Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 44 - An expected visitor, with an unexpected identity.
The man was gone as soon as he appeared, as if he were no more than a ghost.
"He's gone…" Makarov muttered.
It wasn't long before the event was forgotten and the merry atmosphere of the guild returned, no one seemed to mind or pay any heed to the man in white.
Gildarts on the other hand, walked up to the old master.
"What does that guy want with our Arthur…?" Gildarts whispered to Makarov, obviously concerned.
"I don't know… But that guy… Did you see him move?" Makarov asked.
"Not in the slightest, the moment he turned his back he was gone…" Gildarts replied.
"This seems troublesome…" Makarov muttered.
The pale looking man had vanished from the guild hall without anyone even noticing when he did so.
No one noticed, not the eight ranked Wizard saint Makarov Dreyar, not the Ice mage compared to be on the same level as the saints, Ur Milkovich, or even the Ace of Fairy tail himself, Gildarts Clive.
"He's strong alright, my gut says so. But that begs the question… Why would someone like that need Arthur for anything if he were on such a high level?" Gildarts commented on the matter at hand.
"Hopefully it's nothing bad." Ur chimed in, walking to the two men from where she stood previously.
"Mmm… We'd better warn Arthur once he's back." Makarov said, to which the two S ranks nodded.
To someone whom they couldn't even follow the movements of, they did not want to antagonize such a person.
Gildarts himself was confident of putting up a fight, however he doubted his victory.
Even less could be said for the other two.
And so, the day passed as night fell and the morning sun rose over the horizon.
(Arthur POV)
New day, non-sleep deprived me, new training regime!
I feel great! Guess sleeping for more than half a day was good for me. Yup, definitely.
Either way, I soon got out of bed and strolled down to the Guild hall. I could have teleported, yes, but a walk in the morning is always refreshing!
I arrived pretty early, the hall was mostly empty besides the fact it was quite messy.
Master's punishment on me has already ended, though I still make it a habit to clean the hall after something happens.
With magic specifically.
Hell nah am I doing it by hand ever again!
"{Clean}, {Repair}, {Fix}." I uttered those three words, bringing the hall from a dirtied, smelling of alcohol, busted up hall to a nice cleanly polished one that was so different that were you to look at the two versions separately you wouldn't be able to make the connection that they're the same place.
That's the norm here.
Because they don't have to clean it… They go wild…
Gramps didn't even let me stop them previously, saying they should have their fun and I should have my punishment!
Glad that's over honestly.
Oh, that's the second time I say that… Never mind…
Maybe I should force them to clean it next time? We'll see…
As I walked further in the guildhall, I suddenly heard Ur's voice.
"Yo! Arthy! Good morn! Get some sleep?" She said with a grin from the second floor of the guildhall.
"Yo, good morning to you too Ur! How's the training going?" I asked with a smile.
"It's all good on our end! Though, there's something we need to talk about from yesterday. Mind coming up for a sec?" She said, gesturing me toward the stairs to the second floor.
"Alright." I nodded and walked up to the second floor.
There, I was greeted by Gildarts, Gramps and Ur herself who called me up here.
"What's up? Is there a job you want me on perhaps?" I inquired.
"No Arthur, I'm not sure if it's a job or not but we wanted to warn you about something that happened yesterday." Gildarts said.
"Yes, we had a certain visitor come by yesterday while you were gone." Ur spoke as well.
"Visitor? What's this got to do with me?" I asked, a bit confused.
"Have you by chance, antagonized or come into contact with anyone dangerous in recent times?" Gramps asked.
"Uhmm…? Did someone like that come by yesterday?" I replied with a question.
If either one of them had truth perception then it would have probably rang, were I to say no… I would prefer if they didn't worry about me meeting Zeref and what not.
Since, he's kinda a big deal here and all…
Also I'm a terrible liar.
"Yes, most certainly it was someone dangerous. A man with a white coat and black hair, part of his bangs fell between his eyes which were dark green in color. His skin was quite pale to say the least... Ring any bells?" Gramps asked.
"Hmm… Nope, not in the slightest." I replied, confused for a moment.
Who might that have been?
"He was asking for you in particular, when he found out you weren't here and we didn't know your location he simply left." Ur explained.
"I see… So what's the big deal? Just some guy, maybe he wanted to request me for a job?" I gave my thoughts on the matter.
"That's what we thought too at first, however. I kind of doubt it, someone like him wouldn't need your help after all." Ur said.
"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked.
"He moved too fast Arthur. He vanished from the guild the second he turned his back, no one even noticed he was gone until a second later. He was THAT fast!" Gildarts said, looking to me with a serious expression.
"W-Whoa…" I uttered in amazement.
For someone to escape these three's perception with nothing but sheer speed…
Could it have been the envoy that Zeref spoke about?
I can't think of anything else this would be related to…
"This is why we're warning you, and also asking what you know about this person." Gildarts spoke again.
"… I'm not sure, he might just want my help with a more specific matter no? Even if he's strong there are things I can do that a strong person cannot, just because he's strong or the like. For instance, while Gildarts can't repair a broken artifact. I can. Maybe it's like that?" I gave an opinion that would perhaps calm them down.
I don't know what Zeref send this guy for, but I can't tell anyone about it.
The gods are watching, after all.
I have no idea how they'd react to what's basically a rebellion… The fact Zeref didn't give me anything to protect myself with from them finding out should mean they can't just read my mind and find out, or perhaps they just don't do that as a whole.
Either way, I can't speak of this without Zeref's warding…
"Mmm… You could be right, but I simply want you to be on guard when he shows up again." Gramps said, to which I nodded.
"Of course." I replied.
The day passed as it would normally, our group of friends got together for a bit before Ur and Gildarts took them all for training.
I think those two are having way too much fun with this…
Either way, once everyone left and it was just me and Erza we decided to act on what I promised her yesterday, albeit she didn't hear me… Lazarus had told her though so I guess that's just as good?
We spend most of our time up until four PM training in one versus one duels, with me mostly attacking while Erza was on the defense.
She managed to close the gap between us more than a few times but I simply created a bigger one with teleport.
Once I went on defense entirely, to see how she'd fight when being to one with the advantage, she ended up making mistakes that were it not for future sight, she'd definitely have been put down by my counter attacks.
By the end of the session she was exhausted. And who could blame her? We did the whole thing inside a three times normal gravity area.
To someone who's watched dragon ball it may not seem like much, but remember. Simply twice the amount of normal gravity is already very taxing on the people of Earthland.
We're not blood thirsty Saiyans after all.
After we had concluded the training we headed back to the guild to rest, our friends had also been resting after a long day's work out!
We had some food to eat and a few drinks, nothing alcoholic, and just spend our time having fun at the guildhall with everyone else.
Well, as much fun as a group of overly fatigued kids can have I guess…
At last I'm not fatigued! Look on the bright side right? Hahaha…
Whelp that's kinda mean.
About an hour after we came to the guild…
Magnolia town, Fairy Tail Guild hall, 5 PM on the 3rd of January in the year X778.
That was the time and location, when my understanding of the God's game changed. Something I had failed to even consider happened on this day…
And that thing, might be the biggest factor in this game.
The guildhall doors had been opened, the man whom I had been warned about walked in for a second time.
"Oh, it's that guy again! From yesterday!" Macao exclaimed.
"Yo! Pale dude! Arthur's here this time, so you're in luck! Hahaha!" Wakaba joked.
Gramps, Gildarts and Ur seemed to tense up, waiting to see what this person might want from me.
I stood up and walked up to him, we met at the center of the hall and thus became the center of attention.
Needless to say, the pale looking guy in the white coat was most certainly a game participant.
He had a black aura all around him, though he was definitely an ȧduŀt…
He was probably… 170 cm tall? I wonder what that's about…
Perhaps it's an ability of his?
Either way he looks oddly familiar… I just can't put it into words…
"You wanted to meet with me?" I simply asked.
"You're Arthur Wulf, I presume?" The man asked.
"Indeed I am. Sup?" I asked, wondering why he was getting more and more familiar.
"I have a job request for you. Would you mind if we talked in private? There are quite a few eyes here and I'd prefer that I only spoke to you." He asked, obviously not wanting to mention Zeref to the rest of the guild.
Gildarts and Ur seemed like they were about to step in and say something, but gramps stopped them.
"Sure thing, you mind if I pick the location?" I replied with a question of my own.
"Of course." A monotone reply.
"{Gate}. Come on through then." I gestured him to walk through, doing the action myself all the while.
All things considered I can probably ȧssume he won't attack me. Seeing as Zeref wanted to work together, perhaps this envoy will ask something of me? As he did mention a job, though I'm unsure whether that's just a cover story for me or not.
We appeared in the forest where me and Erza had trained today, I had prepared to lead him here since the beginning and I've also laid quite the number of traps in case things got ugly…
"So then, what does Zeref want from me exactly?" I asked bluntly.
"I will inform you shortly, first off. I believe a proper introduction is due." The man said indifferently, looking to me with hands placed behind his back.
All of a sudden, what seemed to be an illusion dispersed from around the man.
His already pale skin turned white, as white as snow even. His dark green eyes took the form of slits, similar to that of a cat's as two straight lines descended down across his cheeks from his eyes. A white, bone like broken horned helmet now stood on the top left side of his head.
The last thing that appeared was a hole at the base of his throat.
Looking at the man's new appearance…
I froze.
Shivers ran down my spine while looking at the man's emotionless eyes, unable to move, unable to breathe.
"My name is Ulquiorra Cifer. It is a pŀėȧsurė to finally meet you, human." Ulquiorra said, introducing himself.
Is a participant of the game?!
"He's gone…" Makarov muttered.
It wasn't long before the event was forgotten and the merry atmosphere of the guild returned, no one seemed to mind or pay any heed to the man in white.
Gildarts on the other hand, walked up to the old master.
"What does that guy want with our Arthur…?" Gildarts whispered to Makarov, obviously concerned.
"I don't know… But that guy… Did you see him move?" Makarov asked.
"Not in the slightest, the moment he turned his back he was gone…" Gildarts replied.
"This seems troublesome…" Makarov muttered.
The pale looking man had vanished from the guild hall without anyone even noticing when he did so.
No one noticed, not the eight ranked Wizard saint Makarov Dreyar, not the Ice mage compared to be on the same level as the saints, Ur Milkovich, or even the Ace of Fairy tail himself, Gildarts Clive.
"He's strong alright, my gut says so. But that begs the question… Why would someone like that need Arthur for anything if he were on such a high level?" Gildarts commented on the matter at hand.
"Hopefully it's nothing bad." Ur chimed in, walking to the two men from where she stood previously.
"Mmm… We'd better warn Arthur once he's back." Makarov said, to which the two S ranks nodded.
To someone whom they couldn't even follow the movements of, they did not want to antagonize such a person.
Gildarts himself was confident of putting up a fight, however he doubted his victory.
Even less could be said for the other two.
And so, the day passed as night fell and the morning sun rose over the horizon.
(Arthur POV)
New day, non-sleep deprived me, new training regime!
I feel great! Guess sleeping for more than half a day was good for me. Yup, definitely.
Either way, I soon got out of bed and strolled down to the Guild hall. I could have teleported, yes, but a walk in the morning is always refreshing!
I arrived pretty early, the hall was mostly empty besides the fact it was quite messy.
Master's punishment on me has already ended, though I still make it a habit to clean the hall after something happens.
With magic specifically.
Hell nah am I doing it by hand ever again!
"{Clean}, {Repair}, {Fix}." I uttered those three words, bringing the hall from a dirtied, smelling of alcohol, busted up hall to a nice cleanly polished one that was so different that were you to look at the two versions separately you wouldn't be able to make the connection that they're the same place.
That's the norm here.
Because they don't have to clean it… They go wild…
Gramps didn't even let me stop them previously, saying they should have their fun and I should have my punishment!
Glad that's over honestly.
Oh, that's the second time I say that… Never mind…
Maybe I should force them to clean it next time? We'll see…
As I walked further in the guildhall, I suddenly heard Ur's voice.
"Yo! Arthy! Good morn! Get some sleep?" She said with a grin from the second floor of the guildhall.
"Yo, good morning to you too Ur! How's the training going?" I asked with a smile.
"It's all good on our end! Though, there's something we need to talk about from yesterday. Mind coming up for a sec?" She said, gesturing me toward the stairs to the second floor.
"Alright." I nodded and walked up to the second floor.
There, I was greeted by Gildarts, Gramps and Ur herself who called me up here.
"What's up? Is there a job you want me on perhaps?" I inquired.
"No Arthur, I'm not sure if it's a job or not but we wanted to warn you about something that happened yesterday." Gildarts said.
"Yes, we had a certain visitor come by yesterday while you were gone." Ur spoke as well.
"Visitor? What's this got to do with me?" I asked, a bit confused.
"Have you by chance, antagonized or come into contact with anyone dangerous in recent times?" Gramps asked.
"Uhmm…? Did someone like that come by yesterday?" I replied with a question.
If either one of them had truth perception then it would have probably rang, were I to say no… I would prefer if they didn't worry about me meeting Zeref and what not.
Since, he's kinda a big deal here and all…
Also I'm a terrible liar.
"Yes, most certainly it was someone dangerous. A man with a white coat and black hair, part of his bangs fell between his eyes which were dark green in color. His skin was quite pale to say the least... Ring any bells?" Gramps asked.
"Hmm… Nope, not in the slightest." I replied, confused for a moment.
Who might that have been?
"He was asking for you in particular, when he found out you weren't here and we didn't know your location he simply left." Ur explained.
"I see… So what's the big deal? Just some guy, maybe he wanted to request me for a job?" I gave my thoughts on the matter.
"That's what we thought too at first, however. I kind of doubt it, someone like him wouldn't need your help after all." Ur said.
"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked.
"He moved too fast Arthur. He vanished from the guild the second he turned his back, no one even noticed he was gone until a second later. He was THAT fast!" Gildarts said, looking to me with a serious expression.
"W-Whoa…" I uttered in amazement.
For someone to escape these three's perception with nothing but sheer speed…
Could it have been the envoy that Zeref spoke about?
I can't think of anything else this would be related to…
"This is why we're warning you, and also asking what you know about this person." Gildarts spoke again.
"… I'm not sure, he might just want my help with a more specific matter no? Even if he's strong there are things I can do that a strong person cannot, just because he's strong or the like. For instance, while Gildarts can't repair a broken artifact. I can. Maybe it's like that?" I gave an opinion that would perhaps calm them down.
I don't know what Zeref send this guy for, but I can't tell anyone about it.
The gods are watching, after all.
I have no idea how they'd react to what's basically a rebellion… The fact Zeref didn't give me anything to protect myself with from them finding out should mean they can't just read my mind and find out, or perhaps they just don't do that as a whole.
Either way, I can't speak of this without Zeref's warding…
"Mmm… You could be right, but I simply want you to be on guard when he shows up again." Gramps said, to which I nodded.
"Of course." I replied.
The day passed as it would normally, our group of friends got together for a bit before Ur and Gildarts took them all for training.
I think those two are having way too much fun with this…
Either way, once everyone left and it was just me and Erza we decided to act on what I promised her yesterday, albeit she didn't hear me… Lazarus had told her though so I guess that's just as good?
We spend most of our time up until four PM training in one versus one duels, with me mostly attacking while Erza was on the defense.
She managed to close the gap between us more than a few times but I simply created a bigger one with teleport.
Once I went on defense entirely, to see how she'd fight when being to one with the advantage, she ended up making mistakes that were it not for future sight, she'd definitely have been put down by my counter attacks.
By the end of the session she was exhausted. And who could blame her? We did the whole thing inside a three times normal gravity area.
To someone who's watched dragon ball it may not seem like much, but remember. Simply twice the amount of normal gravity is already very taxing on the people of Earthland.
We're not blood thirsty Saiyans after all.
After we had concluded the training we headed back to the guild to rest, our friends had also been resting after a long day's work out!
We had some food to eat and a few drinks, nothing alcoholic, and just spend our time having fun at the guildhall with everyone else.
Well, as much fun as a group of overly fatigued kids can have I guess…
At last I'm not fatigued! Look on the bright side right? Hahaha…
Whelp that's kinda mean.
About an hour after we came to the guild…
Magnolia town, Fairy Tail Guild hall, 5 PM on the 3rd of January in the year X778.
That was the time and location, when my understanding of the God's game changed. Something I had failed to even consider happened on this day…
And that thing, might be the biggest factor in this game.
The guildhall doors had been opened, the man whom I had been warned about walked in for a second time.
"Oh, it's that guy again! From yesterday!" Macao exclaimed.
"Yo! Pale dude! Arthur's here this time, so you're in luck! Hahaha!" Wakaba joked.
Gramps, Gildarts and Ur seemed to tense up, waiting to see what this person might want from me.
I stood up and walked up to him, we met at the center of the hall and thus became the center of attention.
Needless to say, the pale looking guy in the white coat was most certainly a game participant.
He had a black aura all around him, though he was definitely an ȧduŀt…
He was probably… 170 cm tall? I wonder what that's about…
Perhaps it's an ability of his?
Either way he looks oddly familiar… I just can't put it into words…
"You wanted to meet with me?" I simply asked.
"You're Arthur Wulf, I presume?" The man asked.
"Indeed I am. Sup?" I asked, wondering why he was getting more and more familiar.
"I have a job request for you. Would you mind if we talked in private? There are quite a few eyes here and I'd prefer that I only spoke to you." He asked, obviously not wanting to mention Zeref to the rest of the guild.
Gildarts and Ur seemed like they were about to step in and say something, but gramps stopped them.
"Sure thing, you mind if I pick the location?" I replied with a question of my own.
"Of course." A monotone reply.
"{Gate}. Come on through then." I gestured him to walk through, doing the action myself all the while.
All things considered I can probably ȧssume he won't attack me. Seeing as Zeref wanted to work together, perhaps this envoy will ask something of me? As he did mention a job, though I'm unsure whether that's just a cover story for me or not.
We appeared in the forest where me and Erza had trained today, I had prepared to lead him here since the beginning and I've also laid quite the number of traps in case things got ugly…
"So then, what does Zeref want from me exactly?" I asked bluntly.
"I will inform you shortly, first off. I believe a proper introduction is due." The man said indifferently, looking to me with hands placed behind his back.
All of a sudden, what seemed to be an illusion dispersed from around the man.
His already pale skin turned white, as white as snow even. His dark green eyes took the form of slits, similar to that of a cat's as two straight lines descended down across his cheeks from his eyes. A white, bone like broken horned helmet now stood on the top left side of his head.
The last thing that appeared was a hole at the base of his throat.
Looking at the man's new appearance…
I froze.
Shivers ran down my spine while looking at the man's emotionless eyes, unable to move, unable to breathe.
"My name is Ulquiorra Cifer. It is a pŀėȧsurė to finally meet you, human." Ulquiorra said, introducing himself.
Is a participant of the game?!
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