Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 6 - A fateful encounter and the aftermath of the attack on Roseyard village.
(3rd person POV)
Arthur teleported himself a couple of dozen kilometers away from Roseyard village, this is the farthest he's ever been from the town he was born in.
The town that will soon be no more.
He spend the entirety of his remaining magic power in making sure he was as far as possible, this was done unconsciously as a survival instinct.
However even though he managed to get to safety, he has still lost an arm and is bleeding heavily.
As he used up the entirety of his magic supply casting 'Teleport' he doesn't have enough magic power to heal himself and will surely die soon of blood loss…
Now he lies in a puddle of his own blood deep the in the forest of some random mountain.
[Is this it? Is this how my life ends? As nothing but a coward who ran away and left his friends…?]
Arthur's consciousness starts to fade away.
[Ahhh… Here it is… The sweet embrace of death has come for me a second time.
I would be lying if I said I had no regrets…
I never got to see the Fairy Tail guild or meet any of its members…
I can only hope Matthew, Lilith their family and the others we saved made it out okay… but chance are...]
As he was losing consciousness he heard a sound and saw a tall cloaked figure appearing in the distance
"W-who's there?" Arthur asked the cloaked figure however his voice was very weak and could bȧrėly be heard.
"What was that? A kid? Oi kid, what are you doing out here in the woods? Why are you sleeping in the middle of nowhere? Hey kid I'm talking to yo- wait… OH CRAP HE'S BLEEDING ALLOT!"
Arthur loses consciousness…
The next morning Arthur wakes up to see himself covered in bandages from head to toe.
"Where am I…?"
He had been sleeping in a sleeping bag until now and there was a campfire burning next to him.
Across the campfire, there was a tall muscular cloaked man with light brown hair and dark green eyes sitting on a log.
"Yo kid! Finally woke up ey? It sure took you a while… You've been sleeping for over a day" the cloaked man said.
"Who are you mister?" Arthur was surprised to wake up in some forest but still tried asking the man standing near him politely.
"The name's Gildarts. And what might yours be kid?
[Gildarts! Fairy tail's ace?! What's he doing here of all places? And why am I here?]
"I'm Arthur… Arthur Wulf. Nice to meet you Gildarts."
Arthur had lost allot of blood and couldn't remember the details of how he arrived at his current location and was very confused.
"Likewise! So Arthur, what happened to you?
When I found you here you had lost an arm and were bleeding heavily.
Did you get attacked by a bear or something? And why are you here in the first place?"
Gildarts asked Arthur as he was curious how a child ends up in this kind of situation.
"Lost an arm? What are you talki- AHhh! What the?! My arm is…" Arthur felt a sharp pain to his right side and held the place his arm used to be.
"It's too bad about the arm… But at least you got out of it alive kid. Come on I'll take you to your home, where do you live?"
"I…" Arthur finally remembered what happened to him and tears started running down his face…
"H-hey kid why are you crying! What's wrong? Does your arm still hurt too bad or?
Or is it me?! I'm not anyone suspicious or anything okay? Look I'll even take you back to your home so please don't cry..."
"It's not that!... It's not…"
"What is it then? What happened?"
"I- I left everyone in my hometown to die! My family was killed before my eyes and I couldn't do anything but run away! I'm nothing but a damn coward who was too afraid to stand and fight because I was too overwhelmed by my own stupid fear! You should have just left me to die..."
Arthur had become completely overwhelmed by his emotions and so he let it all out at Gildarts.
Gildarts was of course shocked!
A kid who was so young… Maybe six or seven years old was forced to go through something like seeing his family killed and losing an arm on top of that? He had to say something to him…
"Listen kid." Gildarts tone became serious.
"You've done nothing wrong!"
"What… What would you know about anything I've done?! I-"
"You're right. I don't. But tell me, what do you think you'd accomplish by staying there and fighting?"
"You would have simply died together with your parents! You might be thinking of your fear as something bad or evil but it's not!"
Gildarts paused for a second.
"Fear tells you what your weakness is. Once people know their weakness… They can become both stronger and kinder!"
"So from now on you'll just have to live with what happened!
Live and keep the memory of those you called family in your heart.
That way they will never truly be gone and I'm sure that's what they would want you to do too…
So don't go talking about dying."
Gildarts smiled at Arthur and waited for him to calm down and stop crying
"…Yes... You're right… Thank you Gildarts. And sorry for lashing out at you."
"It's okay kid, I'm not mad at you."
While Arthur might have calmed down somewhat and stopped crying.
There was still a hole left unfilled in his heart. It will surely take some time for him to recover from this tragic event of his life.
After a moment of silence Gildarts scratched the back of his head and said:
"Well… Seeing as you've got no place to go to…
I guess I could take you to some orphanage somewhere or… I could take you back with me to my guild! It's called Fairy tail, what do you say Arthur? Do you want to join a mage's guild?
It's a great place and I'm sure you'll love it! There's never a dull moment with that bunch haha!"
"… Yes. I'll think join, but first I have to…"
"You want to go and see your village I'd ȧssume? I think you shouldn't. Nothing good will come out of it for you."
"Still, I have to go there and see it for myself."
"As you wish... But i'm coming with you. Where is this village of yours anyway?"
"Well, just follow me…" Arthur walked in a direction until he reached a nice big clearing in the forest.
During the time he was asleep Arthur managed to regain most of his magic power, so now he could use his magic to return to Roseyard village.
"{Gate}!" A portal big enough for 2 people to go through opened in front of Arthur.
Creating a portal that connected such large distances drained nearly half of his magic.
This means he won't be able to heal his arm until he's regained all of his magic power again later on.
Since healing and regenerating an arm would probably drain his entire pool of magic power.
"WOW! Is that… Spatial magic?!" Gildarts was truly amazed that such a young kid could perform something like this.
"Well yes, but actually no." Arthur replied to his question without a straight answer.
"What's that even supposed to mean…"
The both of them walked through the portal and appeared on the outskirts of Roseyard village.
All of the houses were burned down and the ashes were still warm as it had only been a a little over a day since the attack.
Many burnt corpses were all over the streets and there was no sign of any survivors.
Arthur was silent as he walked over to the big tree on the outskirts of town… Or what was left of it at least.
This tree held many fond memories of his.
A lot of days in the past were spend here.
This was the place where he used to meet up and for a time train together with his friends Matthew and Lilith, until they started going into the forest for their training.
Now it was burned to the ground with burnt corpses all around it…
Most of them were turned to ashes…
The sword he'd made for Lilith is also here. Broken in half…
"There are signs of mages battling here…" Gildarts deduced based on the damaged terrain.
"Must've been Lilith and Matthew… My two friends with whom I learned magic…"
"…" Gildarts decided he should remain silent.
"{Restore}!" The ashes of the tree floated up and the tree formed itself back together.
All of the burnt grassland was also fixed as an effect of Arthur's spell.
[Not only spatial but green magic as well…? He's one talented kid I'll give him that much.] Gildarts thought to himself
"Will you help me bury them?" Arthur asked Gildarts with an emotionless tone
"Of course."
After they buried everyone near the big tree, the two of them then went into town and Arthur did his best to fix the landscape while removing the rubble with his magic.
Any corpses that they found would later be buried near the big tree on the hill.
After a while they reached Arthur's house or at least the remains of it.
"These are… My parents…" Arthur looked away not wanting to see them anymore…
"I'm sorry for your loss Arthur… Come on I'll help you give them a proper burial too."
"Yes… Thank you."
The two of them remained completely silent for the rest of the day.
By the nightfall the landscape was cleaned and repaired of any damage but there were no more buildings to be seen. Nothing to indicate there used to be a village here.
There was now only a big wide grassland filled with roses and one big tree in the middle of a graveyard.
Gildarts went by the roadside and waited for Arthur.
In front of the big tree there were eight graves that were covered in roses by Arthur's magic.
(Here lies Richard Wulf. July 22 X741 - December X771)
(Here lies Elizabeth Wulf. April 29 X743 - December X771)
"Thank you for everything you've done for me mom, dad. You were the greatest parents I could wish for coming into this second life...
I will never forget the warm delicious meals you let me eat, the bedtime stories you told me, the birthdays you celebrated together with me and the love and care you showed for me.
You don't need to worry about me! I've already found a place I can go to... It's a great place full of wonderful good people! So you can rest ȧssured that i'll be fine from now on...
Know that...
Know that you shall forever remain in my heart. May you rest in peace…"
A tear drops from Arthur's eye and he wipes it off. Then he goes in front of the six other graves. Two were for his friends and four for their parents.
He build them not knowing whether they've been taken prisoner or not.
Seeing as most of the corpses here have been turned to ashes and he couldn't recognize them at all…
He can't deny or confirm their deaths, and seeing as he doesn't know the exact location of the Tower of heaven… He can't go look for them and confirm it himself either…
(Here lies Matthew Grace. August 2 X765 - December X771)
(Here lies Lilith Grace. June 3 X765 - December X771)
"Lilith, Matthew. I don't know whether or not you're alive or if you're one of the piles of ashes I buried in this or another grave. But it felt wrong to not build graves just because of that uncertainty…
I just wanted you to know that you two were the best friends and students I could have ever asked for and also that I am so, so sorry that I left you to fend for yourselves against those two monsters…
I was arrogant, thinking I could save the village by myself… Thinking I could save everyone by beating Zev…
If only I escaped with my parents the moment I saw them and took you guys with me… You'd all be… But it doesn't matter anymore.
I know I was a coward and I that ran to save myself without coming for you… I don't know why I did it but when I woke up it was already too late to go back and change my actions.
Don't worry though… I'll never repeat the same mistake, and I'll certainly avenge both you and my family one day.
I will avenge everyone." Arthur said with determination filling his eyes.
After that he turned around and met up with Gildarts.
Together they walked down the road and left the newly created graveyard.
Their destination is the town of Magnolia! The town that houses the strongest guild in whole kingdom of Fiore, Fairy Tail!
(3rd person POV)
Arthur teleported himself a couple of dozen kilometers away from Roseyard village, this is the farthest he's ever been from the town he was born in.
The town that will soon be no more.
He spend the entirety of his remaining magic power in making sure he was as far as possible, this was done unconsciously as a survival instinct.
However even though he managed to get to safety, he has still lost an arm and is bleeding heavily.
As he used up the entirety of his magic supply casting 'Teleport' he doesn't have enough magic power to heal himself and will surely die soon of blood loss…
Now he lies in a puddle of his own blood deep the in the forest of some random mountain.
[Is this it? Is this how my life ends? As nothing but a coward who ran away and left his friends…?]
Arthur's consciousness starts to fade away.
[Ahhh… Here it is… The sweet embrace of death has come for me a second time.
I would be lying if I said I had no regrets…
I never got to see the Fairy Tail guild or meet any of its members…
I can only hope Matthew, Lilith their family and the others we saved made it out okay… but chance are...]
As he was losing consciousness he heard a sound and saw a tall cloaked figure appearing in the distance
"W-who's there?" Arthur asked the cloaked figure however his voice was very weak and could bȧrėly be heard.
"What was that? A kid? Oi kid, what are you doing out here in the woods? Why are you sleeping in the middle of nowhere? Hey kid I'm talking to yo- wait… OH CRAP HE'S BLEEDING ALLOT!"
Arthur loses consciousness…
The next morning Arthur wakes up to see himself covered in bandages from head to toe.
"Where am I…?"
He had been sleeping in a sleeping bag until now and there was a campfire burning next to him.
Across the campfire, there was a tall muscular cloaked man with light brown hair and dark green eyes sitting on a log.
"Yo kid! Finally woke up ey? It sure took you a while… You've been sleeping for over a day" the cloaked man said.
"Who are you mister?" Arthur was surprised to wake up in some forest but still tried asking the man standing near him politely.
"The name's Gildarts. And what might yours be kid?
[Gildarts! Fairy tail's ace?! What's he doing here of all places? And why am I here?]
"I'm Arthur… Arthur Wulf. Nice to meet you Gildarts."
Arthur had lost allot of blood and couldn't remember the details of how he arrived at his current location and was very confused.
"Likewise! So Arthur, what happened to you?
When I found you here you had lost an arm and were bleeding heavily.
Did you get attacked by a bear or something? And why are you here in the first place?"
Gildarts asked Arthur as he was curious how a child ends up in this kind of situation.
"Lost an arm? What are you talki- AHhh! What the?! My arm is…" Arthur felt a sharp pain to his right side and held the place his arm used to be.
"It's too bad about the arm… But at least you got out of it alive kid. Come on I'll take you to your home, where do you live?"
"I…" Arthur finally remembered what happened to him and tears started running down his face…
"H-hey kid why are you crying! What's wrong? Does your arm still hurt too bad or?
Or is it me?! I'm not anyone suspicious or anything okay? Look I'll even take you back to your home so please don't cry..."
"It's not that!... It's not…"
"What is it then? What happened?"
"I- I left everyone in my hometown to die! My family was killed before my eyes and I couldn't do anything but run away! I'm nothing but a damn coward who was too afraid to stand and fight because I was too overwhelmed by my own stupid fear! You should have just left me to die..."
Arthur had become completely overwhelmed by his emotions and so he let it all out at Gildarts.
Gildarts was of course shocked!
A kid who was so young… Maybe six or seven years old was forced to go through something like seeing his family killed and losing an arm on top of that? He had to say something to him…
"Listen kid." Gildarts tone became serious.
"You've done nothing wrong!"
"What… What would you know about anything I've done?! I-"
"You're right. I don't. But tell me, what do you think you'd accomplish by staying there and fighting?"
"You would have simply died together with your parents! You might be thinking of your fear as something bad or evil but it's not!"
Gildarts paused for a second.
"Fear tells you what your weakness is. Once people know their weakness… They can become both stronger and kinder!"
"So from now on you'll just have to live with what happened!
Live and keep the memory of those you called family in your heart.
That way they will never truly be gone and I'm sure that's what they would want you to do too…
So don't go talking about dying."
Gildarts smiled at Arthur and waited for him to calm down and stop crying
"…Yes... You're right… Thank you Gildarts. And sorry for lashing out at you."
"It's okay kid, I'm not mad at you."
While Arthur might have calmed down somewhat and stopped crying.
There was still a hole left unfilled in his heart. It will surely take some time for him to recover from this tragic event of his life.
After a moment of silence Gildarts scratched the back of his head and said:
"Well… Seeing as you've got no place to go to…
I guess I could take you to some orphanage somewhere or… I could take you back with me to my guild! It's called Fairy tail, what do you say Arthur? Do you want to join a mage's guild?
It's a great place and I'm sure you'll love it! There's never a dull moment with that bunch haha!"
"… Yes. I'll think join, but first I have to…"
"You want to go and see your village I'd ȧssume? I think you shouldn't. Nothing good will come out of it for you."
"Still, I have to go there and see it for myself."
"As you wish... But i'm coming with you. Where is this village of yours anyway?"
"Well, just follow me…" Arthur walked in a direction until he reached a nice big clearing in the forest.
During the time he was asleep Arthur managed to regain most of his magic power, so now he could use his magic to return to Roseyard village.
"{Gate}!" A portal big enough for 2 people to go through opened in front of Arthur.
Creating a portal that connected such large distances drained nearly half of his magic.
This means he won't be able to heal his arm until he's regained all of his magic power again later on.
Since healing and regenerating an arm would probably drain his entire pool of magic power.
"WOW! Is that… Spatial magic?!" Gildarts was truly amazed that such a young kid could perform something like this.
"Well yes, but actually no." Arthur replied to his question without a straight answer.
"What's that even supposed to mean…"
The both of them walked through the portal and appeared on the outskirts of Roseyard village.
All of the houses were burned down and the ashes were still warm as it had only been a a little over a day since the attack.
Many burnt corpses were all over the streets and there was no sign of any survivors.
Arthur was silent as he walked over to the big tree on the outskirts of town… Or what was left of it at least.
This tree held many fond memories of his.
A lot of days in the past were spend here.
This was the place where he used to meet up and for a time train together with his friends Matthew and Lilith, until they started going into the forest for their training.
Now it was burned to the ground with burnt corpses all around it…
Most of them were turned to ashes…
The sword he'd made for Lilith is also here. Broken in half…
"There are signs of mages battling here…" Gildarts deduced based on the damaged terrain.
"Must've been Lilith and Matthew… My two friends with whom I learned magic…"
"…" Gildarts decided he should remain silent.
"{Restore}!" The ashes of the tree floated up and the tree formed itself back together.
All of the burnt grassland was also fixed as an effect of Arthur's spell.
[Not only spatial but green magic as well…? He's one talented kid I'll give him that much.] Gildarts thought to himself
"Will you help me bury them?" Arthur asked Gildarts with an emotionless tone
"Of course."
After they buried everyone near the big tree, the two of them then went into town and Arthur did his best to fix the landscape while removing the rubble with his magic.
Any corpses that they found would later be buried near the big tree on the hill.
After a while they reached Arthur's house or at least the remains of it.
"These are… My parents…" Arthur looked away not wanting to see them anymore…
"I'm sorry for your loss Arthur… Come on I'll help you give them a proper burial too."
"Yes… Thank you."
The two of them remained completely silent for the rest of the day.
By the nightfall the landscape was cleaned and repaired of any damage but there were no more buildings to be seen. Nothing to indicate there used to be a village here.
There was now only a big wide grassland filled with roses and one big tree in the middle of a graveyard.
Gildarts went by the roadside and waited for Arthur.
In front of the big tree there were eight graves that were covered in roses by Arthur's magic.
(Here lies Richard Wulf. July 22 X741 - December X771)
(Here lies Elizabeth Wulf. April 29 X743 - December X771)
"Thank you for everything you've done for me mom, dad. You were the greatest parents I could wish for coming into this second life...
I will never forget the warm delicious meals you let me eat, the bedtime stories you told me, the birthdays you celebrated together with me and the love and care you showed for me.
You don't need to worry about me! I've already found a place I can go to... It's a great place full of wonderful good people! So you can rest ȧssured that i'll be fine from now on...
Know that...
Know that you shall forever remain in my heart. May you rest in peace…"
A tear drops from Arthur's eye and he wipes it off. Then he goes in front of the six other graves. Two were for his friends and four for their parents.
He build them not knowing whether they've been taken prisoner or not.
Seeing as most of the corpses here have been turned to ashes and he couldn't recognize them at all…
He can't deny or confirm their deaths, and seeing as he doesn't know the exact location of the Tower of heaven… He can't go look for them and confirm it himself either…
(Here lies Matthew Grace. August 2 X765 - December X771)
(Here lies Lilith Grace. June 3 X765 - December X771)
"Lilith, Matthew. I don't know whether or not you're alive or if you're one of the piles of ashes I buried in this or another grave. But it felt wrong to not build graves just because of that uncertainty…
I just wanted you to know that you two were the best friends and students I could have ever asked for and also that I am so, so sorry that I left you to fend for yourselves against those two monsters…
I was arrogant, thinking I could save the village by myself… Thinking I could save everyone by beating Zev…
If only I escaped with my parents the moment I saw them and took you guys with me… You'd all be… But it doesn't matter anymore.
I know I was a coward and I that ran to save myself without coming for you… I don't know why I did it but when I woke up it was already too late to go back and change my actions.
Don't worry though… I'll never repeat the same mistake, and I'll certainly avenge both you and my family one day.
I will avenge everyone." Arthur said with determination filling his eyes.
After that he turned around and met up with Gildarts.
Together they walked down the road and left the newly created graveyard.
Their destination is the town of Magnolia! The town that houses the strongest guild in whole kingdom of Fiore, Fairy Tail!
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