Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 4 - Confrontation! Enemy? Or Friend?
Could she have used Dark magic?!
Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover's Dark magic… Yes that would make sense as to why she could break my barrier spell so easily.
That spell she used even looked like Yami's signature move…
The {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked: Lightless Slash}.
It was never specified as to why in the manga of Black Clover but Word Soul magic could not block Dark magic…
Then this can only mean that she's… Another player… Another participant of the game of the gods!
UGHHHH!!! Damn those bloody sadists! Could they have set this up? But wait Horse face said I'd be on my own after I come to Earthland…
so then what kind of coincidence is this?! We're talking about a large world like Earthland! And another worlder like her ended up in the same village as me!
Well now that I think about it just because he said I'd be on my own doesn't necessarily mean that the other gods promised the same thing now does it?
They could have easily manipulated Zeref's cultists into attacking her town while she's out on a boat with her family! They are gods after all.
Whatever it is that happened it doesn't really matter! Fact is my new friend Lilith is one of my enemies… The ones I'm destined to kill.
She doesn't seem to know that I am another participant like her for now.
It's not like she knows anything about this world and its magic so I should be saf-
Oh crap. I did decide to boast and say that probably no one other than me can use Word Soul magic didn't I?
And also… The fact I'm a 3 year old who knows so much about magic is weird no matter how you look at it! Even if I were some kind of magic genius!
I guess I can only hope she doesn't come to kill me in my sleep! You know better safe than sorry {DANGER PERCEPTION}!
Now If anyone with ill intentions towards me comes anywhere near me in a 10 meter radius I'd know about it. Swe-… Well considering I'm using it to defend myself against a friend I guess it's not so sweet…
When I see her tomorrow I can only hope that she's dense and has no idea who I am I guess? Pff… Like that would ever happen… What is this an anime? Anyway I'm going to {SLEEP}
(The next day)
I ate breakfast and did my new daily routine. Now it's time I go confront Lilith at the meeting place…
Will we fight? Or will she call for a truce…
I don't know if I'm ready for my first life or death battle… That just sounds scary! And I'm talking about fighting a three year old girl here! Well I'm also a 3 year old but that's beside the point!… Anyway I better get ready!
Oh my strawberry sweet cake! SHE'S ACTUALLY THAT DENSE?!
"Hey! Good morning Arthur! How are you feeling today? Your shoulder doesn't hurt anymore does it…?" Lilith seemed genuinely worried about me.
"No you don't need to worry about that anymore. I did tell you It was healed didn't I?"
I came here expecting a {Dark Magic: Dimension Slash} to the face. Instead I'm greeted by a concerned Lilith and a sleepy Matthew…
I cast {DANGER PERCEPTION} and {TRUTH PERCEPTION} before I came here so I know she has no ill or harmful intentions towards me and that she's not lying about being concerned...
She really doesn't even suspect me then?
"Hey Matt, did you not get enough sleep? What's up?" I decided I'd just talk with Matthew and continue on with our original plans. And just in case something does come up I'll keep both spells active.
"Ahhh… Well ya see Arthur I spend the whole night in deep meditation! Yes…" BZZZ! That's a lie.
"Did you really?" I gave him the 'I don't believe you in the slightest' look.
"Well no… Truthfully I was worried you would be mad at us." Now that's true, but mad at what?
"What would I be mad about?"
"Well… Because of Lily… I thought you might hate us now and not want to hang out with us anymore… So I couldn't sleep all night worrying." Oh. So that's what he was worried about! At least this one is definitely a kid. A nice kid.
"I'm sorry…" And now she's apologizing again…
"Look, I'm pretty sure I already made it very clear that the whole problem with me getting hurt was my own fault! If I hadn't been that ċȯċky and underestimate both of you I wouldn't have been hurt in the first place. I healed myself immediately anyway so forget about it already… All this apologizing and worrying is just making me feel awkward so stop okay?"
"So you're still gonna hang with us and teach us about magic!?" He's so excited now!
"So is that the reason you were afraid I wouldn't hang with you anymore?"
"W-what?! O-of course not!" BZZZ! You don't even need to tell me Truth perception ~san… It's that obvious!
"Okay, if you say so." I am an ȧduŀt so I won't be mad over something like this.
"Phew." He seriously just let out a sigh of relief didn't he? Kids his age only think of what they want I guess… We only just met too so I can't blame him too much for feeling that way I guess.
"So Arthur, what are we doing today?" Lilith asked
"Ah well I though you guys should also start some physical training along with meditating. For now you can run together with me. {ENDURANCE UP} This spell gives me a higher amount of stamina to work with so it's quite helpful for training purposes!"
"Wow. Your magic can really do anything can't it! Compared to that all I have is some lightning…"
"And what's so bad about that Matt? You get to shoot lighting with your hands! I think that's pretty damn cool don't you?"
"Well yeah I guess it is! *Grin*" Well that was easy.
"Anyway let me cast my spell on you two {ENDURANCE UP}!"
"Hmm? I don't feel anything."
"Me neither."
What's going on? Why won't my magic activate?
Could it be that I can't cast status effect type spells on other people?
The Devil even though he was as strong as he was, couldn't simply say {DIE} and kill everyone…
Perhaps this is the same thing? So my magic can't cause status effects on other people. Well I guess every day you learn something new huh? Anyway…
"It would seem that my magic can't cause status effects on other people… Be it negative or positive."
"Is that so? So then we won't be able to do the physical training?" Lilith asked
"Oh no you're still doing it! Just an easier version of it that you can handle."
"Okay then let's do-"
"No! I want to do the harder version! I couldn't break your barrier yesterday but I'll one up you on this one at least!" Matthew is all fired up now! But can he actually do the toned down Saitama training?
"Are you sure? It's not that easy for us to do without reinforcement magic you know. We are young after all." It's probably better if he didn't.
"Yes I'm totally sure! Now tell me what I need to do." Okay then fine.
"Okay you'll come with me and we'll do 100 squats, 100 sit ups and 100 pushups and then a 5 kilometer run! EVERY SINGLE DAY from now on! Got it?" That should scare him good! Hehehe.
"Okay then you're on! Let's do this!" He actually started doing pushups!
"H-hey you need to do those in sessions of 10 understood? The other two you should do in sessions of 20." At least I'll tell him how to do it so he doesn't exhaust himself completely too fast.
"Right!" A good reply. Sweet!
"Lily you try doing half of that if you want."
"No If both you and Matt are going to do the full thing then so will I!" And she starts doing pushups. Okay I give up. Guess I'll start too…
"Oh right! This is important, try to absorb Ethernano as you train! It's like killing two birds with one stone that way. It's not nearly as effective for me at least but you might have better luck. Either way it still helps."
"Right!" they replied together.
After we finished with our exercises and did our 5 kilometer run, the three of us collapsed from exhaustion under the tree and rested for a while.
My Ethernano absorption during training has improved slightly! Now it's 3/10 of what I usually get from meditating. Speaking of which!
"Okay guys let's do some magic power training and call it a day."
"Okay!" "I'm down!" They replied
At some point after we started meditating it turned dark and we were fast asleep under the big tree. Our parents got really worried and went out to search for us.
After they found us snuggled up together sleeping under the tree they apparently had a good laugh about it and brought us to our homes.
Needless to say I was scolded badly for sleeping outside in the morning by mom…
(Earthland X770: Roseyard village)
Two years have passed and now I'm five years old!
During this time we didn't slack at all on our mage training and I can proudly say that we are now capable of doing Saitama's daily training easily! The full thing and three times a day too!
Also about a year ago I was finally able to absorb as much Ethernano during physical training as I do during meditation effectively doubling my gains!
Recently the other two were also able to grasp it.
So we're doing pretty well as of right now if I do say so myself!
Lilith hasn't shown any signs of hostility or of knowing that I'm another participant and we've become good friends.
Horse face did say that you can team up with others anyway so I guess this is fine.
As I am now I can cast some strong offensive magic if I need to.
I also gave Lilith a Katana to use together with her Dark magic since it seemed like Yami did pretty darn well with a katana in the Black clover verse.
I made it with Word Soul magic and gave it physical properties instead of magical. So it's a really good sword!
Last year she was able to cut down trees with her {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash} now she can even cut boulders in half!
As for Matthew he also made some improvements!
He can create and freely control balls of lightning! Right now he can make four of them at a time and they're pretty fast and pack a real punch!
Also they can blow up! He could even managed smash a boulder into pieces with one of their explosions.
I have to say he's a rare talent. While me and Lilith have the unfair advantage called 'spinning the wheel of fate once' and being reincarnated with all of our memories intact.
He's just a normal five year old kid with lightning magic yet he's been able to keep up with Lilith until now.
A true genius!
When the two of them spar it's hard to say who will win.
Currently they're tied at 49 wins and 49 losses each! And yes you guessed it.
It's time for a tie breaker!
"Are you two ready? Like always if it gets too dangerous I'm going to stop either one of you and declare a winner."
"I'm so ready!"
Well since you've both said so…
"3… 2… 1… Fight!"
The fight begins with Lilith charging at Matthew while unsheathing her katana and cloaking it in dark magic.
Matthew makes two balls of lightning and then steps on top of them effectively making himself a pair of shoes! When did he learn to do that?! Sweet!
"How do you like my new trick?! I call it {Lightning Shoes}!"
"It's pretty impressive! Let's see how good your dodging is with those!"
Lilith swings her katana horizontally and then vertically creating a cross slash attack!
"{Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Cross}!"
Matthew suddenly disappeared from Lilith's field of vision dodging her cross slash!
While she couldn't see him… I could!
And he was right above her!
"You're mine now Lily! {Thunder Orb}!"
Matthew creates 2 more orbs and sends them both fly at Lilith from above!
"Hmpf! You think you've got me cornered with just that? I have an ace in the hole for this match too you know! {Dark Magic: Black Hole}!
Both of Matthew's Thunder orbs get devoured inside of the black hole!
She was actually able to master it just from the little hint I gave her? Amazing!
"W-What!? You ate my Thunder orbs!"
"I'll do more than just that! {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash}!"
"You think being midair and without a foot hold to jump and dodge from is going to stop me!? Think again! BEHOLD my fifth orb!"
He actually hid a fifth one behind his back!?
The lightless slash was flying towards the fifth thunder orb and they collided!
After a small explosion of electricity and darkness mixing together both fighters were again standing facing of each other from a distance!
"Since when can you make a 5th one Matty?"
"For a while now actually! I've just been saving it for my 50th win!"
"Hooo quite confident aren't you! I'm willing to bet you have another trump card saved up! So don't be shy and let's see it!"
Lilith starts compressing dark magic into the tip of her sword and charges forward!
"You're on Lily!"
Matthew does the same only he compresses lighting magic into his fist and charges with his inhuman speed!
"{Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Thrust}!"
"{Lightning Clap Fist}!"
The two attacks clashed with the sound of a loud thunder strike resounding across the forest!
Now both of them are standing facing each other with no magic visible on their bodies or elsewhere.
They spend all of their magic power on the last attack!
It would seem that this is the end!
"Good job Matty. You won the fiftieth match…"
After saying so Lilith collapses into unconsciousness.
"Winner: Matthew!"
And now the idiot is also down.
"Good job both of you! I'm surprised you managed to learn so many new tricks behind my back!" I was genuinely proud of them. I guess this is what it's like to be a teacher seeing his students have grown!
Well tomorrow is a new day again. And I can't wait to see what they surprise me with next!
Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover's Dark magic… Yes that would make sense as to why she could break my barrier spell so easily.
That spell she used even looked like Yami's signature move…
The {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked: Lightless Slash}.
It was never specified as to why in the manga of Black Clover but Word Soul magic could not block Dark magic…
Then this can only mean that she's… Another player… Another participant of the game of the gods!
UGHHHH!!! Damn those bloody sadists! Could they have set this up? But wait Horse face said I'd be on my own after I come to Earthland…
so then what kind of coincidence is this?! We're talking about a large world like Earthland! And another worlder like her ended up in the same village as me!
Well now that I think about it just because he said I'd be on my own doesn't necessarily mean that the other gods promised the same thing now does it?
They could have easily manipulated Zeref's cultists into attacking her town while she's out on a boat with her family! They are gods after all.
Whatever it is that happened it doesn't really matter! Fact is my new friend Lilith is one of my enemies… The ones I'm destined to kill.
She doesn't seem to know that I am another participant like her for now.
It's not like she knows anything about this world and its magic so I should be saf-
Oh crap. I did decide to boast and say that probably no one other than me can use Word Soul magic didn't I?
And also… The fact I'm a 3 year old who knows so much about magic is weird no matter how you look at it! Even if I were some kind of magic genius!
I guess I can only hope she doesn't come to kill me in my sleep! You know better safe than sorry {DANGER PERCEPTION}!
Now If anyone with ill intentions towards me comes anywhere near me in a 10 meter radius I'd know about it. Swe-… Well considering I'm using it to defend myself against a friend I guess it's not so sweet…
When I see her tomorrow I can only hope that she's dense and has no idea who I am I guess? Pff… Like that would ever happen… What is this an anime? Anyway I'm going to {SLEEP}
(The next day)
I ate breakfast and did my new daily routine. Now it's time I go confront Lilith at the meeting place…
Will we fight? Or will she call for a truce…
I don't know if I'm ready for my first life or death battle… That just sounds scary! And I'm talking about fighting a three year old girl here! Well I'm also a 3 year old but that's beside the point!… Anyway I better get ready!
Oh my strawberry sweet cake! SHE'S ACTUALLY THAT DENSE?!
"Hey! Good morning Arthur! How are you feeling today? Your shoulder doesn't hurt anymore does it…?" Lilith seemed genuinely worried about me.
"No you don't need to worry about that anymore. I did tell you It was healed didn't I?"
I came here expecting a {Dark Magic: Dimension Slash} to the face. Instead I'm greeted by a concerned Lilith and a sleepy Matthew…
I cast {DANGER PERCEPTION} and {TRUTH PERCEPTION} before I came here so I know she has no ill or harmful intentions towards me and that she's not lying about being concerned...
She really doesn't even suspect me then?
"Hey Matt, did you not get enough sleep? What's up?" I decided I'd just talk with Matthew and continue on with our original plans. And just in case something does come up I'll keep both spells active.
"Ahhh… Well ya see Arthur I spend the whole night in deep meditation! Yes…" BZZZ! That's a lie.
"Did you really?" I gave him the 'I don't believe you in the slightest' look.
"Well no… Truthfully I was worried you would be mad at us." Now that's true, but mad at what?
"What would I be mad about?"
"Well… Because of Lily… I thought you might hate us now and not want to hang out with us anymore… So I couldn't sleep all night worrying." Oh. So that's what he was worried about! At least this one is definitely a kid. A nice kid.
"I'm sorry…" And now she's apologizing again…
"Look, I'm pretty sure I already made it very clear that the whole problem with me getting hurt was my own fault! If I hadn't been that ċȯċky and underestimate both of you I wouldn't have been hurt in the first place. I healed myself immediately anyway so forget about it already… All this apologizing and worrying is just making me feel awkward so stop okay?"
"So you're still gonna hang with us and teach us about magic!?" He's so excited now!
"So is that the reason you were afraid I wouldn't hang with you anymore?"
"W-what?! O-of course not!" BZZZ! You don't even need to tell me Truth perception ~san… It's that obvious!
"Okay, if you say so." I am an ȧduŀt so I won't be mad over something like this.
"Phew." He seriously just let out a sigh of relief didn't he? Kids his age only think of what they want I guess… We only just met too so I can't blame him too much for feeling that way I guess.
"So Arthur, what are we doing today?" Lilith asked
"Ah well I though you guys should also start some physical training along with meditating. For now you can run together with me. {ENDURANCE UP} This spell gives me a higher amount of stamina to work with so it's quite helpful for training purposes!"
"Wow. Your magic can really do anything can't it! Compared to that all I have is some lightning…"
"And what's so bad about that Matt? You get to shoot lighting with your hands! I think that's pretty damn cool don't you?"
"Well yeah I guess it is! *Grin*" Well that was easy.
"Anyway let me cast my spell on you two {ENDURANCE UP}!"
"Hmm? I don't feel anything."
"Me neither."
What's going on? Why won't my magic activate?
Could it be that I can't cast status effect type spells on other people?
The Devil even though he was as strong as he was, couldn't simply say {DIE} and kill everyone…
Perhaps this is the same thing? So my magic can't cause status effects on other people. Well I guess every day you learn something new huh? Anyway…
"It would seem that my magic can't cause status effects on other people… Be it negative or positive."
"Is that so? So then we won't be able to do the physical training?" Lilith asked
"Oh no you're still doing it! Just an easier version of it that you can handle."
"Okay then let's do-"
"No! I want to do the harder version! I couldn't break your barrier yesterday but I'll one up you on this one at least!" Matthew is all fired up now! But can he actually do the toned down Saitama training?
"Are you sure? It's not that easy for us to do without reinforcement magic you know. We are young after all." It's probably better if he didn't.
"Yes I'm totally sure! Now tell me what I need to do." Okay then fine.
"Okay you'll come with me and we'll do 100 squats, 100 sit ups and 100 pushups and then a 5 kilometer run! EVERY SINGLE DAY from now on! Got it?" That should scare him good! Hehehe.
"Okay then you're on! Let's do this!" He actually started doing pushups!
"H-hey you need to do those in sessions of 10 understood? The other two you should do in sessions of 20." At least I'll tell him how to do it so he doesn't exhaust himself completely too fast.
"Right!" A good reply. Sweet!
"Lily you try doing half of that if you want."
"No If both you and Matt are going to do the full thing then so will I!" And she starts doing pushups. Okay I give up. Guess I'll start too…
"Oh right! This is important, try to absorb Ethernano as you train! It's like killing two birds with one stone that way. It's not nearly as effective for me at least but you might have better luck. Either way it still helps."
"Right!" they replied together.
After we finished with our exercises and did our 5 kilometer run, the three of us collapsed from exhaustion under the tree and rested for a while.
My Ethernano absorption during training has improved slightly! Now it's 3/10 of what I usually get from meditating. Speaking of which!
"Okay guys let's do some magic power training and call it a day."
"Okay!" "I'm down!" They replied
At some point after we started meditating it turned dark and we were fast asleep under the big tree. Our parents got really worried and went out to search for us.
After they found us snuggled up together sleeping under the tree they apparently had a good laugh about it and brought us to our homes.
Needless to say I was scolded badly for sleeping outside in the morning by mom…
(Earthland X770: Roseyard village)
Two years have passed and now I'm five years old!
During this time we didn't slack at all on our mage training and I can proudly say that we are now capable of doing Saitama's daily training easily! The full thing and three times a day too!
Also about a year ago I was finally able to absorb as much Ethernano during physical training as I do during meditation effectively doubling my gains!
Recently the other two were also able to grasp it.
So we're doing pretty well as of right now if I do say so myself!
Lilith hasn't shown any signs of hostility or of knowing that I'm another participant and we've become good friends.
Horse face did say that you can team up with others anyway so I guess this is fine.
As I am now I can cast some strong offensive magic if I need to.
I also gave Lilith a Katana to use together with her Dark magic since it seemed like Yami did pretty darn well with a katana in the Black clover verse.
I made it with Word Soul magic and gave it physical properties instead of magical. So it's a really good sword!
Last year she was able to cut down trees with her {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash} now she can even cut boulders in half!
As for Matthew he also made some improvements!
He can create and freely control balls of lightning! Right now he can make four of them at a time and they're pretty fast and pack a real punch!
Also they can blow up! He could even managed smash a boulder into pieces with one of their explosions.
I have to say he's a rare talent. While me and Lilith have the unfair advantage called 'spinning the wheel of fate once' and being reincarnated with all of our memories intact.
He's just a normal five year old kid with lightning magic yet he's been able to keep up with Lilith until now.
A true genius!
When the two of them spar it's hard to say who will win.
Currently they're tied at 49 wins and 49 losses each! And yes you guessed it.
It's time for a tie breaker!
"Are you two ready? Like always if it gets too dangerous I'm going to stop either one of you and declare a winner."
"I'm so ready!"
Well since you've both said so…
"3… 2… 1… Fight!"
The fight begins with Lilith charging at Matthew while unsheathing her katana and cloaking it in dark magic.
Matthew makes two balls of lightning and then steps on top of them effectively making himself a pair of shoes! When did he learn to do that?! Sweet!
"How do you like my new trick?! I call it {Lightning Shoes}!"
"It's pretty impressive! Let's see how good your dodging is with those!"
Lilith swings her katana horizontally and then vertically creating a cross slash attack!
"{Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Cross}!"
Matthew suddenly disappeared from Lilith's field of vision dodging her cross slash!
While she couldn't see him… I could!
And he was right above her!
"You're mine now Lily! {Thunder Orb}!"
Matthew creates 2 more orbs and sends them both fly at Lilith from above!
"Hmpf! You think you've got me cornered with just that? I have an ace in the hole for this match too you know! {Dark Magic: Black Hole}!
Both of Matthew's Thunder orbs get devoured inside of the black hole!
She was actually able to master it just from the little hint I gave her? Amazing!
"W-What!? You ate my Thunder orbs!"
"I'll do more than just that! {Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash}!"
"You think being midair and without a foot hold to jump and dodge from is going to stop me!? Think again! BEHOLD my fifth orb!"
He actually hid a fifth one behind his back!?
The lightless slash was flying towards the fifth thunder orb and they collided!
After a small explosion of electricity and darkness mixing together both fighters were again standing facing of each other from a distance!
"Since when can you make a 5th one Matty?"
"For a while now actually! I've just been saving it for my 50th win!"
"Hooo quite confident aren't you! I'm willing to bet you have another trump card saved up! So don't be shy and let's see it!"
Lilith starts compressing dark magic into the tip of her sword and charges forward!
"You're on Lily!"
Matthew does the same only he compresses lighting magic into his fist and charges with his inhuman speed!
"{Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Thrust}!"
"{Lightning Clap Fist}!"
The two attacks clashed with the sound of a loud thunder strike resounding across the forest!
Now both of them are standing facing each other with no magic visible on their bodies or elsewhere.
They spend all of their magic power on the last attack!
It would seem that this is the end!
"Good job Matty. You won the fiftieth match…"
After saying so Lilith collapses into unconsciousness.
"Winner: Matthew!"
And now the idiot is also down.
"Good job both of you! I'm surprised you managed to learn so many new tricks behind my back!" I was genuinely proud of them. I guess this is what it's like to be a teacher seeing his students have grown!
Well tomorrow is a new day again. And I can't wait to see what they surprise me with next!
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