Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 33 - The S rank promotion exam!
After Natsu asked for the joining procedure, Gramps took him to his office in order to bestow upon him the mark of Fairy Tail!
Yeah, I might be making this needlessly over exaggerated...
Either way Natsu ended up joining pretty quickly! I guess he is more of an in the moment type of guy.
It didn't take long for Natsu to integrate into the guild, he would usually try to hang around me since I was the one he met first which lead to him becoming a part of our little group.
Of course, he and Gray quarreled a a lot like you'd expect... But Erza would always stop them before anything could really happen.
It's been abit over a year since she's joined and I'm really proud of her!
Before she really would only open up to me or Lazarus, her talking magic sword, but now she no longer has any problems with talking to other people!
Erza has seemingly gained a lot of self-confidence over the last year!
Though the constant wearing of armor is a bit unnerving, I believe she'll be fine with time...
Now with Natsu joining our group, of course he started training with us as well!
Needless to say, when the others learned about his magic they were quite surprised.
Watching a kid gobble up fire is definitely a spectacle... Even I who knew of it was surprised to see it in action!
Seeing him eat fire for real was quite the sight, so I kept feeding him different types of flames all the time as it was very fun to do so.
He said they were delicious, though I'm not sure how fire would even taste...
Aside from us, Natsu also managed to get quite close with Gildarts just like in the original time line.
They would sometimes go fishing together and at times I would join in as well since it's surprisingly enjoyable...
Natsu would unsurprisingly always attempt to beat Gildarts, who would mercilessly bonk him on the head with a karate chop each time...
The guild was definitely getting more and more fun with him around.
A few of months passed and the next S rank promotion was nearing, this year would be the year I'm allowed to participate so I'm very excited!
I will soon be able to legally take on S rank missions...
Hopefully they end up being a bit easier than the last two I did, hahaha... Haha... Haaa...
I'd really like it if there is a lack of demons at the very least...
The day to announce this year's S rank promotion participants was nearing fast, but just the day before it, when I entered the guild hall I was called out to by Ur.
"Hey Arthy! How you doing?" Ur said, waving at me from the second floor of the guild hall.
Only S ranked mages could go up there, so it was quite a bit more peaceful than down here on the first one.
"Yo, I'm great. Do you need something? Car maintenance?" I asked with a smile to which she chuckled.
"Hahah! of course not, I already understand how that thing works." She said and jumped down.
"Then what's up?" I asked again.
"It's about the S rank promotion exam." She said in a serious tone and gestured for me to follow her.
I complied and we walked towards Gramps' office.
Once we entered and Ur closed the door behind us, I saw that both Gramps and Gildarts were already inside.
Gramps being obvious but Gildarts too?
And with Ur and me that makes us the top four combatants of the guild here in one tiny room…
"What's up gramps? Is there something about the S rank promotion you need to tell me about or…?" I thought I'd ask.
"Mmm…" Makarov mused for a moment before he started speaking.
"Arthur, I believe that the normal test wouldn't really work for you. At the stage you're at currently you'd most definitely breeze through the S rank promotion without facing any competition just like Ur did a few years back." He explained.
"So what are we going to do then?" I asked.
"Well, after considering the whole thing for a while someone came up with a great idea!" Gildarts said, looking at Ur who was still standing to my side.
"Haha, I don't know if it's that great or not but it should work out well." Ur said, scratching the back of her head. "You'll participate in the exam just like normal, but you won't be in it to become an S rank mage, oh no. Instead you'll help us test the other participants!" She explained with a grin.
"Ooh! I see! That does sound like it would be fun, but what about my promotion? Would I be given a different test or is me helping you test them also my test?" I asked
"Hmm, you could say that but I doubt you'd have any real trouble testing them so that will only be half of your test. In all honestly I really don't think you need one. As things stand currently I doubt I can beat you in a straight up fight anymore." Ur said with a complicated smile.
"But you can't just rank up without doing any form of test now can you?" Gramps said with a grin.
"I mean, I probably could… Couldn't I?" I mused on the idea.
"Yeah, but that's not interesting is it? Hehehe" Ur chuckled.
"So what are we going to be doing?" I asked, already interested in the topic.
Gildarts suddenly stepped up and walked in front of me.
While I was actually taller than most of the other kids near my age, Erza reaching somewhere near my eye level. Gildarts was still an ȧduŀt towering with over twice my own height!
Quite imposing, yes.
"You'll be having a little mock fight with me!" He said with a grin, a thumb placed on his ċhėst as if he was pointing at himself.
"I get to fight Gildarts for my test?" I asked in surprise.
"Yup! So do your best and let's give the guild a show! Come on to the back of the guild where it's more open, hahaha!" He replied with a laugh.
"Hold your horses Gildarts, we still need to do the actual exam first beforehand." Gramps pointed out.
"Tsk, fine. I was all fired up and everything though…" Gildarts mumbled, obviously more than a bit disappointed over it.
"Haha, don't worry Gildarts! You'll have your fun soon enough." Ur reassured him with a warm smile and a pat on the back.
"Thanks Ur." He replied, seemingly feeling better already.
"So who's participating in the exam anyway?" I asked.
"Well you see, the ones who are taking the exam are-"
The next day…
"- Laxus Dreyar, Erza Scarlet, Cana Clive, Ultear Milkovich and Arthur Wulf!" Gramps announced to the guild members.
The whole guild had gathered in the first floor's hall, and had been waiting for the Master to announce the names of this year's S rank promotion exam participants.
Needless to say, there were many groans coming from within the crowd.
"The exam will be held on Fairy Tail's sacred grounds this year, the island of Tenroujima! We shall depart for it by boat in one week's time, the participants of the exam need to take one member of the guild who is not a participant or an S rank mage as a companion and teammate, that person shall be tasked with helping you achieve victory in the competition. Good luck you brats!" Gramps said and walked back to his office with a mug of ale to finish some paperwork.
The guild got all rowdy after that, people were debating who, if anyone would succeed in the exam this time. Most were betting on me being the victor while some were thinking it could be Laxus, Ultear or Cana as they had the backgrounds known as Makarov, Ur and Gildarts. The top three of the guild.
Those who learned to fear Erza also thought of her as having potential of being the victor.
While everyone was talking, Erza came up to me and spoke.
"I didn't expect to get chosen this year, I probably have you to thank for that Arthur." She said.
-"Yes, you have my thanks as well."- Lazarus spoke through telepathy to me.
-"Erza's rapid improvements from your training have started opening new doors within my arsenal of abilities as well after all, hahaha!"- He said with a laugh.
I wonder what that means?
"Erza, you don't have to thank me, you already had the potential to become great even without me helping you." I replied with a smile.
-"And Lazarus, I have no doubt you'll be pleased by your wielder, she'll unlock all of your skills sooner or later!"- I replied to Lazarus though telepathy of my own.
Soon afterwards Natsu showed up and started asking me about what the whole exam thing was about, I tried explaining it by giving Gildarts as an example which basically made him all excited about taking on the exam himself.
"Just you watch! By next year I'll be the newest S rank mage of the guild!" Natsu proclaimed proudly.
When Gray heard that he didn't just stand idly by.
"You? An S rank? Don't make me laugh flame breath, if you could become an S rank mage I'd have to be a wizard saint!" Gray said.
"What's that ice brain?! You pickin a fight?!" Natsu said, outraged at what Gray stated.
"Course I am, you moron!" Gray yelled out bumping foreheads with Natsu as the both of them glared daggers at each other.
"Who you calling a moron you stripper!" Natsu rebuked.
"Who else but you, you clown!" Gray continued.
"Hahahaha!" I simply laughed at the sight of them.
"Haaaa…" Erza sighed "You two…" She proceeded to give them a bone chilling glare which quickly separated them from each other.
"Y-yes miss Erza?" Gray and Natsu said in unison, both whimpering.
"No fighting in the guild. Am I clear?" She continued, still glaring at them and closing in with a few steps.
"Y-Yes!" They both yelled out and proceeded to 'make up' reluctantly by doing a handshake and half hugging each other, a now common sight around here.
"You two are really close aren't you." Ultear said with a smile, she was drinking tea at one of the tables together with Lyon and Cana.
"We're not!" The duo of fire and ice, still in unison exploded in protest.
After a few good laughs over the matter, Lyon suddenly decided to ask a question.
"Hey, does anyone know anything about this Tenroujima?" Lyon asked.
"It's the guild's sacred grounds right? That's about everything I know though." Cana said with a shrug.
"We could just ask the master couldn't we?" Ultear suggested.
"Why do you even care?" Gray asked.
"It's our guilds holy place, why wouldn't we be interested? Aren't you?" Erza asked.
"Not particularly..." Gray replied with an obvious lie.
"So we'll go ask gramps about those secret lands or Tonrojuma or whatever then?" Natsu said, getting the name completely wrong.
"Or you could just ask me?" I gave my own suggestion
"Oh, you know? Go on then, spill the beans!" Ultear said with a smile, obviously excited at hearing about Tenroujima.
"Tenroujima is an island located quite a ways of from the mainland, it's known best as the resting place of Fairy Tail's first guildmaster, Mavis Vermillion. There's a giant tree in the center of it, on top of which there is basically a second island. I heard that some refer to it as an island on top of an island." I explained to the group.
"Whoa!" a collective amazement sounded from everyone.
"That sounds so cool!" Natsu exclaimed.
"The first guild master's resting place... I wonder what kind of person that master was..." Lyon mused.
"I'd ȧssume someone really strong! It's the first guild master after all! The first!" Cana said in excitement.
"A giant tree with a second island on top... I can't wait to witness that!" Ultear smiled.
"Is there anything else to it?" Gray asked.
"Being the grave of the first master, it surely has some kind of protections no?" Erza also asked.
"Hmm... In fact yes, to my knowledge there's a sort of barrier which protects the island from being found by outsiders. There is also a type of magic on it which empowers those who bear the Fairy Tail guild mark, increasing their magic power and preventing their deaths."
"That sounds like a very complicated magic..." Erza said in amazement.
"So if I were to beat this fool to death he'd survive?" Gray asked, pointing to Natsu.
"Wha-" Natsu looked at him in shock and annoyance.
"Well, yes but please don't beat each other to death..." I replied, giving them a helpless smile.
"You think YOU could beat me ice boy!?" Natsu yelled at him.
"Why don't we have a go then? HUH?!" Gray said glaring at Natsu.
"Put on some clothes first!" Ultear pointed out.
Without anyone realizing when, me included, Gray had stripped down to his boxers.
"Huh?" He looked himself over and realized the blunder.
"See? You're just a stripper! Hahaha!" Natsu said with a laugh, pointing at Gray.
"Why you... I oughta-" before Gray could continue, Erza knocked the both of them out with two heavy blows to the head, they fell motionless on the ground as if they had turned into corpses...
She then turned back to us like nothing had happened.
"We need to take a teammate with us right? I'll take Gray." She stated.
"Oh, ok then. Guess I'll take Natsu in that case." I said
"Hmm... Who should I ask in that case...?" Ultear mused, entering a thinking position.
"I-If you'd like, I could accompany you...?" Lyon said, seemingly a bit embarrassed about asking.
Hooo? What's this I see?
"Oh, sure! That sounds like fun, let's freeze our way to the top!" Ultear said with a smile.
That's an interesting pair for sure.
"How about you Cana? You got anyone in mind?" Erza asked.
"Hmm... nope, I'll have to hurry up and find someone! See you guys later!" She said and went on her way.
"Alright, see you later!" I waved her goodbye.
She actually lied, I wonder who she'll ask to go with?
Ultear then stood up.
"Well with that settled, I think we all ought to go train with our partners separately and come up with tactics for our pairs! Good luck you guys, come on Lyon let's go." She said and took Lyon's hand pulling him up from the table
"Ah! R-right let's go... Just us..." He suddenly turned red, but still followed along marching like a good little soldier.
I simply gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
Good luck brother!
"What are you doing a thumbs up for?" Erza asked, seeming a bit confused.
"It's nothing, just a thing among us men." I said with a grin plastered on my face.
"Huh, I see... Well I'll be off now. Good luck Arthur." Erza said and dragged the unconscious Gray out of the guild.
That leaves me and Natsu, who is also out for the count currently...
I'll tell him we're not really doing the exam when we get there I guess, this guy will spill everything if I told him now...
And thus, I now await for Natsu to awaken...
this ought to be fun!
Yeah, I might be making this needlessly over exaggerated...
Either way Natsu ended up joining pretty quickly! I guess he is more of an in the moment type of guy.
It didn't take long for Natsu to integrate into the guild, he would usually try to hang around me since I was the one he met first which lead to him becoming a part of our little group.
Of course, he and Gray quarreled a a lot like you'd expect... But Erza would always stop them before anything could really happen.
It's been abit over a year since she's joined and I'm really proud of her!
Before she really would only open up to me or Lazarus, her talking magic sword, but now she no longer has any problems with talking to other people!
Erza has seemingly gained a lot of self-confidence over the last year!
Though the constant wearing of armor is a bit unnerving, I believe she'll be fine with time...
Now with Natsu joining our group, of course he started training with us as well!
Needless to say, when the others learned about his magic they were quite surprised.
Watching a kid gobble up fire is definitely a spectacle... Even I who knew of it was surprised to see it in action!
Seeing him eat fire for real was quite the sight, so I kept feeding him different types of flames all the time as it was very fun to do so.
He said they were delicious, though I'm not sure how fire would even taste...
Aside from us, Natsu also managed to get quite close with Gildarts just like in the original time line.
They would sometimes go fishing together and at times I would join in as well since it's surprisingly enjoyable...
Natsu would unsurprisingly always attempt to beat Gildarts, who would mercilessly bonk him on the head with a karate chop each time...
The guild was definitely getting more and more fun with him around.
A few of months passed and the next S rank promotion was nearing, this year would be the year I'm allowed to participate so I'm very excited!
I will soon be able to legally take on S rank missions...
Hopefully they end up being a bit easier than the last two I did, hahaha... Haha... Haaa...
I'd really like it if there is a lack of demons at the very least...
The day to announce this year's S rank promotion participants was nearing fast, but just the day before it, when I entered the guild hall I was called out to by Ur.
"Hey Arthy! How you doing?" Ur said, waving at me from the second floor of the guild hall.
Only S ranked mages could go up there, so it was quite a bit more peaceful than down here on the first one.
"Yo, I'm great. Do you need something? Car maintenance?" I asked with a smile to which she chuckled.
"Hahah! of course not, I already understand how that thing works." She said and jumped down.
"Then what's up?" I asked again.
"It's about the S rank promotion exam." She said in a serious tone and gestured for me to follow her.
I complied and we walked towards Gramps' office.
Once we entered and Ur closed the door behind us, I saw that both Gramps and Gildarts were already inside.
Gramps being obvious but Gildarts too?
And with Ur and me that makes us the top four combatants of the guild here in one tiny room…
"What's up gramps? Is there something about the S rank promotion you need to tell me about or…?" I thought I'd ask.
"Mmm…" Makarov mused for a moment before he started speaking.
"Arthur, I believe that the normal test wouldn't really work for you. At the stage you're at currently you'd most definitely breeze through the S rank promotion without facing any competition just like Ur did a few years back." He explained.
"So what are we going to do then?" I asked.
"Well, after considering the whole thing for a while someone came up with a great idea!" Gildarts said, looking at Ur who was still standing to my side.
"Haha, I don't know if it's that great or not but it should work out well." Ur said, scratching the back of her head. "You'll participate in the exam just like normal, but you won't be in it to become an S rank mage, oh no. Instead you'll help us test the other participants!" She explained with a grin.
"Ooh! I see! That does sound like it would be fun, but what about my promotion? Would I be given a different test or is me helping you test them also my test?" I asked
"Hmm, you could say that but I doubt you'd have any real trouble testing them so that will only be half of your test. In all honestly I really don't think you need one. As things stand currently I doubt I can beat you in a straight up fight anymore." Ur said with a complicated smile.
"But you can't just rank up without doing any form of test now can you?" Gramps said with a grin.
"I mean, I probably could… Couldn't I?" I mused on the idea.
"Yeah, but that's not interesting is it? Hehehe" Ur chuckled.
"So what are we going to be doing?" I asked, already interested in the topic.
Gildarts suddenly stepped up and walked in front of me.
While I was actually taller than most of the other kids near my age, Erza reaching somewhere near my eye level. Gildarts was still an ȧduŀt towering with over twice my own height!
Quite imposing, yes.
"You'll be having a little mock fight with me!" He said with a grin, a thumb placed on his ċhėst as if he was pointing at himself.
"I get to fight Gildarts for my test?" I asked in surprise.
"Yup! So do your best and let's give the guild a show! Come on to the back of the guild where it's more open, hahaha!" He replied with a laugh.
"Hold your horses Gildarts, we still need to do the actual exam first beforehand." Gramps pointed out.
"Tsk, fine. I was all fired up and everything though…" Gildarts mumbled, obviously more than a bit disappointed over it.
"Haha, don't worry Gildarts! You'll have your fun soon enough." Ur reassured him with a warm smile and a pat on the back.
"Thanks Ur." He replied, seemingly feeling better already.
"So who's participating in the exam anyway?" I asked.
"Well you see, the ones who are taking the exam are-"
The next day…
"- Laxus Dreyar, Erza Scarlet, Cana Clive, Ultear Milkovich and Arthur Wulf!" Gramps announced to the guild members.
The whole guild had gathered in the first floor's hall, and had been waiting for the Master to announce the names of this year's S rank promotion exam participants.
Needless to say, there were many groans coming from within the crowd.
"The exam will be held on Fairy Tail's sacred grounds this year, the island of Tenroujima! We shall depart for it by boat in one week's time, the participants of the exam need to take one member of the guild who is not a participant or an S rank mage as a companion and teammate, that person shall be tasked with helping you achieve victory in the competition. Good luck you brats!" Gramps said and walked back to his office with a mug of ale to finish some paperwork.
The guild got all rowdy after that, people were debating who, if anyone would succeed in the exam this time. Most were betting on me being the victor while some were thinking it could be Laxus, Ultear or Cana as they had the backgrounds known as Makarov, Ur and Gildarts. The top three of the guild.
Those who learned to fear Erza also thought of her as having potential of being the victor.
While everyone was talking, Erza came up to me and spoke.
"I didn't expect to get chosen this year, I probably have you to thank for that Arthur." She said.
-"Yes, you have my thanks as well."- Lazarus spoke through telepathy to me.
-"Erza's rapid improvements from your training have started opening new doors within my arsenal of abilities as well after all, hahaha!"- He said with a laugh.
I wonder what that means?
"Erza, you don't have to thank me, you already had the potential to become great even without me helping you." I replied with a smile.
-"And Lazarus, I have no doubt you'll be pleased by your wielder, she'll unlock all of your skills sooner or later!"- I replied to Lazarus though telepathy of my own.
Soon afterwards Natsu showed up and started asking me about what the whole exam thing was about, I tried explaining it by giving Gildarts as an example which basically made him all excited about taking on the exam himself.
"Just you watch! By next year I'll be the newest S rank mage of the guild!" Natsu proclaimed proudly.
When Gray heard that he didn't just stand idly by.
"You? An S rank? Don't make me laugh flame breath, if you could become an S rank mage I'd have to be a wizard saint!" Gray said.
"What's that ice brain?! You pickin a fight?!" Natsu said, outraged at what Gray stated.
"Course I am, you moron!" Gray yelled out bumping foreheads with Natsu as the both of them glared daggers at each other.
"Who you calling a moron you stripper!" Natsu rebuked.
"Who else but you, you clown!" Gray continued.
"Hahahaha!" I simply laughed at the sight of them.
"Haaaa…" Erza sighed "You two…" She proceeded to give them a bone chilling glare which quickly separated them from each other.
"Y-yes miss Erza?" Gray and Natsu said in unison, both whimpering.
"No fighting in the guild. Am I clear?" She continued, still glaring at them and closing in with a few steps.
"Y-Yes!" They both yelled out and proceeded to 'make up' reluctantly by doing a handshake and half hugging each other, a now common sight around here.
"You two are really close aren't you." Ultear said with a smile, she was drinking tea at one of the tables together with Lyon and Cana.
"We're not!" The duo of fire and ice, still in unison exploded in protest.
After a few good laughs over the matter, Lyon suddenly decided to ask a question.
"Hey, does anyone know anything about this Tenroujima?" Lyon asked.
"It's the guild's sacred grounds right? That's about everything I know though." Cana said with a shrug.
"We could just ask the master couldn't we?" Ultear suggested.
"Why do you even care?" Gray asked.
"It's our guilds holy place, why wouldn't we be interested? Aren't you?" Erza asked.
"Not particularly..." Gray replied with an obvious lie.
"So we'll go ask gramps about those secret lands or Tonrojuma or whatever then?" Natsu said, getting the name completely wrong.
"Or you could just ask me?" I gave my own suggestion
"Oh, you know? Go on then, spill the beans!" Ultear said with a smile, obviously excited at hearing about Tenroujima.
"Tenroujima is an island located quite a ways of from the mainland, it's known best as the resting place of Fairy Tail's first guildmaster, Mavis Vermillion. There's a giant tree in the center of it, on top of which there is basically a second island. I heard that some refer to it as an island on top of an island." I explained to the group.
"Whoa!" a collective amazement sounded from everyone.
"That sounds so cool!" Natsu exclaimed.
"The first guild master's resting place... I wonder what kind of person that master was..." Lyon mused.
"I'd ȧssume someone really strong! It's the first guild master after all! The first!" Cana said in excitement.
"A giant tree with a second island on top... I can't wait to witness that!" Ultear smiled.
"Is there anything else to it?" Gray asked.
"Being the grave of the first master, it surely has some kind of protections no?" Erza also asked.
"Hmm... In fact yes, to my knowledge there's a sort of barrier which protects the island from being found by outsiders. There is also a type of magic on it which empowers those who bear the Fairy Tail guild mark, increasing their magic power and preventing their deaths."
"That sounds like a very complicated magic..." Erza said in amazement.
"So if I were to beat this fool to death he'd survive?" Gray asked, pointing to Natsu.
"Wha-" Natsu looked at him in shock and annoyance.
"Well, yes but please don't beat each other to death..." I replied, giving them a helpless smile.
"You think YOU could beat me ice boy!?" Natsu yelled at him.
"Why don't we have a go then? HUH?!" Gray said glaring at Natsu.
"Put on some clothes first!" Ultear pointed out.
Without anyone realizing when, me included, Gray had stripped down to his boxers.
"Huh?" He looked himself over and realized the blunder.
"See? You're just a stripper! Hahaha!" Natsu said with a laugh, pointing at Gray.
"Why you... I oughta-" before Gray could continue, Erza knocked the both of them out with two heavy blows to the head, they fell motionless on the ground as if they had turned into corpses...
She then turned back to us like nothing had happened.
"We need to take a teammate with us right? I'll take Gray." She stated.
"Oh, ok then. Guess I'll take Natsu in that case." I said
"Hmm... Who should I ask in that case...?" Ultear mused, entering a thinking position.
"I-If you'd like, I could accompany you...?" Lyon said, seemingly a bit embarrassed about asking.
Hooo? What's this I see?
"Oh, sure! That sounds like fun, let's freeze our way to the top!" Ultear said with a smile.
That's an interesting pair for sure.
"How about you Cana? You got anyone in mind?" Erza asked.
"Hmm... nope, I'll have to hurry up and find someone! See you guys later!" She said and went on her way.
"Alright, see you later!" I waved her goodbye.
She actually lied, I wonder who she'll ask to go with?
Ultear then stood up.
"Well with that settled, I think we all ought to go train with our partners separately and come up with tactics for our pairs! Good luck you guys, come on Lyon let's go." She said and took Lyon's hand pulling him up from the table
"Ah! R-right let's go... Just us..." He suddenly turned red, but still followed along marching like a good little soldier.
I simply gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
Good luck brother!
"What are you doing a thumbs up for?" Erza asked, seeming a bit confused.
"It's nothing, just a thing among us men." I said with a grin plastered on my face.
"Huh, I see... Well I'll be off now. Good luck Arthur." Erza said and dragged the unconscious Gray out of the guild.
That leaves me and Natsu, who is also out for the count currently...
I'll tell him we're not really doing the exam when we get there I guess, this guy will spill everything if I told him now...
And thus, I now await for Natsu to awaken...
this ought to be fun!
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