Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 26 - The Etherbane
"… Eh…?"
The place Erza was standing in…
Right now, there was a black mass in that very location, the maw of the demon had closed shut there.
Time froze as I stared at the demonic mouth for what seemed like hours.
The demon Gifernes was also unmoving, seemingly petrified in place.
She was just…
How… I…
Before I could finish processing the events of the last few seconds, Gifernes' black mass outstretched and seemingly 'devoured' Gifernes' humanoid body itself.
"W-what's going on here…?" I asked myself as I stared into the abyssal sphere.
(Erza POV)
Having taken a stance with my swords I rushed towards the demon in front of me.
To my surprise not even an instant after I began moving…
A black mass of teeth was in front of my face, devouring me whole.
That was the best I could do?!
Get myself killed!?
That's… Just…
Why did I even go to Arthur's aid if all I did in the end was just burden him?
I'm a fool…
To think I even thought for a second I could intervene in that fight…
Now drifting through endless darkness, all I can do is lament on my own mistakes…
I could feel my consciousness fade into the abyss.
Is this what death feels like…?
(A/N: From now on -"this is talking via telepathy."-)
-"You there! Wake up child!"- a voice suddenly spoke inside of my head.
-"Yes! You've regained your sense of self! Good, good… Now child, come to the white side of this plain! I have cookies~"- The voice once again resounded in my head, allowing me to regain my senses and realize my current predicament.
I was trapped inside of a flat world of two sides.
One was Black, as dark as the darkest of nights, seemingly a corrupted abyss
The other was White, as bright as the sun that shined during the day, as if a beacon of hope opposing the darkness.
I was standing in between the two, my left foot in the dark and my right foot in the light.
"What is this!?" I blurted out unable to keep my surprise.
-"There is no time for this! Step into the light child!"- The voice shouted out in my head hurriedly, seemingly stressed.
Not knowing any better, I followed its instructions and moved my left foot inside of the light.
-"YES!!! FINALLY SOMEONE HEARD AND LISTENED TO ME!"- The voice was ecstatic!
-"Haaaaa… Of course child, you stand inside of what can be called a spatial pocket dimension, also known as my 'soul realm'."- The voice sighted and replied.
"Soul realm…?" puzzled at the meaning behind its words, I could only repeat what it said in confusion.
-"Yes. Look behind you and gaze into the abyss…
What do you see?"- The voice asked.
Doing as instructed I turned around and looked into the darkness.
What I saw shocked me!
It was… People.
Many… Many people…
There must have been hundreds of them!
Even Jorris is there…
But all of them were seemingly unconscious, simply floating above the ground motionlessly.
"What's wrong with them?" I asked hoping for the voice to answer my question.
-"That child, are the souls of the people devoured by the demon Gifernes. Incapable of sustaining their sense of self, they lost themselves into the darkness. Eternally sleeping deep inside of the abyss as nothing more but nourishment for Gifernes…"- It replied with its telepathy.
Gifernes? Is that the name of the demon that Arthur was fighting…?
"Is there any way I can help them? Get them out of here or even in the light?" I asked concernedly.
No matter what they might have done, I don't believe any humans deserve such a cruel fate to befall them…
Not to mention some of them were innocent civilians.
-"There is."- The voice replied.
"Really?! How?" I asked in a hurry.
-"The same way that you can escape from this prison yourself…"-
"And that is…?"
-"You need to purify the darkness inside of this soul realm of mine..."-
"Purify it…? And how would I do that?"
-"Patience. All in due time… First of all I believe introductions are in order!"- The voice said enthusiastically.
Not a moment later a white radiant orb formed in front of me, shining like the mid-day sun! Its flaring beauty gave of a sense of tranquility…
As I stared at it with fascination, a sudden cobweb of cracks formed over it and crept slowly across the orb.
In a few moments the orb shattered into a thousand pieces falling to the ground only to dissipate into dust revealing a beautiful sword of unparalleled craftsmanship!
It was a broad sword, its snow white blade managed to glow despite the blinding whiteness surrounding me. Runes were etched into the sides glowing with a dim blue hue, its simple straight guard was golden like the shining rays of the sun with a strange sky blue gem in the center giving off a holy aura. Its hilt was strangely glowing, the metal a luminous bright golden color. Silver spirals overlapped it forming an intricate pattern that tapered towards the end of the guard.
"Thi-this is…!" I was in awe, no sword I had ever seen could even come close to matching this masterpiece!
-"This is my true form. The one I had before the Black Wizard corrupted me into becoming a demon, Gifernes that is...
It was all just an attempt to take his own life…"- The voice said with telepathy.
"My name is Lazarus! The Ether Bane!" The sword spoke outloud with a powerful and ancient voice, sounding throughout the white space like the roar of a Dragon!
The intensity it gave off was like nothing I had ever experienced before! Even the fear I felt towards the demon from before couldn't compare with the intimidation I was feeling now…
-"And you child… What is your name?"- Lazarus asked me, once again forming a mind link for telepathy.
"I… My name is Erza Scarlet. A Fairy Tail wizard…" I replied with my mouth still agape, the astonishment I felt towards the sword couldn't disperse no matter how long I stared at it.
-"Erza is it? Good. Now that we've been introduced… Would you like some cookies?"- Lazarus asked taking out a floating plate filled with chocolate cookies out of thin air.
"Eh…? Cookies?" My surprise was evident.
-"Yes, would you like some?"- Lazarus asked as the plate moved in front of me.
"Um… Thanks... I'll help myself to them then." I said and took a cookie from the plate to take a bite from.
They were… delicious!
I couldn't help myself from eating a second and then a third!
-"Hahaha! I'm glad you like them!"- Lazarus said with a laugh as I at my sixth cookie.
"Ah…!" Realizing my blunder, I quickly stopped eating the cookies and turned towards the sword.
"So uh… How do I purify the darkness?" I decided to change the topic back to what it was originally.
-"Ah, for that the two of us need to first form a contract."- Lazarus replied.
"A contract? What kind of contract? And what does a contract have to do with anything?" I asked puzzled at Lazarus' reply.
-"A contract between a weapon and wielder, a sword and its master, a soul binded to another soul."- Lazarus said.
"What? You want me to become your wielder?!" Shocked at the revelation I asked Lazarus who was hovering in the air in front of me.
-"Yes, Erza. The only way for the demon Gifernes to be purified is if you become my wielder and erase its corrupted soul from my soul realm!"-
Pausing for a while I pondered on Lazarus' suggestion.
"What happens to the demon's body outside?" I decided to ask.
-"Gifernes will dissipate once he has been purified, while I will regain my true form in the normal world. Right now, his body has been paralyzed awaiting for the conclusion of what happens inside of here. Soon he will arrive so we need to be ready!"- Lazarus replied.
"What will happen to the people inside of this space?" I asked
-"Sadly they cannot be saved. Once you've lost your sense of self in this plane your body can no longer be regained in the world of the living. However after you purify Gifernes they will be freed and will be able to rest in peace."-
"… I see… Then how about me...? Can I return to the normal world?"
-"Yes. You are the only person that was able to regain their senses, thus your physical body is still intact and Gifernes is in a state of paralysis until he can deal with you.
When he's been purified you'll also pop right back up in the normal world together with me."-
"Alright, let's do it then!" I replied with a serious expression. Ready to do my part.
-"Then grip the hilt of the sword! And accept the connection between our two souls!"-
After I took hold of Lazarus I could feel an ancient and profound power seeping into my very being!
Though it felt like I could block it off if I wanted to, I just allowed it keep entering my soul.
Eventually it stopped and I could now feel an invisible link between me and Lazarus.
-"How are you feeling?"- He asked me.
"I'm not sure… But I feel like I've gained some strength!" I replied to Lazarus' question.
-"That's good, as you'll soon need it!"- After saying that a bunch of black spheres appeared on the other side of the plane.
That being the dark side.
Voices started sounding throughout the entire place as the spheres broke apart and demonic creatures came out from them.
They were horned creatures with huge claws and wings, their skin being darker than a moonless night!
"Is that what I'm supposed to purify?" I asked while gripping the hilt of Etherbane
-"Yes, those are aspects of Gifernes. The more you kill the more damage he will receive, until he himself shows up to deal with you personally."- Lazarus replied
"Alright then… Let's get this started!" I said and rushed into the dark side
Letting out a blood curdling scream, the demonic creatures all leaped towards me!
-"Erza! Swing my blade towards them!"- Lazarus yelled out in my mind.
Acting on Lazarus' instructions, I swung the Etherbane in the direction of the demons that jumped at me!
A wave of condensed Ethernano formed and shot towards them!
It was a powerful and huge wave, big enough to completely engulf the demons and wipe them out without leaving a trace!
"Wow…" I stared in awe as I looked at the sword's devastating power!
-"Don't let your guard down now, we've still got more to deal with!"- Lazarus reminded me and a dozen more demons spawned all around me from the ground!
Before they could completely awaken and start targeting me, I rushed towards the closest one and lopped its head clean off!
Suddenly I felt something like an alarm go off in my head, warning me of danger!
I saw a vision of myself being cut by claws, with these two warnings I immediately dodged to the right evading one of the demon's claw attacks!
-"What was that just now?"- I asked Lazarus via our telepathic link as I cut the demon's hand off and then by executing a horizontal slash I cut the demon in half at the torso.
-"Those were two of my abilities, danger perception and future sight."- Lazarus replied.
-"Incredible!"- Amazed at the talking sword's abilities I kept on fighting the demons.
Each one I cut made me feel stronger, with each strike I could feel my own strength rising!
-"Why do I feel like I keep getting stronger?"- I asked Lazarus
-"Because you are. My wielder gains a high boost in their natural abilities just from using me, and an even higher boost to their physical abilities the more magic I cut and absorb through my edges!"- He replied
-"Does that mean that the more I fight the stronger I become just by wielding you?!"- I asked baffled at the idea but also excited!
-"Yes, but it has its limitations… first off it's only temporary and the boost has a cap depending on the wielder's body physique. The only reason you're able to gain so much now is because of the unique environment we're in now and the fact that those creatures are made of pure Ethernanos."- Lazarus' replied
After we ended the conversation, I continued battling the demonic creatures who seemed to never end…
The demons kept on appearing one after the other, wave after wave they were more numerous and stronger than the previous.
With Lazarus however, they were no threat!
Thanks to the physical enhancement Lazarus provided me with maxing out, I was able to strike them down with ease no matter how many appeared!
After defeating an endless onslaught of demons, finally they stopped appearing!
"*pant* *pant* *pant* Was that… All of them?" I asked while trying to catch my breath.
I had been fighting for hours…
Something I shouldn't be able to do, but the fact is I am currently capable of it!
According to Lazarus time flows differently here, what were hours of grueling battle here were mere seconds outside in the real world!
And apparently, thanks to the fact I am currently in a spiritual like state inside of Lazarus' soul realm, I am able to perform such feats of endurance and strength.
Right now, I'm using my own soul as a means to magic power...
According to him… Sadly, in the outside world I won't be able to wield the Etherbane, not for a long time…
Not until I am strong enough at least!
-"Gifernes is finally making his move…"- Lazarus said in our mind link.
Not a moment later, a black mass the size of fairy tail's guild hall appeared before me!
It reshaped itself into a orb and soon opened up…
Inside stood Gifernes, the demon who Arthur had been fighting!
"What is going on…? Why is this child able to resist me?!" Gifernes spoke while staring at me
"…" I said nothing, merely staring back at the demon.
He defeated me so easily earlier… devouring me before I could even realize what was going on…
But what about now?
All of my abilities have been boosted, I have Lazarus with me and according to Lazarus the demon has been weakened considerably because of all the work I've been doing!
With all of this... I should be able to fight back now!
"It's been a long time, my dear 'friend' Gifernes." Lazarus spoke to the demon sarcastically.
"Lazarus?! Ah, I see! So it was you who orchestrated this whole event here ey? Hahaha! I applaud your efforts!" Gifernes said as he clapped his hands with an equal amount of sarcasm.
"I have done nothing. I have merely been wielded by my new master, Erza Scarlet!" As he said that I took a stance and prepared myself for battle.
"The shrimp? What good is she?! Sure, a certain strength of will she does possess, but a weakling she is!" Replying to Lazarus, the demon sprouted wings and flew towards me!
His speed was incredible!
Even though he had been weakened, and even with my enhanced abilities…
I was still bȧrėly able to see him as he flew towards me!
Thanks to Lazarus' future sight, I was able to pinpoint where exactly he would strike and used that knowledge to dodge him promptly.
Jumping slightly to the side, I saw as Gifernes' corrupted version of the Etherbane plunged deep into the ground!
"Come here child! I shall end your misery and grant you the ultimate gift of being my nourishment!" Gifernes said as he rushed towards me while transforming his sword into an abyss black mass that resembled a maw!
It was the move that got me before, but now I could see it!
But… what good does that do me? I can't dodge that!
-"Erza! Cut through the maw!"- Lazarus said hurriedly through our mind link and I did as instructed.
With an upwards strike, I send a giant slash of magic power that Lazarus had gathered from the demons previously.
The slash moved in a tore the maw in half! Forcing Gifernes to block with the sword itself!
… I did it!
-"Don't be conceited! Go on the offensive!"- Lazarus urged me.
"Right!" Nodding, I ran at full speed towards the demon!
"Despicable child! I shall end you myself!" Gifernes roared and dashed towards me as well.
Our two swords collided, sending shockwaves in all directions!
Lazarus was discharging a high amount of magic power, that being the one we had gathered from the demons previously!
While Gifernes was pushing through with his brute strength alone!
How was Arthur able to fight against this guy?!
He's ridiculous!
An explosion of magic power sounded as the two of us were shot in opposite directions!
I landed on my feet and immediately put my entire focus on Gifernes who was flying towards me with his sword ready for a wide swing.
I blocked the strike with Lazarus and kicked Gifernes in the ċhėst knocking him back a few feet.
Before he could recover, I plunged in with Lazarus stabbing Gifernes' heart!
"You think that will stop me?!" Yelled out the demon surprising me.
His sword then swung down, and cut me in half.
At least, that was the vision I saw after kicking him back!
-"Erza, you need to focus on the sword itself! That's his main body!"- Lazarus said and I changed my targets.
Now, as Gifernes was still staggering and unable to recover like in the vision I jumped above him and with a big chunk of the magic power we had collected so far I swung down towards the corrupted Etherbane!
With a shocked look on his face Gifernes tried to block me, but as the two swords collided the corrupted version of the Etherbane cracked in a few places.
An explosion of magic power sounded across the entire space sending gusts of wind in all directions.
"AAAAaaaaAHHHhhhhHHHHHH!!!!!" Gifernes roared in pain and retreated a good hundred feet away.
The darkness started clearing and returning to the pure light.
Lazarus' soul realm had began being purified, and the souls of the sacrificed started leaving the soul realm.
"... You... DESPICABLE LOWER LIFEFORM!!! HOW DARE YOU!?" The demon roared with a voice so powerful it nearly blew my eardrums.
But that didn't stop me.
Seeing as he'd been weakened even further I dashed forward for the final confrontation!
from the cracks of the corrupted sword, many newly formed black maws appeared and zoomed in towards me as I ran.
With the help of Lazarus, I managed to destroy each one with a slash of condensed magic power!
Finally I reach Gifernes and a pure sword fight ensued.
sparks flew as the two of us clashed blades, however now...
I was pushing him back!
"How... HOW CAN A MERE HUMAN CHILD?!" Gifernes roared in confusion, unable to accept reality.
"You underestimated her Gifernes. That is what led to your downfall.
For her soul has the essence of a warrior ideal to be my wielder! Couple that with a fight inside of MY soul realm... and well, you see the result."
Lazarus spoke his last lines as if with a smirk, I charged the rest of the magic power we collected and slammed the entire thing into the corrupted sword.
a grand explosion sounded annihilating the demon's body and destroying the sword.
"NOOOOOoooooo!!!" As Gifernes yelled and his sword shattered, the rest of the dark space rapidly turned white.
The demon that corrupted Lazarus had been purified! And the rest of the souls finally left this plane!
"I... did it!" I said with but a mere whisper as the space around me shattered revealing me holding the Etherbane to the outside world.
I could see Arthur staring at me in shock, still with all of his wounds.
I was about to walk to Arthur to see if I could help him but before I could even move, I suddenly lost consciousness completely and fell to the ground...
The place Erza was standing in…
Right now, there was a black mass in that very location, the maw of the demon had closed shut there.
Time froze as I stared at the demonic mouth for what seemed like hours.
The demon Gifernes was also unmoving, seemingly petrified in place.
She was just…
How… I…
Before I could finish processing the events of the last few seconds, Gifernes' black mass outstretched and seemingly 'devoured' Gifernes' humanoid body itself.
"W-what's going on here…?" I asked myself as I stared into the abyssal sphere.
(Erza POV)
Having taken a stance with my swords I rushed towards the demon in front of me.
To my surprise not even an instant after I began moving…
A black mass of teeth was in front of my face, devouring me whole.
That was the best I could do?!
Get myself killed!?
That's… Just…
Why did I even go to Arthur's aid if all I did in the end was just burden him?
I'm a fool…
To think I even thought for a second I could intervene in that fight…
Now drifting through endless darkness, all I can do is lament on my own mistakes…
I could feel my consciousness fade into the abyss.
Is this what death feels like…?
(A/N: From now on -"this is talking via telepathy."-)
-"You there! Wake up child!"- a voice suddenly spoke inside of my head.
-"Yes! You've regained your sense of self! Good, good… Now child, come to the white side of this plain! I have cookies~"- The voice once again resounded in my head, allowing me to regain my senses and realize my current predicament.
I was trapped inside of a flat world of two sides.
One was Black, as dark as the darkest of nights, seemingly a corrupted abyss
The other was White, as bright as the sun that shined during the day, as if a beacon of hope opposing the darkness.
I was standing in between the two, my left foot in the dark and my right foot in the light.
"What is this!?" I blurted out unable to keep my surprise.
-"There is no time for this! Step into the light child!"- The voice shouted out in my head hurriedly, seemingly stressed.
Not knowing any better, I followed its instructions and moved my left foot inside of the light.
-"YES!!! FINALLY SOMEONE HEARD AND LISTENED TO ME!"- The voice was ecstatic!
-"Haaaaa… Of course child, you stand inside of what can be called a spatial pocket dimension, also known as my 'soul realm'."- The voice sighted and replied.
"Soul realm…?" puzzled at the meaning behind its words, I could only repeat what it said in confusion.
-"Yes. Look behind you and gaze into the abyss…
What do you see?"- The voice asked.
Doing as instructed I turned around and looked into the darkness.
What I saw shocked me!
It was… People.
Many… Many people…
There must have been hundreds of them!
Even Jorris is there…
But all of them were seemingly unconscious, simply floating above the ground motionlessly.
"What's wrong with them?" I asked hoping for the voice to answer my question.
-"That child, are the souls of the people devoured by the demon Gifernes. Incapable of sustaining their sense of self, they lost themselves into the darkness. Eternally sleeping deep inside of the abyss as nothing more but nourishment for Gifernes…"- It replied with its telepathy.
Gifernes? Is that the name of the demon that Arthur was fighting…?
"Is there any way I can help them? Get them out of here or even in the light?" I asked concernedly.
No matter what they might have done, I don't believe any humans deserve such a cruel fate to befall them…
Not to mention some of them were innocent civilians.
-"There is."- The voice replied.
"Really?! How?" I asked in a hurry.
-"The same way that you can escape from this prison yourself…"-
"And that is…?"
-"You need to purify the darkness inside of this soul realm of mine..."-
"Purify it…? And how would I do that?"
-"Patience. All in due time… First of all I believe introductions are in order!"- The voice said enthusiastically.
Not a moment later a white radiant orb formed in front of me, shining like the mid-day sun! Its flaring beauty gave of a sense of tranquility…
As I stared at it with fascination, a sudden cobweb of cracks formed over it and crept slowly across the orb.
In a few moments the orb shattered into a thousand pieces falling to the ground only to dissipate into dust revealing a beautiful sword of unparalleled craftsmanship!
It was a broad sword, its snow white blade managed to glow despite the blinding whiteness surrounding me. Runes were etched into the sides glowing with a dim blue hue, its simple straight guard was golden like the shining rays of the sun with a strange sky blue gem in the center giving off a holy aura. Its hilt was strangely glowing, the metal a luminous bright golden color. Silver spirals overlapped it forming an intricate pattern that tapered towards the end of the guard.
"Thi-this is…!" I was in awe, no sword I had ever seen could even come close to matching this masterpiece!
-"This is my true form. The one I had before the Black Wizard corrupted me into becoming a demon, Gifernes that is...
It was all just an attempt to take his own life…"- The voice said with telepathy.
"My name is Lazarus! The Ether Bane!" The sword spoke outloud with a powerful and ancient voice, sounding throughout the white space like the roar of a Dragon!
The intensity it gave off was like nothing I had ever experienced before! Even the fear I felt towards the demon from before couldn't compare with the intimidation I was feeling now…
-"And you child… What is your name?"- Lazarus asked me, once again forming a mind link for telepathy.
"I… My name is Erza Scarlet. A Fairy Tail wizard…" I replied with my mouth still agape, the astonishment I felt towards the sword couldn't disperse no matter how long I stared at it.
-"Erza is it? Good. Now that we've been introduced… Would you like some cookies?"- Lazarus asked taking out a floating plate filled with chocolate cookies out of thin air.
"Eh…? Cookies?" My surprise was evident.
-"Yes, would you like some?"- Lazarus asked as the plate moved in front of me.
"Um… Thanks... I'll help myself to them then." I said and took a cookie from the plate to take a bite from.
They were… delicious!
I couldn't help myself from eating a second and then a third!
-"Hahaha! I'm glad you like them!"- Lazarus said with a laugh as I at my sixth cookie.
"Ah…!" Realizing my blunder, I quickly stopped eating the cookies and turned towards the sword.
"So uh… How do I purify the darkness?" I decided to change the topic back to what it was originally.
-"Ah, for that the two of us need to first form a contract."- Lazarus replied.
"A contract? What kind of contract? And what does a contract have to do with anything?" I asked puzzled at Lazarus' reply.
-"A contract between a weapon and wielder, a sword and its master, a soul binded to another soul."- Lazarus said.
"What? You want me to become your wielder?!" Shocked at the revelation I asked Lazarus who was hovering in the air in front of me.
-"Yes, Erza. The only way for the demon Gifernes to be purified is if you become my wielder and erase its corrupted soul from my soul realm!"-
Pausing for a while I pondered on Lazarus' suggestion.
"What happens to the demon's body outside?" I decided to ask.
-"Gifernes will dissipate once he has been purified, while I will regain my true form in the normal world. Right now, his body has been paralyzed awaiting for the conclusion of what happens inside of here. Soon he will arrive so we need to be ready!"- Lazarus replied.
"What will happen to the people inside of this space?" I asked
-"Sadly they cannot be saved. Once you've lost your sense of self in this plane your body can no longer be regained in the world of the living. However after you purify Gifernes they will be freed and will be able to rest in peace."-
"… I see… Then how about me...? Can I return to the normal world?"
-"Yes. You are the only person that was able to regain their senses, thus your physical body is still intact and Gifernes is in a state of paralysis until he can deal with you.
When he's been purified you'll also pop right back up in the normal world together with me."-
"Alright, let's do it then!" I replied with a serious expression. Ready to do my part.
-"Then grip the hilt of the sword! And accept the connection between our two souls!"-
After I took hold of Lazarus I could feel an ancient and profound power seeping into my very being!
Though it felt like I could block it off if I wanted to, I just allowed it keep entering my soul.
Eventually it stopped and I could now feel an invisible link between me and Lazarus.
-"How are you feeling?"- He asked me.
"I'm not sure… But I feel like I've gained some strength!" I replied to Lazarus' question.
-"That's good, as you'll soon need it!"- After saying that a bunch of black spheres appeared on the other side of the plane.
That being the dark side.
Voices started sounding throughout the entire place as the spheres broke apart and demonic creatures came out from them.
They were horned creatures with huge claws and wings, their skin being darker than a moonless night!
"Is that what I'm supposed to purify?" I asked while gripping the hilt of Etherbane
-"Yes, those are aspects of Gifernes. The more you kill the more damage he will receive, until he himself shows up to deal with you personally."- Lazarus replied
"Alright then… Let's get this started!" I said and rushed into the dark side
Letting out a blood curdling scream, the demonic creatures all leaped towards me!
-"Erza! Swing my blade towards them!"- Lazarus yelled out in my mind.
Acting on Lazarus' instructions, I swung the Etherbane in the direction of the demons that jumped at me!
A wave of condensed Ethernano formed and shot towards them!
It was a powerful and huge wave, big enough to completely engulf the demons and wipe them out without leaving a trace!
"Wow…" I stared in awe as I looked at the sword's devastating power!
-"Don't let your guard down now, we've still got more to deal with!"- Lazarus reminded me and a dozen more demons spawned all around me from the ground!
Before they could completely awaken and start targeting me, I rushed towards the closest one and lopped its head clean off!
Suddenly I felt something like an alarm go off in my head, warning me of danger!
I saw a vision of myself being cut by claws, with these two warnings I immediately dodged to the right evading one of the demon's claw attacks!
-"What was that just now?"- I asked Lazarus via our telepathic link as I cut the demon's hand off and then by executing a horizontal slash I cut the demon in half at the torso.
-"Those were two of my abilities, danger perception and future sight."- Lazarus replied.
-"Incredible!"- Amazed at the talking sword's abilities I kept on fighting the demons.
Each one I cut made me feel stronger, with each strike I could feel my own strength rising!
-"Why do I feel like I keep getting stronger?"- I asked Lazarus
-"Because you are. My wielder gains a high boost in their natural abilities just from using me, and an even higher boost to their physical abilities the more magic I cut and absorb through my edges!"- He replied
-"Does that mean that the more I fight the stronger I become just by wielding you?!"- I asked baffled at the idea but also excited!
-"Yes, but it has its limitations… first off it's only temporary and the boost has a cap depending on the wielder's body physique. The only reason you're able to gain so much now is because of the unique environment we're in now and the fact that those creatures are made of pure Ethernanos."- Lazarus' replied
After we ended the conversation, I continued battling the demonic creatures who seemed to never end…
The demons kept on appearing one after the other, wave after wave they were more numerous and stronger than the previous.
With Lazarus however, they were no threat!
Thanks to the physical enhancement Lazarus provided me with maxing out, I was able to strike them down with ease no matter how many appeared!
After defeating an endless onslaught of demons, finally they stopped appearing!
"*pant* *pant* *pant* Was that… All of them?" I asked while trying to catch my breath.
I had been fighting for hours…
Something I shouldn't be able to do, but the fact is I am currently capable of it!
According to Lazarus time flows differently here, what were hours of grueling battle here were mere seconds outside in the real world!
And apparently, thanks to the fact I am currently in a spiritual like state inside of Lazarus' soul realm, I am able to perform such feats of endurance and strength.
Right now, I'm using my own soul as a means to magic power...
According to him… Sadly, in the outside world I won't be able to wield the Etherbane, not for a long time…
Not until I am strong enough at least!
-"Gifernes is finally making his move…"- Lazarus said in our mind link.
Not a moment later, a black mass the size of fairy tail's guild hall appeared before me!
It reshaped itself into a orb and soon opened up…
Inside stood Gifernes, the demon who Arthur had been fighting!
"What is going on…? Why is this child able to resist me?!" Gifernes spoke while staring at me
"…" I said nothing, merely staring back at the demon.
He defeated me so easily earlier… devouring me before I could even realize what was going on…
But what about now?
All of my abilities have been boosted, I have Lazarus with me and according to Lazarus the demon has been weakened considerably because of all the work I've been doing!
With all of this... I should be able to fight back now!
"It's been a long time, my dear 'friend' Gifernes." Lazarus spoke to the demon sarcastically.
"Lazarus?! Ah, I see! So it was you who orchestrated this whole event here ey? Hahaha! I applaud your efforts!" Gifernes said as he clapped his hands with an equal amount of sarcasm.
"I have done nothing. I have merely been wielded by my new master, Erza Scarlet!" As he said that I took a stance and prepared myself for battle.
"The shrimp? What good is she?! Sure, a certain strength of will she does possess, but a weakling she is!" Replying to Lazarus, the demon sprouted wings and flew towards me!
His speed was incredible!
Even though he had been weakened, and even with my enhanced abilities…
I was still bȧrėly able to see him as he flew towards me!
Thanks to Lazarus' future sight, I was able to pinpoint where exactly he would strike and used that knowledge to dodge him promptly.
Jumping slightly to the side, I saw as Gifernes' corrupted version of the Etherbane plunged deep into the ground!
"Come here child! I shall end your misery and grant you the ultimate gift of being my nourishment!" Gifernes said as he rushed towards me while transforming his sword into an abyss black mass that resembled a maw!
It was the move that got me before, but now I could see it!
But… what good does that do me? I can't dodge that!
-"Erza! Cut through the maw!"- Lazarus said hurriedly through our mind link and I did as instructed.
With an upwards strike, I send a giant slash of magic power that Lazarus had gathered from the demons previously.
The slash moved in a tore the maw in half! Forcing Gifernes to block with the sword itself!
… I did it!
-"Don't be conceited! Go on the offensive!"- Lazarus urged me.
"Right!" Nodding, I ran at full speed towards the demon!
"Despicable child! I shall end you myself!" Gifernes roared and dashed towards me as well.
Our two swords collided, sending shockwaves in all directions!
Lazarus was discharging a high amount of magic power, that being the one we had gathered from the demons previously!
While Gifernes was pushing through with his brute strength alone!
How was Arthur able to fight against this guy?!
He's ridiculous!
An explosion of magic power sounded as the two of us were shot in opposite directions!
I landed on my feet and immediately put my entire focus on Gifernes who was flying towards me with his sword ready for a wide swing.
I blocked the strike with Lazarus and kicked Gifernes in the ċhėst knocking him back a few feet.
Before he could recover, I plunged in with Lazarus stabbing Gifernes' heart!
"You think that will stop me?!" Yelled out the demon surprising me.
His sword then swung down, and cut me in half.
At least, that was the vision I saw after kicking him back!
-"Erza, you need to focus on the sword itself! That's his main body!"- Lazarus said and I changed my targets.
Now, as Gifernes was still staggering and unable to recover like in the vision I jumped above him and with a big chunk of the magic power we had collected so far I swung down towards the corrupted Etherbane!
With a shocked look on his face Gifernes tried to block me, but as the two swords collided the corrupted version of the Etherbane cracked in a few places.
An explosion of magic power sounded across the entire space sending gusts of wind in all directions.
"AAAAaaaaAHHHhhhhHHHHHH!!!!!" Gifernes roared in pain and retreated a good hundred feet away.
The darkness started clearing and returning to the pure light.
Lazarus' soul realm had began being purified, and the souls of the sacrificed started leaving the soul realm.
"... You... DESPICABLE LOWER LIFEFORM!!! HOW DARE YOU!?" The demon roared with a voice so powerful it nearly blew my eardrums.
But that didn't stop me.
Seeing as he'd been weakened even further I dashed forward for the final confrontation!
from the cracks of the corrupted sword, many newly formed black maws appeared and zoomed in towards me as I ran.
With the help of Lazarus, I managed to destroy each one with a slash of condensed magic power!
Finally I reach Gifernes and a pure sword fight ensued.
sparks flew as the two of us clashed blades, however now...
I was pushing him back!
"How... HOW CAN A MERE HUMAN CHILD?!" Gifernes roared in confusion, unable to accept reality.
"You underestimated her Gifernes. That is what led to your downfall.
For her soul has the essence of a warrior ideal to be my wielder! Couple that with a fight inside of MY soul realm... and well, you see the result."
Lazarus spoke his last lines as if with a smirk, I charged the rest of the magic power we collected and slammed the entire thing into the corrupted sword.
a grand explosion sounded annihilating the demon's body and destroying the sword.
"NOOOOOoooooo!!!" As Gifernes yelled and his sword shattered, the rest of the dark space rapidly turned white.
The demon that corrupted Lazarus had been purified! And the rest of the souls finally left this plane!
"I... did it!" I said with but a mere whisper as the space around me shattered revealing me holding the Etherbane to the outside world.
I could see Arthur staring at me in shock, still with all of his wounds.
I was about to walk to Arthur to see if I could help him but before I could even move, I suddenly lost consciousness completely and fell to the ground...
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