necklace into my pocket dimension I just stood there thinking about the fight and looking over him for a while until the blood suddenly stopped flooding out.
Jorris had tightened his muscles to stop the bleeding... He was awake!
"Damn!" I got startled and jumped back.
I readied my stance with the one remaining sword I had in my hand and was waiting for him to jump right back on his feet!
But his next words surprised me…
"Hahaha… You got me Erza… I admit defeat. You may claim my life."
"Claim… Your life?" I asked as I was puzzled at what he meant by that.
"Yes, strike me down! I have died as a warrior today so at least let me preserve my honor, the honor of a swordsman by finishing me off! It is my last wish to you."
It took me a while to process what he said…
After all I was greatly surprised! Instead of wishing for life, he had discarded it because he lost a duel...
"I… I can't do that..." I replied
"You won't take my life? You won't allow me to preserve my honor?" He asked
"I apologize. But I cannot grant you your wish."
"... Fine. Then what shall you do with this life that you now hold...? What would my sentence... That you give me be?" He asked me while still lying on the ground.
I thought for a second and said.
"...You shall atone for your crimes by spending the rest of your life in prison."
"… If that is what you wish. As the victor of the duel, my life is now yours to do with as you please." Jorris said after a bit of a pause.
It seems at least that he won't end his life himself… That's a relief.
I sighed and sat down on the ground to rest.
This was both physically and mentally draining...
Not half a minute later I saw Arthur flying towards our direction, I guess that must mean he finished up on his end as well?
Now we just have to find the enemy's base and save the kidnapped citizens!
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